Sony E3 2010 Press Conference - June 15 (Tues) 12pm PDT

[quote name='Paco']To remind you of Microsoft's E3 going good


Oh Paco, you just don't get it do you? Do I need to break it down for you? The phrase, "it's getting old" is almost monosyllabic so you really should be able to understand it.

You let me know if I need to be more specific.
[quote name='ZForce915']Oh Paco, you just don't get it do you? Do I need to break it down for you? The phrase, "it's getting old" is almost monosyllabic so you really should be able to understand it.

You let me know if I need to be more specific.[/QUOTE]

Look, I have nothing against you. But you're giving this shit way too much thought. Proper spelling, grammatical correctness, actual thought in your responses. That's way too much to ask for of E3.

Plus how am I gonna keep bud posting if i don't post such flippant shenanigans? BudSmoka's posts are almost as amusing as the gamefaqs. Plus if he gets enough prodding, he might have a trollpithany. You know how fun those are right?
[quote name='lordopus99']Sony's press conference (outside Kevin Butler) was lame. Some thoughts...
1. If Sony wasn't concerned about Kinect, they sure didn't show it. They brought it up a couple of times during the Move presentation... Microsoft on the other hand could care less about the Move.
2. The Move is pretty crappy. Tiger Woods demo had a huge delay in the movement of the character on screen.
3. The game lineup nothing new worthwhile. Killzone 3 lost it for me by seeing the mechs (Lost Planet anyone??). All Move games + Heroes graphically looked like PS1/2 games. Medal of Honor... saw it the day before. Twisted Metal... who cares.
4. What was up with the 3D crap? I mean really how many people actually care about 3D. How many people even own a 3D TV? Definitely not enough to warrant all the gaming support.[/QUOTE]

3D is the next "big" home theater thing, which is why they are pushing it. They can potentially make money on a # of fronts if 3D takes off (PS3's, PS3 software, new Sony TVs, new Sony 3D blu-ray players, 3D blu-rays, Sony 3D glasses).

I care about the tech and have two 3D-ready TVs actually. I think it (3D) really helps with immersion in Avatar (only game I've played so far in 3D), and look forward to many of the named titles.
I am so loving that we're getting games updated to 3d for free and move support for free. I cannot wait to play Heavy Rain with move.

The content of their E3 conference was great, the way they presented it sucked.

[quote name='lordopus99']Sony's press conference (outside Kevin Butler) was lame. Some thoughts...
1. If Sony wasn't concerned about Kinect, they sure didn't show it. They brought it up a couple of times during the Move presentation... Microsoft on the other hand could care less about the Move.
2. The Move is pretty crappy. Tiger Woods demo had a huge delay in the movement of the character on screen.
3. The game lineup nothing new worthwhile. Killzone 3 lost it for me by seeing the mechs (Lost Planet anyone??). All Move games + Heroes graphically looked like PS1/2 games. Medal of Honor... saw it the day before. Twisted Metal... who cares.
4. What was up with the 3D crap? I mean really how many people actually care about 3D. How many people even own a 3D TV? Definitely not enough to warrant all the gaming support.[/QUOTE]

1. They were jokes by KB. They were funny.
2. Move looks fine in every game other than EA's Tiger Woods patch job.
3. LBP 2, VC 2, Twisted Metal, God of War PSP, Sly Cooper Collection, Motorstorm Apocalypse, FF 14, Dead Space Extraction in HD, and most people like Infamous 2 & KZ 3. Think I'm forgetting some.
4. You gotta start from nothing. A few years I bet I see you playing 3d games.

How does GT 5, Tiger Woods, NBA 2k11, RE 5, Heavy Rain, etc look like PS1/2 games?

[quote name='Droenixjpn']To be quite honest, Kinect vs Move, I have to say Kinect wins. Move seems to not be 1 to 1 with the screen, as they said it was. It especially looked that way on the Tiger Woods PGA Tour demonstration.[/QUOTE]

Everything they'v showed since GDC has been 1 to 1, except for that shitty Tiger Woods patch EA did.

[quote name='Droenixjpn']I think Sony will continue to slack next generation, then the generation after they will reign supreme again. Here's to hoping to the PS5! (Not PS4, since that will be slacking.)

