Stand by for Titanfall!

The guy wants a pilot only mode when the game is centered around having giant mechs. Like massive levels, balancing around mechs and you know the title itself...

If you want CoD, then go play CoD
Nothing wrong with wanting more modes and a mode without the mechs. I want that mode too. And fuck cod.
He wants a pilot only mode. No grunts, just pilots... Massive maps and no extras would be wrong.
They could cut down and limit the size of the map like they do in other games. But excluding grunts would be dumb. Making it more like pilot hunter where only pilot kills count towards the goal would be great.
They could cut down and limit the size of the map like they do in other games. But excluding grunts would be dumb. Making it more like pilot hunter where only pilot kills count towards the goal would be great.
Yeh which is why I said if he wanted CoD then go play it. Pilot only on a massive scale FPS like this would mean cutting a map in 1/4.

I don't mind people wanting different modes but I am sure going to ridicule them some if they sound outrageous. But that's part of free speech and I welcome them to ridicule me also.
I want something akin to a Hardcore mode from COD. What I'm saying is that I want 2-3 shots to take someone down instead of half a clip. I might be in the minority though.
Heard some people were having problems getting into games in Titanfall so I booted up Forza 5 for a spin. Badum tish

Awesome news on the matchmaking update and that there'll be a free new game mode in the near future.

First match and grabbed Best in Class! ... but I didn't get to the dropship haha. Holy shit this is fun!

Just ran through campaign and had mostly lower level peeps, a couple of dudes who had what is is called Regen? were on both teams so I think it was evenly matched. All the matches were close, the first match we lost by 1, wow.

OK, I gotta go to bed haha. I did get killed in Titanfall and then my attacker got squashed by my Titan though! Who got the last laugh now, huuuuh! Lol, forgot to record it though, doh.

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Heard some people were having problems getting into games in Titanfall so I booted up Forza 5 for a spin. Badum tish

But are people having "connection" issues or having "sign in" issues? I can't even get past the title screen to attempt to find a match.
Is it weird that there isn't even 'leaked' footage for the 360 somewhere?  I mean, servers have to be up for it for reviewers to be playing it, right?  There has to be people out there playing this game, so I'm surprised there isn't that one attention whore with an anonymous Youtube account that would put up footage for people to see.

It just seems so weird that a modern, big name, multiplayer only, shooter game releasing so soon (maybe) has absolutely nothing shown for it.  Is this going to turn into some 8-bit port?

Yup, mighty odd.

Also odd? No "gone gold" announcement, which usually takes place about 2 weeks before release... which is (supposedly) April 8th in US.

Go team CAG, a few of us got together tonight to play this, was a lot of fun! Hahaha, well I was doing really good before I decided to change my button loadout to the much suggested Bumper jump version. Played a few matches with that and didn't like it. When you use the vortex shield it's just easier for me to use the bumper for that than to hold A as my thumb would normally be on one of the sticks right? What's everyone's preferred controller setup?

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I never understood the hype about bumper jumper. My friend always used it in Halo and it just doesn't work for me.
bumper jumper makes sense in this game because it's so fast paced and has players jumping from wall to wall. With the default setup you can't jump to another wall and look around at the same time since they use the same thumb. But yeah, I use the default setup anyways.

Yep, good times with Spy and Worm tonight. Love this game!
you guys play on ...east coast right? My ping is 33 on west coast but I think 100 on east coast


Alright alright alright, gettin' the hang of things and completed campaign. Decided to try my hand at putting some videos together so I messed around with Upload Studio.

Learnin' Titanfall:

Man, I have been dominating tonight big time. Dat 40 mm cannon is so beast, I finished first in like every match for the last 12 times now lol, loving it.

Man, I have been dominating tonight big time. Dat 40 mm cannon is so beast, I finished first in like every match for the last 12 times now lol, loving it.
Ya its easily the best titan weapon. It can be used for long, medium or short range combat. I like to pair it with the smoke, rocket salvo and big punch perk that really does massive amounts of damage. Once you bring the shields down, the glowing red parts on the titan are very easy to hit. The 40mm canon is also good against pilots, spectres and grunts with the splash damage from the gun.

Still loving the game, but must admit I've had my attention drawn away a bit by Dark Souls...

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What's everybody thought on "Regeneration"? I reached level 50 a few days ago but still haven't regenerated yet. I just feel I am such a below average player that I need the benefit of having everything unlocked to enjoy the game.

While having everything unlocked is nice, I would like to get to 10 in the next couple of months. It kind of keeps it fresh everytime you regen. Plus you have to do certain things between each regen to get to the next level, which is also fun.

CTF is the only thing pisses me off in this game.

Is it because you can crazy parkour all the time with the flag?

Well I made it to half of 50 but ya know I was late to the party. >.<

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No I expected all that craziness with the jumping and getting in the mech and running back to base. Hardly anybody plays the objective and it really makes me mad. Its my own fault, but I like the challenge of playing with randoms and seeing if I can bag a win. I was playing some ctf on Halo 4 today and everyone was going for the flags, defending and trying to capture as well. Battlefield is the same way, everyone knows to play the objective. It just makes going for the 50 wins very hard. I have played the 50 matches in campaign and got the 50 wins in hardpoint and attrition, never saw any of this crap. Now I have to choose between defending the base or attacking and trying to.capture the flag, while my teammates are treating it as deathmatch and not returning the flag.
Ahhh lol yeah they're no Halo players, (the godfather of CTF), that's for sure. Yeah that can be annoying when a team mode isn't played as a team and I've had that same deal in Halo 4 too.

Made an epic compilation from the weekend, drop ship ownage, some executions, &amp; two narrow escapes!
haha nice. You barely made the dropship on that last one. Give it a few weeks and your xbox will be filled with tons of 30 second clips.

Here's a few of mine:

Thanks guys I didn't see that April fools. Got a good laugh out of me.

Sadly I thought the same way you guys did; laughed and then thought "hey they would probably milk $3 out of me for that skin"
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Pretty crazy that Titanfall on 360 is suppose to come out next week but there's no screenshot or any video of it yet.

Is another delay coming, again?

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Pretty crazy that Titanfall on 360 is suppose to come out next week but there's no screenshot or any video of it yet.

Is another delay coming, again?
It's insane, I wouldn't be shocked if another delay happened. I just dont understand what the problem is, the 360 has a huge install base and they are crazy for not trying to capitalize on that. The game cant be that bad on it.

It's insane, I wouldn't be shocked if another delay happened. I just dont understand what the problem is, the 360 has a huge install base and they are crazy for not trying to capitalize on that. The game cant be that bad on it.
Another way to look at it is that the team at Respawn couldn't be that good could they? Yes, yes they could and are. Yeah that whole 360 situation is a annoying thorn in my side.

I think Respawn will see the reaction from the Optimus Prine thing and actually look into putting it out for real. It'd be too easy to make money off that NOT to do it.
bread's done