So sum it up, was there ANYTHING of interest at the press conferences?

we got this gif

Originally Posted by anomynous
we found out that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers........

Jesus H ****** I've been saying this ever since Wii released. It's a ***damn shame it has taken even the core gamers so long to realize such a thing... Hopefully core gamers can reverse this generation's trend of suckiness by stop supporting the Wii & instead supporting Sony or MS. Though MS will milk you megahard if they reach the top.
[quote name='J7.']Originally Posted by anomynous
we found out that Nintendo doesn't care about gamers........

Jesus H ****** I've been saying this ever since Wii released. It's a ***damn shame it has taken even the core gamers so long to realize such a thing... Hopefully core gamers can reverse this generation's trend of suckiness by stop supporting the Wii & instead supporting Sony or MS. Though MS will milk you megahard if they reach the top.[/quote]

nintendo doesn't need gamers. they have millions of moms and kids that want one to flail their arms and/or lose weight.
[quote name='mykevermin']I think that Sony's first party lineup of (Killzone 2, Resistance 2, LBP, MAG) impressed.

I think Nintendo showed that you have to put together a presentation and THEN go out drinking all night. Not the other way around. Their big announcement coalesced in what amounts to a penis extension for the Wiimote.[/quote]

Hit the nail on the head with Nintendo. Resistance 2 was very impressive to me, but isn't an E3 surprise.
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']MAG, God of War III, DC universe on-line, Infamous, Resistance 2. Sony had lots that interested me.[/quote]
Yea... I'm really stunned that people are saying, "PS3 is doomed" now. I thought they had a lot of impressive stuff.

360 and Wii were the only consoles that needed to show NEW EXCLUSIVE titles because it's kind of bleak in the future. Sony already had a solid lineup of exclusives coming down the hill.

Resistance 2 was really impressive and Little Big Planet (graphic wise) is looking better then ever. Infamous really blew me away, last time they showed it, it had this really ugly stylized look but now it has much more grounded visuals that are indeed impressive. Also seeing Killzone 2 demoed on the G4TV E3 coverage was really amazing, the graphics are looking insane and the animations are the best I've seen. I also gasped at the visuals of the new Motorstorm.

(Time to watch Ubisofts conference then Capcom and Activision. To bad EA's conference stops 32 minutes into it on the G4 site. Anyone else have another link for the EA conference?

Not to mention their new PSN titles looked far better then any other consoles online lineup. Ratchet and Clank looked surprising polished and Eden and Flower looked truely different and relaxing, then SOCOM and SIREN (awesome horror game, the demo is great) and even Fat Princess looks friggen fun. Ad on top the console with the only MMO's on a console (DC and Agency) and sprinkle on some MAG (Which could go either way, they really needed to show gameplay) and you got a pretty solid lineup.
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MAG was a pretty weak way to end the conference. I expected a megaton. Another shooter. Resistance 2 though, showed that Sony western first party hires some great artists.
I've seen a paradigm shift! on some message boards from "hahahaha ffxii on 360!" to "wow, nintendo's terrible, let's unite and bask in their shittiness." Either way this makes for entertaining reading for me.
I don't even have a PS3 and I consider Sony as having the best keynote. Maybe it's because of the torture that was the Nintendo Conference that lowered my expectations so much that seeing a real game would be enough...
[quote name='wwfward']Excited for Animal Crossing Wii but since I've never played an AC, I have no idea what to expect.


Well, if you are like most people, it will go like this (assuming it's lik the Cube game)

You'll pop it in, create your character. First hour, very high hopes. Then, the game gets going. Pick weeds, find fossils, make money to pay off your house. At the 2-3 hour mark, it starts to hit you, this is what you bought. It's just like real life. Now, 1 of 2 things will happen

1). You'll turn it off. Call it the worst game ever made, and post here

2) You'll keep playing. Something will draw you back. All of a sudden, 6 months - 1 year of your life is gone, and you put 200 hours into this game. It's one of your all time favorites.
I guess the question is, though... when was the last time Nintendo's E3 presentation really wowed anyone? Do we not remember the big WiiFit to-do of last year? What were we expecting here?

