Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

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This thread is no longer being updated. Please visit the V2 thread for Steam deal discussion. Thanks to everyone who made this thread a success.

Group Buys - Updated 05/20

Several multiplayer Steam games are available in 2-packs or 4-packs. These packs offer a discount over buying multiple copies of a game separately. We also maintain group buy trade threads for several games, so please use those threads if you're interested in setting up a group buy.

Free Stuff
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.
Past Special Sales
Visit to check previous sale prices on Steam games. We do keep track of some older sales here though:
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[quote name='V4oLDbOY']

Might grab PvZ if its a daily sale, if not maybe anyways.[/QUOTE]

Definitely grab PvZ even if it doesn't end up as a daily.

It starts out kind of slow but after a few level, it gets very fun and at time, very intense. One of the best game I played last year.
[quote name='gunstar808']Anyone have any comments on the Indie Fright Pack? Looks interesting, but I already have Zombie Driver. Any opinions?


The Void is worth it alone.
[quote name='Wargamer']Thanks for the link, that should work. Now to wait for goHastings to send me my 360 pad:bouncy:.[/QUOTE]

Same here, just ordered the wired 360 pad for 22.27 USD shipped! For that price it is well worth getting it because many of my games should really be played with a pad.
[quote name='semifast']Soory if asked already..

If I buy a India pack as a gift, say the kids pack, can the games be divided between different accounts ?[/QUOTE]

For this reason I almost want to pass on the kids pack myself. I want four of the games but I don't that horse game to contaminate my library.

Still on the fence myself for power of defense and NWN2. Anyone have anything to convince me one way or another?
[quote name='gunstar808']Anyone have any comments on the Indie Fright Pack? Looks interesting, but I already have Zombie Driver. Any opinions?


I have heard the pack is worth it for The Void alone. Still need to try that The Path and Zombie Driver.

The Scourge Project - Really disappointed me because it felt like a combination of Gears of War + Mass Effect which sounds great on paper. However, it has more bugs than Starship Troopers and the online co op is completely broken. The servers "disappear" all the time it really is a shame cause the game has potential. :(

Burn Zombie Burn is a standard twin stick zombie shooter and is pretty fun.

My urge to buy NWN 2 continues to grow.
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Picked up Killing Floor and the Serious Sam pack just to get the non-HD versions, then I picked up Prey - thanks for the GamersGate tip, added it to my Steam account like a charm. Not a bad haul for less than $15.
This is my problem too! I have wanted Crayon Physics forever now, and there hasn't been any good (Steam) sales for it. I also really want Delve Deeper. Max would be acceptable too since it's similar to Crayon Physics. It would be great even if I could get those 3 for 4.99 and somehow uncheck a box next to the others I didn't want in a pack at all. I'm not even asking to give them away or lay claim to them whatsoever. If you go to Crayon Physics by itself, it's 9.99. Is it just me or was it 4.99 by itself last week? Same for the Void - 9.99 this week when I swear it was 4.99 last week. And I really don't want anything in that Fright pack other than the void. Damn these indie packs! I would kill for a pick 5 for 5 indie deal.

[quote name='pROvIs']no.

For this reason I almost want to pass on the kids pack myself. I want four of the games but I don't that horse game to contaminate my library.

Still on the fence myself for power of defense and NWN2. Anyone have anything to convince me one way or another?[/QUOTE]
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[quote name='pROvIs']no.

For this reason I almost want to pass on the kids pack myself. I want four of the games but I don't that horse game to contaminate my library.

Still on the fence myself for power of defense and NWN2. Anyone have anything to convince me one way or another?[/QUOTE]

Man, the more I read the Steam forums the more I want NWN2. One of the member listed all customer modules available and it's mind blowing. The game still has a decent online community too. Currently, the only thing stopping me is the possibility NWN 1 Diamond comes to Steam and they release a bundle for each game.

Grrr why couldn't Atari just release NWN1 Diamond at the same time as 2! :bomb::bomb:
[quote name='pROvIs']no.

For this reason I almost want to pass on the kids pack myself. I want four of the games but I don't that horse game to contaminate my library.

