Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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[quote name='Lemarfanz']if it doesn't have a legitimate developer[/QUOTE]

Please explain. What makes an artist at Blizzard different then a Artist at Runic Games, which could have possibly come from Blizzard considering that is where Runic games came from.

I am not sure how a programmer of an indie game isn't a legitimate developer while a programmer of a non indie game is.

It is like saying an actor in a indie film isn't a legitimate actor, even though there are plenty of high profile actors in indie films.

Again, please explain because I just don't understand. Because right now you sound like a business that wants experience for new employees, but is unwilling to give anyone experience. If nobody is willing to give them experience then how can they ever get the job to become those "legitimate" employees. If everyone treated indie developers like you then we would be missing out on so many AAA developers of today and I am unsure how they became legitimate developers over that time.

I mean if you don't want to pay for an indie games that is great, but I would say it is wrong to talk bad about all indie games without actually playing them.
You can probably claim every big company name started somewhere as an indie developer...

except maybe EA... that came straight from satan's toilet.

Without any explaination, you're trolling...
[quote name='Lemarfanz']I've merely presented my humble opinion on indie developers, and I get attacked for it--"Douchebag" "asshole" "dumbass".

So sue me, I don't like indie games because I think they suck, especially Braid. You guys don't need to be so rude about it.[/QUOTE]

I think people are reacting strongly, because of the way you presented your opinion. Instead of saying you weren't going to support that crap, you could have said you usually don't like indie games, and maybe the response would have been less hostile.

Although, this is the internet, and people tend to use strong words to express themselves a lot, so I agree that people are getting too worked up over this. It's just an opinion, it's not like you said you like eating babies. No need to call names.

Anyway, on the topic of indie games, I agree that many of them are either not my cup of tea, or too short to give me any real enjoyment. Every now and then though, I find a gem. I'll list some of my favorite games that happen to be indie.

Magicka(my most played game at 75 hours), Super Meat Boy(the best platformer I've ever played), and Minecraft(some game about building with blocks).

I don't know how you feel about these games, but I personally think games shouldn't be ignored if they are indie. I'd understand if someone was cautious when buying them, but I'd be cautious when buying any game.

My point is, you shouldn't shut yourself off from indie games as a whole. There are many good games that happen to be indie, and there are good games that aren't indie. Doesn't mean either as a whole is better than the other.

Oh, before I finish, you were comparing briad to the path. It's true they both try to have an art direction, but the path really isn't a game, it's just trying to be art. I have it in my bad games category. Briad has an art direction, but it's a puzzle platformer. I wouldn't compare it to titles like the path that pretend to be games. Also, defense grid is a tower defense game, and I personally think it's one of the better ones. I mean, maybe you don't like it because you don't like tower defense games?

I'll be surprised if you read all of this. I seem to have rambled on. Sorry bout that. :)
Indie games are garbage- just like Mom and Pop stores. Why go with some individual branch with high prices and small staff no one's heard of when I can just go to home depot and walmart? Theyve proven themselves to be amazing!

That guy is such an epic fail it's kind of depressing...
[quote name='Lemarfanz']Man, you guys are priceless. No winning with you people. I'd say I'm sorry for not liking indie games...but that would be a lie.[/QUOTE]

I will take the middle ground on this. Honestly, I love a few games indie games (approx. 10 percent), I like some indie games (approx 30 percent), and I dislike a lot of indie games (approx 60 percent).

I will agree that there are many indie games which people love and hype and go crazy for...that I just don't end up liking. Some are hyped up just because they are supposedly artistic, or new, or fresh, etc, in my opinion this is not correct.

With that said, I would buy Just Cause 2 for $5, Oblivion GOTY for $6.80, Borderlands GOTY for $7.50, etc. over Braid for $2.50 per se. I feel like a lot of those games give a lot more value for the price.