Edit: So you were dissapointed ItzTitoYo, but are excited for 4 games? I don't see that as being dissapointed really.[/QUOTE]

How have the been slacking the last 1-2 years? Best & most games, best hardware, cheap price, most exclusives. If you were talking only about PSP then sure.
I can understand them pushing 3D since they make TV's and all, but I don't know many people that care about it in the context of gaming.

Press conference wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either. Kevin Butler was bad ass, but I was hoping for some more games. And not reboots or sequels (Last Guardian, where art thou? :cry:)
[quote name='pjb16']3D is the next "big" home theater thing, which is why they are pushing it. They can potentially make money on a # of fronts if 3D takes off (PS3's, PS3 software, new Sony TVs, new Sony 3D blu-ray players, 3D blu-rays, Sony 3D glasses).

I care about the tech and have two 3D-ready TVs actually. I think it (3D) really helps with immersion in Avatar (only game I've played so far in 3D), and look forward to many of the named titles.[/QUOTE]

I just don't see it really taking off.
I don't know why everybody thinks Sony's e3 was boring. They covered a lot of bases and missing a couple others like Last Guardian, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, etc. etc.

But that being said. They showed a lot of games. 3D (which I'm not really interested in), Move (which you knew they were going to do anyway), PSN+ (which we all saw coming), New games coming out for PSP (a lot of them looked really good in my eyes) and they even had some bonus announcements. My jaw was on the floor when Gabe went onto stage. It was good seeing KB there and his epic speech about gamers and gaming. It's not just about the consoles, it's about the games! And I can't wait to see more on Twisted Metal. It could use a good touch up. But I'm excited.

And then reflect on yesterday with M$ e3. Right at the beginning they showed off their 3 biggest games coming out this year and next, then other third party games. Then it was all Kinect, ESPN and a new console. It's like they blew their wad sunday night with the circus freaks and panchos.

I've only watched clips and read about articles on what nintendo announced. I'm totally stoked for that new Zelda. And it looks like I might finally have to upgrade my phat DS.

And to the people who have said "Most of this I have already read about before." Well we're on the fucking internet. News travels fast, especially if it's 'leaked.'

But all in all, I thought it was a pretty good e3, a lot of facepalms from M$, because obviously they don't know what the fuck they're doing. But they'll get the hint when the core snubs their kinect, because all they showed was shovelware. I mean seriously, that Kinaminals or however the fuck they were saying it. Is totally bogus. I have a cat. I can't teach my cat a damn thing. 'Come here', 'fetch this' or other simple commands I'll just get a dumb look right before she lays back down. Actually the only thing I was able to teach her was opening a door, which was a huge mistake, because she'll slam my door open at 3am when I'm deep in a gaming session and can't see a damn thing from the glow of my monitor. But yeah, kinanimals... dumb fucking idea.

[quote name='J7.']I am so loving that we're getting games updated to 3d for free and move support for free. I cannot wait to play Heavy Rain with move.


thats one thing they did do right because they could have easily rereleased the games with move/3d functionality on them or made us pay for the patches to be able to use those features.

that said they killed their chance of getting gamers behind psn+. the fact that you cant keep the stuff you download once you let the service expire or cancel it is crap. at that rate why not just make a psn rental service where for 5 bucks per game you can rent a psn game for a week?
[quote name='lokizz']thats one thing they did do right because they could have easily rereleased the games with move/3d functionality on them or made us pay for the patches to be able to use those features.

that said they killed their chance of getting gamers behind psn+. the fact that you cant keep the stuff you download once you let the service expire or cancel it is crap. at that rate why not just make a psn rental service where for 5 bucks per game you can rent a psn game for a week?[/QUOTE]

I dunno about PSN+

I see the stuff as an extended demo. Sony said the games you download that are free from the PSN store monthly are only good while you have the sub, but avatars, themes, and games purchased still are able to be kept. So if the discounts given with PSN+ are good and it allows you to purchase more games, then you can still come out ahead. But we have to see how it goes before we drop anything on it. There's always an angle to work there. If they give you 20-30% off on PSN games if you're a PSN+ member, then it could very well be worth it especially if it stacks with their deal of the week.
[quote name='metaly']Sorry for the self-quote but I was really hoping for more outrage. You've let me down, Internet.[/QUOTE]

Live is a superior service, whats new.
[quote name='lokizz']thats one thing they did do right because they could have easily rereleased the games with move/3d functionality on them or made us pay for the patches to be able to use those features.

that said they killed their chance of getting gamers behind psn+. the fact that you cant keep the stuff you download once you let the service expire or cancel it is crap. at that rate why not just make a psn rental service where for 5 bucks per game you can rent a psn game for a week?[/QUOTE]

I think it all depends on the games and free dlc they offer, the discounts, and the other features. If I can save $25 or more in discounts, get features, and get game demos for a year, I am in for basically $25. With the amount of games CAG's buy I am surprised people won't want it to save cash and get free stuff.

