Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

Think I've got a good game for When Cheese Fails.

fuck, hope I still have that replay...

EDIT: Found it! Had a PvR where my opponent rolled zerg and did a proxy hatch + crawler push contain on me. I've... never had that happen to me before. A bit of panic led to some poor choices, but I still held it just fine.

Still, I'm curious - just what the hell is the ideal response to something like that?
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I found out my friend who plays zerg didn't know 10-pool is a rush and thought it was some sort of map control build. I facepalm'd and thus dual 10-pool failed with just one guy and we later lost in the 3v3....
[quote name='suko_32']I found out my friend who plays zerg didn't know 10-pool is a rush and thought it was some sort of map control build. I facepalm'd and thus dual 10-pool failed with just one guy and we later lost in the 3v3....[/QUOTE]
what the heck is a map control build, lol
map control is impossible in 3v3

i had some guy call me stupid in a 3v3, i had more units than him and i was expanding and he said we lost because of me.

he was on my team in the next game and he kept bitching me out. he loses his main to DTs. then he fails to deal with banshee harass for the rest of the game, and they only made like 3 banshees the entire time. he attacked with zerglings only for the entire 25 minute game, but due to the good grace of my other ally and i, we won the game handily.

fuck that guy.

i hate this game.
[quote name='suko_32']I dunno those were his words! I just responded with, " sure you play zerg?"[/QUOTE]
you should respond with

"You sure you play starcraft?"
Patch 1.3.3 is live.

Final notes are:

Now a Massive unit.
Range increased from 2 to 3.

Cybernetics Core
Research Warp Gate research time increased from 140 to 160.

Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.

Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.

Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.

Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.

Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.

Thor now has 200 max energy, and starts with 50 energy.
250mm Strike Cannons now cost 150 energy to use (cooldown removed).

Speed decreased from 2.5 to 2.25.

Spore Crawler
Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.
Fixed an issue that allowed players to stack air units when issuing a queued stop command before the units reached the end of their patrol point.
Fixed an issue where unplugging your USB headset while another player was talking to you could cause a crash.
Fixed an issue where the APM statistic could be artificially increased.
Fixed an issue where 3D unit portraits were not animating smoothly at slow game speeds.
Fixed an issue where, when viewing a replay, no text message was displayed when a player left a game.
The Taiwanese hotkey to display/hide the game UI while in Observer mode now works correctly.
[quote name='kainzero']i want to get into 3v3 masters

who's with me?!!?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played in a while, but I'd be game to play some 3v3s at least.. I'm sure i'm a little bit out of practice again, but i'm pretty sure I'm at the very least decent.

I believe I like every change they're making in the next patch. 200/100 cost ghosts seems just about perfect and getting rid of the research for strike cannon and giving thor a solid counter on the protoss side is a great move.
i'd probably just wanna perfect some early game rush, then see how far that takes us

probably 2 or 3 different ones because of maps

i think it'd be too hard to develop a timing attack with 3 people.
I can't play until early August on account of my lack of internets.[quote name='BattleChicken']
I believe I like every change they're making in the next patch. 200/100 cost ghosts seems just about perfect and getting rid of the research for strike cannon and giving thor a solid counter on the protoss side is a great move.[/QUOTE]
Strike cannons still requires research; it has simply gone back to using energy rather than cooldown. This is a major nerf to a unit that already had a solid counter (the void ray), and I (and I think a lot of terrans, now) would rather see the attack disappear altogether. High templar now make basically any terran unit that's not a siege tank go completely squish (And even if a terran is fielding tanks - just keep making high templar, man. They're always fucking good.), and un-nerfed strike cannons made fielding immortals, the supposed counter to the thor, a comically horrible idea.
[quote name='suko_32']Shared control marine early rush. GG.[/QUOTE]
i never understood the "shared control" part.

i remember when someone suggested it we lost

in addition i had a better econ than the two people who were sharing the marines while i did both at the same time
I don't ever do shared control with randoms, and hardly ever with my own teams. However early rush all marines shared control can be nasty.
[quote name='kainzero']where'd my 3 on 3 dream team go?![/QUOTE]

I decided to play mahou shoujo blahzblue lately instead of sc2. After lots of depressing 3v3 losses I needed a break. You can't expect me to randomly check sc2 to see if you're on!
i was on almost all day. haha.

