Skylanders - Toys brought to life, Cross-platform Connectivity *Giants Out Now*

Toys R Us had a crap ton of Gnarly Tree Rex when I went Sunday. I went because I finally decided to pick up a second Camo from the three pack they sell. I'll probably wait until someone has a good sale to get him. I've seen him a few places since.

I've received all three sets of my Giant minis that I ordered including one that I did three weeks ago.

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Thanks for the info everyone.  I was able to track down Gnarly Tree Rex at Gamestop, and they had four more of them.  I was also able to find a Spyro's Adventure for $20 at Sears so my niece can have Dark Spyro.

If any of you have dropped hundreds on this series like I have, then this may interest you. The GameStop exclusive Dark Edition was announced today and I will certainly be getting this one. It may be limited, so if you are at all interested, get them preorders in. It will be available on Wii U, Wii, PS3, and 360, it is unknown yet whether or not the next gen systems will see a release for this version.
If any of you have dropped hundreds on this series like I have, then this may interest you. The GameStop exclusive Dark Edition was announced today and I will certainly be getting this one. It may be limited, so if you are at all interested, get them preorders in. It will be available on Wii U, Wii, PS3, and 360, it is unknown yet whether or not the next gen systems will see a release for this version.
Yeah, I was thinking of holding off on Swap Force, but this edition is awesome. They have a write-up on the PS Blog too.
Think I'll end up getting the new game once it gets a good deal as honestly I'm finished with Skylanders at the moment and will probably end up selling my entire collection after completion of the new game. Wasn't going to get it but I guess you can use all your old Skylanders with it and aren't limited to the new Swaps so that's what I'll end up doing.

Just a heads up...for those who are looking for Ghost Roaster, he has been popping up, again. I found a couple at Walmart a couple of days ago and several others have been reporting seeing them at Walmart, too.

Think I'll end up getting the new game once it gets a good deal as honestly I'm finished with Skylanders at the moment and will probably end up selling my entire collection after completion of the new game. Wasn't going to get it but I guess you can use all your old Skylanders with it and aren't limited to the new Swaps so that's what I'll end up doing.
Same here. Neither I nor my younger son even played through all of Giants (despite getting all the figures). My older son did finish the game in the first few days but never touched it after that.

So this time I'll wait until I can get the sort of deal I keep seeing with Giants (from the $38 BF sale last year to the $9.xx Target clearance PS3 portal owner packs). I'm certainly not spending $75-$100 on it up front. That GS pack looks nice but $99.99 is a tough sell for me.

Figures, I finally found a "Darklight Crypt" new at a store and the e-bay value has tanked. I see them now going for around $50.00 where a few weeks ago $100+ was the least you could touch a sealed one for.

Figures, I finally found a "Darklight Crypt" new at a store and the e-bay value has tanked. I see them now going for around $50.00 where a few weeks ago $100+ was the least you could touch a sealed one for.
They really went down in the last week or so. I picked one up last week and checked the values, they had just went down slightly, but within the last week, they've went down to around $50. I wouldn't doubt they go up. With the hope that they may be coming back out, I think people have decided to hold off spending $100 on one. For the most part, everyone that has found one has only found 2 (which is how many would come in a case) and they're gone quickly. It will be curious to see if they come back in stock. Whether this is a re-release or Activision (or Walmart, for that matter, as that's where they seemed to have been found) happened to still have some lying around in the warehouse and sent out a final shipment. It's not out of the question. I saw pegs full of Molten Hot Dog at one Walmart months after they had pretty much disappeared. (which was after the first shipment).