This is Nintendo. I'm happy they announced ONE thing I cared about, which was Animal Crossing. That, and while WiiMusic looked like warmed-over ass, I really don't think people are giving the MotionPlus the benefit of the doubt here because of the unknown distribution system. If what they say is true, then it makes this the Wii we always *wanted* it to be, control-wise.

Sony had an extremely solid line-up of games, but no surprises or megaton announcements. Still, games are a nice change of pace.

Microsoft couldn't win either way. Everyone expected them to announce motion-controls, which would've been a big announcement, yet it would've been one that people shit all over. You'll get used to the new interface, period. Let's be fair here... the 360 is starting to get some age on it, and MS is trying to keep it fresh, which I applaud them for. Well, aside from the completely unabashed stealing from Nintendo, but I expect that due to how much Nintendo is making. Regardless, they also had what no one else did: a HUGE announcement that is going to effect the 'console war'.

Overall, it was a perfectly solid E3. I still fail to see, from years past, what people were expecting out of it. It's been awhile since we've gotten megaton announcements or games that we didn't know about. It's too hard to keep stuff under wraps anymore, and there's also no sense is keeping all of the info for one event.

They'll be more announcements over the next few months. There always are. E3 is a shadow of it's former self, so I think some have set their expectations way too high.
[quote name='007']I still fail to see, from years past, what people were expecting out of it. It's been awhile since we've gotten megaton announcements or games that we didn't know about. It's too hard to keep stuff under wraps anymore, and there's also no sense is keeping all of the info for one event.

They'll be more announcements over the next few months. There always are. E3 is a shadow of it's former self, so I think some have set their expectations way too high.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Nicely stated (other than grammar mistakes).
[quote name='007']E3 is a shadow of it's former self, so I think some have set their expectations way too high.[/quote]

Out of all the posts here in this thread, i think this line has to be the one with the most truth in it.

If E3 was still the huge expo it once was before the people running it decided to let it commit suicide, we could probably assume the biggest news would be here, but it isn't.

I think it is time to look to TGS, etc for the big news
[quote name='007']I guess the question is, though... when was the last time Nintendo's E3 presentation really wowed anyone? Do we not remember the big WiiFit to-do of last year? What were we expecting here?

Last years E3 Nintendo gave a date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl (December.) Nintendo showed; Phantom Hourglass, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy. Nothing wow worthy (we knew about it all) but they showed a game from every major Nintendo franchise.

This year they showed AC with room microphone, Wii Sports 2 with improved wiimote, Wii Music and announced GTA:DS and that is the exciting stuff.....zzzz

Compare the two.... Hell Nintendo didn't even have a first party DS game to show but briefly spoke about Pokemon Ranger game that is already out in Japan.
idk, I liked what Sony had to show, especially for PSP. Resistence PSP and Super stardust psp, locoroco2, patapon2, sweet

Fat Princess looks hella fun
I forgot about Infamous. Sounds like they had a solid keynote too, it's just with both Microsoft and Sony we already knew most of what was coming out. GREAT stuff, just not real exciting to hear something we already know about.

[quote name='mykevermin']...
I think Nintendo showed that you have to put together a presentation and THEN go out drinking all night. Not the other way around. Their big announcement coalesced in what amounts to a penis extension for the Wiimote.[/QUOTE]

Hee hee :D
I can't believe they're releasing a vaguely defined Wiimote upgrade thing.

[quote name='J7.']Jesus H ****** I've been saying this ever since Wii released. It's a ***damn shame it has taken even the core gamers so long to realize such a thing... Hopefully core gamers can reverse this generation's trend of suckiness by stop supporting the Wii & instead supporting Sony or MS. Though MS will milk you megahard if they reach the top.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, this is a bit of a rant:
I'm SO glad to finally see that you can publicly say things against Nintendo and not have your head lopped off. I think it took this long because at least last year as someone mentioned we had promising games still coming out. Not revolutionary, but at least stuff that we would have expected on the 'Cube. (IMO most of them turned out to be terrible, except Galaxy which was awesome, but that's beside the point.) This E3 there was NOTHING. We knew about nothing ahead of time, and I don't think anyone would have expected that they wouldn't even give us a single real game for people who play games. Not even some retread...just nothing.

