Sim City DS


2 (100%)
Release on 6/19/07

Anybody else plan on picking this up?
I have a huge jones for the SC series and to be able to have a similar game like Sim City 2000 portable on DS is freakin' great.

The only problem I see is that i've heard you only get allowed to save 1 city. But I can live with that.

Super excited.

Not sure if I want to drop the full $30, but we'll see what reviewers think and how well it made the transition.
I've been watching this game for awhile, I can't wait.

Is it really coming out June 19th? I heard it was due in July.
I've been thinking about picking this up when it comes out, but I only have two badges in Pokemon and I still want to pick up Marvel Trading Card Game and Puzzel Quest.
EGM's issues with the game were with the screen size and the pinpoint accuracy required at times to select objects correctly. It seems that the actual porting and how the game plays is fine, but the handheld nature of the DS creates problems.

I'm still quite interested.
[quote name='jer7583']EGM's issues with the game were with the screen size and the pinpoint accuracy required at times to select objects correctly. It seems that the actual porting and how the game plays is fine, but the handheld nature of the DS creates problems.

I'm still quite interested.[/quote]

Did they review it? Or was it just a preview?
The only thing that will dissapoint me is the "1 City" save, and the fact that you HAVE to start at 1900, so it will take awhile to get all of the best buildings. Other than that, I can't wait for it, and it will definitely be an instant-purchase for me.

Here's the cover art for it, if you want to add it to the OP:


Also, GameStop/EBGames is giving away a code to get the Washington Monument in the game if you preorder the game at their site.
I've never played SimCity before, and I have a $25 Target giftcard burning a whole in my wallet, so I think I will give it a shot. It looks like a fun game for the DS and something different than what I usually play.
[quote name='gators625']I've never played SimCity before, and I have a $25 Target giftcard burning a whole in my wallet, so I think I will give it a shot. It looks like a fun game for the DS and something different than what I usually play.[/quote]

I would think of this as the "game on the go" type of game.

And from the looks of it it's based off of Sim City 3000.... the best of the series IMO. I was just playing Sim City 4 Delux and for some reason I don't like it as much as 3000. The only thing I see that's sort of a bummer is as said before, only 1 allowed city, and you can't make the big expressways from what i've seen and heard. But i'm still down for getting it.
I think Will Wright was deleted from the English localization (and replaced with the blond woman in the OP's screenshot).
What? Somehow will wright is more recognizable in japan?

that's so forehead slappingly bad.
[quote name='Cryptosporidium-399']Yeah, I'm down for this one. Every SimCity after 2000 bored the shit out of me. The DS version seems like it will hit that sweet spot again.[/quote]

I thought SC 3000 was the best.

I think they screwed it up a bit in SC4 with the whole 'region' deal. Also, the SIMs nonsense didn't do much for me.

I like SC3000 because it was more in depth on what you could control for taxes/funding.
[quote name='espy605']Any word on WiFiness?[/quote]

According to a very in-depth review of the JP version on Youtube, there is no WiFi :whistle2:(

He said that you can trade monuments you've unlocked, with a friend only though.
I'm not interested in this, but my girlfriend almost definitely would be. She loves SimCity4, and she loves DS, so it might be a perfect fit!

I personally don't have any experience with SimCity3000. Since she relies exclusively on my advice when buying games, can you guys give me more detailed input on how SC3000 and SC4 differ? I want to be able to tell her how the two compare.
[quote name='brandonabley']I'm not interested in this, but my girlfriend almost definitely would be. She loves SimCity4, and she loves DS, so it might be a perfect fit!

I personally don't have any experience with SimCity3000. Since she relies exclusively on my advice when buying games, can you guys give me more detailed input on how SC3000 and SC4 differ? I want to be able to tell her how the two compare.[/quote]
Very slight differences.

What they did was just build onto SC300. Added more disasters, had some animals in SC4 that werent in 3000. The structre of building and such stayed the same except in SC4 "zones" seemed to make their own streets between. SC4 had a "my sims" option that 3 didn't have too. I hardly ever used it. You could use a sim, or import one from The Sims (sims 1) and sort of track where they went through the city.

In short SC3000 was less complex. And I assume for the DS it should be shrunk down too. The guy in the jap demo said that there's no water lines in the DS SC. Anywhere you lay a street it automatically sets down waterways.
So they took Will Wright out, huh? *sigh* That's disappointing.

