SoulCalibur IV - (10.17.08) - Vader/Yoda DLC set to release on 10/23 [400 points]

[quote name='leveskikesko']The arcade version...

And uh since now....[/quote]
She was also a character in the bonus characters in 3, but she was more of a character made in character creation than a real character.
I thought maybe Scheherazade might be Amy's spiritual replacement since she looks like another fencer, but actually putting her into the game as a main character is a total cop-out. Let's have some new weapons or fighting styles, at least.

Of course, I know I'm just going to end up playing my usual two or three characters, so Namco might as well just throw in all the extras from SC3's lame campaign mode while they're at it.
[quote name='trq']Yeah ... I understand we're not dealing with the real world here, but these guest designer characters stick out like a sore thumb. I look forward to the next new character being a Mech, a schoolgirl/witch, or both.[/QUOTE]

Can you say Method Man? SCIV: The Fight for NY
Nipple spikes? WTF? This game is becoming even more of an S&M simulator than it was just with ivy in leather with a whip.
[quote name='heavyd853']Heh, shoulda maybe thrown an "I hope" in that other post huh?[/quote]

Yeah, since we really wont know until we are playing the game ourselves. The only thing I don't care for are the Star Wars crap, but other then that I can't wait for this game. SC has always been one of my two favorite fighting games, so I really hope it doesn't disappoint like SC3 did.
March 27, 2008 - Cervantes, Amy, & Zasalamel Screenshots!


This classic Calibur villain has been wreaking nautical havoc ever since the series began in 1996 with Soul Edge, and he shows no signs of tempering his evil in this fifth installment. For the uninitiated, know that he's an undead pirate driven mad by the accursed Soul Edge blade. He also happens to be Ivy's old man, and a notoriously strong character. Even though he no longer has the Soul Edge, he's still a force to be reckoned with thanks to plenty of powerful charge moves, deadly grabs, and cheap shots from his Nirvana pistol. His basic look in Soul Calibur IV hasn't changed that much -- his sickly lavender skin, withered musculature and milky, cataract-covered eyes remain intact -- but his new costume pulls off a serious fashion faux pas with its morass of unsightly spikes. Less is more!



Nope, this dainty lil' Gothic Lolita from France isn't actually a new character -- she appeared as a pre-made custom character in Soul Calibur III and as a full-fledged competitor in its Japan-only arcade cousin. Her storyline closely ties into Raphael's: After being orphaned at a young age, she's raised by Raphael as his own daughter, only to later become infected by his vampirism. Now, no longer human, she follows his lead without question. Her appearance has changed very little since the last game, with the same sultry mix of black leather, black lace, black roses...and some all-new fur trim that's sure to inspire a PETA boycott.



This magical Moor first showed up in Soul Calibur III as that game's primary adversary: He sought to re-forge the legendary blades in order to tap their true potential, reviving Nightmare in the process. Zasalamel's true nature remains cloaked in mystery, but he's seemingly immortal (or at least endlessly reincarnated) and likely views these swords as a potential release from his eternal cycle of life. His Soul Calibur IV costume gives him more ornate robes and some newly poofy pantaloons, but it appears that he's still wielding that obnoxiously powerful Kafziel scythe. Its excellent range and high damage made him a truly dangerous foe last time...









I gotta say, amy looks pretty cute. Cervantes and Zas are looking as badass as ever. Although i did like the hooded look of zas in #3. All these bonus characters are really turning me off of the game even though its my favorite fighter, but i know with all these characters returning and looking as badass as ever, this is a day 1 buy for me. I
What's with all that wacky BS on Cervantes' back? Isn't an undead pirate cool enough on it's own without needing to throw spikes and tentacles and crap on it?
[quote name='sleepy180']Now this is some good character art. And damn im not one of those loli crazy people but damn, amy looks cute.