i'm amazed at how terrible people are sometimes, but amazed at how i pulled off 2 or 3 comebacks yesterday

in one game, dual zerg rush against another zerg, you know what he does? he puts down a roach warren! wtf. then he lets his spine crawler that was building get attacked for free.

another game, this guy on my team took 4 expansions and decided to try and win the game by himself with mass mutalisks which got melted because he'd always attack by himself. i was actually out of resources for a while and he was bitching to us. i told him to shut the fuck up and stop attacking by himself and wow, what do you know, we win easily when we attacked together.

i won a game where a zerg partner got dual zerg rushed. he attacks with his zerglings first, then gets his queen surrounded and killed, then he decides to attack with his drones. when he loses, him and the other guy called me a noob for expanding, then he left. me and the other guy won the game. fuck that guy.

had another game with an early quitter, he lost his army and said "it's no good" and then he left. the other guy and i play the game of our lives and are able to deny expos and slowly earn the win.

too many quitters and complainers, wtf
i think the colossus is a stupid unit and most people seem to agree

it's like a siege tank with more mobility and doesn't need to stop, and weakness to air-to-air, but it's so damn difficult to kill with air-to-air anyway and it will smoke all your marines/marauders/roaches/hydras before all the shields go down on only one colossus.

it requires no micro other than "oh no someone's shooting it, better move back even though i have ridiculous range"

at least siege tanks are wimpy and die to almost everything in sc2 easily, immos, blink stalkers, chargelots, mutas/bls, burrowed roaches, infestors/infested terrans. what do collossi lose to? vikings and corrupters only? lame.
Sometimes I feel like some sort of crazy "We never landed on the moon, and that's why they killed JFK!" conspiracy guy, but I'll say it again:

It all comes back to warpgates.

EDIT: Well, okay, and unit collision and pathfinding. But I doubt Blizzard would consider serious changes to either until Heart of the Swarm.
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i think warp gates are really lame, but not as lame as colossi.

actually when i think about it, i think protoss is just a super broken race, zerg is unfinished, and terran is a bunch of fancy specialist units with a soft squishy backbone. and marauders, the most boring unit ever.

sentry forcefield is one of the stupidest abilities ever, because you can cast it ON units and because it makes units act retarded for no reason.
As I've said a thousand times: drop/heavily nerf (like, twilight tech and 200/200 or something) warpgates, buff zealots and stalkers, nerf/remove sentries/forcefields, and nerf colossii. There would have to be some re-jiggering of other races to stop us from just zealot rushing everything, of course, but it would be worth it. Colossii and forcefield are so powerful because zealots and stalkers are weak. Zealots and stalkers are weak because warpgate is incredibly powerful. Warpgate is incredibly powerful because

And yeah, marauders are kinda boring units. Not a fan of the roach, either.
[quote name='The Crotch']As I've said a thousand times: drop/heavily nerf (like, twilight tech and 200/200 or something) warpgates, buff zealots and stalkers, nerf/remove sentries/forcefields, and nerf colossii. There would have to be some re-jiggering of other races to stop us from just zealot rushing everything, of course, but it would be worth it. Colossii and forcefield are so powerful because zealots and stalkers are weak. Zealots and stalkers are weak because warpgate is incredibly powerful. Warpgate is incredibly powerful because

And yeah, marauders are kinda boring units. Not a fan of the roach, either.[/QUOTE]

that is re doing the whole game.
As I said, it can't happen until Heart of the Swarm. Doing it now would fuck far too many things up, but there's no reason they can't make that sort of major adjustment for the "expansion pack".

EDIT: Same goes for any changes to pathfinding/collision. That would have even greater ramifications than a protoss rebalance.
[quote name='The Crotch']As I said, it can't happen until Heart of the Swarm. Doing it now would fuck far too many things up, but there's no reason they can't make that sort of major adjustment for the "expansion pack".

EDIT: Same goes for any changes to pathfinding/collision. That would have even greater ramifications than a protoss rebalance.[/QUOTE]
I would appreciate some sort of schedule of patching. I think it's a farce that they introduce patches in the middle of or right before big tournaments.

If it were me, I'd retool the whole game anyway. I thought about what I would change and a lot came to mind. Here's half of my thoughts.

