Sony E3 2012 Press Conference

That white Vita they showed looked amazing. I'm going to hold on and get that one. I don't think Vita owners need to worry much, there's still plenty of games coming out for it. I think Sony just sucked when it came to planning out their show and spent way too much of it on stuff like the storybook mess.
What's up with the Vita hate? I don't have a grudge against you guys/gals, but I just want to say the Vita is an awesome toy, it's the closest console experience gaming device in the market. The white Vita got my interest, with CAG deal forums, there got to be a good deal :)

A lot of good stuff, GoD:A, Last of Us... Am I the second person to ask "what happened to the Last Guardian?"
Storybook was a mess and from the looks of it, it was too beta. Sony should have just have just done a slide show of it and let the audience try it out in the booth. Personally the whole AllStar PS game is a nice idea but it confuses me in the sense of who is Sony trying to get with the game? Kids? Adults? But then I was never a fan of that type of gameplay. Other than those two points I thought Sony had a great conference, to me it felt like Sony was aiming for the gamer not the media angle that MS was going for.

I like Vita but the price tag is the only thing that is stopping me from getting it. Maybe when it hits $100-150 I'll jump on it.
Looking forward to ACIII:L for the Vita. COD has my interest. MW2 pissed me off with the repetition online, but I'll admit, I miss the faster action as compared to BF3. If COD is anything like the console versions, I'll probably pick it up close to release.

That said, we NEED some western RPGs on the Vita by the end of this year, or early 2013. Games like Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls...those are the games I want to play on the go/couch/bedroom/poop chair.
Smiggity be trollin. MS has no new IP so it was more boring get over it. I own both systems and this is coming from a fan of both.

Damn that white vita looks great. Wonder if i should flip my vita towards this version.
[quote name='Donut2922']Smiggity be trollin. MS has no new IP so it was more boring get over it. I own both systems and this is coming from a fan of both.[/QUOTE]

"I own both systems" is the new "I have black friends" LOL But serioulsy, both shows were equally boring. Although, I would give the slight edge to Sony just for The Last of Us gameplay and the new IP Beyond. Sony would have fared much better if not for early reveals and all the leaks.
[quote name='dallow']It is, lack of Vita was dumb.[/QUOTE]

The same thing happened to the 3ds when it first came out. Didn't have any games and was overpriced. I still have hope that the Vita can turn things around.
Yes, but the difference is that E3 was brimming with 3DS titles for the future from Nintendo.
I love my Vita, don't get me wrong, I just really wanted to see them showcase it like they gave a crap.
[quote name='Gamer4life88']"I own both systems" is the new "I have black friends" LOL But serioulsy, both shows were equally boring. Although, I would give the slight edge to Sony just for The Last of Us gameplay and the new IP Beyond. Sony would have fared much better if not for early reveals and all the leaks.[/QUOTE]

I get your point about the multiple platforms i'm just pointing out i'm not defending Sony through fanboy goggles as i like both systems so im not being bias for simply stating MS was less impressive this year. Havent conquered my backlog i look forward to E3 announcements. MS was meh again this year.
[quote name='praxus07']I'll be the hold out, the only one on that list that I'd want is SR2, which I already have on the 360, the rest..meh.[/QUOTE]
I actually have Saint's Row 2 on the PS3 thanks to the online pass from Saint's Row 3, which gave me a free digital copy of SR2.

Now if I can just convince my one buddy who I gameshare my account with to download the game so we can play some co-op in that game.:roll: But he's always playing DC Universe, which I saw in action at his place the other night finally and it looked yawntastic to me.
[quote name='SynGamer']Vita price drop + ambassador program similar to Nintendo's = win. Sony needs to move Vita units FAST.[/QUOTE]Games sell units thus no price drop just "60 titles by years end". The major titles will get their own day annoucements throughout the yr.

[quote name='Vinny']I think the more reasonable thing to expect is a bundled package, with a PS3 and Vita for $450, combined with some crossplay game. That would be a huge seller, I think though I'm not sure Sony would want to eat loss...[/QUOTE]$450-$500 w/vita & PS3 games & a 8 or 16 GB memory stick + 3 month PS+. If they were to bundle it right with more than 1 game franchise option Sony will pass MS by years end...Have a $550 AC bundle w/AC, ACII, AC:B, AC:R, AC3 & AC vita, Uncharted 1-3 & UC vita for $500 & GOW coll, GOW3, GOW Origins & Vita GOW for $500 & MGS coll, MGS4 & MGS vita for $500 each of these bundles could move around 500,000 pushing Sony to the top.

[quote name='gettinmoney662']It is barely gonna sell and that's because it's targeted to kids.[/QUOTE]That's what I though about skylanders

[quote name='antlp89']Sony needs to smarten up and ditch the Move.[/QUOTE]Or not & just offer more damn games it's suffering from the same thing as vita lack of software.

[quote name='007']Call of Duty was fucking bizarre. A game in a GIGANTIC SYSTEM-SELLING SERIES that's announced for 6 months from now doesn't show any footage? Yeah, that's not a thing to worry about. Nope. That was just baffling. [/QUOTE]COD is so big they'll leak info later & give people a weeks worth of buzz to promote the title instead of getting overshadowed now.

