Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm sorry but this shit is one of the many reasons why I can't stand Reddit.


Really? 10 fucking percent off a game that's been bundled already and probably will be again in a week or so? And I won't even comment on the currency (because I'd get riported) but it fits the audience.

If anyone complains about it they say 'It's still a game deal!' but then then if a mobile game is 90% off then they can't have that because the anal IT nerds from <continent redacted> who run the place don't like mobile games and think they are the devil or something. But some pixel games on Steam that might as well be a mobile game for 10% off is a deal worth posting about.

That annoys me too.
It ends up creating a situation where typically I have to end up checking /r/gamedeals, /r/apphookup, the first page or two of forum posts here, fatwallet, slickdeals and boardgamegeek to feel like I'm missing info. I mean, I don't quiet get why the whole treating apps as the red-headed stepchildren of videogaming. Stupid PC Master Race, Filthy Console peasants and boardgame nerds.
I just want my games, damn it.

I never liked reddit. Never understood the appeal. It's like the shitty retro graphics equivalent of a forum.
For real. It reminds me of IRC or some 1990s BBS that you dialed into on a 300 baud modem. It seems like it's for people who are too hip for web browsers so they use Gopher, too hip for Bittorent so they use FTP and too hip for Google so they use Archie.

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I'm in a mood. I'm not sure what kind of mood it is yet, but I'll let you know. 

Signing off. . . back to post-apocalyptic Arizona. 

I need to stop buying games without reading up on them.

Just played Depth and while I wasn't sure what to expect, it didn't meet my expectations.  The game is Payday + Evolve with sharks.  A team of 4 divers follows around STEVE a robot submarine who goes place to place digging for treasure and you have to wait around until it reaches 100% and drops the loot which you pick.  While this is happening, two giant sharks attack your team.  I died.  Like all the time.  Like respawn and dead.  You are trying to shoot sharks with little pistols and the second one of them actually clamps on you all you can do is stab it a few times before you are dismembered.  You can play as the shark too, but I haven't had the chance.  Probably fun with people you know.  MP only but has bots.

I also gave Blockstorm a try and there was no one playing. i got tired of waiting for a match to populate so I just started my own in a mall.  I remained the only player there the entire time.  There was a blimp in the air advertising IndieGala and the only store in the mall was the IndieGala store.  And like in real life, there was nothing in there worth buying.  

I never liked reddit. Never understood the appeal. It's like the shitty retro graphics equivalent of a forum.
SOE..err Daybreak loves reddit over their own forums for whatever reason. Don't really see why, and honestly think it is pretty stupid to have an official forum but post most of your news to reddit (or at least most of it to Reddit first).

SOE..err Daybreak loves reddit over their own forums for whatever reason. Don't really see why, and honestly think it is pretty stupid to have an official forum but post most of your news to reddit (or at least most of it to Reddit first).
Supposedly Reddit gets you the most sales/traffic over any other site. I think it's stupid to only focus on Reddit though.


Daily Deals
50% off Shadow Man (Steam) - $2.50

Prices listed do not take into account any available voucher.
35% off Coffin Dodgers (Steam) - $12.99
Current Voucher: 23% off H3U5TZ-9726D1-JIPSHC (Expires 3/9 1600 UTC)

Women's Day Weekend - Get two Collector's Editions for the price of one.
Coupon Code: EQUALITY
Aww man, I just fakeybro'ed Coffin Dodgers twice over too. At least it was with Fake Gabebux though. Edit: Okay I did get it on Steam with the 35% off 'introductory discount' just not with a 23% voucher on top so only a few dollars difference, but still.

Fun quirky game but it will really shine in multiplayer I think, just be aware that's not in yet but coming Soon™. Edit2: I guess they just added local co-op with split-screen which doesn't help if you want to run a fellow CAG down with your mobility scooter, but it's something.

Also, really Big Fish? You celebrate Women's equality by giving them BOGO on deluxe edition Hidden Object games?

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Warning: Kickstarter Rant

So I pledged, uh let's just say way too much and leave it at that (shut up), for Churbles (basically a cutesy 3D hamster RPG) back in November 2013. The full game was supposed to be finished by December 2014. Somewhere along the way they decided it was taking so long they'd divide it up into chapters because Telltale is doing it so why can't they? This wasn't stated on their Kickstarter. I grumbled. They didn't care. Whatevs.

Updates seem to consist of 'Hey look at this render we made of character/outfit X!'. Not seeing a whole lot of game play. So now we're 3 months past when the full game was supposed to be released and they haven't even given a playable alpha of the first chapter to the higher tier backers, of which I was one (again, shut up). They're telling us it's still in alpha state and apparently not even put together enough that they have something to present to anyone outside of their team.