They really went down in the last week or so. I picked one up last week and checked the values, they had just went down slightly, but within the last week, they've went down to around $50. I wouldn't doubt they go up. With the hope that they may be coming back out, I think people have decided to hold off spending $100 on one. For the most part, everyone that has found one has only found 2 (which is how many would come in a case) and they're gone quickly. It will be curious to see if they come back in stock. Whether this is a re-release or Activision (or Walmart, for that matter, as that's where they seemed to have been found) happened to still have some lying around in the warehouse and sent out a final shipment. It's not out of the question. I saw pegs full of Molten Hot Dog at one Walmart months after they had pretty much disappeared. (which was after the first shipment).
I found mine at a Target and it was the only one it sort of caught me by surprise when I found it on the shelf.

I am hoping once Swap Force hits the values will go up at least to $100 range again.

This dude found one in the wild. He's located in Canada, though. I don't think there has been any reports of it being found in US yet, perhaps when it closer to October is when we'll see more of them in stores.

Ugh my local stores are so horrible with this franchise, they have literately 30+ of one figure in stock, and that figure is series 2 cynder which I already have thanks to the giants starter pack. Then they have flashwing, whirlwind and a couple lightcores. Do they just ship large shipments of one figure to the stores? Is anyone else experiencing this, also we don't seem to get new shipments of anything here regarding figures, its just S2 cynder ad nauseum. I hope this pumpkin figure is available from a retailer where I can order online with free shipping due to the fact that my local stores don't seem to be getting any new skylanders in at all.
This dude found one in the wild. He's located in Canada, though. I don't think there has been any reports of it being found in US yet, perhaps when it closer to October is when we'll see more of them in stores.
I have seen reports that they have been found in the US, mostly in the west coast. So they should be popping up, soon.

Ugh my local stores are so horrible with this franchise, they have literately 30+ of one figure in stock, and that figure is series 2 cynder which I already have thanks to the giants starter pack. Then they have flashwing, whirlwind and a couple lightcores. Do they just ship large shipments of one figure to the stores? Is anyone else experiencing this, also we don't seem to get new shipments of anything here regarding figures, its just S2 cynder ad nauseum. I hope this pumpkin figure is available from a retailer where I can order online with free shipping due to the fact that my local stores don't seem to be getting any new skylanders in at all.
That's pretty much the experience I have seen, especially at Target. The problem is that the figures that are left are the ones that people didn't want (or already had with the case of Cynder which was overproduced, imo, since it was in the starter pack which could normally be found cheaper than the portal owners pack). Since the stores' inventories only show that they have x number of Skylanders, they don't order as many. It's not just with Skylanders. Years ago, I used to collect Star Wars and other figures and it was the same things. It was hard to find certain figures because the pegs were full of the junk that was overproduced (i.e. Stormtroopers & Battle Droids) and stores wouldn't order any more as they didn't have the space. The Walmart near where I work occasionally gets some SSA stuff (which is where I have found Dino Rang, Wham Shell and now Darklight Crypt recently) but the one near my house hardly gets anything in because they have pegs full of the same junk that's been there for months. The Target near my house (I rarely get to the one on the other side of town) has had the same Flashwings & Cynders for months with no new stock. It's a bit ridiculous. They actually have some peg space for them, but they never get anything new. That's what really bugs me that they brought Flashwing back for Swap Force, as that will mean even more Flashwings filling our pegs.

I have seen reports that they have been found in the US, mostly in the west coast. So they should be popping up, soon.

That's pretty much the experience I have seen, especially at Target. The problem is that the figures that are left are the ones that people didn't want (or already had with the case of Cynder which was overproduced, imo, since it was in the starter pack which could normally be found cheaper than the portal owners pack). Since the stores' inventories only show that they have x number of Skylanders, they don't order as many. It's not just with Skylanders. Years ago, I used to collect Star Wars and other figures and it was the same things. It was hard to find certain figures because the pegs were full of the junk that was overproduced (i.e. Stormtroopers & Battle Droids) and stores wouldn't order any more as they didn't have the space. The Walmart near where I work occasionally gets some SSA stuff (which is where I have found Dino Rang, Wham Shell and now Darklight Crypt recently) but the one near my house hardly gets anything in because they have pegs full of the same junk that's been there for months. The Target near my house (I rarely get to the one on the other side of town) has had the same Flashwings & Cynders for months with no new stock. It's a bit ridiculous. They actually have some peg space for them, but they never get anything new. That's what really bugs me that they brought Flashwing back for Swap Force, as that will mean even more Flashwings filling our pegs.