[quote name='metaly']Sorry for the self-quote but I was really hoping for more outrage. You've let me down, Internet.[/QUOTE]

I could care less about cross game chat. I think most who beg for it are young teens. It's still better than having to have PSN+ for it.
[quote name='lordopus99']I just don't see it really taking off.[/QUOTE]
It's certainly possible. I'm interested though and will be happy if I only get the 20 some games that they have mentioned.
[quote name='pjb16']3D is the next "big" home theater thing, which is why they are pushing it.[/QUOTE]

I agree 3D will be next but not with glasses. Its just too cheasy and cheap.

As soon as the technology makes it possible to have 3D without glasses and at unrestrictive angles [which is the current problem with the true 3D screens], then it will be worth persuing.

Right now i, and a lot of others, just dont care. Same with motion controls, just dont care. The whole press conference came off to me like one big PR event for share holders rather than catering toward gamers.
[quote name='J7.']
1. They were jokes by KB. They were funny.
2. Move looks fine in every game other than EA's Tiger Woods patch job.
3. LBP 2, VC 2, Twisted Metal, God of War PSP, Sly Cooper Collection, Motorstorm Apocalypse, FF 14, Dead Space Extraction in HD, and most people like Infamous 2 & KZ 3. Think I'm forgetting some.
4. You gotta start from nothing. A few years I bet I see you playing 3d games.

How does GT 5, Tiger Woods, NBA 2k11, RE 5, Heavy Rain, etc look like PS1/2 games?

3. To talk about the ones you listed that I haven't touched on...
GoW PSP - who plays, let alone has a PSP?
Sly Cooper - rehashed. Played the original back in 2002. Where is the fourth one??
Motorstorm - a bust; why buy and play that when you have GT5
FF14 - we have all seen what online-only Final Fantasy do.
Dead Space Extraction - already released on Wii
Infamous 2 - alright; personally not excited for
LittleBigPlanet2 is the only game I was interested in (that wasn't a third party non-exclusive title). Was already aware of most was talked about.
4. Personally, you will not see me playing in 3D. Outside Avatar, 3D has not been all that impressive for me.

My comment about "PS1/PS2" titles were aimed at games such as Sorcery, Wii Sports Champion, Heroes on the Move, Sly Cooper Collection (granted it should), just to name a few.

After hearing others, I also watched wondering where a couple of things were... 1) where was Last Guardian 2) where was Agent 3) where was Uncharted 3
[quote name='qwerty1']I agree 3D will be next but not with glasses. Its just too cheasy and cheap.

As soon as the technology makes it possible to have 3D without glasses and at unrestrictive angles [which is the current problem with the true 3D screens], then it will be worth persuing.

Right now i, and a lot of others, just dont care. Same with motion controls, just dont care. The whole press conference came off to me like one big PR event for share holders rather than catering toward gamers.[/QUOTE]
And that's why it would be likely to be a fad imo, not because wearing glasses is cheasy or cheap (which I don't see how it is, it certainly isn't cheap lol).

But even 3D without glasses would have a tough time at the market with many people's (not trying to insinuate you are in this group) attitudes about buying new tech.
[quote name='lordopus99']3. To talk about the ones you listed that I haven't touched on...
GoW PSP - who plays, let alone has a PSP?
Sly Cooper - rehashed. Played the original back in 2002. Where is the fourth one??
Motorstorm - a bust; why buy and play that when you have GT5
FF14 - we have all seen what online-only Final Fantasy do.
Dead Space Extraction - already released on Wii
Infamous 2 - alright; personally not excited for
LittleBigPlanet2 is the only game I was interested in (that wasn't a third party non-exclusive title). Was already aware of most was talked about.
4. Personally, you will not see me playing in 3D. Outside Avatar, 3D has not been all that impressive for me.

My comment about "PS1/PS2" titles were aimed at games such as Sorcery, Wii Sports Champion, Heroes on the Move, Sly Cooper Collection (granted it should), just to name a few.