But somehow they think they'll get their shit together by Summer when they are going to conventions, totally to present their game I'm sure and totally not because they're anime and game nerds that just want to go to conventions anyway, that they will have a beta or beyond to present at said conventions that they are totally going to for business and not pleasure purposes.


Anyway, this is the update they just sent:

TL;DR: Uh making games is hard and stuff. Who Knew? Go play something else and forget about us for a while. It'll be done soon. Uh, like summer. I think. Anyway there's lots of other great games out there! Here's a deviantart picture. KTHXBAI
The sick of Winter, what’s up Update

In our neck of the woods Winter continues to make itself comfortable. This week in particular has been nothing but snow, snow, and more snow. Weekly updates are the goal, but not every update can be super flashy.

So let’s do a bit of a progress report. Some highlights:

  • We are still in alpha.
  • Combat is working as intended, testing continues.
  • Story Scenes are working as intended, testing and integration of dialogue text continues.
  • HUD/GUI designs are coming together well.
  • Nearly all Churble animations are complete and most have tested successfully in Unity.
  • Puffs and elementals will be the next animation libraries to be integrated and tested.
  • Voice actors are locked in.
  • Dedicated writer is on staff cranking out materials for future episodes of the game.
  • Backur created content has all been designed, though a few still need to modeled/textured
So why is this all taking so long?
Well it’s big. and our team is small. Making a game in 3D requires so much more work than a 2D game. Designs are made, models built, rigs built, tested, tweaked, and attached, UV’s laid out, textures painted, shaders built, skins bound, and animations created frame by frame, tested, tweaked, and on and on. Our heroes are non standard bipeds so using a prefab animation system wouldn’t work, everything is made “from scratch.” And this isn’t a 3D platformer or brawler, it’s an RPG. The combat has numbers, crunching, everywhere. It’s massive and we are at the core a dozen crazy people doing our damndest to make this happen. Thankfully we all of you we don’t feel so alone!

Some sort of time frame?
We will be hitting up one or more conventions this summer, and our intention is to be in beta or beyond by that point. Beyond would be spectacular. We are not looking at Steam's Early Access system, but Royal Guard backurs will essentially be enjoying that benefit once play testing (beyond our dev team) begins. While we understand excitement and frustration regarding delays, there are infinity amazing games and experiences to enjoy while you wait, and often, waiting is worth it.

Engine News:
For those keeping track, we are working in Unity 4, and Unity 5 was released this past week. Currently we do not have plans to switch over to Unity 5 despite it’s awe inspiring, mind blowing greatness, but for those of you working on your own projects or hoping to start, it’s definitely a cool engine to jump into. Or.. you could look into Unreal 4 which is now Free (in a share your profits sort of way). Anyways! Enough update for one Friday. We’ll sign off with this lovely art from J8d


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So now we're 3 months past when the full game was supposed to be released and they haven't even given a playable alpha of the first chapter to the higher tier backers, of which I was one (again, shut up).
Did they at least give you a hamster pillow cover to hump while you're waiting? Can't wait to see what kind of rodent quest you designed for your $10,000.

No, no mouse dakimakura jpgs that I can print out and tape onto a body pillow from Ross. I don't even have that to show for it. I guess I can always print out the fan art from deviantart that people send into them for a vaporware game.

And I didn't pledge $10,000 or anywhere near that. I'm nuts but I'm not that nuts.

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So I guess the current dongle doesn't work with the One? I don't own that controller so never gave it any thought.

How do the two controllers compare? Worth the upgrade?
Apparently it doesn't work with the current dongle but you can hook it up as a wired controller via a micro usb cable if you download the updated drivers at

I've been pretty happy with the 360 controller so not sure I see a reason to upgrade. I expect there may be some bootleg Xbox One controller dongles of varying and questionable quality popping up on eBay and Amazon for cheap like there was with the 360 controller dongle.

So I guess the current dongle doesn't work with the One? I don't own that controller so never gave it any thought.

How do the two controllers compare? Worth the upgrade?
The xbox one controller do have some minor improvements over the 360. Triggers and shoulder buttons are reworked a bit for better usability and the analog sticks are a little smaller with a different feel. They claim there are a bajillion improvements, but I couldn't tell what they are. If you were making a choice to start from scratch on a controller now I would say go with the one controller. If you are already invested in 360 I say stay with that since it's still a really good controller.

Edit: Also, the battery pack is now flush with the controller on the back.
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Dammit, Lego Indiana Jones 2 is 75% off at macgamestore but of course that one isn't Steamplay so it's a Mac only non-Steam version.

I guess the long wait for a good sale on the Lego Indiana Jones games continues.

I'm still waiting for something on Cryamore....not expecting that anytime this year or even next. It does have an alpha and lots of art assets so it will come out someday. Will it be the second coming of Secret of Mana like they claimed.....only time will tell but the answer is likely no. No more kickstarter for more indeed.

