SNES Classic Discussion Thread

You failed to address my bigger points: the N64 games look like garbage and there aren't enough games to even put on it to make it worthwhile to buy due to licensing issues.
They can come up with 10 N64 games. Mario Tennis, Golf, Paper Mario, Zelda:OoT, Zelda:MM, MK64, DK64, Smash Bros, Mario Party, and Pilotwings. That's 10 and I didn't include Super Mario 64. Oh and what about Star Fox 64?

They don't need much more than 10. N64 graphics are what they are. Not like it wouldn't sell.

With all the talk about what games should have been on the SNES classic, everyone knows you just need to mod it and add the games you want. As with the NES CLASSIC, there are tutorials on how and where to get the roms. It's not hard at all.

Yes I'll give it a shot and get a couple extras to toy around with
What have you done to me, Nintendo?

I am currently at a Brian Setzer concert and I am STILL checking my phone every 5 minutes between songs....
I'm really hoping Bestbuy comes through. Never had a problem with anything from them. Even got two HP TPs back during their fire sale. Also I like walking into stores to pick stuff up instead of waiting for delivery.
Nintendo is not doing this to make money. If they wanted to do these classic system relaunches the nes classic would still be on shelves at Best Buy and target with a 120 dollar price tag

They seem to be more about regaining their lost customer base from another generation to generate interest in their company, i.e. A publicity stunt
I read a comment on Reddit a few days ago from a guy who used to work at Disney and he talked about Disney branding itself to kids. Basically, Disney advertises its movies/characters though their parents. There are Disney movies from decades ago that kids today still see because of their parents. And after they have these classics burned into their memories, they can sell merchandise to kids- toys, clothing, etc. that their parents are more likely to buy for them because their parents share the same feelings for those movies/characters.

Nintendo is effectively doing the same... the NES/SNES Classic are like old Disney movies going from a VHS release, to a DVD release, to a BD release. Sure parents could bust out an actual NES/SNES and play games that way- but kids today enjoy have much more immediate need for satisfaction. Blowing into a NES cart is effectively like rewinding a tape: kids don't wanna put up with that nonsense. They wanna plug in and play- hence the NES Classic with many benefits over the original. Plus, ignoring Amiibos, there's tons of Nintendo merchandise these days too.

The Best Buy page now has a current time on it for store pickup, are the rest of you seeing that too? So they keep updating the page in bits and pieces.
This? I don't think I noticed that earlier today when I checked...


I'm really hoping Bestbuy comes through. Never had a problem with anything from them. Even got two HP TPs back during their fire sale. Also I like walking into stores to pick stuff up instead of waiting for delivery.
I am with you here. Really crossing my fingers for Best Buy as I have always had great luck with them in the past. Release day is my birthday and I already planned on taking the day off work anyway so if all else fails I'll wait in line like I did for the NES Mini.

What have you done to me, Nintendo?

I am currently at a Brian Setzer concert and I am STILL checking my phone every 5 minutes between songs....
Dude, not worth it. Enjoy the man's good music!

***Checks tabbed pages***


I am with you here. Really crossing my fingers for Best Buy as I have always had great luck with them in the past. Release day is my birthday and I already planned on taking the day off work anyway so if all else fails I'll wait in line like I did for the NES Mini.
The way you are talking sounds like you already put in an order. XD Hope you have a good birthday that day

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I cannot believe the USA pre-orders are still not up. What the hell. Maybe they're trying to figure out a way to stop scalpers from ordering more then one? So they're implementing some sort of one per house hold on every order. Either way, I'm glad I ordered that German Version of the SNES mini 3 days ago, because something tells me I may never get the USA version at all.

I wish but they are done with the Chrono franchise. SE has gone on the record saying that the poor sales of CT on the DS showed them there was not enough interest to revive Chrono Break. Based on the junk that's been spewing out from them in the last few years that's probably a blessing. It's their only franchise they haven't F'd up (Not a KH fan so idk if that's had issues). I'd hate for them to release a colossal turd and call it Chrono anything. Let the legacy remain pure imo and that's really hard to swallow coming from a guy who literally took part of his screen name from it.