After hearing others, I also watched wondering where a couple of things were... 1) where was Last Guardian 2) where was Agent 3) where was Uncharted 3[/QUOTE]
I think you're still severely overestimating the look of pretty much every ps1 game and most ps2 games too with that kind of statement though.
[quote name='J7.']I think it all depends on the games and free dlc they offer, the discounts, and the other features. If I can save $25 or more in discounts, get features, and get game demos for a year, I am in for basically $25. With the amount of games CAG's buy I am surprised people won't want it to save cash and get free stuff.

I could care less about cross game chat. I think most who beg for it are young teens. It's still better than having to have PSN+ for it.[/QUOTE]

i wonder if you can share a pluss membership the way you can alot of things on psn. like some of you mentioned if the discounts are good enough then in a way it would pay for itself or they could go the route of giving pluss members exclusive discounts on games. but that ps1 game they mentioned adding to the pluss deal is shit they could have at least tossed in an re game or a ff game.
[quote name='lordopus99']
Motorstorm - a bust; why buy and play that when you have GT5

That is the most uninformed comment I have ever seen. You do realize that Motorstorm is an arcade racer while GT is a simulation?
[quote name='lordopus99']3. To talk about the ones you listed that I haven't touched on...
GoW PSP - who plays, let alone has a PSP?
Sly Cooper - rehashed. Played the original back in 2002. Where is the fourth one??
Motorstorm - a bust; why buy and play that when you have GT5
FF14 - we have all seen what online-only Final Fantasy do.
Dead Space Extraction - already released on Wii
Infamous 2 - alright; personally not excited for
LittleBigPlanet2 is the only game I was interested in (that wasn't a third party non-exclusive title). Was already aware of most was talked about.
4. Personally, you will not see me playing in 3D. Outside Avatar, 3D has not been all that impressive for me.

My comment about "PS1/PS2" titles were aimed at games such as Sorcery, Wii Sports Champion, Heroes on the Move, Sly Cooper Collection (granted it should), just to name a few.

After hearing others, I also watched wondering where a couple of things were... 1) where was Last Guardian 2) where was Agent 3) where was Uncharted 3[/QUOTE]
Chains of Olympus is one of the best-selling PSP games in recent memory and one of the few that ever cracked the NPDs. Ready at Dawn already had a great engine they could use to keep costs down.

MotorStorm Apocalypse is a bust because of GT5? :lol: Why would people play a sim if they want an arcade game?

Sucker Punch is busy with the popular Infamous to go back to Sly Cooper, which needs the collection to get back into people's minds. You probably need the collection to get Sly Cooper 4, so you shouldn't knock it.

Nobody on Wii wanted Extraction, so a $10-$15 version on PSN and XBLA will have a much bigger chance for success since it's directly appealing to those that enjoyed the main games.

You must have had the most powerful PS1 and PS2 in the world to make that dumb of a statement.

Last Guardian probably won't be out until late next year, Rockstar didn't attend the show, and Naughty Dog hasn't announced Uncharted 3 yet nor was anybody expecting it at this E3.
[quote name='defmonkey05']I don't know why everybody thinks Sony's e3 was boring. They covered a lot of bases and missing a couple others like Last Guardian, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, etc. etc.[/QUOTE]

I am not sure what conference you were watching. Probably not the same one I watched, or should I say, fell asleep during. Wanted Sony to really do well, but with the exception of Kevin Butler, who saved it from going into complete comatose state, it didn't do anything for me, period.

And if they want families to get Move along with a new PS3, the price point ain't going get new converts either.
[quote name='metaly']Sorry for the self-quote but I was really hoping for more outrage. You've let me down, Internet.[/QUOTE]

They basically had to do this right? I thought it was legal reasons as to why they can't just offer cross-game chat on a console like Microsoft.
[quote name='NamPaehc']They basically had to do this right? I thought it was legal reasons as to why they can't just offer cross-game chat on a console like Microsoft.[/QUOTE]

im surprised there arent more angry posts about this being a paid feature especially from cheapestgamer lol. he must have fainted in rage over that and the whole psn+ "free" game policy.
[quote name='xmbri']I am not sure what conference you were watching. Probably not the same one I watched, or should I say, fell asleep during. Wanted Sony to really do well, but with the exception of Kevin Butler, who saved it from going into complete comatose state, it didn't do anything for me, period.