I'm still waiting for something on Cryamore....not expecting that anytime this year or even next. It does have an alpha and lots of art assets so it will come out someday. Will it be the second coming of Secret of Mana like they claimed.....only time will tell but the answer is likely no. No more kickstarter for more indeed.
I looked that one up. The HuniePop dude is apparently their lead programmer. About 7 months after that Cryamore Kickstarter that he was a part of he went and launched his own for HuniePop and, well, that game is out and Cryamore which is the earlier one isn't...

Anyone playing space run and can recommend it? Still have some time to buy it. What I'm not liking about it is that some people say you have to memorize keyboard shortcuts because the game is fast and there's no pause button. And a lot says it is on rails... you have to place your turrets the way the developers intended. 

Edit: maybe I can wait for a bundle

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So Corona Motorsport is (supposedly) going live Monday. You all did the keys for votes thing, right? Right.

[customspoiler=Here is a sneak preview image from the Steam store page]

Also, it's always a good sign to read something like this:
We are releasing in 40 minutes! ALSO URGENT: 3D MODLER NEEDED!!!!!!!!

Its finally here! keys will be distributed on monday or tuesday. WE NEED A 3D MODELER! IM WILLING TO PAY AT THIS POINT. The car designs need to be modified just in case. im being paranoid but for copyright purposes we need to slightly alter the vehicles. so if you are capable of basic 3d modeling email me immediately! We need your help!!!!
He's releasing his game any day now but he urgently needs a 3D modeler and hey he's even willing to pay you for your work at this point.

It's also good that he is being paranoid about pesky things like licensing by taking the proactive steps of using licensed content but removing the logos. Because that makes it completely okay and that won't end badly at all.
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They're also fixing the exploit on that bundle site. Now I can't trade away the keys you dumbasses didn't bother activating.

I didn't see this mentioned yet:

"Big Time" Bundle

$1 - Who's that Flying?! & Bang Bang Racing

$2.99 - Anna, Sine Mora, Ceville

$4.89 - Crash Time III, Grand Ages Rome & Grand Ages Rome Augustus DLC

There's a reason no one mentioned it. It sucks.
Aye. Sucks, it does. I can't imagine many people not having those games at this point. Though for someone who doesn't, Who's That Flying?! is worth a buck.

There's a reason no one mentioned it. It sucks.
Yeah, I ain't buying it either, but I thought it was worth mentioning for the newer folks who don't have any of them.

Also, if we only posted good deals/bundles we wouldn't really have much to post.

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Yeah, I ain't buying it either, but I thought it was worth mentioning for the newer folks who don't have any of them.

Also, if we only posted good deals/bundles we wouldn't really have much to post.
And if we posted every bad deal just because, we'd be reddit. ;)

I guess most bundles @~$5 or less are at least worth noting though, probably some noob like Makman doesn't have everything in it. *shrug*
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Funny, I was actually thinking exactly that the other day. :p

He doesn't have half the stuff in bundles that all the regulars got and even made a comment recently about being broke.

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Anyone playing space run and can recommend it? Still have some time to buy it. What I'm not liking about it is that some people say you have to memorize keyboard shortcuts because the game is fast and there's no pause button. And a lot says it is on rails... you have to place your turrets the way the developers intended.
I know I'm late, but I'll add this: I've only just started the game (tutorial and first mission), so I can make no claims about the later stages of the game. It's a very good looking game and the concept is really neat -- the runs make for a very dynamic TD game. To collect resources, you have to mouse-over destroyed objects (unlike many TDs that automatically add them to the pile), so there's a small element of time-management.

Some of the peripheral things like cutscenes and voice acting show that the budget did not go to these two areas. I haven't seen the breadth or depth of the tower selection, so there could be some concern if there aren't many options or upgrades.

I do see the concern about limited tower placement -- but not because it is on rails -- it's because there are a limited number of slots to place weapons and equipment. The ship you start off with is small, so the options are minimal. The ships I've seen in the videos are much larger, but they'd still offer fewer tower-placement choices than average sized maps in other TD games.

Because of all of that, the replayability may end up being limited. However, it is a fairly unique experience and it seems well-done. I think it could be a fun ride and it wouldn't hurt my feelings too much if it's the kind of game that I play through once and enjoy.

So Corona Motorsport is (supposedly) going live Monday. You all did the keys for votes thing, right? Right.
Being in that group has been reward enough. Watching the inevitable disaster unfold has been delicious.

Funny, I was actually thinking exactly that the other day. :p

He doesn't have half the stuff in bundles that all the regulars got and even made a comment recently about being broke.

I'm not broke, but yes, that and we live on the same island. It's eerie. :cold:

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bread's done