I've said it before-it pisses me off that the Wii is what Nintendo has success with. The Gamecube was a great system-phenomenal hardware for 2001, particularly at a $200 price point. Great first party stuff, some strong third party stuff, and not all of it was retreads-there were some really strong original (or basically original) IPs on there-I think some of Nintendo strongest since the NES.
But no, that flops, and a second Gamecube with double the RAM and 50% higher clocks...selling for $50 MORE 5 years LATER with a gimmicky controller that doesn't work that well-THAT'S what people latch on to. Really sucks.

[quote name='lordxixor101']Well, if you are like most people, it will go like this (assuming it's lik the Cube game)

You'll pop it in, create your character. First hour, very high hopes. Then, the game gets going. Pick weeds, find fossils, make money to pay off your house. At the 2-3 hour mark, it starts to hit you, this is what you bought. It's just like real life. Now, 1 of 2 things will happen

1). You'll turn it off. Call it the worst game ever made, and post here

2) You'll keep playing. Something will draw you back. All of a sudden, 6 months - 1 year of your life is gone, and you put 200 hours into this game. It's one of your all time favorites.[/QUOTE]

I'm somewhere right in between that and I'd suspect a lot of people are. I played it about 30-60 minutes a day for months (played it first before moving on to another game). I enjoyed it, thought it was original, etc. But after I'd gotten most of the NES games, expanded my house, etc., there comes a point where there's nothing left.

It was nifty on a system that had a ton of great games for people who PLAY GAMES. But on the Wii, where most stuff is geared for people who don't know games, it just feels weak to me, yet another non-game game (which is why I can't really count it as a "real" game announcement). Apparently Nintendo's claim that they had something for us centered on that game, and that DOES NOT CUT IT.

Also I bought and tried the DS version, and couldn't get into it at all. The magic the original had for me was still gone, and all I noticed was how little there actually was to do, and how clunky the interface is.
I thought that the biggest "holy crap" (in a good way) moment was Xbox getting Final Fantasy 13. Not so much as a middle finger to Sony, but as a potential treat for Xbox owners.

I can't really comment on their actual presentation, since I was just reading a live blogcast. Sony, however, had a pretty good presentation (I liked their use of a custom LBP level in place of a PowerPoint). Their biggest announcements (aside from the video store) weren't much to get excited about, as dates weren't attached for several of them. (We knew God of War 3 was coming -- I didn't think this was really worth mentioning unless they had an approximate date to attach to it.)

During the entire Nintendo presentation, I was left waiting for them to bring out something really impressive for more "serious' gamers. Even after they all walked off stage, I hoped they were going to come back on, and say something like, "Oh yeah, we almost forgot, new Starfox, F-Zero, Zelda, and some badass new IP coming this holiday season. Bye!" Oh well, you can't really blame them. Casual gamers seem to spend the most money on their system, so why not target them?
To those saying they dont see what we that are dissapointed expected heres a little list.

1. Announcments of major series such as Zelda, Halo, Mario, Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. The system sellers.

2. Price drops

3. New consoles or console upgrades such as a third model of the DS or PSP.

4. Compltly new systems.

5. Stealing of exclusives or take overs of companies.

There are others too that were missing but these are some of the big ones. We had no new systems, no big new games, hell we didnt even really get to see much of games shown in past years!
[quote name='MSI Magus']To those saying they dont see what we that are dissapointed expected heres a little list.

1. Announcments of major series such as Zelda, Halo, Mario, Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. The system sellers.

2. Price drops

3. New consoles or console upgrades such as a third model of the DS or PSP.

4. Compltly new systems.

5. Stealing of exclusives or take overs of companies.

There are others too that were missing but these are some of the big ones. We had no new systems, no big new games, hell we didnt even really get to see much of games shown in past years![/QUOTE]

How about new games that don't look like shit? Y'know, like the opposite of Make Me A Cam Whore?
[quote name='Wolfpup']I've said it before-it pisses me off that the Wii is what Nintendo has success with. The Gamecube was a great system-phenomenal hardware for 2001, particularly at a $200 price point. Great first party stuff, some strong third party stuff, and not all of it was retreads-there were some really strong original (or basically original) IPs on there-I think some of Nintendo strongest since the NES. But no, that flops, and a second Gamecube with double the RAM and 50% higher clocks...selling for $50 MORE 5 years LATER with a gimmicky controller that doesn't work that well-THAT'S what people latch on to. Really sucks.[/quote]

