Shipwercks Where Are You


CAG Veteran
This has gone long enough it's been almost a month since The Shipwrecks have released their show. Yes I know their hard drive has failed, but I mean come on. I miss the in depth analysis of all the games coming out. Wombat and Cheapy don't even come close to what they do. THey just talk about a game for about a minute or tell how they bought it. Don't get me wrong I love the CAG Cast, but especially now We all need CAGFOREPLAY BACK ASAP to know about all the mindless junk coming out in depth. They have gotten me to buy more games I would of never thought of just by telling me what it's all about. Why not get Ship on the Cagcast so at least we can get some news on the crap coming out that week. Basically I miss you CAGFOREPLAY COME BACKKK!!!!
for every hour that the shipwreks arnt on I will kill a GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yea, we didn't even get an update about a delay. Shippy, if you're busy, just give us a heads up.
Its a mac right? Stupid hippie computer probably had a hissy fit about the carbon footprint of the videogame industry
[quote name='The Crotch']Sheep != goats.

That is all.[/QUOTE]
if you believe that... you haven't had enough to drink. Some people don't need all that cushion for the pushin
It's kind of funny, they suffered through all the summer months with Catz and Dogz games every week and when the good games finally come out they're nowhere to be found.

I can't imagine the dedication it takes to put out a podcast and the scent of burnout was definitely reeking in the last few episodes.

I say take your time and get your passion back.
bread's done