Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I bought a xbox1 controller two years ago on black Friday with the sole purpose of playing dark souls 1. Two years later I have only used it for a couple of hours in Broforce.
You need to decide which is more important, 4K UHD drive or exclusives. I have all 3 consoles and if I had to choose 1 I would choose the PS4 simply because most cross-platform games are best on PC and PS4 has the better exclusives. However, Sony will never support 4K UHD discs on the PS4 or the PS4P so if they matter keep in mind you will still need to buy a dedicated player to watch them.
Hm. Interesting points, but the 4K Blu-ray is part of how I'm selling the scenario to the missus, so I'm still leaning in the MS direction at this point.

I don't watch any 4K content right now so I'm fine with the 1080p.

Per my comment above, I don't watch any 4K content or Blu Ray. On occasion that HBO or Netflix or Amazon Prime don't have what I want, I usually just buy a cheap Vudu code here. So for me, having a Blu Ray player or 4k isn't a huge factor. They're making more 4K content, be but I still think it's a long way to go. I probably won't even try it until I'm somewhere with no internet cap. PS has the best exclusives and that's usually my only determining factor when choosing a console, but even PS4 is probably a year or two away from having enough explains l exclusives to warrant a purchase from me.
I can relate because I'm not that keen on getting bleeding-edge stuff either, but watching Planet Earth II in 4K was absolutely gobsmacking.
just returned to this thread over a weekend of Diablo 3 marathon..

All of this controller and gamepad talk makes me want to get a Xbone and join the peasant revolution
Where you at in D3 (assuming you're doing the season)? Just reached GR32 solo and paragon 102 on my Monk, pretty low but only really play maybe an hour or two a day.

Hm. Interesting points, but the 4K Blu-ray is part of how I'm selling the scenario to the missus, so I'm still leaning in the MS direction at this point.
Shouldn't try to fool the wife. She is smarter than you are and Ms.direction seldom works. Take it from me, my wife always wins.

Shouldn't try to fool the wife. She is smarter than you are and Ms.direction seldom works. Take it from me, my wife always wins.

Marriage is like chess.  She may think she took my pawn, but I have a knight gunning for her rook.  

That being said.. how about those Prey people?  No demo's for you!  You can Steam refund it.  Come to find out it's apparently critically broken in a bunch of ways.

Marriage is like chess. She may think she took my pawn, but I have a knight gunning for her rook.

That being said.. how about those Prey people? No demo's for you! You can Steam refund it. Come to find out it's apparently critically broken in a bunch of ways.
It's a Bethesda this point it should be the gamer's fault for even expecting at the game to NOT be broken at launch

Like seriously, I think their motto is "We're Bethesda, our games are going to be broken. Deal with it or have mods fix it for us."

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Yeah, unfortunately that's useless information for most of us. madjoki is the only person I know with steam wallet on his alts..
What I'm saying is it might be worth it to invest into buying $1 steam wallet to get market open. I think you need to buy a gift from store and then wait 14 days. Adding wallet is not enough, even though site says so, timer would start countdown as normally, but reset after few hours or so back to 14 days.

This said, he has fairly quickly found a way to circumvent Valve's new security measures, so that's something.  Just adds steps to those that want to hoard gifts.

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This said, he has fairly quickly found a way to circumvent Valve's new security measures, so that's something. Just adds steps to those that want to horde gifts.
Yeah those get added to inventory:


But there's small detail:


Do you see what is missing?


It's a Bethesda this point it should be the gamer's fault for even expecting at the game to NOT be broken at launch

Like seriously, I think their motto is "We're Bethesda, our games are going to be broken. Deal with it or have mods fix it for us."
Bethesda didn't develop Prey 2017, Arkane did. Bethesda's the publisher.

I don't think most of Arkane's games are really known for having tons of mods to fix things for them, anyways.

Prey 2017 is on Crytek Engine, not the GameByro Engine Bethesda's been milking, reworking + overhauling since Morrowind.

Arkane's not known for dumping out SDK's to us.

Though, they (Arkane) only made their Arx Fatalis game Open Source. If anything's getting modded, it'll probably be that - even that though, really hasn't had tons of mods. Ar Libertatis is probably the main Source Port Engine for Arx Fatalis. I don't think they did Open Source on any of their other titles.

Though, honestly - in the modern era, a lot of games multi-platformed for PC + consoles that are released at the same time or very close to it, especially in the AAA space, the PC ports on the technical side have been kind of "Meh."

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Bethesda didn't develop Prey 2017, Arkane did. Bethesda's the publisher. I don't think most of Arkane's games are really known for having tons of mods to fix things for them.

Prey 2017 is on Crytek Engine, not the GameByro Engine Bethesda's been milking + reworking since Morrowind.

Though, honestly - in the modern era, a lot of games multi-platformed for PC + consoles, especially in the AAA space, the PC ports on the technical side have been kind of "Meh."
For me one very late game quest broke as in lost it's quest marker, very likely because I did one side mission first (which is timed rescue mission that is given once you enter that area).

Mission is literally impossible without quest marker as you are literally searching for needle from haystack the space. Also even audio log had wrong location.