I agree with this 100%. The Gamecube was my favorite system last gen by far - it really was awesome - but I think the Wii totally blows... and I really don't see any potential there for me to change my mind...
[quote name='Wolfpup']
Sorry, this is a bit of a rant:
I've said it before-it pisses me off that the Wii is what Nintendo has success with. The Gamecube was a great system-phenomenal hardware for 2001, particularly at a $200 price point. Great first party stuff, some strong third party stuff, and not all of it was retreads-there were some really strong original (or basically original) IPs on there-I think some of Nintendo strongest since the NES.
But no, that flops, and a second Gamecube with double the RAM and 50% higher clocks...selling for $50 MORE 5 years LATER with a gimmicky controller that doesn't work that well-THAT'S what people latch on to. Really sucks.

Well stated. If only Apple had gotten it's act together back in '98 or '99 so Nintendo could "borrow" their style for the Gamecube and use DVD rather than a custom-sized disc, it might have turned out altogether differently last generation.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm totally confused by how Nintendo continues to be so successful. The Gamecube DESERVED it, but the Wii?

"Nintendos press conference was a giant circle jerk of Nintendo execs"

I love this comment :D

I just don't get it.[/quote]
Same here. I owned all three consoles and the Wii is the least played system. I haven't touched it in 2 months even though I already owned some of its great games. At least the PS3 have some exclusives such as MLB 08 The Show to keep me coming back for more.

I know that there are a lot of Nintendo fans out there; thus, explain the reason why Nintendo continues to be successful despite their execs jerk attitudes and lack of games offering.
I thought Sony was the best. I'm not going to talk about Nintendo (if you want my thoughts see my sig). MS had portal, which was great, and a new dashboard, which i like. Avatars = fail. FFXIII = getting it for PS3.

Sony: GoW III trailer, inFAMOUS = win. MAG could be interesting. HOME trailer = fail.

LittleBigPlanet really did steal the show. It looks amazing, and with FINALLY a solid release date (October), i'm happy.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']RE5 w/co-op[/quote]
I'm too lazy to do the work myself. Online only?

[quote name='ninja dog']we got this gif

Still think that guy is having an epileptic siezure. Or maybe its that gif is going to put me in one.
[quote name='the_punisher']I thought Sony was the best. I'm not going to talk about Nintendo (if you want my thoughts see my sig). MS had portal, which was great, and a new dashboard, which i like. Avatars = fail. FFXIII = getting it for PS3.

Sony: GoW III trailer, inFAMOUS = win. MAG could be interesting. HOME trailer = fail.

LittleBigPlanet really did steal the show. It looks amazing, and with FINALLY a solid release date (October), i'm happy.[/QUOTE]

See and I cant understand this. Little Big Planet was hardly anything it was just used to hype their numbers and we had already seen this game repeatedly for the last like 2 years. Meanwhile GoW3 was a chance to just toss down a 40 pound gauntlet and Sony dropped the ball. I mean seriously you were impressed by THAT? It was a 10 second clip without even any gameplay or action! MAG has potential but it was really the only thing Sony showed.

MS may not have had an impressive show but a price drop and FFXIII means some serious system moveage. You say that PS3 already has that but come on your telling me it wasnt a major coup? Alot of American fans that were on the fence probably just fell off onto the MS side.
[quote name='DarkNessBear'] Ad on top the console with the only MMO's on a console (DC and Agency)[/quote]

Not really true. Conan and APB are still in the pipeline for the 360. Though APB could appear on the PS3 as well. (Hopefully the release of DC Universe gives MS the kick in the pants it needs to revive Marvel Universe Online!)
[quote name='MSI Magus']To those saying they dont see what we that are dissapointed expected heres a little list.

1. Announcments of major series such as Zelda, Halo, Mario, Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts. The system sellers.