And if they want families to get Move along with a new PS3, the price point ain't going get new converts either.[/QUOTE]

Hell man, I had a shitty nights worth of sleep, woke up early since I was trading my phat ps3 that had an optical drive problem for a slim, woke up around 6 to switch hdd's and format, then ran around in town grocery shopping, still wide awake at 3pm to watch Sony's conference. Laying down, with my laptop watching it. Wide awake. I don't know how you could be bored.

LBP2 looked amazing. The idea of making your kind of game and not just a platform is a excellent idea. And showing off what some devs already made, just shows the possibility.

That Sorcery game looks almost too good to be true. It might not have a fancy name with it, but the gameplay shows what it can do. Knowing now that Heavy Rain will be supported for Move might make me keep the game from gamefly and get the controllers, I want to try it out like that. And I think the price is a bit steep. I wish they would bundle both controllers for a discount. I already have a ps eye and don't need another. I can't wait for some in store displays so I can check them out myself before I buy it.

Seeing Gabe Newell there eating some humble pie and promoting Portal 2 is just awesome, especially since it'll be updated with Steam. Makes me hope there is still a chance for TF2...*Still believes :lol:*

I probably won't be getting PSN+, but will watch it to see how it does, it could be something worth the price in the future.

I'm stoked that Medal of Honor is getting Frontlines, more games should do this. The ps2 is such a great console and should live on even on the ps3.

Heroes on the Move looks really interesting. I almost thought it was a Super Smash Bros. type game. Glad it isn't and more of a platformer.

Like I get it. There was a lot of talking. A lot of different guests coming in and talking about their new game and playing a bit of it. But overall I thought it was pretty good.
[quote name='qwerty1']I agree 3D will be next but not with glasses. Its just too cheasy and cheap.

As soon as the technology makes it possible to have 3D without glasses and at unrestrictive angles [which is the current problem with the true 3D screens], then it will be worth persuing.

Right now i, and a lot of others, just dont care. Same with motion controls, just dont care. The whole press conference came off to me like one big PR event for share holders rather than catering toward gamers.[/QUOTE]
Uh, 3D without glasses on TV screens is at least 10 years away before being even close to reasonable.
And when it's done that way, it's WAY more restrictive than with glasses, you have to be in the perfect viewing angle/range.

Glasses allow you to move more than you think.
[quote name='lokizz']im surprised there arent more angry posts about this being a paid feature especially from cheapestgamer lol. he must have fainted in rage over that and the whole psn+ "free" game policy.[/QUOTE]

Nah, he'll complain on the 22th when he'll have to do the update again, especially since he doesn't want PSN+ and now he just lost five minutes of his precious life.

On the 3D thing, while it seems nice, the prices for tvs and glasses are outrageous. Fine I can understand the tv, but 200 dollars or so for one 3D glasses in addition to the television. Also now I'll have to wear glasses within glasses. Thanks but I'll pass.
I like the new PSP commercial, but am I the only one noticing they're over playing it already..? Pretty sure I've seen it at least 6 times so far tonight
[quote name='Thongsy']Nah, he'll complain on the 22th when he'll have to do the update again, especially since he doesn't want PSN+ and now he just lost five minutes of his precious life.

On the 3D thing, while it seems nice, the prices for tvs and glasses are outrageous. Fine I can understand the tv, but 200 dollars or so for one 3D glasses in addition to the television. Also now I'll have to wear glasses within glasses. Thanks but I'll pass.[/QUOTE]

Actually with his internet speed, it's more like 30-60 minutes that he wasted. He needs to get off the Brazilian internet.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']I like the new PSP commercial, but am I the only one noticing they're over playing it already..? Pretty sure I've seen it at least 6 times so far tonight[/QUOTE]

I think I saw it 2 times during the NBA Finals. This Marcus guy is a step back from KB.
[quote name='dallow']Uh, 3D without glasses on TV screens is at least 10 years away before being even close to reasonable.
And when it's done that way, it's WAY more restrictive than with glasses, you have to be in the perfect viewing angle/range.

Glasses allow you to move more than you think.[/QUOTE]

10 years for 3D TVs without glasses? Intel must of had a time machine at CES too. If you dont know what i'm talking about google it. Its in its infancy for sure as its severely restricted by viewing angles but i think 10 years is way overstating it.