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Fair enough. I wonder though.
I'm guessing these will be worse to find then the first one since all the scalpers want to make an extra buck. They're like a starving person at a buffet, don't know when to stop.
Just checked BB site to see if they have wrist straps for yellow Switch joy cons. None within 250 miles and no shipping. Nintendo are assholes. This is ridiculous but it is a lesser abusive relationship. Why do we take this crap? Sir can I have another??? Rant almost over. I am going to check my SNES NES Classic and see how good the games look. Ready to tell Nintendo to kick rocks.
They can come up with 10 N64 games. Mario Tennis, Golf, Paper Mario, Zelda:OoT, Zelda:MM, MK64, DK64, Smash Bros, Mario Party, and Pilotwings. That's 10 and I didn't include Super Mario 64. Oh and what about Star Fox 64?

They don't need much more than 10. N64 graphics are what they are. Not like it wouldn't sell.
Again, Both Zelda: Oot and MM along with Star Fox 64 have already been remastered for 3DS because they look awful. The gameplay is still great, and I'm not a graphics snob, but generally N64 games haven't aged well. They ported Mario 64 to DS and I can only guess there's a remaster of that and/or Sunshine in the pipeline. It's just my opinion, but I highly doubt they make another Classic/Mini system after SNES.

You all need to quit peeing your pants at any thought you might not get one this time.  Or trying to create more hype for your own future sales because most of you are probably scalpers anyway.  EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!   :shame:  :twoguns:  :booty: :rofl:

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I'd also like to state that my opinion about Nintendo not releasing another Classic/Mini system after SNES is due to the fact that NIntendo didn't release Star Fox 2 until now, because the graphics of that game were dwarfed by the recently released PS1. PS1 games have the same stigma the N64 does graphically, in that the bulk of those games haven't aged particularly well either. I'm in no way opposed to Nintendo making a N64 Classic, I just don't think it's going to happen. 

I'd also like to state that my opinion about Nintendo not releasing another Classic/Mini system after SNES is due to the fact that NIntendo didn't release Star Fox 2 until now, because the graphics of that game were dwarfed by the recently released PS1. PS1 games have the same stigma the N64 does graphically, in that the bulk of those games haven't aged particularly well either. I'm in no way opposed to Nintendo making a N64 Classic, I just don't think it's going to happen.
CV SOTN. still looks fantastic.

You all need to quit peeing your pants at any thought you might not get one this time. Or trying to create more hype for your own future sales because most of you are probably scalpers anyway. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!! :shame: :twoguns: :booty: :rofl:
Not going to lie, if I was able to get one of these I'd be tempted to sell it. I'm human and greedy. However, a bigger part of me would be curled up on the floor with a blanket, hot cheetos, and a Capri Sun playing Earthbound and Megaman X till I pass out (on the weekends so I don't get fired).

My inner child will win that fight. And right now that inner child is a ball of anxiety over this. And I know that's pathetic.
I'd also like to state that my opinion about Nintendo not releasing another Classic/Mini system after SNES is due to the fact that NIntendo didn't release Star Fox 2 until now, because the graphics of that game were dwarfed by the recently released PS1. PS1 games have the same stigma the N64 does graphically, in that the bulk of those games haven't aged particularly well either. I'm in no way opposed to Nintendo making a N64 Classic, I just don't think it's going to happen.
What am I the gaming historian now? SF2 was deliberately held back alright. But it has nothing to do with PlayStation. The Nintendo 64 was supposed to launch the year SF2 would have been released, so Nintendo shelved it to avoid consumer confusion about 3D games.

The sad part about that move is that they could have released it on schedule without any overlap due to the N64s repeated delays. Better late than never, right? I'm looking at you Mother 3...

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What am I the gaming historian now? SF2 was deliberately held back alright. But it has nothing to do with PlayStation. The Nintendo 64 was supposed to launch the year SF2 would have been released, so Nintendo shelved it to avoid consumer confusion about 3D games.

The sad part about that move is that they could have released it on schedule without any overlap due to the N64s repeated delays. Better late than never, right? I'm looking at you Mother 3...

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Ooooh, that's right. I couldn't remember if it was because of N64 or PS1.

it appears that the time and date on the best buy page is linked to your system clock.  

if you set your system clock an hour or two in the future, the time on the best buy will also change to that time on page refresh.  if you set it to an hour in the past, however, it disappears.  if you change the system date to yesterday or tomorrow, the date disappears on the best buy page as well.

and yes i realize i have way too much time on my hands.

Again, Both Zelda: Oot and MM along with Star Fox 64 have already been remastered for 3DS because they look awful. The gameplay is still great, and I'm not a graphics snob, but generally N64 games haven't aged well. They ported Mario 64 to DS and I can only guess there's a remaster of that and/or Sunshine in the pipeline. It's just my opinion, but I highly doubt they make another Classic/Mini system after SNES.
Never is a long time, they could certainly make a part 2 for both the nes classic and snes classic.

or the n64 if they choose well on the games
Will XBAND modems work with the SNES Classic?  I'm hoping Weaponlord is a secret, unlockable game.