But Sim City SNES is one of my favorite all time games (and I love the franchise in general), so I'll be picking it up next week.
Hmm if it is more advanced than the $8 SNES Sim City I may have to check it out. Keep in mind the only Sim City game I played was the original so I am kinda clueless here, lol.
3 Days :D :D

I'm just hoping I have enough money for this, seeing as how I still need to get my father a present for Father's Day...
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Hmm if it is more advanced than the $8 SNES Sim City I may have to check it out. Keep in mind the only Sim City game I played was the original so I am kinda clueless here, lol.[/QUOTE]

I played the hell out of the SNES version of Sim City, but I remember being relatively overwhelmed by Sim City 2000. I was pretty young at the time, so hopefully I'd be able to handle this game now. :lol:

I'm definitely keeping my eye on this one, especially with the B2G1 coming up at TRU. I haven't picked up Pokemon, either.
Not planning to pick this up right away, but I want to eventually. Seems like a perfect fit for portable pick-up-and-go gaming that can be easily put down and started up again at any time.

I've never been a HUGE fan of the Sim City series, but this is one I think I'll dig a lot.
2 days!

I'm still wondering why EGM gave this game such a low score, while the review/overview that JoshuaZimmerman gave on YouTube made the game sound fantastic...
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to this, reviews be damned. It'll probably be one of my three pickups in the TRU B2G1 sale.
Has anyone picked this up yet? I called both of my local GameStops and they both said they'd have it tomorrow morning.
[quote name='hootie']Has anyone picked this up yet? I called both of my local GameStops and they both said they'd have it tomorrow morning.[/quote]

Everything I have seen shows 6/20, but I will pick this up also I hope it will be 29.99 @ FYE I have a 25 gift card.
I'll be picking this up probably Thursday. I figure by that time my Best Buy will have it in stock. They have it for $29.99, which I imagine is the same all over. I haven't noticed any deals posted yet.
Well, 1up gave this a 6.5/10, but I trust JoshuaZimmerman's (made the Youtube review of this) verdict over 1up. His review is much more in-depth, and he clearly explains what he likes and dislikes about the game. And after thinking about it, I believe the good parts about the game greatly outweigh the bad, in this case.

I'm still picking it up first thing tomorrow, and I still can't wait. :)
I love SimCity games. I wish I had the money to pick it up on day 1, but I have to wait for the next paycheck. Does anybody know when the next B2G1 Free sale at TRU is? I'd pickup this and RE4 at the same time.
I'll probably be heading out to pick it up in about an hour or so...I'll *try* to post impressions...but I will most likely be sucked into the game by the time I am able to.

**Oh! I forgot to mention that someone over at GameFAQs said that the code for the Washington Monument is "CAPOTE"
[quote name='Judhudson']I love SimCity games. I wish I had the money to pick it up on day 1, but I have to wait for the next paycheck. Does anybody know when the next B2G1 Free sale at TRU is? I'd pickup this and RE4 at the same time.[/QUOTE]

i think next week the next b2g1 free at TRU. bad thing some TRU takes weeks to get new games instock

I hope to have this in hand from gamefly By monday (should ship tomorrow or friday)
Oh man...this is so addicting, I'm still in 1922 though.

I definitely reccomend it to anyone who on the fence about getting it.

Now, its off to play it some more :)
Wow! Here are the codes for ALL unique landmarks! Enjoy!

haykal - Sphinx (Egypt)
mahfouz - Great Pyramids (Egypt)
zewail - Pharos of Alexandria (Egypt)
tagore - Taj Mahal (India)
hokusai - Himeji Castle (Japan)
yuantlee - National Museum (Taiwan)
mishima - Daibutsu (Japan)
hiroshige - Mt. Fuji (Japan)
soseki - Kokkai (Japan)
kawabata - Atomic Dome (Japan)
phu - Rama IX Royal Park (Thailand)
bradman - Sydney Opera House (Australia)
damemelba - Melbourne Cricket Ground (Australia)
camus - Eiffel Tower (France)
hugo - Notre Dame (France)
callas - Parthenon (Greece)
bergman - Stockholm Palace (Sweden)
gropius - Brandenburg Gate (Germany)
beethoven - Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)
cervantes - Palacio Real (Spain)
daumier - Paris Opera (France)
f.scott - Grand Central Station (USA)
hemingway - LA Landmark (USA)
pollack - Statue of Liberty (USA)
kerouac - Coit Tower (USA)
twain - Gateway Arch (USA)
melville - Lincoln Memorial (USA)
poe - United States Capitol (USA)
steinbeck - White House (USA)
tolstoy - St. Basil's Cathedral (Russia)
ataturk - Hagia Sofia (Turkey)
kivi - Helsinki Cathedral (Finland)
maugham - Tower of London (UK)
greene - Westminster Abbey (UK)
orwell - Big Ben (UK)
joyce - Trafalgar Square (UK)
kipling - Anglican Cathedral (UK)
dickens - Liver Building (UK)
austen - Metropolitan Cath. (UK)
defoe - St Paul's Cathedral (UK)
allende - Moai (Chile)
amnesty - United Nations (UN)
hanafuda - Bowser Castle (Nintendo)
basho - Shuri Castle (Japan)
shonagon - Edo Castle (Japan)
rodin - Conciergerie (France)
goethe - Reichstag (Germany)
durer - Holstentor (Germany)
mozart - St. Stephen's Cathedral (Austria)
dali - Sagrada Familia (Spain)
thompson - Jefferson Memorial (USA)
bunche - Palace of Fine Arts (USA)
capote - Washington Monument (USA)
mlkingjr - Independence Hall (USA)
pauling - Smithsonian Castle (USA)
gaugin - Arc de Triomphe (France)
[quote name='brandonabley']I'm not interested in this, but my girlfriend almost definitely would be. She loves SimCity4, and she loves DS, so it might be a perfect fit!

