Sony E3 2012 Press Conference

[quote name='thefurrypanda']....thats just...hmm. Gross? I should get out into the world a bit more.[/QUOTE]

No need to get out. You were right, it's gross ;).

[quote name='starmask2k3']are they going to talk about Home like when will it come out and an new web brower[/QUOTE]

Ah, Home... Is that still a thing? I know it is, but, man, they just don't talk about that any more do they? One of my kids wanted to check it out several months back and he played around with it for a bit and had some fun for like a day or two but never went back. That does remind me, though, that if I need some space on my PS3 HD for those PS+ games I can delete all the Home installations!

Actually, come to think of it, my son who checked out Home morphed into a stereotypical 12 year-old 360 fanboy shortly after that. Oh crap, I think Home turned him :cold:
[quote name='Thomas96']The Last Guardian should be released on the PS4 instead of the PS3.[/QUOTE]
It should just be released period. A complete lack of it at E3 and shaky talk by sony about it leaves you to wonder not "how long the wait" but "will it happen." I hope it happens.
[quote name='io']No need to get out. You were right, it's gross ;).[/quote]
Don't knock it till you've tried it.;)
Ah, Home... Is that still a thing? I know it is, but, man, they just don't talk about that any more do they? One of my kids wanted to check it out several months back and he played around with it for a bit and had some fun for like a day or two but never went back. That does remind me, though, that if I need some space on my PS3 HD for those PS+ games I can delete all the Home installations!

Actually, come to think of it, my son who checked out Home morphed into a stereotypical 12 year-old 360 fanboy shortly after that. Oh crap, I think Home turned him :cold:
I think I tried Home ONCE. All it was was screen after screen of loading and loading if I remember correctly. I quit out of it after about the third screen of loading and never bothered trying it again.:razz:
[quote name='lordopus99']It should just be released period. A complete lack of it at E3 and shaky talk by sony about it leaves you to wonder not "how long the wait" but "will it happen." I hope it happens.[/QUOTE]

As a gamer.. I agree that it should be released. I'd love to have it. But from Sony's perspective, it would be better for them to have it as a PS4 launch title. As a PS4 launch title it'd provide a great boost to the next console. Sony needs to have a strong launch lineup for the PS4.. and having a game like The Last Guardian would be definitely help with a strong lineup.
[quote name='lutz']There won't be a PS4. Only Wonderbook.[/QUOTE]

LOL... Noooooooooooooo!!!!! Wonderbook should have been a new tablet.
metal gear and assasins creed look cool but i won't be buying either for 60 bucks. I might get borderlands 2 at best buy with the 20 dollar gc and i will probably get gtaV.
[quote name='Mr. 420']metal gear and assasins creed look cool but i won't be buying either for 60 bucks. I might get borderlands 2 at best buy with the 20 dollar gc and i will probably get gtaV.[/QUOTE]

thanks for keeping us up to date
[quote name='spmahn']The same thing HAPPENED to 3DS? Hell, it's mostly still happening. I guess It's not really overpriced anymore, but it still doesn't have more than one or two must have games.[/QUOTE]

That's what I've been saying.

The library of must play games for the 3DS and the Vita are very comparable and the 3DS has been out for much, much longer.
bread's done