Still on the fence myself for power of defense and NWN2. Anyone have anything to convince me one way or another?[/QUOTE]

QFT!!You said it brother! I don't want that stupid horse game in my Steam library either. No way am I letting my two boys play that! Other than that the pack looks great IMHO! Also it looks like no one has played power of Defense so it might take a leap of faith. Still mulling over Killing Floor is there a pretty active CAG community for this game?
Damn, for some reason Steam disabled account out of nowhere.
I don't believe I've done anything wrong, unless I tripped a flag when I kept buying gifts.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']QFT!!You said it brother! I don't want that stupid horse game in my Steam library either. No way am I letting my two boys play that! Other than that the pack looks great IMHO! Also it looks like no one has played power of Defense so it might take a leap of faith. Still mulling over Killing Floor is there a pretty active CAG community for this game?[/QUOTE]
I think there is a cag group for killing floor. I know at least a few people on this thread said that they play it a lot and love it. The problem is the game goes in levels so they may not want to play with us noobs :). That being said I picked up the game the last sale and would love to get in on a few games. I have a buddy who picked it up as well.

I found a demo of Power of Defense from the steam forums. The demo apparently isn't on steam for one reason or another. I only played like 5-10 minutes of it and the mechanic seemed sound and fun enough to enjoy for an hour or two to justify a purchase at its current price and could potentially be a great bargain. I'm probably over simplifying it but basically it is like tower defense where both sides are building towers and they are on moving platforms progressing to each others base. Whoever gets the most towers at the others base wins.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']QFT!!You said it brother! I don't want that stupid horse game in my Steam library either. No way am I letting my two boys play that! Other than that the pack looks great IMHO! Also it looks like no one has played power of Defense so it might take a leap of faith. Still mulling over Killing Floor is there a pretty active CAG community for this game?[/QUOTE]

Man if you are that homophobic or whatever you can contact Steam support and they can remove games from your library.

Seriously, what a stupid reason not to buy a $5 pack "OMG THEY HAVE THAT GHEY HORSE GAME ON THERE!!!!"
[quote name='tsmvengy']Man if you are that homophobic or whatever you can contact Steam support and they can remove games from your library.

Seriously, what a stupid reason not to buy a $5 pack "OMG THEY HAVE THAT GHEY HORSE GAME ON THERE!!!!"[/QUOTE]

It's not even that gay. It's like a horsie slave camp simulator.
I can't believe someone would not buy a pack when they wanted 4 of the games, but didn't want the last one in their Steam library. I mean, just create a folder in your Steam library called "Crap Free Games" or something, toss it in there and never open the folder.

But hey, anyone skipping something for such a stupid reason doesn't really deserve good deals anyways.
[quote name='Trelow']It's not even that gay. It's like a horsie slave camp simulator.[/QUOTE]

Haha, maybe you're starting to peak my interest! But the point really is that no matter which pack, for many people, there's likely to be at least 1 or 2 unwanted games in there. Or games you might already own - though I'be bought a pack with games I already owned in it if it was still a good deal. This upcoming potato pack will be a good deal for most people, for instance - but not for me since there's only 1 game in the pack I don't already own. I hope there's a mix and match deal sometime in the future.
you know, semi related--the way civ 4 complete has 2 copies of the game and its expansions listed in the library always annoyed the heck out of me--I guess it has something to do with support for PC and Mac versions, or so I heard.
Good point about making folders, Fearbeard. Heck, I forgot about that altogether. My Steam library grew like crazy this year and I should probably sort stuff... now. :)
Back to the point though. I do plan on picking up the pack the last day despite the horsey game. It really isn't that serious, why don't we all take a step back and relax.
[quote name='VGmnk']you know, semi related--the way civ 4 complete has 2 copies of the game and its expansions listed in the library always annoyed the heck out of me--I guess it has something to do with support for PC and Mac versions, or so I heard.[/QUOTE]

And yet, the Mac versions for other games don't show up in my Steam library. It should be a very simple fix for Valve, but I don't think they really care as much as some of us do.