Had to reload save from few hours earlier, follow quest marker, take note of location (there's no map btw), reload and try to find it.

For me one very late game quest broke as in lost it's quest marker, very likely because I did one side mission first (which is timed rescue mission that is given once you enter that area).

Mission is literally impossible without quest marker as you are literally searching for needle from haystack the space. Also even audio log had wrong location.

Had to reload save from few hours earlier, follow quest marker, take note of location (there's no map btw), reload and try to find it.
Anyone buying games from Bethesda, Arkane, BioWare, Obsidian, or any others doing heavily ambitious stuff at full price or very close to it, likely around pre-order time or week 1 or 2 - ummmm, you just might want to wait a bit unless you're getting a killer deal on it (i.e. 50% off or better).

These companies are well known for these issues.

Most companies cannot get their games delayed to polish them up from their publisher - even more so probably true, in this "Release rest of the game as DLC Era" and "Release Now, Patch Later" mentality. And also true, once publishers begin rolling out their marketing campaign.

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Anyone buying games from Bethesda, Arkane, BioWare, Obsidian, or any others doing heavily ambitious stuff at full price or very close to it, likely around pre-order time or week 1 or 2 - ummmm, you just might want to wait a bit unless you're getting a killer deal on it (i.e. 50% off or better).

These companies are well known for these issues.

Most companies cannot get their games delayed to polish them up from their publisher - even more so probably true, in this "Release rest of the game as DLC Era" and "Release Now, Patch Later" mentality. And also true, once publishers begin rolling out their marketing campaign.
Well, I essentially got game like 75% off soo :p

With what ending is, making DLC doesn't really make any sense. I guess there will be tho.

Yikes, thats humble monthly tier lol
This doesn't make any sense. The Humble Monthly has consistently been the strongest bundle in almost every month of its existence. Certainly more good than bad.

Its not Shield he's deactivating. And anyone who pays for that shit in the first place isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with.

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Wow, you weren't kidding.
If you want a summary of the new Steam store page here it is-

If you buy a game and play it, you probably like the game.

If you buy similar games and play them, Steam will randomly tell you that you are not interested in this game and not to buy it.

This doesn't make any sense. The Humble Monthly has consistently been the strongest bundle in almost every month of its existence. Certainly more good than bad.
was being smartass.

Its not Shield he's deactivating. And anyone who pays for that shit in the first place isnt the sharpest knife in the drawer to begin with.
I misread, but Spoder says this method

If you want a summary of the new Steam store page here it is-

If you buy a game and play it, you probably like the game.

If you buy similar games and play them, Steam will randomly tell you that you are not interested in this game and not to buy it.
All these issues with steam and the only thing they're consistent in accomplishing is screwing up the things I actually like about the store.

works anyway so yay

Where you at in D3 (assuming you're doing the season)? Just reached GR32 solo and paragon 102 on my Monk, pretty low but only really play maybe an hour or two a day.
just came back after 2 years of break and started Season 10 since I like the Inna Monk set reward. Patch 2.5 has made Diablo 3 the best accessible ARPG this year.

Blizzard really listen to its fanbase and make a tremendous comeback. When it was released, I just liked the game.. but now, I love it. I enjoy the mechanic and all the subtle ways they improve the "quality of life" and make gameplay flow seamlessly.

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So since this is console thread now (based on all this controller talk), what is everyone's opinion on TVs? The wife and I have been saving to get a BIG new one (60-75 inch) and know very little about what makes them "good" at that range. Don't worry, I'll still be keeping it glorious since I have a PC in the living room as a media machine and to play all the couch co-op games. I think we were looking at the LG 65" but not completely sold. Since I have a PC sitting right next to the TV, the whole "smart- TV" thing is a complete waste.
I used to sell TVs years ago and knew just about everything about the market. Then I quit and erased most of it from my memory because I hated it.

I'd say just for general information, brand trumps everything.

Samsung: Best brand out there right now. Vibrant screens, better contrast, non-muddled colors, etc. The gimmicky software driven higher refresh rates are also the best out there compared to the competition. I'd argue they aren't a gimmick on Samsung, I used to put old Disney movies on the top of the line ones and crank the motion rate to max and compare and it was night and day. The animation went from being choppy to buttery smooth. Samsung knows what they're doing.

Sony: Second best, but I have a handful of quibbles with them. Generally I never liked the construction quality compared to Samsung and LG, didn't like most of the stands (flimsy, stupid designs on everything but the top of the line TVs), etc. The picture quality is excellent like Samsung, but top of the line Samsung looks a hell of a lot better than top of the line Sony. Software refresh rate software is garbage too, from what I've seen. Certain models are basically PS3s though, I think, and hook up with PSN to play downloaded games, so that's a neat feature (you'd have to look into it, I forget how it works exactly).

LG: Arguably in the top three, but I've never been a fan of LG. They have some crazy high end stuff, but from low to high I've never been a fan of the picture quality. At a glance LG displays are really vibrant, but they also have very muddled colors and lower contrast/detail. Set side by side with a Samsung or Sony, the difference is pretty clear (even OLEDs suffer from this from what I've seen). That said, they're still decent and they have some good deals here and there. The construction quality is also pretty good and most of them feel like pretty quality TVs, I just have never been a fan because of the subpar picture.

