Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The bros played Smash+Grab tonight and had a lot of fun. I think everyone like it. it's in Early Access and only has two maps/modes right now. Fun factor alone I'd consider a purchase, but it needs to a have a ton more content added to it.
Yea, pretty much dead on. It looks nice and the concept is cool, but its really weaksauce in terms of content. At the very least there are a decent amount of characters to choose from relatively speaking, but the lack of modes/maps makes the $16.99 sale price point (19.99 otherwise) disgusting and a hell no. It's got a bit of promise if they add some depth to it.

Negatively, I'd say it screams out F2P in terms of what it is, but if they expand the game a relative amount I could bite on it at some point, but doubt anytime soon.

Hey everybody Beyond Good and Evil is 2.24 on GMG. Good price for that game, buy it now. Don't bother looking anywhere else, you won't find it for cheaper. You definitely won't find it free anywhere.
Thanks bought 10. Will surely be rich once it gets delisted and then relisted.

So crappy ass EA did what they did with FIFA and only allow one section of Battlefield 1's campaign to be played in Access before it gives you a nag screen saying buy the game on release and play the rest. Horseshit. 

At any rate, the story I got to play was outstanding. Awesomely designed levels and gripping narrative. I was actually shocked at how strong it was. There's a total of 5 War Stories, each are basically a mini campaign telling the story of one character's experience. The first one was a tank driver that I posted some screenies a few page back of. The others are one where you're a pilot and the Red Baron is in it, another where you play an Arab dude who hangs out with Lawrence of Arabia, but can't play those yet and don't remember the other one off hand.

I definitely want to play this as the quality demands it, but I cannot justify fakeying this one. Will wait for the inevitable 50% off, a return to Mexico prices, or a glitch. I have about 8 hours of time in Access left, so will give MP a proper whirl over the weekend.

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If it's the update that came out this week then it's YMMV cause I updated last night and played Gears 4 this morning before leaving to work.
That probably explains my Gears 3 patch problem the other day... It did finally patch but took hours to do so. (KI needed to patch also but I ended up deleting files and restarting that patch without issues a couple days after the Gears 4 issue.)

Edit: FML FH3 needs to patch today. It seems to be flying by past a 1 GB already no hangs.

Edit: No issues. I didn't note any performance changes but I'm locked right now so I likely wouldn't... They did release some new Horizon Edition of cars.

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Homefront Revolution- Freedom Fighter Bundle is 29.99 on steam. Is it worth the extra 5 bucks from the regular game or should I wait out for a bigger drop?

Freedom Fighter has the Season Pass and a couple Co-Op (which can also be played solo) trinkets such as gear and a weekly "supply crate".  The first SP DLC was a little disappointing to some people (30-45min long) but there's supposed to be three and the third is supposed to be pretty large.  Season Pass on its own ($25) doesn't seem to go on sale.

If you think you'll return to playing it, it's certainly worth the five bucks.

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Freedom Fighter has the Season Pass and a couple Co-Op (which can also be played solo) trinkets such as gear and a weekly "supply crate". The first SP DLC was a little disappointing to some people (30-45min long) but there's supposed to be three and the third is supposed to be pretty large. Season Pass on its own ($25) doesn't seem to go on sale.

If you think you'll return to playing it, it's certainly worth the five bucks.
Can the Co-Op Mode that you can play solo also be played offline?

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I don't believe so.  Enemy tracking, rewards, etc are all handled serverside.

You're starting a Co-Op game with one person, not actually playing "solo" if you get my drift.

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So far Im seeing good things from the latest FH3 patch with their multi-core fixes. It seems I can finally run at an unlocked fps with everything turned on and get 80-90fps with no stutters.  There are still a few that popup in city driving but nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Also everything in general is more responsive, entering photo mode is much quicker as well as browsing paintjobs and the like

There was also mention of a mic fix for all the bros that had those issues last week

Now if they could just patch in not using the horrible MS/xbox matchmaking and all would be well

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I've been having issues with the client for the past two days, it refuses to load the CSS for anything. But it works in the browser. I don't know if it's related to the beta or not.

Don't worry; my comedy (or lack thereof) for today has reached...The End.

Playing SOMA, it's probably the most disappointing game I've played this year. Definitely nowhere near as good as Amnesia, don't think it's even as engaging as Penumbra. The game is really "solve puzzle, walk around w/clunky controls because you're in the ocean, solve puzzle, repeat." The game is more adventure game meets walking simulator meets stealth than horror, how much you like the game probably will depend on how enthralled in the plot and world you get. I think it's passable but disappointing as hell. Like a 6/10 for me.

Finished Undertale.

I kind of wish I'd never heard of the game before I played it. For what it is, it's quite good. It's an interesting indie game.

But it's nowhere near what the hype or rabid fanbase would have you believe it is. 

To it's credit, it has a cast of quirky characters and that does give the game a pretty good amount of personality- but the dev also seems to know where to draw the line so as to not push too much on to them to make them cloying, and pretty much toes the line to make a corny-joke telling character just that corny... without pressing so hard to make them so annoying you want to jam pointy objects in their skull.

The story really comes off as something that's right in that band where a preteen or teen might think it's something crazy profound and important, but it's really a pretty bog standard "Power of Friendship" story that's been told- and told better- in many other formats.

The game's relatively short- which might be a good thing for the game... some of the mechanics and parts of the story were starting to show their tatters by the time you get to the end, and doubly so if you play in any of the post-endgame content. 