BUT, there ARE some indie games that disprove this theory (Torchlight, Plants Vs. Zombies, etc.). I can fully admit that I own 5 or 6 indie games that I love, multiple that I like, and a few I can't believe I bought.

I guess my real point is, there are indie games I like better than AAA titles, and a boatload of AAA titles I would play 100x over an indie game. Either way, there are games in both categories that are absolutely worth playing, and in this case we were talking Torchlight, which is one of them for a measly $3.
Well, while the debate over indie games and legitimate developers rages on, I'm going to voice a question/problem I'm having. I don't know whether or not to get Defense Grid. I have it already for the 360. For the price of the game & dlc today, I could buy the dlc for my 360 version.

My question, then, is there advantage to the pc version of Defense Grid or am I ok with just the 360 version?
[quote name='Ramun Flame']I think people are reacting strongly, because of the way you presented your opinion. Instead of saying you weren't going to support that crap, you could have said you usually don't like indie games, and maybe the response would have been less hostile.

Although, this is the internet, and people tend to use strong words to express themselves a lot, so I agree that people are getting too worked up over this. It's just an opinion, it's not like you said you like eating babies. No need to call names.

Anyway, on the topic of indie games, I agree that many of them are either not my cup of tea, or too short to give me any real enjoyment. Every now and then though, I find a gem. I'll list some of my favorite games that happen to be indie.

Magicka(my most played game at 75 hours), Super Meat Boy(the best platformer I've ever played), and Minecraft(some game about building with blocks).

I don't know how you feel about these games, but I personally think games shouldn't be ignored if they are indie. I'd understand if someone was cautious when buying them, but I'd be cautious when buying any game.

My point is, you shouldn't shut yourself off from indie games as a whole. There are many good games that happen to be indie, and there are good games that aren't indie. Doesn't mean either as a whole is better than the other.

Oh, before I finish, you were comparing briad to the path. It's true they both try to have an art direction, but the path really isn't a game, it's just trying to be art. I have it in my bad games category. Briad has an art direction, but it's a puzzle platformer. I wouldn't compare it to titles like the path that pretend to be games. Also, defense grid is a tower defense game, and I personally think it's one of the better ones. I mean, maybe you don't like it because you don't like tower defense games?

I'll be surprised if you read all of this. I seem to have rambled on. Sorry bout that. :)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='iso135']I will take the middle ground on this. Honestly, I love a few games indie games (approx. 10 percent), I like some indie games (approx 30 percent), and I dislike a lot of indie games (approx 60 percent).

I will agree that there are many indie games which people love and hype and go crazy for...that I just don't end up liking. Some are hyped up just because they are supposedly artistic, or new, or fresh, etc, in my opinion this is not correct.

With that said, I would buy Just Cause 2 for $5, Oblivion GOTY for $6.80, Borderlands GOTY for $7.50, etc. over Braid for $2.50 per se. I feel like a lot of those games give a lot more value for the price.

BUT, there ARE some indie games that disprove this theory (Torchlight, Plants Vs. Zombies, etc.). I can fully admit that I own 5 or 6 indie games that I love, multiple that I like, and a few I can't believe I bought.

I guess my real point is, there are indie games I like better than AAA titles, and a boatload of AAA titles I would play 100x over an indie game. Either way, there are games in both categories that are absolutely worth playing, and in this case we were talking Torchlight, which is one of them for a measly $3.[/QUOTE]

The Smartest Guys in the Room. :applause:

Now, if you'll excuse me, i've got some babies to eat.
i have both, and I prefer the PC version - I find it a little easier to control. The 360 version is still very good, though. Try the demo, see if it's enough of an improvement for you to justify spending a few bucks on it.
Question for anyone who got the Assassin's Creed pack:

Did you end up with the deluxe version of Brotherhood? I've read a couple of people elsewhere saying they found that was the case (it was listed as a deluxe key after purchase, but it's not listed as deluxe in the pack.) If I could find out for sure, that'd really help make or break my decision to grab the pack.