[quote name='The 7th Number']Ill wait for a red god of war version.[/QUOTE]You're probably a fan of the franchise but say you never played it & didn't own either a PS3 or vita would you hop on the bundle from above LE PS3/PSV w/GOW coll, GOW3, GOW origins & GOW Accension, 3 months PS+ & 8GB memory for $550?
Not sure if this was mentioned in the press conference or not. But during Sony's live stream, after the Last Of Us demo with the director, they had a "sizzle reel" In there, there was something that caught my interest and this game has already been released. On the reel they showed Journey game play, BUT the logo said "Journey Collector's Edition." Wah? Any info is much appreciated!
[quote name='dallow']Got to admit, I need that white Vita.[/QUOTE]

I liked the white Vita... I'm just wondering how much that package is going to cost.
[quote name='YBX87']the last of us reminds me a bit of "i am alive"[/QUOTE]
I never played I Am Alive. I was all amped up for it when it was a full retail release just going off of THIS trailer:

But once it became a cloudy pos FPS thinly veiled in the vein of an action title coupled with an 'omg you gotta find your family' bs storyline I just yawned and changed my mind on getting it. Not to mention the fact that it's a $15 title and the AI is dumber than a box of rocks in it just going by the gameplay vids I've seen of it. Not only that but anything over $10 and I want a physical copy of the game.

This was the new 'announcement' trailer for it from Sept of 2011:

Everything's shrouded in 'dust', which is how they hide any inefficiencies in the game imo.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I never played I Am Alive. I was all amped up for it when it was a full retail release just going off of THIS trailer:

But once it became a cloudy pos FPS thinly veiled in the vein of an action title coupled with an 'omg you gotta find your family' bs storyline I just yawned and changed my mind on getting it. Not to mention the fact that it's a $15 title and the AI is dumber than a box of rocks in it just going by the gameplay vids I've seen of it. Not only that but anything over $10 and I want a physical copy of the game.

This was the new 'announcement' trailer for it from Sept of 2011:

Everything's shrouded in 'dust', which is how they hide any inefficiencies in the game imo.[/QUOTE]

yeah, me too, i cannot justify paying $15 for it, from the gameplay video i saw on youtube.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ill wait for a red god of war version.[/QUOTE]

I'll wait for a Blue Uncharted one. :drool:
[quote name='io']Well, I guess one possible downside to that announcement is that people who really like those games probably already have them. I mean LBP 2 was a sure-fire preorder so I've had that since Day 1. Infamous 2 I picked up the first time it went on sale (and have yet to play it though my son did). I preordered R&C which I sort of regret in that I have only played about 1 hour of it to date. There's nothing wrong with it, I've just found other things to play. I'm pretty sure Lara Croft Guardian of Light was a PS+ free game before, wasn't it? I don't have any of the others but then again I wouldn't buy them for any more than $5.

But it is definitely a sure-fire thing for new PS3 owners to sign up for.[/QUOTE]

Nope, the previous free Tomb Raider title was Underworld. But that one was part of the Tomb Raider HD remake collection, while Guardian of Light is PSN title.
[quote name='YBX87']the last of us reminds me a bit of "i am alive"[/QUOTE]
Yep. New IP? Not really. Gameplay of Uncharted. Backgrounds of Enslaved. Concept of I am Alive. Will it be fun to play? Potentially. Naughty Dog makes a good game. But to me it is just a sequel with some ideas from other developers.

[quote name='Enuf']Games sell units thus no price drop just "60 titles by years end". The major titles will get their own day annoucements throughout the yr.[/quote]
60... 15 currently can be preordered at Gamestop (their list is only missing CoD and Super Smash Bros clone)... so 17... where are the other 43? Didn't see them at E3 presentation...

[quote name='dallow']It is, lack of Vita was dumb.[/quote]
I agree. I was on the fence to get one. Lack of support was my fear and so far it is showing that way.
[quote name='lordopus99']Yep. New IP? Not really. Gameplay of Uncharted. Backgrounds of Enslaved. Concept of I am Alive. Will it be fun to play? Potentially. Naughty Dog makes a good game. But to me it is just a sequel with some ideas from other developers.

60... 15 currently can be preordered at Gamestop (their list is only missing CoD and Super Smash Bros clone)... so 17... where are the other 43? Didn't see them at E3 presentation...

