Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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[quote name='Womps']Is Dragon Age origins a lot better on the PC than PS3? I own the ps3 version and I'm about 1/2 through the story.[/QUOTE]

I haven't played the console version, but I have played NWN/NWN2 on PC. Given that DA is extremely similar to the Baldur's Gate/NWN games, it is definitely a better experience on the PC. DA2 is another story, but DA is definitely meant to be played on a solid PC.
I have been reading through this thread and I have seen this question several times from other posters without an answer, so i will ask again. How is Assassins Creed on the PC compared to consoles? I have AC 1 and 2 on the PS3, but prefer to game on the PC. Is there noticeably better graphics or other reasons why I should replace my console versions or choose Brotherhood on PC over console?
the biggest gripe against getting DA in all honesty is the sheer download size. thing is huge. hope you've got good internet 'cause otherwise you're gonna be there for quite some time.
[quote name='TestType']Contrary to popular belief the DRM was not patched out of AC2, it is still very much there. They did however soften it a bit by only requiring you to be online when you launch the game, it doesn't kick you out of the game if you lose connection like it did before.[/QUOTE]
The always-on aspect of the DRM, which the user I quoted specifically asked about, has indeed been patched out.
I'm pleasantly surprised to see I was wrong about DA:O not going on sale. I'm sure ME1/2 will be on sale now, too.

Anyways, I know this has been said, but if you don't have Defense Grid go get it. Now.
[quote name='Terlan']They usually have a best of day DtotheP but no clue if they'll have half life complete again.[/QUOTE]

I'll keep my fingers crossed. I tried to buy it from my phone while at work but I could not remember my steam password for the life of me. Damn lulzsec made me change every password and I can't ever remember to put them in 1password to avoid this.
[quote name='mkaliaz']I have been reading through this thread and I have seen this question several times from other posters without an answer, so i will ask again. How is Assassins Creed on the PC compared to consoles? I have AC 1 and 2 on the PS3, but prefer to game on the PC. Is there noticeably better graphics or other reasons why I should replace my console versions or choose Brotherhood on PC over console?[/QUOTE]

The graphics are significantly better on PC, assuming your graphics card can handle it. Both support controllers I believe, although the first game might require controller mapping, can't recall for sure. But they do look significantly better on PC than 360.
Pretty tempted to get DA Ultimate, but I'm going to wait until is under $10 (and I mean more than 21 cents :p )

I got another ticket in, and I think that's as far as I'm going today.
[quote name='Womps']Is Dragon Age origins a lot better on the PC than PS3? I own the ps3 version and I'm about 1/2 through the story.[/QUOTE]

The PC version is better than the console version for DA:O. I read they made the game easier on consoles so you wouldn't have to pause and tweak your players nearly as much. I also imagine the console versions interface isn't as easy to use as the PC but I can only go on videos for that so take that with a grain of salt.

However is it worth buying again if you are already half way through? I don't know about that. It would depend how much you enjoyed what you already played.
[quote name='Therapy']Thank you for enlightening me with your wisdom and excuse me for being Dutch and making a slight and totally unimportant mistake, mister (or miss) grammar nazi. You have just made a contribution to this thread the likes of which has never been seen before. [/sarcasm][/QUOTE]

you're welcome.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Torchlight, then I realized it's an indie game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Torchlight, then I realized it's an indie game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]
Is that trolling, or are you just an idiot?
DA:U - I already have Dragon Age for the PC and LOVED it. Can I just add the new content to what I have, or do I have to download the entire thing and replay it?

The game is AWESOME!!
[quote name='etcrane']The graphics are significantly better on PC, assuming your graphics card can handle it. Both support controllers I believe, although the first game might require controller mapping, can't recall for sure. But they do look significantly better on PC than 360.[/QUOTE]

Great info, thank you very much. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Torchlight is a great game. I bought it for $5 a long time ago and put about 60 hours into it. Its easy to mod and can even run on crappy netbooks if you wanted to. The inclusion of steam cloud and achievements is great too. It did well to fill my much needed Diablo-fix.
Im hoping Titan Quest gold goes on sale for $5. I played Torchlight to death and need to move on to another diablo clone.

on a side note: anyone willing to gift me DA:Ultimate+Sword&Soldiers in exchange for W40K:dow2:retribution?
Picking up Torchlight for sure. I don't even have to think about that one. I'm on the fence about Tropico 3 gold though... $5 isn't a big risk, and I do love city builders, but I remember playing the first one YEARS ago and hated it. Not sure if it was just me, or maybe the 3rd has improved a lot. Hmm...
[quote name='saunderscowie']Hmm Torchlight for only £2.59.. interesting.. Only played the demo on Mac before. Not sure.. worth it? Wish it had some kind of online co-op.[/QUOTE]
You're not alone and it's really what holds the game back. I played it for a couple days, beat it, and never touched it again. Then they announced the sequel would have online and I thought, then so should they patch the original for online. But no, if you want online wait for the sophomore attempt. Better yet, just buy Diablo III.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Torchlight, then I realized it's an indie game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]
I'd understand that hostility towards big-name developers with a history of overworking their employees, like Electronic Arts, but why hate Independent developers?