[quote name='BitLooter']i have both, and I prefer the PC version - I find it a little easier to control. The 360 version is still very good, though. Try the demo, see if it's enough of an improvement for you to justify spending a few bucks on it.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, will do. Any ideas in terms of content? Will I be missing out on levels from the pc version if I stick with 360?
[quote name='m3talst0rm']Thanks, will do. Any ideas in terms of content? Will I be missing out on levels from the pc version if I stick with 360?[/QUOTE]

I think there's some stuff in the PC version that isn't in the 360. Like all the ARG stuff and those Portal 2 levels.
Still don't know if I should get Tropico 3.
It's less than $4 but if I don't like it, it's a $4 down the drain.
I think I'll just save my $$ for a game I really want :p
Looks like I talked myself out of this one :D
[quote name='scarhawk']Still don't know if I should get Tropico 3.
It's less than $4 but if I don't like it, it's a $4 down the drain.
I think I'll just save my $$ for a game I really want :p
Looks like I talked myself out of this one :D[/QUOTE]

If you're a fan of sim games, its a pretty darn good one. I had a blast playing through it and the Absolute Power expansions. Well worth the price.
[quote name='Ramun Flame']I think people are reacting strongly, because of the way you presented your opinion. Instead of saying you weren't going to support that crap, you could have said you usually don't like indie games, and maybe the response would have been less hostile.

Although, this is the internet, and people tend to use strong words to express themselves a lot, so I agree that people are getting too worked up over this. It's just an opinion, it's not like you said you like eating babies. No need to call names.

Anyway, on the topic of indie games, I agree that many of them are either not my cup of tea, or too short to give me any real enjoyment. Every now and then though, I find a gem. I'll list some of my favorite games that happen to be indie.

Magicka(my most played game at 75 hours), Super Meat Boy(the best platformer I've ever played), and Minecraft(some game about building with blocks).

I don't know how you feel about these games, but I personally think games shouldn't be ignored if they are indie. I'd understand if someone was cautious when buying them, but I'd be cautious when buying any game.

My point is, you shouldn't shut yourself off from indie games as a whole. There are many good games that happen to be indie, and there are good games that aren't indie. Doesn't mean either as a whole is better than the other.

Oh, before I finish, you were comparing briad to the path. It's true they both try to have an art direction, but the path really isn't a game, it's just trying to be art. I have it in my bad games category. Briad has an art direction, but it's a puzzle platformer. I wouldn't compare it to titles like the path that pretend to be games. Also, defense grid is a tower defense game, and I personally think it's one of the better ones. I mean, maybe you don't like it because you don't like tower defense games?

I'll be surprised if you read all of this. I seem to have rambled on. Sorry bout that. :)[/QUOTE]

Actually, I can respect eating babies. It's just good economic sense.

But yes, the problem here is making very strong blanket statements out of hand (i.e., all "indie" games are crap). Are there some bad ones? Absolutely. Are there a lot of bad ones? Probably. But are there good ones? Absolutely. There are good and bad indie games just like there are good and bad major developer games.

The great thing about Steam sales is that you can try a lot of the smaller developer games for extremely little risk. If it costs me a buck here and there to try something out from a smaller group trying to make a name for itself, I'm not going to hem and haw too much about it. Sure, not everything I try is going to be great, but I'd rather try something new than play yet another military FPS or 3rd person duck-and-cover shooter from a major publisher.

Personally, with the glut of generic major publisher games, I've found myself drifting back to point-and-click adventure games and other stuff from smaller publishers that focuses on story and gameplay rather than graphics and guts. This Steam sale, I've already spent about $90 on packages of games that will give me a variety of things to try out (Telltale Games, Meridian 4, Longest Voyage 2-pack). I'm happy with that.