I agree. I was on the fence to get one. Lack of support was my fear and so far it is showing that way.[/QUOTE]

sorry i know it is off topic, but does naughty dog games tend to drop in price fast like ubisoft assassin creed games?
[quote name='YBX87']yeah, me too, i cannot justify paying $15 for it, from the gameplay video i saw on youtube.[/QUOTE]

its not a bad game its basically a puzzle platformer with some action bits tossed in but you can see where they kind of decided itd cost more to clean things up so itd be a full price release so they sell it as is for 15. the puzzle bits come in the form of platforming and dealing with enemies.
[quote name='YBX87']sorry i know it is off topic, but does naughty dog games tend to drop in price fast like ubisoft assassin creed games?[/QUOTE]

Nope. Naughty Dog games take a bit longer then Ubi games to drop in price.
[quote name='Paco']Nope. Naughty Dog games take a bit longer then Ubi games to drop in price.[/QUOTE]

ok, thanks for the reply
[quote name='Gamer4life88']The same thing happened to the 3ds when it first came out. Didn't have any games and was overpriced. I still have hope that the Vita can turn things around.[/QUOTE]

The same thing HAPPENED to 3DS? Hell, it's mostly still happening. I guess It's not really overpriced anymore, but it still doesn't have more than one or two must have games.
true story spmahn. I just now started thinking of geting a 3ds and that's mostly for mario tennis and resident evil. Probably will pass and get a vita thou this summer...or when that white bundle comes out....grrr
[quote name='thefurrypanda']true story spmahn. I just now started thinking of geting a 3ds and that's mostly for mario tennis and resident evil. Probably will pass and get a vita thou this summer...or when that white bundle comes out....grrr[/QUOTE]

But at least the 3DS can play all of your old DS games, and there's still new DS games coming out. With the Vita, you can't (though now, you can play your PS1 games... if you have the PSN version).
With the white vita bundle coming out in October, Wouldnt that slow down the vita sales some more until the release? With no price drop and no solid upcoming games, most of people who are holding out for a purchase will wait again.
I haven't had a chance to try it but the Vita hardware looks cool (aside from too much touch screen).

Although when discussing it I can't help but think of this:

Herring in a can... gross.
[quote name='Vinny']But at least the 3DS can play all of your old DS games, and there's still new DS games coming out. With the Vita, you can't (though now, you can play your PS1 games... if you have the PSN version).[/QUOTE]
problem is I already have a dsixl so I like my big screen with my ds games...Also the new kingdom hearts game looks cool for 3ds :p
Just started the PS3 presentation off my DVR, It didn't get my heart racing, but all the non-exclusive content did get me thinking how much more awesome it would be on the 360... Sony just fails. Also, I'm sorry how can you not add GT as influential for the Playstation...
[quote name='VipFREAK']Just started the PS3 presentation off my DVR, It didn't get my heart racing, but all the non-exclusive content did get me thinking how much more awesome it would be on the 360... Sony just fails. Also, I'm sorry how can you not add GT as influential for the Playstation...[/QUOTE]

Huh why would non-exclusive content on PS3 be "much more awesome" on 360? PS3 has the same content and more exclusives right now.
[quote name='willardhaven']I haven't had a chance to try it but the Vita hardware looks cool (aside from too much touch screen).

Although when discussing it I can't help but think of this:

Herring in a can... gross.[/QUOTE]
I actually used to eat the pickled herring as a kid a lot. That and pickled pigs' feet. Mmmmm.:drool:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I actually used to eat the pickled herring as a kid a lot. That and pickled pigs' feet. Mmmmm.:drool:[/QUOTE]

....thats just...hmm. Gross? I should get out into the world a bit more.
are they going to talk about Home like when will it come out and an new web brower
[quote name='starmask2k3']are they going to talk about Home like when will it come out and an new web brower[/QUOTE]

Classic Starmask.
[quote name='starmask2k3']are they going to talk about Home like when will it come out and an new web brower[/QUOTE]
Honestly, if Sony would allow you to load up your own browser(like Google Chrome) and not that glitchy POS they call a web browser I'd be infinitely happy. I would probably use the 60gb PS3 I have that doesn't read games anymore as just a web browsing device. Plug in a USB keyboard and mouse and type away on it.:)
[quote name='Thomas96']I liked the white Vita... I'm just wondering how much that package is going to cost.[/QUOTE]$250 or $300 depending on if it's a wifi or not I guess. If they bundle up & add PS+, 8 GB memory, 1 download game & 1 disc game probably $50 more.

[quote name='lordopus99'] 60... 15 currently can be preordered at Gamestop (their list is only missing CoD and Super Smash Bros clone)... so 17... where are the other 43? Didn't see them at E3 presentation... [/QUOTE]not sure if they counting already released titles but dude says more than 60 titles will be avail by years end

[quote name='CAGkrazy']With the white vita bundle coming out in October, Wouldnt that slow down the vita sales some more until the release? With no price drop and no solid upcoming games, most of people who are holding out for a purchase will wait again.[/QUOTE]There's 1-2 more game shows before end of sept. & the leaks will come so it wouldn't surprise me to see 1-3 top notch titles drops by summers end that could move units but the window is kinda close. If they dropped a nuke & said Monster Hunter vita was coming on Sept. 11 then it would move units fast WW
[quote name='CAGkrazy']With the white vita bundle coming out in October, Wouldnt that slow down the vita sales some more until the release? With no price drop and no solid upcoming games, most of people who are holding out for a purchase will wait again.[/QUOTE]
There's a bundle coming in August for Madden.
Honestly, this E3 conference is a wash for everyone. This is the last one before they announce the next generation of consoles. I feel like Sony showed "just enough" to get by, and in my opiniont that's the way it should be. The Last Guardian should be released on the PS4 instead of the PS3.
bread's done