Apparently, if you login to Steam on a Mac, it doesn't show PC only games, like how most games don't show the Mac versions if you login to Steam in Windows.
I've wanted that horse game since the last time it went on sale.
That's one of the reasons I'm so interested in the pack, it's got all great games.

The ones who are afraid of a horse or two are missing out
[quote name='pROvIs']Back to the point though. I do plan on picking up the pack the last day despite the horsey game. It really isn't that serious, why don't we all take a step back and relax.[/QUOTE]
I'm actually quite amused that other people in my general age range want the Kids Pack, as well. I really do enjoy platform-drawing mechanics, and there haven't been any good deals on Max and the Magic Marker.

Admittedly, I really don't want a silly horse game in my library, just as I wouldn't want any other unwanted game in my Steam listing. (For example, I hate having GTA: Vice City in my library when I replaced it with a WORKING CD-based version. Rockstar, if your staff is listening, I'm still bitter.)

I wouldn't pay extra to keep it off the list (Lest I hand in my CAG membership.), so, when the time comes, I'm going to welcome a silly horse game into my library.
[quote name='NeoGutsman']Good point about making folders, Fearbeard. Heck, I forgot about that altogether. My Steam library grew like crazy this year and I should probably sort stuff... now. :)[/QUOTE]

Problem with groups is they are per PC. I have to organize these on each and every PC. I can only select one item at a time to put in a category. Also, Steam seems to lose the settings occasionally and many of my games go back to the general group.
I've bought a bunch of titles, sadly I've only played a few of them.

Not sure why, but a lot of the games I wanted went on sale yet I still didn't buy them. I think it's because in reality when it comes to clicking the purchase button I know I am not really going to play the game.
Dang it, DOOM3 never seems to be on sale for a good price. Considering the issues some Windows 7 users have, I can't commit to a relatively hefty price. (I already have the other DOOM's, admittedly.)

"Relatively," I said.
SimCity 4 Deluxe $4.99
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 $4.99
Doom Pack complete $8.74
DiRT 2 $4.99
Section 8 $4.99
RUSH $1.69 (I can say this is an amazing price for a fun game! By the same devs of Toki Tori)
Mount and Blade complete $9.99
Lost Horizons $9.99
Global Agenda $7.49
ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead $19.99, $15.99 if you own ARMA II
Crysis games 75% off - Crysis is $7.49, Warhead is $4.99, the Maximum edition (including both Crysis & Warhead) is $9.99
King's Bounty Platinum Edition $8.74
Nothing for me today. A few good games on there but I already own them. The indie game doesn't even look interesting.

How is global agenda? It looks interesting. (edit, nevermind it's an MMO.)
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[quote name='tsmvengy']Man if you are that homophobic or whatever you can contact Steam support and they can remove games from your library.

Seriously, what a stupid reason not to buy a $5 pack "OMG THEY HAVE THAT GHEY HORSE GAME ON THERE!!!!"[/QUOTE]

Way to label me on my thoughts on a game that looks like crap and the few reviews of it I have found says it's crap. Also I guess me not letting my sons play with Barbies is also Homophobic (maybe it is to you). You can accuse me succumbing thousands of years of gender roles ingrained in me. That is up for debate but essentially calling me a bigot is uncalled for. I'm quite comfortable in my sexuality and I have no opionion on how others choose to live their life. Furthermore I believe everyone should be allowed to live that life how they choose.And no I'm not calling steam support I'm not that fanatical about it's a great deal. If my boys want to play the horse game have at it. Have the PC police been appeased enough?
If your interest is at all grabbed by Global Agenda, my vote is to pick it up. It's no AAA game, but I've enjoyed the 60 hours I've logged with it.
King's bounty Platinum is at a great price at 75% off if you are into turn based strategy games...But I only want crossworlds, which is still at only 50% off! Tough sale.
[quote name='mokmoof']Is it just mean, or does Crysis seem to be rather stubborn about staying pricey?[/QUOTE]
I second that along with the aforementioned DOOM3; They never seem to offer these games at impulse-worthy prices, and these titles have been out long enough to warrant the discount.

I'd like to add that Crysis' 5-machine activation limit further deters my purchase.
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