Ok I called GameStop today about the pumpkin eye brawl and since they already have them all reserved none for me I guess however I am going to another store tonight if they don't have it or they don't let me order then I guess I won't have to spend 14.99 for a single action figure which I am more than wiling to do because I actually like the pumpkin eye brawl and I don't have eye brawl yet. I just found out about this figure 1-2 days ago and I don't feel this is important enough to run out to put reserves on figures that you only have 1-2 days if that to reserve before the only shipment comes in.

That is the situation at my Target, and they have space on the pegs too for new figures they just don't get them in. They also have an end cap in the toy dept filled with cynders. I don't understand why they don't send a more varied mix, I can't see anyone buying a single cynder as he is in the starter pack which 99% of skylanders fans have unless for some reason they didn't get giants and they are buying him to play in Spyro's. Unless people buy up all the good figures the day the shipment comes in but they should send a more even mix to the stores. Then activision would get more sales instead of eBay getting the most sales. Well the only thing our target has is flashwing and cynder and 1-2 lightcores. I find it really pointless to buy the same figure twice regarding what series. They should remake figures like boomer and wham shell instead of remaking what is already in series 2, I would really like a wham shell but I will probably never get one unless I find it at a yard sale...

I went to a Walmart that had Spyro's figures and picked up a double trouble for 7.98 which is the only figure they had outside of the usual starter pack reissues the only place I have seen adventure packs is in Sam's club, no stores seem to have them here. I went and bought the level figures really cheap on eBay and I am satisfied.
West Coast Wal-Mart stores are starting to see Pumpkin Eye-Brawl with most of the sightings occurring in California. I picked him up last night since Gamestop couldn't give me a straight answer on when they'd get him. They also charge $1 more than other stores and wouldn't accept the $1 Frito-Lay coupon.

Managed to get one at GS, thankfully one store here had some that were not preordered. Doubt I could go with other stores as they will be sold out here.
I picked up pumpkin eye brawl today at Walmart. They had 5 of them

located in Indiana.
Btw, for those that were excited about getting this figure: He does not show any of this detail 'in game'. In the game, he shows up as a regular/standard eye-brawl. Not worth getting, if that's the case (at least for me).

Btw, for those that were excited about getting this figure: He does not show any of this detail 'in game'. In the game, he shows up as a regular/standard eye-brawl. Not worth getting, if that's the case (at least for me).
I knew that as well but the kids like the different figures even if its just a paint job.

I don't see why the developers can't put out a patch to make it show up with the same paint job in the game.

That's pretty sweet. If I see one of those I'm definitely getting one even though I intend to sell off my entire Skylander collection within the next 6 months lol.

Giant figures are 2 for $22 at TRU this week with Pumpkin Eye-Brawl pictured in the ad.

Also when I went to TRU Saturday morning I found a metallic Eye-Brawl sitting on the front of a peg. He quickly came home with me.

Picked up a pumpkin eye brawl at the gamestop on ga tech campus while I was at my OSHA class down there.  Had quite a few of them.  By the time I got back home, they only had one left at the local GS.  So if you haven't found one yet, probably should start checking soon.

I knew that as well but the kids like the different figures even if its just a paint job.

I don't see why the developers can't put out a patch to make it show up with the same paint job in the game.
From everything I have read, the Wii doesn't support patching like Xbox and Playstation, so they base their development on all the games on the Wii. They aren't able to patch the game because of that.

I am trying hard to avoid the Pumpkin Eye-Brawl since it has no game difference than the regular version. We still have about 18-22 guys still unopened. I am really hoping with the release of Swap Force the values of some of the guys and sets jump back up. I have a few of the variants' I would love to get rid of.

