Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void

[quote name='JolietJake']All you need are some air to ground units. Even then, some stronger ground units can take them our pretty easily. That's one reason i hate playing terran vs terran, a few stimmed marauders can easily kill a tank.[/QUOTE]
that is a extremely vast oversimplification that ignores timing and macro.

1- against ground: there's a critical mass of tanks where they just blow everything up, and if marauders charge in they get smoked and defeated by all the infantry guarding them. once you get to 4-5 tanks that are already sieged up it's hard to move in on them. if they have weapon upgrade, it's difficult to move out.

2- against air: banshees and mutas have to deal with marines guarding the tank. (and if you trade banshees and mutas for tanks, that's not in your favor economically). and if they have brood lords, that's a different story because it's late game. BCs aren't logical in TvT because vikings are an absolute necessity in that match anyway and they destroy BCs.

it's not an easy strategy to overcome. you have to think, use good positioning and force the tank user to move around. games can be decided on two tanks dying.

i don't think it requires a nerf stick yet but "all you need are some air to ground units really" is silly.
You never said anything about units guarding the tank. I was talking tank vs other units alone. But no, i stand by my original post. If you have a mass of air to ground units, the tanks are useless, all you need to do is kill any ground to air units then get the tanks.
why would anyone send tanks by themselves?

you sound confident.

why don't we play later, joooooooooe.kainzero. and i'll tell you right now that i'm going to build tanks.
You mentioned tanks, i mentioned a way to destroy them, how hard is that to understand? Hell for that matter i guess i should have said that i'd have banshees, marauders, and marines too. Cause who would send Banshees alone?
Burrow can be auto-casted? Thats news to me since i rarely research burrow. What triggers the autocast?

And regarding the MMT topic, if I had banshees, I'd just do a hit and run on his base. Depending on where his MMT ball is, if its camping outside my base, I'd have easy pickings on his base and all i really need to do is throw up a few siege tanks to stop his push.
His tanks were not alone. You even said it had viking and thor backup. Not only that, but given the amount of tanks that he had would have obliterated any ground force, and it was unfortunate the zerg only had roaches. His one counter was broodlords which were eatten up by his vikings. Towards the end of the 2nd part, he engages his roaches in a cliff war with sieged tanks which was horrible microing on the zerg players part.
[quote name='KhaosX']Burrow can be auto-casted? Thats news to me since i rarely research burrow. What triggers the autocast?

And regarding the MMT topic, if I had banshees, I'd just do a hit and run on his base. Depending on where his MMT ball is, if its camping outside my base, I'd have easy pickings on his base and all i really need to do is throw up a few siege tanks to stop his push.[/QUOTE]

Always research burrow for scouting, ground unit flanking, or drone safety. Personal fav is burrowing a ling at expos. Slows them down.
Oh yeah at the moment ZvT is impossible because mech destroys everything zerg. One or two thors basically nullifies any number of mutalisks, hellions with upgrade kill zerglings/banelings/hydralisks in a shot or two, and sieged tanks melt roaches.

With regards to PvT, what Terrans are doing these days is marine/tank push (almost like FD in Brood War) with sometimes air thrown in (ravens, vikings, banshees). It's very hard to stop and I'm still trying to figure out how to beat it. What's ridiculous is that the Terran will also have enough minerals to expo even while doing this very strong push (ie. MULEs are lame)
[quote name='Tony208']Always research burrow for scouting, ground unit flanking, or drone safety. Personal fav is burrowing a ling at expos. Slows them down.[/QUOTE]

My Zerg games usually don't last long enough for me to research burrow.:cool:
[quote name='Oktoberfest']Oh yeah at the moment ZvT is impossible because mech destroys everything zerg. One or two thors basically nullifies any number of mutalisks, hellions with upgrade kill zerglings/banelings/hydralisks in a shot or two, and sieged tanks melt roaches.