Vizio: I don't know quite as much about these as others (my store didn't stock Vizio for some reason, even though we carried Sony), but last I knew, they're Sony's bargain brand. If you want a cheap 4K, Vizios are probably your best option. I've heard people hate on Vizios, but my family had one for close to a decade that never really had any issues. Picture seems to be a little more washed out and not as vibrant as the top companies from what I've seen, but they're probably the top of the cheaper brands.

Toshiba: I'm not sure what Toshiba is even doing these days, but I've always been a fan. Nothing special, just a middle of the road sort of company without super high end stuff, but good quality, good picture, etc. I've had a little 32" Toshiba for years and it's served me well.

RCA, Element, etc: Just don't. You may luck out and a cheapie TV may last for you, but these break more than you could ever imagine. We got these returned on a daily basis broken out of the box or within a month. The picture is shit, they break, it's just all around crap. These brands sucker you in with ridiculously low prices for a reason. I used to straight up tell customers how often they broke to steer them away from wasting their money. Managers would have chewed my head off for doing so, but I couldn't morally sell garbage like that, lol.

Curved TV's are a gimmick (some people say they have better viewing angles...but shenanigans. Even LG stopped making them. Wouldn't be surprised if Samsung is next.)
They're not really a gimmick, but they're sort of pointless. I will say that if you have a large room with seating arranged far to the sides of your TV area, the viewing angle is actually far better from side angles. Whenever we'd put stuff on to watch in the department while we worked (Maui doesn't exactly have a booming TVs sales market), we'd always put it on the biggest curved Samsung and you could make out the picture/subtitles from a near peripheral angle to the display. Curved works, but there's not much of a point to it in most cases, and you're typically spending a few hundred bucks more to get it.

Consoles: What are people's general thoughts on XBONEs? I've been toying with the idea of getting one in the living room (where our 4K TV is) when the Scorpios come out (I'm expecting the S models will drop in price then to ~ $200). It seems like a cheap way to get a 4K Blu-Ray player as well as play the occasional console-exclusive title. Is there anything about these that makes them better than PS4s in the long run? I like the idea that MS has taken the time and trouble to make their new consoles backwards-compatible with the 360, which is something that Sony could apparently give two halves of a rat's ass about. Buying a new Sony console would require me to rebuy a lot of things if I want to play them on the PS4, which seems a bit asinine. Sony does tend to have better exclusives IMO (I like the Uncharted and God of War series), and I could probably swap stuff with my PS4-owning brother if I got one of them, but I also like (in some ways) that MS seems to be making moves to make it easier to cross-game on PCs and consoles. What are y'all experiences in these areas?
As far as gaming and graphics goes, there's not much difference between the two. It's console plebbery, they're running cheapie hardware, typically running games at 30fps, you know the drill. Xbone has backwards compatibility like you mentioned, and they also give out a handful of free games every month (including some pretty great 360 titles), which is pretty cool. Sony has become kind of an asshole company who doesn't listen to their player base at all. Even the Wii U is backwards compatible, Sony just straight up didn't bother with backwards compatibility because they'd rather you buy shit again on PSN.

It pretty much comes down to backward compatibility, exclusives, and the 4K drive. As far as exclusives go, Sony wins a bit there, but barely. Uncharted has run its course, God of War is hardly a reason to buy a PS4, and the old classics like Spyro and Crash have all but faded into obscurity. PS4 has some cooler weeb games if you're into that sort of thing, but besides that there aren't many worthwhile exclusives on either Xbone or PS4 these days (Halo has turned to crap more or less as well). Nintendo retains its crown as the weak gimmick console company, but they're got the best exclusives by a wide margin. Honestly Nintendo consoles are the only ones worth buying for exclusives.

I'd lean towards the Xbone, honestly. PS4 just doesn't have a lot going for it in comparison.

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OMG, Valve added a useful feature for once! It's cluttered with shit I don't care about too, but still! I like that you can see which friends give games a positive or negative review on the side of the store page.

Now who do I trust.. 3 randoms I never talk to, or a toaster and a turtle? Tough decision.

Might as well go for the Freedom Fighter Bundle (to also get the Expansion Pass) for the extra $2, at that point...
This! Even if it will be bundled, it won't be Freedom Edition. Expansion Pass costs $16 alone lol.


OMG, Valve added a useful feature for once! It's cluttered with shit I don't care about too, but still! I like that you can see which friends give games a positive or negative review on the side of the store page.

Now who do I trust.. 3 randoms I never talk to, or a toaster and a turtle? Tough decision.
Sad they removed owners/wishlister from that view.

If you consider mostly stable 60 fps 1200p bad, then yes.
How about at 1440p?


This! Even if it will be bundled, it won't be Freedom Edition. Expansion Pass costs $16 alone lol.
This "we won't discount the Expansion Pass/Season Pass/DLC" crap that's been going on from dev's + pub's is a real "Screw You" to those who buy early + just buy the Base-Game at likely much higher prices.

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bread's done