With Swap Force, which is one of my sons Xmas presents, I am only going to worry about getting one of each swappable guy for each element this time.

Anyone know if Activision is going to be having any female Swap-Force Characters? Some of the new standard females look pretty sweet, but all of the new Swap-Force figures I've seen on the Skylanders site are male.

Also I've seen the Pumpkin Eye-Brawls at Toy's R Us in South St Louis County.

I just found a darklight crypt for $17.98 at Sam's club, heads up if your Sam's has gotten a new shipment, they will probably only get one per store but this would be the price nationwide I assume.
I am trying hard to avoid the Pumpkin Eye-Brawl since it has no game difference than the regular version. We still have about 18-22 guys still unopened. I am really hoping with the release of Swap Force the values of some of the guys and sets jump back up. I have a few of the variants' I would love to get rid of.

With Swap Force, which is one of my sons Xmas presents, I am only going to worry about getting one of each swappable guy for each element this time.
I found one today at Kmart and resisted! It looks cool but I could deal without him.

Anyone know if Activision is going to be having any female Swap-Force Characters? Some of the new standard females look pretty sweet, but all of the new Swap-Force figures I've seen on the Skylanders site are male.

Also I've seen the Pumpkin Eye-Brawls at Toy's R Us in South St Louis County.

Roller brawl is a girl. My daughter wants her and she hasn't even started giants yet.
If anyone pre ordered from gamestop online you might want to check your order history.

I pre ordered the dark edition set for the wii u and at the time there was no option for the free lightcore hex figure.

I just checked today and lightcore hex was added to my order somewhere along the way but it added $12.99 to my bill and didn't come up as free. I've already emailed them about it but i doubt i hear anything back since i never have in the past about anything I've emailed them about.

Ah, sorry. I didn't realize there was a difference.
The Swap-Force figures are kind of like this years version of the Giants. They're somewhat larger, they can "swap" abilities by changing out the tops from the bottoms and they're more expensive ($15.99 MSRP).

It looks like I've found out the answer to my own question. There will be no female swappers in Swap-Force, which kinda sucks. I guess it makes sense that you wouldn't want to get into a weird situation with parents where you might have to explain swapping male and female parts, but still.

On the plus side, there are 10 standard female figures this time around and 3 light core figures.

Anyone know of a list of exclusives for the upcoming launch of Swapforce? I know Walmart has an exclusive. Does Target or Toys r' us?

Is there an easy to follow list anywhere of the "Swappable" Swap Force guys with their corresponding elements? 

Also the two swappables that are available in the 3ds starter pack going to available individually?

Is there an easy to follow list anywhere of the "Swappable" Swap Force guys with their corresponding elements?

Also the two swappables that are available in the 3ds starter pack going to available individually?
On they have a list of all the swappables on one page. While it doesn't say their elements on that page, they are color coded. You can also find them on the individual elements pages.

Yes, I think they will be available day one too.

Rattle Shake

Free Ranger

Bigger question, than which store is opening at midnight, is if Toys R Us are doing what they did for the past 2 Skylanders games, and Disney Infinity, meaning are they going to be having a B1G1 50% off on all Skylanders?

With Pokemon, skylanders and rune factory 4 all out around the same time this is getting really crazy for me but I am gonna have to hold off on swap force until the starter packs get cheaper since I want to play pokemon the most and I have very little hand strength left so I can't play games for many hours at a time any more. Not to mention I haven't finished giants or spyros yet!

TRU - B1G1 40% all Skylander figures and accessories.  This is a mix and match sale that includes all video games and all Disney Infinity figures and accessories.

For rewards members only: Free Special Edition Gill Grunt figure with total Swap Force purchase of $100 or more.($100 does not need to be purchased at one time) Expires 12/31/13.

Gill Grunt coupon will be emailed by 1/18/14 and expires 1/31/14

bread's done