With regards to PvT, what Terrans are doing these days is marine/tank push (almost like FD in Brood War) with sometimes air thrown in (ravens, vikings, banshees). It's very hard to stop and I'm still trying to figure out how to beat it. What's ridiculous is that the Terran will also have enough minerals to expo even while doing this very strong push (ie. MULEs are lame)[/QUOTE]

Zerg right now depends too much on the fast expo and mass units. None of their units (esp ground) match up very well against the others.
MAJOR overhaul in the upcoming patch 13 that currently isn't released

StarCraft II Beta -- Patch 13 (version

  • Map Publishing is now enabled: Using the map editor, you can upload your custom maps to share with the community.
  • Facebook feature is integrated: Here’s a quick way to expand your social network by seeing who among your existing Facebook friends also has a account.
  • 3v3 and 4v4 formats are now enabled.
  • Numerous updates have been made to the Leagues & Ladders system:
    • Removed Copper League and added Diamond League above Platinum League.
    • Player ratings start at 0, rather than 1000.
    • No longer displays loading screen odds in placement or practice league matches.
    • Matchmaking system logic updated.
  • UDP is enabled to help improve game performance.
  • Numerous performance and stability improvements.

Balance Changes
    • Sentry
      • Force Fields can now be destroyed by Massive ground units walking over them.
    • Void Ray
      • Range decreased from 7 to 6.
    • Warp Gate
      • Subgroup selection priority changed from 2 to 3 so that it takes priority over Gateways when selected.
    • Marine
      • Stimpack research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.
      • Combat Shield research cost decreased from 150/150 to 100/100.
  • ZERG
    • Infestor
      • Infested Terran spell removed.
      • Frenzy spell added:
        • Costs 25 energy.
        • Targets a single biological unit which deals 25% more damage and is immune to snare, stuns, and mind control for 30 seconds.
    • Overseer
      • Contaminate spell added:
        • Costs 75 energy.
        • Targets a single enemy structure which cannot train units or research upgrades for 30 seconds.
      • Infested Terran spell added:
        • Costs 125 energy.
        • Infested Terrans have the same stats as those previously created by the Infestor and are placed directly under the Overseer when spawned.
    • Ultralisk
      • Life decreased from 600 to 450.
      • Damage changed from 25 to 15 (+25 Armored).
      • Damage versus structures increased from 60 to 75.

Hotkey Changes (English Only):
  • Zerg Set Worker Rally Point changed from R to G.
  • Zerg Spore Crawler changed from W to A to avoid conflict with the Select All Warp Gates hotkey. Interface
  • Revamped summary pages for player Profiles and Leagues & Ladders.
  • Added a Help system with tech trees and other tips and tricks.
  • Removed identifier from the character naming process and added the ability to refer friends for invitation into your party or lobby.
  • Updated the user interface to consistently use a nested menu system.
  • Added in-game blocking and player muting.
This is ridiculous... More protoss nerfs, more terran buffs, zerg overhaul and ultralisk debuff. How odd because they still blow, and blizzard said last patch they wanted to buff them more.

Situation report:

Edit: Now that i think about it, in the hands of a pro, contaminate(old corruption) could really be deadly in the hands of a good zerg player, now that the spell is easily accessable and cost so little.
I misread the ultra change initially as Ultras got a BUMP in health.. but dropping their health by such a huge margin? Seriously?? They're just as expensive as thor, and thor have more HP and a ranged AND AA attack. Thor can also be built earlier in the game, being a 2.5 rather than a 3.5 unit. I just don't get the ultra change.. that is just madness.

The shield cost downgrade and stim cost downgrade strike me as excessive purely because they didn't remove stim from marauder, they also buffed an already OP unit. I'm not a fan of those changes as a whole, though I like making marines so I can't complain. Really.. dropping marauder HP to 105 or 110 would be advisable, they wouldn't be the rapestoves they are and stim's cost would hurt the units survivability as it does for marines.

The void ray change may be just enough to make them balanced. They have to get closer to the small units in order to pelt them now, which makes them more vulnerable - as they should be. We'll see if it in practice does what it is supposed to.

I like the zerg changes taken as a whole. zerg obs cost now seems a hell of a lot less overpriced with those abilities attached to them.

[quote name='KhaosX']MAJOR overhaul in the upcoming patch 13 that currently isn't released

This is ridiculous... More protoss nerfs, more terran buffs, zerg overhaul and ultralisk debuff. How odd because they still blow, and blizzard said last patch they wanted to buff them more.

