Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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If you want a wargame with the realism/details, you're better served with the traditional ones like the Gary Grisbys or other Slitherine offerings (they monopolized the wargame market and hence the genre stagnated..) If you want a casual intro, HOI is not bad for it.
I've played a ton of Slitherine games, so maybe I'll jump into the series with Hearts of Iron if it's the closest to them.


So a bit of hardware talk (hooray /ycs). Laptop is acting up in ways that pretty mean either VL) my L-Shaped adapter is going to shit, L) My shit power jack is finally going to shit (again) or UL) something to do with the mobo or wires near/on it or something like that.

I have a feeling UL might be right so been looking at options for something new that won't requiring paying off my credit card for months. Also thus meaning ditching laptops to jump back into the desktop game (since decent gaming laptops cost an arm and a leg). Been searching the budget end a bit today, in between getting pissed at having to treat my power cord like rabbit ears. 

Found one with a FX-6300, R7 360 (2 GB), 8 GB RAM for $519 + $8 for a wifi adapter. Power supply sucks, but pre-built so no surprise

The other is a steam machine (I know, eww steam machine), i3-6100, GTX 960 (4 GB), 8 GB RAM for $515; can upgrade to a model with an i5-6500 for $651. Again, power supply sucks but pre-built. 

Have to dig deeper but everything else started falling into the 700+ range which is a bit too uncomfortable for me, I could afford it but that $500-600 feels about right if I do have to replace my poor laptop.
i ain't no economist but those sound like growth numbers, more people playing pc games, etc. what are the sales numbers of "power users" vs. filthy casuals.

"Hey guys the steam sales suck, but i have morals so I don't go grey market. I guess I'm never buying games again!"

i ain't no economist but those sound like growth numbers, more people playing pc games, etc. what are the sales numbers of "power users" vs. filthy casuals.

"Hey guys the steam sales suck, but i have morals so I don't go grey market. I guess I'm never buying games again!"
Play your backlog and wait for the games to get cheap.

As a consumer, I of course want lots of cheap shit. Realistically, "We'll lose $2 on every game and make it up in volume" was never going to last. Those who got in during the halcyon days of a new AAA game getting a 75% discount three months later on Amazon should remember them warmly because people have smartened up. Oh well, I guess I can take the pollyanna view that maybe people will be more selective about what they buy and it'll lead to better games being produced rather than everyone throwing cash at every $4.49 piece of trash that gets pumped out.

One item of interest: In 2012 you had a bunch of places looking to be the next Steam in terms of your destination for low priced games. These days, no one is even trying any longer. Sometimes a place has a select title cheaper but none of this "We'll have thirty titles on sale too!" stuff.

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I was going to write a long ass post on the bla bla good old days of sales are gone same ole same ole but then Blade wanna get political so let's get political. Which is like Let's Get Physical but with a few less hipster sweatbands.

And Bernie Sanders yet again, wins nothing but refuses to pull the plug on his campaign on Life Support. But dem conspiracy theories tho!

I have this feeling that in 2050 he'll be 110 and still running for president. Not from a new campaign, from 2016. Hey he can still make it. Retroactive President FTW!

He can hire his #1 fan Tebow as his campaign manager who will then promptly call all opponents sluts who need to go to their diaper spanking cage.

Anyway, if you don't like Hillary there's always that other candidate.
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I'm ok with discounts being stingier, it was harming the industry and all that happened was that you bought stuff because it was cheap, not because you wanted it. I'm happier with spending a little more on a little less, I think I've picked up a dozen titles in each of the last three sales and that's fine by me.

Humble is the bottom of the barrel for decent games these days, since we started getting AAA bundles with decent stuff for $12/$15 I've been less inclined to get big titles on a Steam sale. It feels like the industry is growing up a bit and I'm ok with that.

Obviously bedroom programmers who are part of the great Steam goldrush don't apply, and they'll probably fail and give up, such is life. That's fine too. The system works - things should always be allowed to fail.


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Steam sales suck, but us with a metric ton of games don't matter anymore.  They already got our money.  I always get the "you're just old, cold, and bitter" when I said the discounts on Steam are getting more lame, good to know that's still on point thanks to Steam Spy up there.

So we changin' the CAG motto to $12.50/50% and not sooner?

I'll still be waiting in the wings.  I've got too many survival game to play! 

So we changin' the CAG motto to $12.50/50% and not sooner?
Or y u no maek faek Argentinian account

We're addicts and as addicts you go to further and further extremes to keep trying for that same high you used to feel.

At first we just had to wait for sales, then we had to find Russian traders, then use vpns on sites we weren't supposed to be buying from to pretend we live in another country.

On this Nuuvem winter sale a bunch of people made some fake ass Argentinian account and waited two days or some shit.

Next we will probably all be buying miniscule plots of land in Siberia to establish ourselves as Russian residents.
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Next we will probably all be buying miniscule plots of land in Siberia to establish ourselves as Russian residents.
If we end up doing this, can we all buy plots next to each other and declare ourselves the independent micronation of CAG-land? CAG-topia? CAGakistan?