If all you care about is graphics and mayhem, enjoy. But to dismiss an extraordinarily broad category of games just because a couple haven't struck your fancy is a shame, and you're only shortchanging your own possibilities.
Alright, now were talkin gents! where are those other guys who could only say "douchebag and asshole", i want them to see how to formulate an argument or even a basic statement without being so abrasive and rude!
[quote name='BigSpoonyBard']Actually, I can respect eating babies. It's just good economic sense.

But yes, the problem here is making very strong blanket statements out of hand (i.e., all "indie" games are crap). Are there some bad ones? Absolutely. Are there a lot of bad ones? Probably. But are there good ones? Absolutely. There are good and bad indie games just like there are good and bad major developer games.

The great thing about Steam sales is that you can try a lot of the smaller developer games for extremely little risk. If it costs me a buck here and there to try something out from a smaller group trying to make a name for itself, I'm not going to hem and haw too much about it. Sure, not everything I try is going to be great, but I'd rather try something new than play yet another military FPS or 3rd person duck-and-cover shooter from a major publisher.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I could say, I like indie games, but I think I really like cheap games. Games with little risk. I ate up those indie packs during the easter and chrismas sale. I didn't like most of the games, but for a dollar a game it was worth it to get some gems, like spectromancer.
[quote name='Indignate']I think there's some stuff in the PC version that isn't in the 360. Like all the ARG stuff and those Portal 2 levels.[/QUOTE]

Alright, thanks, I'll look into that. From searching their site and reviews, though, it seems the core content, including the Borderlands dlc, is the same on both xbla and steam, in case anyone was wondering.
[quote name='scarhawk']Still don't know if I should get Tropico 3.
It's less than $4 but if I don't like it, it's a $4 down the drain.
I think I'll just save my $$ for a game I really want :p
Looks like I talked myself out of this one :D[/QUOTE]

The demo has a tutorial and one map from the campaign. Helped me in my decision to pass. I'm just terrible at those types of games.
I was just playing Osmos for the first time and I love the simplistic gameplay and the chimey music. Can't find that in a big budget game.
Don't get me wrong, I almost always prefer the AAA over the indie game but sometimes it's nice to take a breath of fresh air.
Still have not got a response to my question....

I have DA:O. If I buy DA:U, will it just install the additional content on top, or do I need to download the WHOLE thing.

Tower Defense has been in my wheelhouse for a while... 1st purchase from this sale!!
[quote name='Doomtime']The demo has a tutorial and one map from the campaign. Helped me in my decision to pass. I'm just terrible at those types of games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I decided to pass on it.
SC2 should be enough for me (looks like it's pretty strategic).

Now, gimme Terraria and Jamestown Steam >_> GW too :D
[quote name='simpsonps121']Still have not got a response to my question....

I have DA:O. If I buy DA:U, will it just install the additional content on top, or do I need to download the WHOLE thing.

Tower Defense has been in my wheelhouse for a while... 1st purchase from this sale!![/QUOTE]

I believe that if it's a non-Steam DA:O, then you will need to download the entire thing because of the install setup.
Tomorrow is July 4th, I expect to see a lot of American-themed games.

Possibly Duke Nukem Forever? I would bite at 19.99 (seriously, I actually think it could go that low tomorrow)
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']Tomorrow is July 4th, I expect to see a lot of American-themed games.

Possibly Duke Nukem Forever? I would bite at 19.99 (seriously, I actually think it could go that low tomorrow)[/QUOTE]

Doing this would be smart, tons of people would snatch it up, myself included.
When Tropico 3 came out, I remember always hearing great stories on 4chan about people who would practically enslave their workforce and then use all of the resources to just build massive statues in their likeness. Of course, the revolutions didn't take long to form after treatment like that...
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']Tomorrow is July 4th, I expect to see a lot of American-themed games.