The with/without glasses thing is a big hurdle for a lot of people when you're talking about in home TVs, myself included. And perhaps the biggest issue i see is adoption rates. You average joe isnt going to junk their perfectly good rather newish 3-4 year old HDTV in favor of a new one, especially with zero content available and minimal mainstream content coming.
haha, I didn't say it doesn't exist.
I'm talking before it's even close to viable at a consumer level.

Glasses I really don't care about. Price is the only thing.
And like all new tech, it starts high, and drops.

I mean, feel free to skip 3D for this decade, but I'll get started on it next year.

Stereoscopic 3D with these shutter glasses is old tech, it's really only now that we're getting it. Took forever.
[quote name='dallow']haha, I didn't say it doesn't exist.
I'm talking before it's even close to viable at a consumer level.

Glasses I really don't care about. Price is the only thing.
And like all new tech, it starts high, and drops.

I mean, feel free to skip 3D for this decade, but I'll get started on it next year.

Stereoscopic 3D with these shutter glasses is old tech, it's really only now that we're getting it. Took forever.[/QUOTE]

Only thing about the price going down, is around the horizon something new and 'better' will be around. Which I can describe as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
No you said it was 10 years away before it was "reasonable". I assure you Intels CES demo was very reasonable sans positioning. I think the new 3DS is similar however thats still going mass market. Like i said, unless the technology stagnates for some reason, 10 years is an overstatement. I dont see how the technology could possibly stagnate as the television manufacturers would be fully aware that the requirement of glasses would be the primary turn off to most people so i'd think they'd be on their way to ridding them as fast as possible in order to sell more sets.

And this decade? Private companies have been pitching the 3D thing a lot long than a decade. I didnt buy it back then because it was expensive and gimmicky and well, it still is. As soon as its become adopted by most forms of media and they dump the glasses i'll just continue to opt out.
[quote name='defmonkey']Only thing about the price going down, is around the horizon something new and 'better' will be around. Which I can describe as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [/QUOTE]

Cheap 3D sets 3-4 years from now will be better than these first gen 3D displays.
There's always finer devices, but you don't be hurt that badly.

Plasmas and LCDs used to cost over $10,000. Look at any of them now and you'd get a headache, they're all awful, laggy, blurry messes compared to even the 2nd tier brands of today.

If I worried about "new and better later' I'd never buy anything.

EDIT: 3DS is doing something completely different.
If you move left or right of the center screen, the effect is lost.
Like I said, the Intel demo tech will take forever to reach us as consumers. It was low res, very specified viewing angles, and used overlays on the actual screen. We can agree to disagree.
The Move seems like a pretty stupid move. Accessories that come out 4-5 years after a console comes out never do well and don't for a reason. They usually suck ass and fragment the user base. I still don't have a motion plus and don't see any special motion plus games that would make me want one. Socom has always sucked and while im sure the move will be kind of cool i don't play on getting it for the sole fact that it seems like you need two to play most games and i don't buy into accessories that come out so late after a console launch.
Why would they have a ps3 price drop at this time with such great games already out and so many great games around the corner? Gran Turismo 5 is reason alone not to have a price drop.
[quote name='dallow']Uh, 3D without glasses on TV screens is at least 10 years away before being even close to reasonable.
And when it's done that way, it's WAY more restrictive than with glasses, you have to be in the perfect viewing angle/range.

Glasses allow you to move more than you think.[/QUOTE]

I saw Monsters vs Aliens in 3D with those evil shutter glasses... I started getting nauseous at the 15 minute mark. The strobe effect works and it creates the illusion of depth, but my body can't deal with it. I imagine if I played Killzone 3 in 3D with the shutter glasses that I'd either vomit for an hour or have a seizure. (yay photosensitivity)

...I hope you're wrong about the time frame for 3DTV sans strobe glasses, but if that's the case I guess I'll be going without.
[quote name='Mr. 420'] They usually suck ass and fragment the user base. [/QUOTE]

All I saw was M$ and $ony trying to Wii on the Wii user base. It's all "family" crap. Nothing a "gamer" or "hardcore" gamer would want to deal with. It's like they were too worried that Nintendo might steal everything from them and instead screwed us and made them selves look like they had no clue wtf they were doing.
Yeah, it doesn't work for everyone. I know.
I don't love 3D, I prefer movies in 2D at the theater. The 3D is distracting and picture quality isn't as good.