Hell yeah, Amy looks cute as hell, and Cervantes, as well as Zasalamel look bad ass.
March 31, 2008 - Angol Fear in-game Screenshots

Geeze, i dont know about this character. The art looks cool but ingame i just dont feel her. She seems so much less detailed then other people. And like...shiny or anime-ish. Ohwell. She is just a bonus character so i dont mind too much.
Wow. Why stop with the oversized head and anime facial proportions? Let's make her the first cel-shaded SC character! Maybe Junichi Nakatsuru can whip up a sweet chiptune for her.
So ... what, are we up to three fencers now? Amy, Raph, and the elf chick?

Hrm. I really *want* to want this game, but I need to hear more about how the game *isn't* like SC III. All the guest characters in the world won't make a lick of difference if it plays like its immediate predecessor.
for some reason, I think the full game was done a long time ago and they've just been adding in all these extra characters for about 6 months or so.
Glad to see the 6/24 date was confirmed by next weeks CC ad too. Something to play over the summer finally.
Meh, more characters the better. Going to get this anyway simply for online play, but Angol just looks waaay too out of place.
Wierd. Angol is like putting a DOA character into Soul Calibur. Why go anime when you can do realistic skin textures now? *shakes head* Now if they would just bring back spawn I would be quite happy.
[quote name='mkay']I haven't read the whole thread but, what about Yoshimitsu?

Will he be in SC4?[/QUOTE]

Yoshimitsu and Talim are already comfirmed characters, but we havn't seen any art or scans of them yet.

New picture of Angol Fear

April 12, 2008 - Darth Vader & Yoda Gameplay Movie

Some interesting things:

* Darth Vader is able to use the force
* Yoda can juggle like a mofo
* They fight in what looks to be inside the deathstar\
* They went a little crazy with the bloom. (so shiny)

Theres also a new blog entry about the online play by director Katsutoshi Sasaki:

Nothing really new is explained except for the fact that he mentions the two new charcaters Scheherazad and Angol are just bonus characters as little gifts to the fans. They are made by famous artists and are nothing more then a new character. He also said there would be more bonus characters to come.

Online Gameplay
Hello everyone and welcome back. Soulcalibur IV director Katsutoshi Sasaki here. For my next entry, I thought I’d touch upon a new feature to the Soulcalibur franchise: online gameplay.

Enjoying a fighting game online was deemed impossible in the past but we are seeing more titles with such mode as being standard in recent days. Soulcalibur IV is also down as having an online mode as standard but it is an unknown fact to the outside world that we have been looking into such possibilities for quite some time now.

It was 1999 when the first Soulcalibur installment was in development when we first looked into the possibilities of implementing such an idea. Not surprisingly, due to numerous issues such as the network infrastructure, communication technology and servers available at the time, we concluded that it was too early in developing the idea. Simply speaking, we didn’t want to compromise the quality of the battle sequence while playing online.

Pushing the clock forward to 2008, we are now in an era where the network infrastructure is in place and is capable of hosting online battles worldwide. However, the main principle within the team has not changed since the early days as mentioned above and we are working hard to create an online environment which is smooth, fair and a place where everyone would be eager to take part.

We should be releasing more detail regarding the online features in the coming days but our prime achievement for the online mode has never changed which is to simply come up with a system where players with similar abilities can compete in a hassle free environment. Please look forward to the day when you can get your hands on the Soulcalibur IV online system.

Changing subjects, we recently announced the existence of the bonus characters other than the Star Wars guest characters. Maybe everyone knows about the bonus characters already but we have asked renowned manga and character creators to come up with the designs which we can use in Soulcalibur IV. Allow me to emphasize the fact that there characters are categorized as being a “bonus” rather than a “guest” character. The distinction between the two tends to be misunderstood, so here’s the clarification.

As the word suggest, “guest” characters appears in our game that do not belong in the original Soulcalibur storyline. They appear on as a one off basis but since they are usually well known characters recognizable by many, this helps us in maximizing the hype surrounding the title and increases the impact one gets when hearing about it.

On the other hand, the “bonus” characters can be seen as being a compliment or a special treat from the team to our customers. Such characters usually came to life as a pure coincidence and it can be a one off team’s favorite or even characters being created for different usage elsewhere. This time round, we felt that having characters designed by renowned creators would be a treat thus we went around asking if anyone was interested in the idea.