I'd probably give it an 8/10, and while I don't begrudge the $6.99 it cost me during the steam sale, I'd really say that unless someone REALLY enjoys JRPG style games and wants to see someone take a different take at the genre standards and conventions, they should probably wait for $5, and everyone else something south of that or in a bundle. 

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Went ahead and splurged on Homefront revolution FFB. If anyones playing Co-OP or trying to, Ill join ya. PM me or Tmac on steam.
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I really enjoy turn-based JRPG style games and Undertale is meh.  As frugal as people are around here Undertale is a $2 game at best.

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I'd probably give it an 8/10, and while I don't begrudge the $6.99 it cost me during the steam sale, I'd really say that unless someone REALLY enjoys JRPG style games and wants to see someone take a different take at the genre standards and conventions, they should probably wait for $5, and everyone else something south of that or in a bundle.
It's only a matter of time before it's in a humble monthly probably, tbh I'm sort of surprised it hasn't been in one already

Playing SOMA, it's probably the most disappointing game I've played this year. Definitely nowhere near as good as Amnesia, don't think it's even as engaging as Penumbra. The game is really "solve puzzle, walk around w/clunky controls because you're in the ocean, solve puzzle, repeat." The game is more adventure game meets walking simulator meets stealth than horror, how much you like the game probably will depend on how enthralled in the plot and world you get. I think it's passable but disappointing as hell. Like a 6/10 for me.
Not disputing your review at all since I haven't played it, but you are reaching Mooby levels of disliking everything you post about.

Finished Undertale.
I'm already prepared to be utterly disappointed by this overhyped game.

Went ahead and splurged on Homefront revolution FFB. If anyones playing Co-OP or trying to, Ill join ya. PM me or Tmac_718 steam.
Tried adding you and Steam said you don't exist!

I'm already prepared to be utterly disappointed by this overhyped game.
I honestly think it's impossible not to be. When your fanbase (and likely a horde of trolls) get it voted to be the best game ever, (including head to head votes versus Mass Effect, Fallout 3, Super Mario World and Pokemon), and people all over reddit, tumblr, and youtube losing their shit over it, they've built up the hype up into a check that the poor game just can't cash.

Uhhhh... since when did we actually play the games we buy cheap? That doesn't make any sense.
Well, noone was posting about the game they spent the most hours on, first game they purchased on steam, "Y u no wen"-ing, bragging about their VRAMs, or baiting MysterD, so we had to fill the time with something, Right?

Uhhhh... since when did we actually play the games we buy cheap? That doesn't make any sense.
I dunno about you...

...But I seem to be basically lately, for the most part, playing games I've been either [at least] somewhat-Fakeybroing (i.e. Fallout 4, WWE 2K16, Doom 2016) or stuff that's wound up on Steam Free Weekends (Homefront: The Revolution, CoD Black Ops 3 MP, Tales of Symphonia, Smash + Grab).


Grim Dawn + Hotline Miami 2 are the exceptions to the above, though.

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HTC Vive base stations is having a problem so I have to exchange the whole thing in the morning.

I'm so glad I bought it locally and not directly. "Why u no refund lik u did gtx 1070"

HTC VIVE adventure part 1 woo. 

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Anyone interested in playing Bloody Good Time? I bought it years ago hoping to play it, but no one has ever bought it :(

BIG STINKY STEAM KEY Version is $1.19 on GMG

Would any bros want to schedule it and play it at that price?
Yeah, already have it. Hopefully windows doesn't go into a boot loop again the next time it updates. Did a roll back and it seems to be working for now.
Blahhhhhhh PSU bit the dust tonight. Quite literally. Was playing Mafia III (fuck that game) and all of a sudden poof. Knew it pretty much right away. Took it out of the case and took it apart just because I like doing shit like that and the fucking thing was full of dust bunnies and shit. The buildup was kind of incredible and I'm annoyed that I didn't attempt to clean it. Of course my local BB doesnt have shit so Im out of commission til Tuesday as I ordered the one I wanted but it aint shippin til Monday. Ah well. Live and learn.

Anyway Mafia III is an ugly unoptimized POS that basically buries a really strong story. I had a reshade applied just to make it somewhat eye pleasing and just pushed a bit too hard. 

Blahhhhhhh PSU bit the dust tonight. Quite literally. Was playing Mafia III ( fuck that game) and all of a sudden poof. Knew it pretty much right away. Took it out of the case and took it apart just because I like doing shit like that and the fucking thing was full of dust bunnies and shit. The buildup was kind of incredible and I'm annoyed that I didn't attempt to clean it. Of course my local BB doesnt have shit so Im out of commission til Tuesday as I ordered the one I wanted but it aint shippin til Monday. Ah well. Live and learn.

GMG has 4 "spooky" games for $0.49 plus a 10% off coupon for the upcoming Halloween "sale".  What sort of "spooky" poop can you get for $0.49?  Thought I check just for the lols.  You guessed it - the same "spooky" poop you get in the mystery bundles!  Well played G-Man, well played.

Corp Lifestyle Sim



3 Dead Zed

You have been warned.

@MysterD get ready!!!!

[A likely Red Dead Redemp sequel cryptic teaser]
I still want RD Redempt ported here to PC first.

Hopefully, Red Dead Redemp 2 comes to PC.

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bread's done