2. Price drops

3. New consoles or console upgrades such as a third model of the DS or PSP.

4. Compltly new systems.

5. Stealing of exclusives or take overs of companies.

There are others too that were missing but these are some of the big ones. We had no new systems, no big new games, hell we didnt even really get to see much of games shown in past years![/QUOTE]

Alright lets not go crazy here, just how many versions of the psp and ds do we need? I wasn't in the slightest disappointed the find out they left those alone. Same with completely new systems, all three have a long way to go before they are tapped out.
[quote name='VGI-Shinobi']I know that there are a lot of Nintendo fans out there; thus, explain the reason why Nintendo continues to be successful despite their execs jerk attitudes and lack of games offering.[/quote]

I dont necessarily consider myself a "fan" of Nintendo, certainly not more than either of the other companies. I suppose if I *had* to ally myself with one of them, it'd likely be Sony...then again I dont own a PS3 (go figure).

I can, however, offer an explanation. Simply, IT AINT ABOUT YOU! If you were to say that Nintendo doesnt care about hardcore gamers, you'd be about 85% right. They are a business that care about profit. Hardcore gamers did not and could not keep the Gamecube from lagging way behing PS2 (and Xbox in North America) no matter how good the machine was or how fun the games were. The hardcore gamers failed Nintendo so they went looking elsewhere.

Nintendo went after "non-gamers" with a viciousness never seen before, and caught the world in a craze that doesnt seem ready to end. They are smart to keep feeding the beast. And you know what, I believe Nintendo has no fear of losing the hardcore gamer, for two reasons.

1) The hardcore isnt what put them in the position they are now in, it's the "casuals". Thus, the "causal" is really the "important" market.

2) Hardcore gamers lack convictions. Not that they are amoral as people, but real hardcore gamers with never completely swear off the Wii. Whenever one of those so-called "triple-A" is released, the hardcore will begrudingly buy it. Sure, one or two individuals will stick to their guns, but I'd be willing to wager that 80% of the hardcore wii owners who are mad now, will buy the next Mario-Zelda-Metroid-Pikman that the house of Myamotto delivers to retail.

So why is Nintendo ignoring the hardcore? Because they can. They believe that hardcor fans wont completely abandon them. I believe they are right.

So enjoy Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party whilst sitting on your Wii Balance Board, because this is life on Planet Nintendo.
[quote name='coolsteel']Alright lets not go crazy here, just how many versions of the psp and ds do we need? I wasn't in the slightest disappointed the find out they left those alone. Same with completely new systems, all three have a long way to go before they are tapped out.[/QUOTE]

I didnt say I wanted new versions of them I just said they would have been big news. Same with new systems. I would be happy to not see a new system for 10 years! People said what made this E3 disappointing over past ones, I was just answering things we have seen at past E3s that make this one look dull in comparison.

hostyle I completely disagree. They were smart to go after the mainstream casual consumer that was eating up their shit like hotcakes. However instead of offering those consumers new experiences and puling them in with games and innovation they have just fed them crappy add on after crappy add on none of which are being supported by developers really. How happy do you think these people are going to be when they realized they have spent more on all these little gimmics like wii fit and the Zapper then it would have cost to just have bought a PS3?

There is going to be a day where Nintendos plan back fires on them unless they start putting some real depth into these products and games.
I wouldn't be against new systems, but the way we're going they'd be even stupider than this generation's.

Nintendo would release an N64 with 12MB and no buttons on the controller. It would become the best selling system of all time x 3. All three companies would have wireless everything, including power supply, video, etc., also for no reason whatsoever. All three would switch to DRMed up activation schemes for their consoles, killing the ability to sell games, trade them, rent them, etc., and causing you to lose them once the activation servers went down.
And Microsoft would find a way to made theirs even louder, for both people who think "turn up the volume!" was a legitimate way to deal with the 360's noise.
I'm wondering if G4TV is owned by Microsoft. They carried the 2 hour MS news conference on Monday but didn't show Sony's or Nintendo's.
[quote name='Setzer']I'm wondering if G4TV is owned by Microsoft. They carried the 2 hour MS news conference on Monday but didn't show Sony's or Nintendo's.[/quote]

Ummm, they carried all three Live and commercial free on TV. Microsoft's was Monday afternoon, Nintendo and Sony's were yesterday afternoon.
[quote name='hostyl1']I dont necessarily consider myself a "fan" of Nintendo, certainly not more than either of the other companies. I suppose if I *had* to ally myself with one of them, it'd likely be Sony...then again I dont own a PS3 (go figure).