We still have more surprise under our sleeves other than Scheherazad and Angol so stay tuned for any future updates.

Until next time…
my love for the game is slowly going away as i see this turning into a fanbased game... :( not entirely bad, but not what i was hoping for... ie. more like the first soul calibur.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']my love for the game is slowly going away as i see this turning into a fanbased game... :( not entirely bad, but not what i was hoping for... ie. more like the first soul calibur.[/quote]

The only problem is if they mess it up this time around like the misstep that was III what would they have to pull out of their hat in case they ever get around to an SCV? Can guest characters, secret characters, and tidbits by famous authors make a difference? Will newly added atrocities to Cervantes's back do unspeakable things in battle? Are they going to add in an Age category in the Options menu? Add 98 more female characters?

Hmmm...I may be a tad bitter. ;)
Video got me more excited for The Forced Unleashed then Soul Calibur, not too concerned about Vader but I want to see how Yoda is going to be handled a lot more
[quote name='InuFaye']I really want to fucking choke whoever put the Star Wars characters in this game.[/quote]
Completely agree. Its a really stupid marketing ploy. Sad thing is, it'll work.
[quote name='heavyd853']How is it stupid if it works? Because not everyone likes it?[/quote]

Because it will break the game, and take away from what made Soul Calibur awesome in the beginning.

Its because I don't like star wars its because they don't fucking belong in the damn game.
Speculation! (which may be true!)

However, I for one am sending my "please don't suck ass because of all the random stuff you're adding SCIV" juju waves towards the developers!
[quote name='InuFaye']Because it will break the game, and take away from what made Soul Calibur awesome in the beginning. [/QUOTE]

They could well be balanced. Probably not, but guest characters don't automatically ruin balance if they put effort into it.

And beside, that only matters for you hardcore fighting game fans, not the casual button mashers that make up most of the sales of popular fighting games like SC

[quote name='InuFaye']
Its because I don't like star wars its because they don't fucking belong in the damn game.[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I like Star Wars, so it doesn't bother me. Just wish it was Vader in the 360 version. But in all honestly I probably won't buy it anyway as I've been sick of fighting games for a long time.
[quote name='InuFaye']Because it will break the game, and take away from what made Soul Calibur awesome in the beginning.

Its because I don't like star wars its because they don't fucking belong in the damn game.[/QUOTE]
Don't use them? In SC2 unless you used the guest characters they never appeared. The AI didn't select them.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Don't use them? In SC2 unless you used the guest characters they never appeared. The AI didn't select them.[/quote]

Yeah because I am going to play online and everyone is going to listen to me when I tell them not to fucking use them.
[quote name='InuFaye']Yeah because I am going to play online and everyone is going to listen to me when I tell them not to fucking use them.[/QUOTE]
If they're allowed in ranked matches I'd be surprised and disappointed. I'd wait to complain until then.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']If they're allowed in ranked matches I'd be surprised and disappointed. I'd wait to complain until then.[/quote]

Prepare to be Surprised and disappointed.
Still think you're blowing it way out of proportion. You've posted in this thread like 20 times about it. The fact is you don't know whether they're allowed in ranked matches, or if they'll even be broken/unbalanced.
I hope that Yoda & Vader are unlockable characters, and not integral to any of the story lines. It's strange that they are using Star Wars as a way to hype the game, but maybe they think it needs the publicity. SC II sold like crazy, but it fell of the map with SC III. SC III wasn't that great.

I still think that they are testing the waters for a Star Wars fighting game. Maybe not, who knows.
They probably won't be part of the story. I'm just hoping they're banned from online-or at least ranked matches. Then again, I think more people would be upset about it that happy...
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Still think you're blowing it way out of proportion. You've posted in this thread like 20 times about it. The fact is you don't know whether they're allowed in ranked matches, or if they'll even be broken/unbalanced.[/QUOTE]

It would seem kind of stupid to have some characters in a fighting game not available for ranked matches.

Latter point is valid. I didn't think the guest characters in SC2 where unbalanced....but again I'm a very casual fighting game player so I may just have not noticed.
bread's done