Go play Braid, Defense Grid, or VVVVVV. That will change your misguided mind.
Question for Dragon Age Ultimate, can you download content one DLC at at a time? I want to download Origins first, beat it and then get to the DLCs.
Anyone have experience with Dragon Age on a Core 2 Duo? When I run a test on 'can you run it ?' my processor fails but everything else passes with flying colors. Kinda bummed too because I would much prefer to play it on PC vs console.

Other than that, tempted by Defense Grid like I am every sale, but not sure I want it over some of the indie stuff I have my eye on (Eschalon, Spectromancer, Jamestown etc. )
I have DAO:U off origin (bought retail, registered on origin). It's a big ass download, so just do it when you go to sleep or if you start in the morning and come back later in the day.

Torchlight is awesome, everyone should get it. Easy to mod with Torchleech. I introduced my wife to the 360 version which is also awesome, and she has a level 55+ Alchemist. This PC version is $3.00, how can you not buy it?!

Also, Freedom Force which hasn't been a daily yet, is totally worth it's package price at $5.01 for two games.
[quote name='Jodou']You're not alone and it's really what holds the game back. I played it for a couple days, beat it, and never touched it again. Then they announced the sequel would have online and I thought, then so should they patch the original for online. But no, if you want online wait for the sophomore attempt. Better yet, just buy Diablo III.[/QUOTE]

Please, we'll all be in nursing homes by the time Diablo III actually comes out ;)
Torchlight is a great game. I bought it for $5 a long time ago and put about 60 hours into it. Its easy to mod and can even run on crappy netbooks if you wanted to. The inclusion of steam cloud and achievements is great too. It did well to fill my much needed Diablo-fix.
Im hoping Titan Quest gold goes on sale for $5. I played Torchlight to death and need to move on to another diablo clone.

on a side note: anyone willing to gift me DA:Ultimate+Sword&Soldiers in exchange for W40K:dow2:retribution?
[quote name='callmewoof']Picking up Torchlight for sure. I don't even have to think about that one. I'm on the fence about Tropico 3 gold though... $5 isn't a big risk, and I do love city builders, but I remember playing the first one YEARS ago and hated it. Not sure if it was just me, or maybe the 3rd has improved a lot. Hmm...[/QUOTE]

Well, to be honest, if you hated the first one you probably will not like the third one since Tropico 3 is essentially just a remake of the 1st game with much much better graphics. (Tropico 2 was entirely different game in almost every way).

That being said though, Tropico is one of my favorite games of all time. I cant think of any city building game I liked more to be honest. There is a demo on steam if you want to check that out.
[quote name='Therapy']
The rest is not my cup of tea. Maybe Two Worlds 2 but I'd want to play the first one before that, and heard bad things about it so I guess I'll just skip it altogether. There's so many RPG's I still need to play (The Witcher 1 is still lurking in my backlog... unplayed)[/QUOTE]
Two Worlds 2 is a MAJOR, MAJOR improvement over Two Worlds 1 in just about every single solitary way PERIOD. It's probably one of the most improved sequels I've seen ever for a game.

If you miss Two Worlds 1, it wouldn't be a big deal. It's decent....but, yeah - that's about it. The voice-acting, dialogue, and writing is....ugh, not good at all. And the performance issues on PC's when it came out was horrible - I'm sure it must run better on better PC's, nowadays.

Though, I'd definitely take The Witcher 1 and 2 over both Two Worlds a heartbeat.
I just started playing Torchlight a bit again. Kinda wanna wait and start on character on Xbox version when it goes on sale. The only thing tho is the mods on PC make the game even better. Getting the respec potion and trying new builds is cool and some of the potion stacking ones help.

The jewels get kinda ridiculous tho and hard to see. There are mods to change that too.

Most definitely worth the $3. The pet is awesome and I cant wait til Torchlight 2 comes out. Im disappointed that it isnt coming out in July.
[quote name='Jodou'] Better yet, just buy Diablo III.[/QUOTE]
Unless you into unicorns and rainbows then yes
the happy clouds are DLC if you are wondering
[quote name='cRodz']Unless you into unicorns and rainbows then yes
the happy clouds are DLC if you are wondering
Lol, you're trying too hard if you went beyond a normal Google search to find that.
[quote name='loafing...']Anyone have experience with Dragon Age on a Core 2 Duo? When I run a test on 'can you run it ?' my processor fails but everything else passes with flying colors. Kinda bummed too because I would much prefer to play it on PC vs console.