Situation report:

Edit: Now that i think about it, in the hands of a pro, contaminate(old corruption) could really be deadly in the hands of a good zerg player, now that the spell is easily accessable and cost so little.[/QUOTE]
This "macbetafix" file that 12.1 added has been causing a lot of problems for me. It seems to be the center of all my crash reports. I'm not even playing on a mac...
Lame, an MMM research buff.
And you need to build a couple infestors if you even want a chance vs Thor's for your Ultralisks
Cannon stunlock lol
[quote name='Strell']Yay I got a key today. That's good!

Boo I'm not home. That's bad!

The yogurt is cursed! That's bad![/QUOTE]

Cursed yogurt is delicious.

And on a side note, did Infestors really need bloodlust?
[quote name='JolietJake']Thanks Blizzard for making an already awesome race even more awesome.

edit- Anybody actually get the patch to download yet?[/QUOTE]

Nah, won't start. Gonna have to wait a bit, it seems.
Marauder need to lose stim, or have their HP nerfed.

I'm losing a bit of faith in the balancing abilities of some of the developers.. though the game is, overall, better balanced than most other RTS I've played, and this game is still in beta.

The only RTS theoretically better balanced have more or less identical units for each race, with different coats of paint on em'.
Lame. There's only 1 3v3 map and 1 4v4 map.

Edit: Looks like Blizzard actually may have done something right with the facebook integration. No spam, no newsfeed, if you choose to link up your fb account, your fb friends can search for you easier and you still have the option to accept or deny the request.
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[quote name='TheHapaOne']just preorder it lol it ends at the end of this month anyway[/QUOTE]
are you sure? i think the beta continues all the way to launch date, just not sure if i wanna commit to purchasing it until i see what it runs like on my pentium 4 :)
[quote name='paynus']are you sure? i think the beta continues all the way to launch date, just not sure if i wanna commit to purchasing it until i see what it runs like on my pentium 4 :)[/QUOTE]

Ends the 31st. There'll likely be another form of beta. Don't beg.
Gamestop stopped giving beta-keys on pre-oder on the 17th, and it looks like Amazon also took down their beta-key ad, so I'm not even sure how one would get a key now.
Hm. "unable to download authentication method" or somesuch..

From the looks of this thread, it's been down for most people for a long while.. I suppose i'll play some 3D dot game heroes instead of starcraft tonight.
[quote name='BattleChicken']Hm. "unable to download authentication method" or somesuch..

From the looks of this thread, it's been down for most people for a long while.. I suppose i'll play some 3D dot game heroes instead of starcraft tonight.[/QUOTE]

I get that same error looks like I'm stuck doing nothing with my Friday night, weird part is my friend sitting right next to me can get in so lame
[quote name='-BigC-']Anyone still need a key?Been meaning to giving mine away for like a month my bad :([/QUOTE]

there was a guy like 5 people above you begging for one
[quote name='BattleChicken']Hm. "unable to download authentication method" or somesuch..

From the looks of this thread, it's been down for most people for a long while.. I suppose i'll play some 3D dot game heroes instead of starcraft tonight.[/QUOTE]

Me and a friend were getting the same error. All we had to do was restart our computers and it was fine after that.
This patch is causing major problems. Alot of people are "lagging" although they really aren't. I would get a couple of games where suddenly I was lagging, then games where my partner was lagging, and then games where my opponent is lagging, even though our connections were fine. Then there's also the mini-map issue with replays.
Wow, I play three matches. The first two are Zerg players who, guess what, don't know how to do anything else but roach rush my probes. I'm convinced that there are no Zerg players who actually know how to do anything else but roach rush; they're all so bad.

The last one never loaded after ten minutes and I had to force quit. Wonderful first three games since the patch.
You know what is really awesome, since everyone is having to play placement matches again, i get to play with people waaaay above me in skill.
I think i MAY have figured out what was going on with that can't download authentication.

I checked my firewall exclusion list, and I had about 25 different versions of SC2 there. I removed all of them, restarted SC, re-enabled access for the program, and I don't get that error anymore.

It then prompted me to accept the beta agreement, Had me re-create my name again (where did the dot name go??) and now i'm logged in.

I'm now "BattleChickn" Edit: Wait a tick.. they removed the ability to add people by their names? Email only now huh... If anyone wants to play with me, send me a PM and i'll give you my address. I forgot that anyone can see what my addy is here, and i'd rather not share it too widely.
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bread's done