-Increase minerals mined by workers, and make one geyser the equivalent.
This is because seeing 200/200 food armies sucks if 80 food is workers.
-Get rid of all macro mechanics (MULE/Chronoboost/Spawn Larva)
I don't like any of them, it seems more like busy work.
-No gold minerals, no watch towers

-Marauder slow is a manually activated skill and either it has cooldown or reduced damage when slow is activated
In war manuals, they say you sustain heavy damage if you don't retreat properly. Slow doesn't let you retreat. Manual activation makes you think about when to use it and what to pick off instead of making it impossible to retreat
-Bring back Medic + Dropship instead of Medivac
Medivac doesn't let you commit to exciting multi-drop gameplay if you need it around to heal all the time
-Get rid of Hellion, it's a dumb unit
-Reapers get D1 charges back, make them targetable. Also give them Raven's auto turret, allow them to plant "cloaked" auto turrets that uncloak when someone approaches them, researchable
-Viking back to Factory, flight needs to be researched, buff ground attack, change attack so that it's more like BW Valkyrie because it looks cooler instead of some 1970's missile engagement
-Get rid of Siege Tank
-Get rid of Thor Strike Cannons, give it artillery/mortar like attack that has to be manually targeted, has cool down and also has to be stationary during and after firing. Valkyrie-like anti-air as well
-Allow barracks before supply to allow early aggression
-Raven Hunter Missile gains properties similar to BW plague-- It's still slow and has to track enemies but does damage over time and has more range
-Raven needs another spell if it loses auto turret, but I haven't thought that far ahead
-No more salvaging bunkers
Technically, I'm supposed to be camped out in a forest right now. The only reason I'm talking to you right now is because a giant motherfucking forest fire came and destroyed our campsite and all our cutblocks (and a nearby town or two...).

Unfortunately, where I am has internets that barely allow me to play Brood War some of the time. SC2 is right out of the picture.
but that's only because i think sc2 plays like a watered down BW instead of being either new and original, or a much better BW
I think judging SC2 against BW in the way it's been judged the last few pages is more than a little unfair, considering BW had over 10 years of patches and refinement to get where it is.

All the expansions haven't even dropped yet - the game is going to change a great deal with the new units added in the expansion packs.
BW had only 2 major balance patches, the rest of the modification was done by Korean map makers that came up with all the features we know and love (nearby natural, choke points to natural and to base, non-cliffable naturals, etc.) And for some reason, SC2 decided to use those features as well even though the game is completely different.

I don't like hearing "wait for the expansion pack" because then we're giving the current version a free ride. SF4 was good on release and no one said "well SF3 had 3 different versions so give it a chance." People either liked it or they didn't.
[quote name='kainzero']

I don't like hearing "wait for the expansion pack" because then we're giving the current version a free ride. SF4 was good on release and no one said "well SF3 had 3 different versions so give it a chance." People either liked it or they didn't.[/QUOTE]

well the original SC was pretty terrible and imbalanced (muta+ling killed everything. notice how every new unit in BW helps counter mutaling). It was only until BW came out did it become playable
I'm really curious what direction they are going to take in the 2nd part of SC2. Can she still control the swarm or only part of it? I mean you have to play as the Zerg, thats a no brainer but will the campaign me mostly Zerg vs Zerg or Zerg vs Terran and Protoss? Based on that teaser it seems like the Terran's really want her dead. Also good to see Jim is back I guess he'll be tagging along, so does this mean we'll be on the Hyperion again? Hmmmm.
i had a dream involving cannon rushes

might have something to do with allies losing to cannon rushes 4 times yesterday. yay randoms
see if you played brood war you wouldn't have the problem because there's no rocks!

trying to switch between the two games is really difficult.
my control groups are all nutty if i try to play one after the other.
^^ actually some BW maps have neutral "rocks" (actually neutral buildings or units) that function the same way as SC2 rocks

played in a Team Liquid Open for the first time and I lose in the ro128 to Grubby :whistle2:(
On the one hand, I want to play SC2. On the other, I'm a father with a baby who can - and does - require my immediate attention frequently and randomly (and rightfully so... babies have needs).

I've been playing a lot more single player and drop-in, drop-out style games lately for that reason. When I eventually DO get a chance to play again I'm sure I'll be terrible.
bread's done