I personally don't have any experience with SimCity3000. Since she relies exclusively on my advice when buying games, can you guys give me more detailed input on how SC3000 and SC4 differ? I want to be able to tell her how the two compare.[/quote]

Well the graphics are better in sc4, in 4 you can zoom in down to close to street level, and you can't here, but the graphics in SCds are better imho than those in sc3000, and there's no slowdown.

The game plays much smoother on the ds than 4 or 3000 did on my pc, it runs smoother, and scrolls smoother, but the control is also more fluid and intuitive with the touchscreen. You can scroll around using the touch screen or the control pad, so if you are in a menu or looking at a graph you can still scroll with the pad.

This game has a lot more character to it than 4 did.

I think if she loves 4 she'll like this one for different reasons - she'll probably miss a few things, but enjoy how clean it plays and she can play it on the go.
Okay here's the question I have. The youtube review seemed to indicate that you were only building in that grid-like view mode, and you could only see buildings in the "view" mode where it randomly looks around the city?

It seems like that would remove almost all of the appeal of seeing the city built and growing..
Finally picked it up this morning, but of course I'm working all day. Hoping to get a chance to play tonight, else I'll be able to enjoy it on my vacation in a few days. :)
I'm currently in 1975, with a FULL city (takes up the whole map)

I have about 175,000 citizens, all employed, though 90% of the city is Heavy Residential...

I only have 4 hige rise buildings on my whole map! Apparently the quality of life is pretty bad, even though people are flocking to my city. I have ponds, water fountains, and small parks EVERYWHERE, but the buildings are just staying the same.

I have converted all of my power to Nuclear, so pollution is definitely much lower, though I risk facing a nuclear meltdown.

My two landmarks that I have are the Parthenon and the United Nations Building(looks futuristic), though I love how they have Bowser's Castle as one of the choices. My only gripe is that you can ONLY have 2 landmarks in your city...

Money wise...I am just ROLLING in dough...I have $750,000, and I am getting nearly $10,000 more each month in profits. (my taxes are 6% for Residential, 0% for Commercial, and 6% for Industrial)

Overall, I am really loving this game, and I am completely addicted to it.
woo got it today off gamefly. Should be able to play it all night tonight while watching wrestling if nothing happens.... i probally play it for a day or two before sending it back...

going from 3 at a time to 1 at a time so everything has to be returned by next friday
The only negative things i have to say are:

-There is a bit of pinpoint accuracy, but nothing the undo button cant fix.

- I do notice some slight lag, and my worry is that as my city grows bigger, will it become more noticeable?

and the only 2 landmarks thing is lame. Hopefully theres a code/action replay that gets rid of that limit.
I give this my full reccomendation. Picked it up as part of the flip fest over at GC, and it's great. I also am experiencing the low quality housing, but maybe that will change. And i'm running out of money.
[quote name='jer7583']I give this my full reccomendation. Picked it up as part of the flip fest over at GC, and it's great. I also am experiencing the low quality housing, but maybe that will change. And i'm running out of money.[/quote]

If you are really desperate for money you can use some little trick; Right before the end of the month (the 30th or 31st would obviously be the best), jack all of the taxes up to 22%, and then after you collect all of the super high taxes at the beginning of the next month, quickly set your taxes back to normal. Repeat this every month and you should be good. You may lose a few citizens but with the new things you spend on with their taxes, they will come back.

Just a suggestion :D
bread's done