I would be game for an N64 Classic loaded with AKI rasslin' games -that's about it.  Pretty much everything else has been remastered for other systems.

You guys are missing the real license to print money Nintendo probably don't even realize they have.  What was 22 years ahead of its time upon release is now, in the age of Vive, Playstation VR, and Oculus Rift, ready for primetime - the Virtual Boy Classic!

Sadly I remember logging onto Best Buy one day and seeing them in stock and thinking "meh, I'll get one later on".....ugh
Same thing happened to me. But it was Gamestop. I was staring at it as it was in stock online. Looking at it saying should I get it now or wait till later? Boy do I regret that decision. But that was at the time when nobody knew Nintendo was going to stop production. So I thought I will get one later. I never got one at all. And it was my fault for holding out. I wont be making that mistake twice. If I have to order from 5 different places to get a SNES mini so be it. I'll be damned if I am going to miss out on this one.

Not sure why but I never liked chrono cross, I admit I didn't finish it but like ff7, tactics and xenogears
All great games. Xenogears might have ended up as my favorite RPG of all time if the dev team actually got time to finish the 2nd half. Just as the story was going full blast on cylinders... it comes to a near dead halt b/c Square decided they didn't want to spend any more money on the game. I mean, I get the business aspect of anything going over-budget but it's not like Square was strapped for cash at the time.

This thread has made me sad... Square and Enix used to be so awesome before they merged. And then we started getting shit like FFX-2 and Star Ocean 3.

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All great games. Xenogears might have ended up as my favorite RPG of all time if the dev team actually got time to finish the 2nd half. Just as the story was going full blast on cylinders... it comes to a near dead halt b/c Square decided they didn't want to spend any more money on the game. I mean, I get the business aspect of anything going over-budget but it's not like Square was strapped for cash at the time.

This thread has made me sad... Square and Enix used to be so awesome before they merged. And then we started getting shit like FFX-2 and Star Ocean 3.

Reading that and having played the heavy hitters on that list when they were new it's painful to see the garbage we have had since.

Will XBAND modems work with the SNES Classic? I'm hoping Weaponlord is a secret, unlockable game.

I would be game for an N64 Classic loaded with AKI rasslin' games -that's about it. Pretty much everything else has been remastered for other systems.

You guys are missing the real license to print money Nintendo probably don't even realize they have. What was 22 years ahead of its time upon release is now, in the age of Vive, Playstation VR, and Oculus Rift, ready for primetime - the Virtual Boy Classic!
Nintendo should remake a few of the Virtual Boy games for the 3DS in color and i'd be happy.

All great games. Xenogears might have ended up as my favorite RPG of all time if the dev team actually got time to finish the 2nd half. Just as the story was going full blast on cylinders... it comes to a near dead halt b/c Square decided they didn't want to spend any more money on the game. I mean, I get the business aspect of anything going over-budget but it's not like Square was strapped for cash at the time.

This thread has made me sad... Square and Enix used to be so awesome before they merged. And then we started getting shit like FFX-2 and Star Ocean 3.
But I liked both of those.

Sadly I remember logging onto Best Buy one day and seeing them in stock and thinking "meh, I'll get one later on".....ugh
I remember so many CAGs saying,"I'll get one on clearance for$40 once all the hype dies down." Hahaha! Yeah, sucks for them. I managed to get one and boy is that thing awesome. I didn't have an SNES though because my parents were poor so I'm getting this bad boy to make up for that.
someone on eBay has the super famicon mini on eBay for $115.15 with 11.64bshipping. is that a decent deal for importing one
Of course it's worth it. Earthbound alone in cartridge form is selling for 200 bucks already in ebay so you are getting that game +20 other games for a fraction of that price.

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So it looks like one of the reasons there is a delay in US pre-orders is because of FCC clearance.

Looks like we're in this for the long haul ladies and gentlemen.

Keep an eye out for the public FCC rating approval ... for shortly after you can expect the pre-orders to go live.
And with the incompetent prick that Trump put in charge of the FCC, we may be waiting a while. This sucks. I guess everyone can stop living here for a while.

Didn't see it posted in recent posts:

I got an email saying one of my SNES orders on Amazon U.K. Is cancelled. They acknowledged that they put up 2 different listings so they cancelled one of my orders.
bread's done