But it looks better at home from what I tested, still, I'd rather watch in 2D.
So for movies I don't really care, for gaming, it's a fun novelty that I hope grows more and more.

I hope I'm wrong about the 10 years thing too.
It'll be quite a while is a safe bet though.
Anyone else think it was great of Jaffe to tweet and whatnot about not making Twisted Metal and how he wished he was going to E3. Only to show up- on stage? :)
[quote name='Thongsy']Nah, he'll complain on the 22th when he'll have to do the update again, especially since he doesn't want PSN+ and now he just lost five minutes of his precious life.

On the 3D thing, while it seems nice, the prices for tvs and glasses are outrageous. Fine I can understand the tv, but 200 dollars or so for one 3D glasses in addition to the television. Also now I'll have to wear glasses within glasses. Thanks but I'll pass.[/QUOTE]
You can get glasses for like ~$130 from Xpand. This summer they will be offering universally compatible glasses as well (

And I got my 73" 3D ready TV for like $1200. The adapter is like another $100. So with 2 pairs of glasses, the adapter, and TV I'm looking at around $1600. Yea, that's totally outrageous.

It's really only outrageous if you want it to be. Will it cost more than non-3D? Sure. But you don't have to spend $3,000+ just to get 3D like many people would like to claim.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Chains of Olympus is one of the best-selling PSP games in recent memory and one of the few that ever cracked the NPDs. Ready at Dawn already had a great engine they could use to keep costs down.
April NPD - PSP sales 65k... pretty ugly. Chains of Olympus might have cracked NPD but haven't drop any titles close to the amount NDS (competitor) drop. Heck, two Pokemon games were in the top 5 for April. Don't get me wrong, GoW will be good for those small few that have one. I personally don't feel PSP should be a decent size timeslot in the presentation due to the lack of demand; PSPGoStop was a flop.

MotorStorm Apocalypse is a bust because of GT5? :lol: Why would people play a sim if they want an arcade game?
The market is saturated with arcade racing titles i.e. currently Split/Second and Blur. There are already others in the lineup. If I am a racing fan and both titles hit around the same time, I guarantee you just buy GT5.

Sucker Punch is busy with the popular Infamous to go back to Sly Cooper, which needs the collection to get back into people's minds. You probably need the collection to get Sly Cooper 4, so you shouldn't knock it.
I don't need the collection for Sly Cooper 4. They will develop it if they feel up to it. Personally, I don't have hard feelings either way. If it comes, I will play it. If it doesn't, there are other platformers I can play. I have all three systems so I have choices.

Nobody on Wii wanted Extraction, so a $10-$15 version on PSN and XBLA will have a much bigger chance for success since it's directly appealing to those that enjoyed the main games.
Never said it wouldn't have better success. I just essentially stated it was a port, which it was. In other words, don't get too excited. Those that have a Wii and like that type of game would have already played it.

You must have had the most powerful PS1 and PS2 in the world to make that dumb of a statement.
Just a few games to compare... Splinter Cell Choas Theory, Ninja Gaiden 1, Resident Evil 4, heck even Mario 64, I could go on about games that looked better from previous generations than the games I listed prior.

Last Guardian probably won't be out until late next year, Rockstar didn't attend the show, and Naughty Dog hasn't announced Uncharted 3 yet nor was anybody expecting it at this E3.

Last Guardian is rumor to hit this November, not next year. Uncharted 3... some were expecting/hoping to hear ,
. Remember God of War 3 was shown a year in advance so it wasn't too much to ask for. As for Rockstar, they would have shown if they had something for it. I guess they are too hard on work on a new Grand Theft Auto to even worry about Agent.
I really was hoping that the 3D for games would be compatible with our present TVs and all you would need is the glasses. Even if they had that tech... it'd be more profitable to release specialized TVs and glasses forcing you to buy both. If the 3DS can have 3D without glasses, then I KNOW some of these TVs could do the same thing.
[quote name='Thomas96']I really was hoping that the 3D for games would be compatible with our present TVs and all you would need is the glasses. Even if they had that tech... it'd be more profitable to release specialized TVs and glasses forcing you to buy both. If the 3DS can have 3D without glasses, then I KNOW some of these TVs could do the same thing.[/QUOTE]
You mean some of the current 3D TVs could do it without glasses, or just current HDtv's in general?

I mean either way I'd probably disagree with you, but just looking for clarification.
bread's done