Soul Calibur IV Premium Edition 69.99 at

[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']I'm gonna buy 2 PEs with free pickup. I already bought 2 from Amazon, one is the regular for $40 and the other is the PE for $80.[/QUOTE]

That's really cool that you are hoarding. Thanks for telling us.
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']I'm gonna buy 2 PEs with free pickup. I already bought 2 from Amazon, one is the regular for $40 and the other is the PE for $80.[/quote]

This idiot always brags about the wrong things in this forum.:applause:

picked up two today (one for each system, cuz im still undecided)

well... who ever picked up my order (from the floor) got the regulars when i ordered the LE's.

So i go in for instore pickup and the cashier went and got the 2 correct items but since my order was not ready, I was supposed to get $10 off (BB RULE), but i guess when cashier entered the $10.00 it over rode the price for one of the LE's to be $10.00 instead of $10.00 off. So i think I paid about $86 for two LE's.

I'm seriously considering returning to have this corrected as I do not want the cashier to get in any trouble, (she was cute and nice).

What should I do? I basically saved $65! I don't want her taking blame for this. Can she be charged for this? Will BB actually find out? Do they pay attention to transactions after customer is long gone? and I mean for something like this to happen shouldn't a manager have to override and approve? And if MGR approves isn't the blame on the MGR? This is really killing me and I may end up returning, I'll still end up saving $10 , so it would bring the price down to the regular edition of $59.99?

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My BB has PEs in stock for both consoles. I have $10 in RZ certs, but I just don't know if I'll play it enough. I always buy games on an impulse like this and rarely play them.
I was at that store today and noticed the police escorting a hand-cuffed female employee out to their car. You're too late dude, enjoy your games.
[quote name='pepsiboyjr']this is not really a deal since not all of us have ccs to order at best buy. iasked my mom and she said no i buyed enough games lately. so i got mad ran into my room and went on cag because im bored and mad at her. and my dad.[/QUOTE]

Did you slam the door after you ran into the room?
the slamming of the door is the icing on the cake.
[quote name='greggysasaki']This idiot always brags about the wrong things in this forum.:applause:[/quote]


Doesn't he run some reseller website?
What are the chances of me being able to hide one until my next batch of RZ certs are issued in about a week? I have $10 now, and I'll have $15 more coming. I don't want to spend that much right now because I've bought so much lately, and the $25 additional off would make the price right for me.
Is the "premium" edition the same as the gamestop's "collector's" edition? It has the same picture.

FYI for anyone doing in-store pickup: (1-888-237-8289) phone support can change the store pickup location if you need it changed. I didn't realize this and asked out of curiousity. Only one (out-of-the-way) store in the area had it in-stock when I placed the order. As the work day is ending, a more convenient (ie: less gas guzzling) location has the LE in-stock. Called and changed the pickup store without a problem.
[quote name='Homerun17']does it actually have a case or is it a sleve?[/quote]

It has the regular dvd game case in a metal box.
I am one happy CAG. Went to pick up my game, but they didn't have my order ready. I was waiting to hear they had already sold all their copies, especially after the guy brought a regular edition back from the floor, but he went back and found one. Of course it took more than a minute, so I got the LE for $60. Thank you, Best Buy. :D
I had a good experience at Best Buy as well. I went to my local store and found they had 3 Limited editions of the 360 version. I snagged one copy and asked the associate for one of the pre-order calendars. He went in the back and grabbed one for me. Then I went to check-out and I pulled out my 10% off coupon that expired yesterday. He scanned it and said "this is expired by one day but I will give it to you this one time". I then used a $5 reward zone certificate and happily walked out with the Premium version and the calendar for less than I would have paid elsewhere for just the regular edition. Came to $57.99 plus tax.
Walked into store after work got 360 PE for $69.99. They are both listed at $69.99 (They should have advertised). They had 10+ PE copies of each version. YMMV.

The comic/artbook is pretty cool. Hmmm I should wear the T-shirt in public, it's doubtful someone will try to beat me up.
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n ot sure if its known , but i got some RZ coupons today , valid Friday Through Monday, those looking to get the PE may be out of luck by that time though.
picked up my order at my B&M store. the weird thing was they put the regular copies on hold for me so i told the girl that i had ordered the PE ones. she went to the back for a while and came back with them after like 5-10 minutes. i thought they were gone but that shouldn't have happened since the site said they had them in stock.

i think maybe an employee was keeping them cuz there were none put on display at my store. they only had the regular ones out in the aisles.
[quote name='LiK']picked up my order at my B&M store. the weird thing was they put the regular copies on hold for me so i told the girl that i had ordered the PE ones. she went to the back for a while and came back with them after like 5-10 minutes. i thought they were gone but that shouldn't have happened since the site said they had them in stock.

i think maybe an employee was keeping them cuz there were none put on display at my store. they only had the regular ones out in the aisles.[/QUOTE]