I can, however, offer an explanation. Simply, IT AINT ABOUT YOU! If you were to say that Nintendo doesnt care about hardcore gamers, you'd be about 85% right. They are a business that care about profit. Hardcore gamers did not and could not keep the Gamecube from lagging way behing PS2 (and Xbox in North America) no matter how good the machine was or how fun the games were. The hardcore gamers failed Nintendo so they went looking elsewhere.

Nintendo went after "non-gamers" with a viciousness never seen before, and caught the world in a craze that doesnt seem ready to end. They are smart to keep feeding the beast. And you know what, I believe Nintendo has no fear of losing the hardcore gamer, for two reasons.

1) The hardcore isnt what put them in the position they are now in, it's the "casuals". Thus, the "causal" is really the "important" market.

2) Hardcore gamers lack convictions. Not that they are amoral as people, but real hardcore gamers with never completely swear off the Wii. Whenever one of those so-called "triple-A" is released, the hardcore will begrudingly buy it. Sure, one or two individuals will stick to their guns, but I'd be willing to wager that 80% of the hardcore wii owners who are mad now, will buy the next Mario-Zelda-Metroid-Pikman that the house of Myamotto delivers to retail.

So why is Nintendo ignoring the hardcore? Because they can. They believe that hardcor fans wont completely abandon them. I believe they are right.

So enjoy Rayman Raving Rabbids: TV Party whilst sitting on your Wii Balance Board, because this is life on Planet Nintendo.[/quote]

I abandoned Nintendo. I have owned every single Nintendo system except for the Virtual Boy and the original Game Boy and there's no way I'm buying a Wii. I have been very content with my PS360 combo and my trusty Gamecube is still hooked up in case I need a fix of Nintendo.

I know someone who is seriously considering selling his Wii now after Nintendo's press conference. I wish there was some way we could hurt Nintendo's pocket book so all 3 consoles don't go this direction next time through, but it's not going to be possible with all the non-traditional gamers eating anything Nintendo throws at them.
[quote name='Jasonofindy']Ummm, they carried all three Live and commercial free on TV. Microsoft's was Monday afternoon, Nintendo and Sony's were yesterday afternoon.[/quote]

Not on DirecTV. I watched G4TV yesterday and there E3 coverage started at 3pm and they carried 3 hours of E3 coverage and I didn't see any Nintendo or Sony conference coverage.
[quote name='MSI Magus']However instead of offering those consumers new experiences and puling them in with games and innovation they have just fed them crappy add on after crappy add on none of which are being supported by developers really. How happy do you think these people are going to be when they realized they have spent more on all these little gimmics like wii fit and the Zapper then it would have cost to just have bought a PS3?

There is going to be a day where Nintendos plan back fires on them unless they start putting some real depth into these products and games.[/quote]

But it's exactly this so-called "depth" that the casuals werent buying in the first place. These people dont *want* Okami. They dont *want* Zak & Wiki. They *want* Carnival Game and Petz! Hey, I'm not accounting for taste, but the truth of the matter is Carnival Games sold, Zak & Wiki didnt. The worst mistake you could make in business is to sell people what you want them to have instead of giving them what they ask for. The people have spoken, they want these smaller games.

And I think you're trapped in the mindset of a hardcore gamer and dont realize that casuals think differently. Many of them use the Wii (and DS for that matter) for small, quick experiences. They want something they can play for a few minutes and then move on. They dont want to make a 40 commitmant to an epic JRPG. They want something they can have on during a cockatil party, take a turn, then pass the controller (mic, balance board, etc.). So these deep games you speak of have no appeal. If they *had* had appeal to them, they likely would not have been non-gamers to begin with.

You think the add-ons are crappy. Fine dont buy them. I think some of them are cool, so I will buy them. It's okay to have differences of opinion. But I implore you to not fall into the trap of projecting your thoughts onto others. *You* (and many hardcore gamers) desire new experiences, the casual gamers want more mini-games. Nintendo is wise to give them what they want.

