Well I believe it was Forbes who discovered a code for a Mini n64 listing already for next season. Where they go from there no idea; but yes I believe because the span of the nintendo fan base on a product like this is so wide; demand is just unlike what we see for most gaming collector items. Where its usually one specific audience like destiny 2 ok the only people paying 250 or above retail are gonna be die hard destiny folks but this system so youve got the middle aged adults 35 and up grew up with this system or probably owned one at some point so theirs that crowd; then you have the folks who really grew up when Yoshis popularity grew in the group below them say 21-34, and then the below 21 year olds who love all the cute characters and like my daughter yesterday saw a Mario game and Yoshi game on the box in the ad and was like well now I want one too. And lets not forget hardcore collectors who want one to play and one to keep unopened.It seemed more difficult for me to get a SNES pre-order than it was for me to get a Neon Nintendo Switch pre-order.
I never knew people could get this crazy over 20 - 30 year old games. I still play my SNES, NES, Atari, etc, but I didn't realize so many people cared. It makes me wonder if Nintendo is going to do a NES/SNES compilation cart for the Switch, a N64 classic or a NES Classic 2 for next year.
At this point they'd be crazy not to make this an annual thing.
So the demand is so far reaching on this its pretty incredible to think the staying power NES/SNES has had based on the last two years and as you mention for games 30 years old I know my main interest is Star Fox 2; I'm sure Ill dabble with the other titles but between missing the mini nes and wanting to play a new OLD game in starfox 2 that made it worth it for me. If they do the Mini 64 it better have WCW/NWO revenge that game made for good times in the college dorms lol.