I hope you got your $10 off that order!
[quote name='NegativeZero']I hope you got your $10 off that order![/quote]

it was $69.99 as advertised. i didn't use any coupons for it, maybe for another game.
nah man, you said you waited for them for like 5-10 mins. at the Best Buy I went to, they even had a sign and said if your if you wait for more than 1 minute after giving them your info, you get $10 off. I see it at every Best Buy Service counter I go to.
[quote name='NegativeZero']nah man, you said you waited for them for like 5-10 mins. at the Best Buy I went to, they even had a sign and said if your if you wait for more than 1 minute after giving them your info, you get $10 off. I see it at every Best Buy Service counter I go to.[/quote]

hmmmm .. I have never seen such a sign, that would be :bouncy:.
I picked my PE up from BB in Woodland Hills, CA today. They had plenty of both the PS3 and 360 versions in stock. The manager even let me use the expired 10% off coupon for both SCPE, and blast works for $9.99. By the way I also got the preorder calander with my game. They still had plenty left on the shelves.
Then I guess I just had one dandy experience at best buy today?

No Soul Calibur 4 ANY EDITION in sight, $19.99 blast works.

I bought blast works anyway :p yet to play it though.
I got the PE for 57 with taaaaaaaaaaaaax wowowowowo, they prepaired the regular edition for me so I asked them for the $10 off for taking so long ;) and I used the 10% coupon :D
[quote name='joeLTron']haha...BB's employee discount was messed up for this the PE of this only cost us 33.16[/quote]
Better deal than the Amazon screw-up.
[quote name='joeLTron']haha...BB's employee discount was messed up for this the PE of this only cost us 33.16[/quote]

How much is BB's employee discount usually? and how many times are you allowed to use it? once a month?
BB's discount varies item to is usually about 10%...while car audio is usually around 60%...its whatever cost is plus 5%...and you can use it as much as you want...just so long as youre not buying 5 TV's a month. They'll call you out on stuff like that and you'll probably be terminated.
Dang. I saw the preorder box's with the calendars inside but didn't think to see if they would just throw it in with the game for me. I didn't know about the order and pickup thing either to see if I had a shot to get the extra 10 bucks off which I have a feeling I would have gotten since they didn't seem to know where the PE's were when I picked up the game. Oh well, $70 for the PE in itself isn't too bad of a deal.
[quote name='NegativeZero']nah man, you said you waited for them for like 5-10 mins. at the Best Buy I went to, they even had a sign and said if your if you wait for more than 1 minute after giving them your info, you get $10 off. I see it at every Best Buy Service counter I go to.[/quote]

wow, that's new to me. i didn't see such a sign. ah well, too late. i'll remember that next time. now that i think of it, maybe i didn't wait that long but it felt that way. i think i waited like 3-4 min so i wouldn't qualify. but thanks for that info. :)
Picked up a copy of the PE edition yesterday at BB and boy, what a clusterfuck. Sure, I saved $10 on the price by going there, but I had such a bad experience that I'd rather eat glass before going to that particular store again.
[quote name='crunchberries']Picked up a copy of the PE edition yesterday at BB and boy, what a clusterfuck. Sure, I saved $10 on the price by going there, but I had such a bad experience that I'd rather eat glass before going to that particular store again.[/quote]
......what kind of bad experience
Probably a typical Best Buy experience, but it's been ages since I've gone there, so it probably seemed worse to me than usual.

List of things that happened:

1) Walked in, couldn't find a single PE on the floor. Checked kiosk, they have them in stock, so I asked Random Sales Guy to get me one; he disappears.

2) Few minutes later, he comes back empty handed and tells me they don't have any. I call his bluff and tell him that I just checked the kiosk and they do have them. He checks the same kiosk I just did and walks off towards the back again.

3) An even longer time later, he shows up, gives me a copy. I go pay, all is well.

4) Until I unwrap it at home, that is. The first thing I noticed was that there were scrapes all along the right side of the plastic cover. I didn't see them orignally because of the way I was holding the game in the store (one hand on either side), but it wasn't a big deal. I blew it off until I took off the sleeve and saw the huge dents all over the top edge and 1/3 of the way down the tin.

5) Cue me spending ten minutes trying to pop the dents out of the metal and failing. By now, I was pissed, not only because I spent $75 on a dented tin and scraped up cover, but because I realized that Random Sales Guy probably knew it was dented and gave it to me anyway.

How do I know this? Because of the way he handed the game to me. His hand was right over the top third of the package as he presented it, so he had to have felt the dents under his palm. I know when I later held it the way he did at the time, I sure as hell could feel them under mine.

Thankfully, I had a friend exchange it for another copy that's hopefully better quality (she was going to BB for something else anyway), so alls well that ends well for now. Just...yeah, like I said, rather eat glass than go there again.
If anybody ordered the Premium Edition from the Best Buy website to ship when it was on backorder and it still hasn't shipped AND you have a local store with the game, I'd call them to change the order. I did this 2 days ago, got the confirmation email from the store, went to the store the next day (yesterday), they had no clue about the pickup, and gave me the special $10 discount after about a 5-minute wait to locate a game. So that was about ~$63 for the PE, albeit with no pre-order bonuses.
bread's done