Now, it is possible that, eventually, the casual market will want different types of games. If/when that happens, Nintendo will need to shift or die. But we arent remotely close to that point yet. Imagine games, Mario & Sonic @ the Olympics, and Wii Play are killing the NPD numbers. To switch now would just leave money on the table!
[quote name='MSUHitman']I wish there was some way we could hurt Nintendo's pocket book so all 3 consoles don't go this direction next time through, but it's not going to be possible with all the non-traditional gamers eating anything Nintendo throws at them.[/quote]

I don't understand that attitude.

So some people think that mediocre simulated bowling and $6 downloadable NES Super Mario is the bee's knees - you really think all of gaming is going to turn on it's heels and target the casual market.

IMO the casual market is a really fickle bunch - my hunch is that these junk video games are a fad that will eventually end up in the closet next to other garage sale fare like the pet rock and Alf pogs.

Or let me put it another way - Final Fantasy has more sequels then Jaws, but you're never going to see a Ninjabread Man 2.
EDIT: Whoops, this was in response to two threads up. The casual market also doesn't buy games. We've yet to see if this is particularly sustainable. AFAIK Microsoft is selling more software even if not nearly as much hardware.

And while you're technically right, it's almost irrelevant to us as gamers. I mean if they're no longer making a GAME SYSTEM than it really doesn't matter how well it sells.
[quote name='Setzer']Not on DirecTV. I watched G4TV yesterday and there E3 coverage started at 3pm and they carried 3 hours of E3 coverage and I didn't see any Nintendo or Sony conference coverage.[/quote]


From your box on the left I see that you presumably live on the west coast. The 6pm EDT/3pm PDT coverage was their coverage of the show floor. The Live conferences were earlier in the day. On the west coast, I believe the Nintendo conference would have been on G4 at 9 AM with the Sony coverage following at about 11AM your time. I watched the coverage here on the east coast live at noon EDT/9 AM PDTon Dish Network. It seems unlikely that DirectTV would have somehow edited G4.

If it wasn't on yesterday at 9 AM for you, your beef is with DirectTV not G4.
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[quote name='Wolfpup'] The casual market also doesn't buy games.

No, they don't buy good games, obscure games, imports, etc.

There's a huge difference.

They lap up the casual games, movie tie-ins, stuff like Wii Sports/Fit/most likely Music, Madden, Halo, and GTA. Those last two aren't casual, but there's a bunch of people devoted to those games only.

Meanwhile, High School Musical and American Idol are going to sell like hotcakes.

Yeah, even given that, they probably don't match the attachment rate a "core" gamer might have, but don't assume that they aren't in full force these days buying up whatever bullshit appeals to their hot button (and abysmal) past times and hobbies, which is basically anything they saw in a theater, on Fox, or on the Disney channel.

This is kind of like saying the people who think Rachel Ray is an honest-to-goodness chef aren't doing the cooking. They are doing the cooking, and they are making shitty thirty minute meals (that take them twice the amount of time to make), but they are cooking.
To add to the Nintendo hate, I'd just like to add that I don't mind that the avatars were ripped off from the Wii (Rare borrowing ideas from Nintendo, who woulda thought?).

Nintendo had a great idea and is doing their darnest to let it stagnate by preventing developers other than first party gain access to it, and by refusing to add more customization options to the Miis (and in some cases, shutting down other developers' plans to do so).

Capcom's conference also bugged the hell out of me. They have the whole gaming community eating out their hands with RE5, SFIV, and Mega Man 9. Instead, they want to talk about the Lost Planet movie? That's ridiculous. E3 isn't for crappy movie announcements. They should've known their audience
[quote name='DQT']
Nintendo had a great idea and is doing their darnest to let it stagnate by preventing developers other than first party gain access to it, and by refusing to add more customization options to the Miis (and in some cases, shutting down other developers' plans to do so).