Other than that, tempted by Defense Grid like I am every sale, but not sure I want it over some of the indie stuff I have my eye on (Eschalon, Spectromancer, Jamestown etc. )[/QUOTE]

I have a AMD X2 Dual Core 3800+. Not a great processor, but solid enough.
The game played extremely well. No lag, beautiful graphics throughout.
[quote name='Jodou']Lol, you're trying too hard if you went beyond a normal Google search to find that.[/QUOTE]

I almost bought that shirt. :lol:

[quote name='gunm']Tempted to get Two Worlds II.[/QUOTE]

Go for it! Great price for an underrated game.
Are the Defense Grid dlc packs a daily deal? If they are, I'll pick them up for a dollar today. However, I'd rather wait and see what my ticket situation is at the end and decide to pay/get for free then. (There are a couple other things I want to get with my tickets)

Edit: Nevermind...answered my own question. Yes, the dlc is part of the daily deal.
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Boy, I wish my main PC wasn't suffering a continuous power-up/power-down loop so I could actually play a lot of these games I'm buying right now.
[quote name='Ragnorok64']How much time would I need to sink into the Assassin's Creed pack, with all of them?[/QUOTE]

I'd probably set the bare minimum at 45 hours for all three combined.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']Are the Defense Grid dlc packs a daily deal? If they are, I'll pick them up for a dollar today. However, I'd rather wait and see what my ticket situation is at the end and decide to pay/get for free then. (There are a couple other things I want to get with my tickets)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they're a daily deal. Before today, they were 50% off. At the moment, they're 75% off. I would imagine that after today's deals end, they'll go back to being 50% off for the remainder of the summer sale. Of course, there are no guarantees that they will go back to 50% off, make the call.
Only games that I am considering (have quite a few of them already), are the following:

Defense Grid: Yes, I have read all of the praise in the past 10ish pages. For $2.50 I think it will be well worth it, and would spend 3 tickets on the 4 DLCs. Any negative thoughts? Get it?

Tropico 3: Not much chatter about this. Looks cool, going to try the demo. Any recommendations? If I do like it, would you get just the base game for $3.74, or the version with the expansion for $5? Not much chance it gets cheaper at the Holiday sale?

Assassin's Creed 2: Played AC1 on xbox. I know this game is great, but, should I just follow through on xbox? I have a ton on backlog right now, any chances that this goes for $5 at the Holiday sale? Most likely wouldn't play it before then. Also, I think there is a high chance that AC2 will be on sale atleast this cheap again during the holiday season. Anyone convince me that it is a must have right now at this price? This is the game I am teetering on the most.

Any help, thoughts, and opinions would be appreciated. Thanks!
Kane and Lynch 2 is a good game. Try the demo. If you at all like it, get the whole thing.

Basically, if you turn your nose up in disgust at it, pass. If you think you might even like it, take the plunge. I rather enjoyed it. It had issues but was still a pretty good game.
Anyone know if AC:B Deluxe was released at retail for PC? I've only seen the standard edition from what I can tell, but it appears the Deluxe PC version comes with most of the DLC from the CE console version, making the $24.99 deluxe version an exceptionally good deal, right?
[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Torchlight, then I realized it's an indie game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BitLooter']Is that trolling, or are you just an idiot?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='RollingSkull']Kane and Lynch 2 is a good game. Try the demo. If you at all like it, get the whole thing.

Basically, if you turn your nose up in disgust at it, pass. If you think you might even like it, take the plunge. I rather enjoyed it. It had issues but was still a pretty good game.[/QUOTE]
It is! I actually played through it twice to get a bit of the achievements. Fun stuff. The wild effects and on-the-edge action is pretty nice. They really shot for some intense realism in some of the finer details of the game too.
[quote name='Lemarfanz']whew, almost bought Modern Warfare 2, then I realized it's an Activision game. Not supporting that crap.[/QUOTE]

Fix'd ;)
So glad I got Lead and Gold, that game is super addictive online play for me - it's a hell of a lot more fun than I expected. Mother Shaq-FUer, I still haven't even touched those 3 FlatOut or 3 Overlord games I got last year lmao. (I know each 3-pack was around 5 bucks else I wouldna got em.)

I can however admit I've beaten Star Wars KOTOR and I highly recommend those who bought it play it all the way through also. Great game. Collect the light sabers!
[quote name='EliotAndrews']I'd understand that hostility towards big-name developers with a history of overworking their employees, like Electronic Arts, but why hate Independent developers?

Go play Braid, Defense Grid, or VVVVVV. That will change your misguided mind.[/QUOTE]

Defense Grid is not good. And Braid is god's the epitome of a game trying to be art. which they aren't (...I don't care what the Supreme Court says).

Not misguided. People always assume that an indie game has more inherent value than one released by a major publisher.
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