On second thought Russia might not be the best place to do this, they'd be rolling in APCs full of militiamen in unmarked uniforms to "protect the Russian minority" faster than you can say "zdravstvuyte comrade!".

But dem conspiracy theories tho!
It's not really a theory when Loretta Lynch "accidentally" meets with Bill Clinton six days ago, then five days ago says she'll accept whatever verdict the FBI recommends, then yesterday the FBI director explains what a felony is, says Hillary Clinton committed a felony even if she didn't mean to, then recommends she shouldn't be charged while saying that if it was anyone else in the same situation they would be facing charges. y u no c wats in front of u.

:lol: at tinfoil hat Bernie Kooks. Everything's a conspiracy. Notsayingitsaliensbutaliens.gif

Oh and Syntax took getting discounts to the ultimate level by marrying a South American.

We should all start looking at Russian mail order brides. Better discounts.
:lol: at tinfoil hat Bernie Kooks. Everything's a conspiracy. Notsayingitsaliensbutaliens.gif

Oh and Syntax took getting discounts to the ultimate level by marrying a South American.

We should all start looking at Russian mail order brides. Better discounts.
I like the way you think, but my wife don't. :(

The genius thing about Steam is that by getting rid of dailies and making the weekly and weekend deals so bad, they create this feeling that the summer sale and winter sale are really great when they aren't.  

I mean, to be honest, if more money to the devs is somehow going to make the gaming industry better, increase both the quality and quantity of survival or zombie or survival zombie or zombie survival games being put out, and piss off the people who hate those games, then I'm all for it.  

The genius thing about Steam is that by getting rid of dailies and making the weekly and weekend deals so bad, they create this feeling that the summer sale and winter sale are really great when they aren't.
I didn't know that Steam killed dailies. I just assumed they sucked so no one bothered mentioning them.

Clearly you don't frequent this thread much. It's pretty much a mish mash of whatever the hell we want to talk about.
I have frequented it. But I don't see it veer much from bitching about bad Steam sales, bundles and controversy surrounding them, e-peen hardware measuring, and other related gaming whatnot. Pure politics is not the norm, from my observations, unless it's a quick quip.

Anyway, back to lurking.
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I didn't know that Steam killed dailies. I just assumed they sucked so no one bothered mentioning them.
There's still dailies isn't there? Regular dailies not big sale dailies.

I mean good lord what will Madjoki and Tomasety and those guys who sit in chat all day talk about for the 9-10am PST (I don't know what the hell time it is in European and too lazy to look it up) hour if there's not that to speculate on?
I have frequented it. But I don't see it veer much from bitching about bad Steam sales, bundles and controversy surrounding them, e-peen hardware measuring, and other related gaming whatnot. Pure politics is not the norm, from my observations, unless it's a quick quip.

Anyway, back to lurking.
It's fartie ol Bernie. Somehow he put the whammy on a bunch of social media kooks who will never STFU about him.

I guess it's all the free education and legalize pot that gets them going. Or is it legalize education and free pot for all? Who knows?
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Knock Bernie all you want, this whole deal with Hillary may be enough for a ton of people to not vote for her, if at all. I sure as hell wouldn't vote for her. If I could vote.

Oh, sorry, this is the Steam thread.

Ahur hur hurr.

Don't like Hillary but will vote for her because the alternative is Trump. Not that it matters. I live in a very red state anyway. 

Whatever Trump says American born Mexicans don't count so Mexican born Mexicans surely don't.

Politics is always politics. People just believe what they want no matter what happens. If the outcome isn't what they want it's conspiracy! If people on Facebook say something it must be true right?

Honestly the whole lot of you guy are starting to sound like Tebow with better spelling.

PS ewww.gif at furry cartoons
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speaking of

So yes there are still dailies.

Now all the conspiracy kooks concerned citizens should pitch a fit on their twitter and facebook about no Bernie.

Bernie had my support early on but at this point I'd honestly rather have Clinton win than him.    Of course I'd rather have anyone even that loon that stripped at the Libertarian convention than the human Cheeto.

Don't like Hillary but will vote for her because the alternative is Trump. Not that it matters. I live in a very red state anyway.
I don't like to get into politics, but if you're in this situation, where you don't live in a swing state and dislike both options, consider voting third party.

If a third party reaches 5% of votes, then that party can receive federal funding for the next election.

Plus then you can say "Don't blame me, I didn't vote for him/her"!

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If I have to vote, I'd rather vote for anything but the flesh eating bacterial disease outcome.


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Ah, then I was wrong about that. Where is that buried on the store page?
It's next to the new releases and such below curators and hardware and queue all that crap.


They layout's been like that for a while for me.

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I mean good lord what will Madjoki and Tomasety and those guys who sit in chat all day talk about for the 9-10am PST (I don't know what the hell time it is in European and too lazy to look it up) hour if there's not that to speculate on?
I'm going to go out on a limb and say penises.

bread's done