Possibly Duke Nukem Forever? I would bite at 19.99 (seriously, I actually think it could go that low tomorrow)[/QUOTE]

I seriously doubt it about Duke. He was still in the top ten sellers list on Steam before the sale started. We might see like 20-33% off maybe if it even goes on sale.
In regards to Tropico 3, Tropico 4 is coming out in two months or so and 3 has been a daily deal in the last five or so major Steam sales. Expect that to continue. While it might not get significantly cheaper (hard to do so at $5 for the gold edition) it'll be there again if you want it in November or Decemeber.
Decided against Tropico 3 after trying the demo. I am horrible at those types of games, apparently.

But, loved Defense Grid demo, and will be picking that up.

So to my last game..AC2. I might not play it right off, I think I might wait. It will be atleast this cheap come the holiday sale....hmm...think I have made my mind up.

Defense Grid and DLC (from tickets) it is!
The Defense Grid DLC is only 0.25 each ($1 for all 4) if for whatever reason you want to spend your tickets on something else.
[quote name='Mooby']The Defense Grid DLC is only 0.25 each ($1 for all 4) if for whatever reason you want to spend your tickets on something else.[/QUOTE]

I have 6 tickets, so two items. Defense Grid dlc and Alien Breed 2? TF2 glasses? I am thinking the first two. Anything else out there that is appealing to you?
I really suggest people give AI War a shot, try the demo on Steam (it isn't for everyone but for those it is, it's awesome). It is a great strategy game and great in coop as well. The first expansion pack is up on the prize booth and the expansion pack adds a lot to the game. The dev is awesome, it was made by one guy and has hired on others now and they continue to work on the game. Patches add free content and they have released a few other expansions so far too.
[quote name='iso135']I have 6 tickets, so two items. Defense Grid dlc and Alien Breed 2? TF2 glasses? I am thinking the first two. Anything else out there that is appealing to you?[/QUOTE]

It all depends on taste/what games you own. I have 9 tickets so far with a whole week to go so I'm sure I'll get at least 3 more and probably even 6. That said, there's only like three or four prizes I'd get.
Wow...just played the demo of Defense Grid: The Awakening, and it was awesome. I bought it, and all the DLC, for less than $4. Thank you Steam!
[quote name='Mooby']The Defense Grid DLC is only 0.25 each ($1 for all 4) if for whatever reason you want to spend your tickets on something else.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm giving the devs my $1 (minus Valve's cut) and using the tickets for something un-purchasable.
Yep, Defense Grid is a really solid tower defense game with a lot of polish and extra content. They even added some free DLC (Borderlands mini campaign) prior to their pay DLC maps.
Increased my list to:

Delve Deeper map pack, is this game any good?
Killing Floor char pack, if I bought the game during the sale..
Defense Grid DLC
Alien Breed 2
TF2 glasses

I bet in the end I will end up being able to select three of those five. My guess is Defense Grid DLC, Alien Breed 2, and KF character pack as I assume I will buy it as a daily deal. Is KF worth 5 or 6 bucks?
[quote name='iso135']Increased my list to:

Delve Deeper map pack, is this game any good?
Killing Floor char pack, if I bought the game during the sale..
Defense Grid DLC
Alien Breed 2
TF2 glasses

I bet in the end I will end up being able to select three of those five. My guess is Defense Grid DLC, Alien Breed 2, and KF character pack as I assume I will buy it as a daily deal. Is KF worth 5 or 6 bucks?[/QUOTE]

I love killing floor, for me it is the most satisfying zombie killer I have ever played.
[just an fyi]

for anyone considering a mid-level gaming laptop alternative to the M14x, there's a pretty decent coupon code for the HP dv6t:

e.g.: (using the coupon code) $900 shipped gets you a HP Pavilion dv6t Quad Edition with:

Quad Core i7-2630QM
Radeon HD 6770M
6GB system memory
750GB 54000RPM hard drive
15.6" display (1366 x 768)

(of course, more expensive options are also available)
I apologize for quoting myself, but I'm really hoping someone might have an answer. It'd help a lot. Thanks if you can help!