Ok, I agree 100% about not adding in more customization, but they are pretty lax about letting people integrate Miis. Come on now.
[quote name='hostyl1']But it's exactly this so-called "depth" that the casuals werent buying in the first place. These people dont *want* Okami. They dont *want* Zak & Wiki. They *want* Carnival Game and Petz! Hey, I'm not accounting for taste, but the truth of the matter is Carnival Games sold, Zak & Wiki didnt. The worst mistake you could make in business is to sell people what you want them to have instead of giving them what they ask for. The people have spoken, they want these smaller games.

And I think you're trapped in the mindset of a hardcore gamer and dont realize that casuals think differently. Many of them use the Wii (and DS for that matter) for small, quick experiences. They want something they can play for a few minutes and then move on. They dont want to make a 40 commitmant to an epic JRPG. They want something they can have on during a cockatil party, take a turn, then pass the controller (mic, balance board, etc.). So these deep games you speak of have no appeal. If they *had* had appeal to them, they likely would not have been non-gamers to begin with.

You think the add-ons are crappy. Fine dont buy them. I think some of them are cool, so I will buy them. It's okay to have differences of opinion. But I implore you to not fall into the trap of projecting your thoughts onto others. *You* (and many hardcore gamers) desire new experiences, the casual gamers want more mini-games. Nintendo is wise to give them what they want.

Now, it is possible that, eventually, the casual market will want different types of games. If/when that happens, Nintendo will need to shift or die. But we arent remotely close to that point yet. Imagine games, Mario & Sonic @ the Olympics, and Wii Play are killing the NPD numbers. To switch now would just leave money on the table![/QUOTE]

I didnt say that they had to release games like Okami or Zack and Wiki but they could give them a game that has enough depth to keep them interested after drawn in. Wii Sports was great.....but if they would have fleshed it out so that it was easy to play but you could also play full games and do more it would have been brilliant without isolating people. Look at Guitar Hero, its amazingly simple and thus draws people in yet there is still a brilliant game there. Nintendo isnt doing this they are offering cheap stupid toys that yes sell well....but people get bored with after a month.

Both my fiancees family and someone in my family got a Wii last year for Christmas. Within 2 months they switched from playing it fanatically to hardly touching the damn thing. Then along came Wii Fit and again it lasted about 2 weeks or their bored with it.

Nintendo is drawing in new consumers but by offering these half assed games they are risking alienating them in the long run. You can say and believe what you want, but Nintendo is making the next Beanie Baby. Did people want more at the time? Yep. But eventually they realized they were dumping $100s into something that kept them ammused for such a short period of time.

Edit - And PS its NEVER a good thing to forgot those that built your company and its base. Focusing on these new mainstreme kids is fine and dandy but while they are your tasty tasty butter right now we are the bread that has nourished(sp?) you all these years. By forgetting us Nintendo is just risking having no one to fall back on whenever these kids get tired of Carivale Games and Wii Ware rip offs.
I'm proud to say because of Nintendo's bullshit show yesterday, I sold my Wii. Wii Music is NOT a game, pressing 1 button to win is a huge step back in gaming.
Obama/Cheapy. That's hilarious :D

I WOULD sell my Wii, but I really, really do like Super Mario Galaxy, and I was stupid enough to "buy" some VC games :(
So...I guess I basically have this thing sitting in my closet for the rest of all eternity for basically three games.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Obama/Cheapy. That's hilarious :D

I WOULD sell my Wii, but I really, really do like Super Mario Galaxy, and I was stupid enough to "buy" some VC games :(
So...I guess I basically have this thing sitting in my closet for the rest of all eternity for basically three games.[/QUOTE]

Meh I wouldnt worry about it. SMG looks great and even if the line up is lacking there will be atleast 1 more Zelda and mario game as well as some other quality titles from Nintendo that make it worth owning. Normally id say those people selling their Wiis were making mistakes and will just end up rebuying it later for more then they sold it for.....but man you can sell Wiis for as much or more then the $250 it costs you!
Ooooh! Oh oh oh!

Best quote ever (the first part :D ).

From Tycho, Penny Arcade today:

No doubt the proprietors of Ladies' Home Journal were breathless during Nintendo's presentation, but those outside of that august body may derive less enjoyment. This is the deep-dish, delicious irony endured by the Nintendo stalwart: to see their platform of choice ascendant, even as their bright God turns his face away
bread's done