Springtime for Hitler and the Last Movie you Saw!

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Fight Club
Flags of our Fathers
Hard Candy

and that's pretty much all for anything recent

coming up:

Big Trouble in Little China.
Just got back from Aqua Teen Hunger Force... I really liked it. Granted, if you don't like the TV series or you haven't seen a good number of episodes from the series, this will do nothing for you... but if you are a fan, you'll definitely understand all the references they make. Anyway, it didn't have the typical comedy syndrome where the movie starts out alright and ends up sucking about halfway through... so I was happy about that since that was what I was most worried about.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Jurassic Park

Still loving it as much as I did back in the day. Can't believe this movie is 7yrs old. The special effects are amazing.[/QUOTE]

Actually, as of this June, Jurassic Park will be 14 years old. And yes, that movie was amazing. Have you read the books? The first Jurassic Park book is even better than the movie. If was made into a movie it would have been rated R from all the violence and gore.
I've been on Spring break, so I wathced a few movies:
300 (9/10)
Blood Diamond (8.5/10)
Children of Men (8.5/10)
Curse of the Golden Flower (6/10)
Death of a President (7.5/10)
Eragon (6.5/10)
Gamebox 1.0 (6/10)
Happy Feet (6/10)
National Lampoons Pucked (5/10)
Smoking Aces (8.5/10)
TMNT (7.5/10)
Turistas (6/10)
After telling myself I wouldn't see it because it looked stupid I ended up seeing Grindhouse with friends.

It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact some parts were pretty funny. However, Death Proof was so boring but Planet Terror was awesome...until she got the gun leg...then it became stupid.
Motherfucking Grindhouse, with a few friends, last weekend. And a couple weeks before that, TMNT, with a ton of people. Both of them, incredible movies.

Also: Whoo-wee, that Tarantino. He's a foot man, through-and-through, ain't he?

That's just what I've been to in-theatre, of course...
i am thinking there should really be a tally thread of all the movies everyone has saw during the year, it would be an interesting to see the tally at the end of the year
Last King of Scotland - Good until the ending, because it
doesn't tell you what happens to the guy that the whole damn movie was about

Grindhouse - fucking awesome
Last weekend:

ATHF - meh. I was expecting much worse, but it really doesn't translate that well to the big screen and in an film format. Short snippets are best or upto half an hour. Don't get me wrong, it was good no doubt, but not the 8 and 9 out of 10s I've been seeing. Personally, I loved the beginning and parts of the middle where I felt it nearly pilfered out, but the end was hilarious. The best scenes were all the ones with carl and a certain piece of exercise equipment. I really feel that they under used Carl in the movie. Still, fairly good. 6-7/10.

This weekend:

Hot Fuzz. Another absolute hit! This movie rules. I want anything and everything that the Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz boys can think of. Simply put, awesome. Another great guy flick for the year after 300 and Grindhouse. This has been an exceptional year for standout movies. This movie just kicked ass. I want to make the comparison to them being this generation's Monty Python.

Hot Fuzz- Just awesome. And the theater was PACKED for the movie. I wouldn't be surprised if it was sold out. And when after I left there was a line for the next showing. Awesome, awesome movie.


Disturbia- Interesting, but predictable.

Blades of Glory- Meh...pretty much what you'd expect. Will Ferrell takes his usual role of playing the dumbass and John Heder is just...there I guess.
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