[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Question for anyone who got the Assassin's Creed pack:

Did you end up with the deluxe version of Brotherhood? I've read a couple of people elsewhere saying they found that was the case (it was listed as a deluxe key after purchase, but it's not listed as deluxe in the pack.) If I could find out for sure, that'd really help make or break my decision to grab the pack.

[quote name='iso135']Increased my list to:

Delve Deeper map pack, is this game any good?
Killing Floor char pack, if I bought the game during the sale..
Defense Grid DLC
Alien Breed 2
TF2 glasses

I bet in the end I will end up being able to select three of those five. My guess is Defense Grid DLC, Alien Breed 2, and KF character pack as I assume I will buy it as a daily deal. Is KF worth 5 or 6 bucks?[/QUOTE]

Killing floor is a fun co-op game with 'realistic' gunplay mechanics. I put about forty hours into it but it gets old after awhile. It's basically wave defense/survival with a boss at the end (same one everytime). It's very well done just a bit sterile for me to get into consistently. It's worth $5 for sure.

Delve Deeper is a turn based strategy game of sorts where the goal is to amass more treasure/gold than the other teams (AI opponents). It's quirky and good if you like the genre.
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']Tomorrow is July 4th, I expect to see a lot of American-themed games.

Possibly Duke Nukem Forever? I would bite at 19.99 (seriously, I actually think it could go that low tomorrow)[/QUOTE]

Fallout 3 was on sale on July 4 in 2009 (50% off IIRC). Seeing as it takes place in Washington D.C. and it plays a lot of patriotic music (at least on Enclave Radio), I'm almost certain it'll be on sale tomorrow. I'm not going to guarantee it though.
[quote name='JustYourAverageJoe']Question for anyone who got the Assassin's Creed pack:

Did you end up with the deluxe version of Brotherhood? I've read a couple of people elsewhere saying they found that was the case (it was listed as a deluxe key after purchase, but it's not listed as deluxe in the pack.) If I could find out for sure, that'd really help make or break my decision to grab the pack.


I can't say from personal experience (bought the series during Ubisoft week, should have waited since I didn't start Brotherhood yet. Darn you Steam!), but according to this thread ( over at the Steam forms people got the Deluxe CD Key with the pack.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']I received an update on Serious Sam Second Encounter earlier'll probably be on sale tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily, it could just have one of those ticket achievement things.

if it IS on sale then I'm buying it tomorrow, it will probably be 3 with both at 5 hopefully. I love those games. They are as close to bullet hell you are going to get on a FPS, literally hundreds of enemies on the screen at once.

I take that back, the gold is 10 now for both the HD ones, so if it goes cheaper than the 66% it's already at then I say 7.50 max for both, which I will still get.
[quote name='HeSaveDave']Seems like my wallet is pretty safe so far on this sale. Only because I already bought most of the games from Steam earlier :|[/QUOTE]

Same here. Today was my first purchase with Defense Grid.

I'm debating Tropico 3 too...but I've still Civ IV to play. Sometime. In the future.
[quote name='sotc1988']When Tropico 3 came out, I remember always hearing great stories on 4chan about people who would practically enslave their workforce and then use all of the resources to just build massive statues in their likeness. Of course, the revolutions didn't take long to form after treatment like that...[/QUOTE]

I find your Bender avatar to be wholly appropriate to this comment.
I had been boycotting Ubi games on PC because of the DRM, but if it really isn't part of the AC games anymore, I feel like I should at least consider them. I have AC2 & Brotherhood for :360: but haven't started them yet, so if they really do look a lot better on PC (and all that bonus stuff!), maybe it's worth trading up.
I'm on the fence on Two Worlds II. I have Risen, Divinity II: DKS, The Witcher 2, and I like each of them. Is TWII a good buy, or should I skip it? I'm not looking for a hard game, just one where exploration is fun and where I can customize my character without a necessarily "wrong" upgrade path.
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