Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm pro-wall-of-text because I mainly skip those message anyways.

I'm only here for pics of pizza and mom jokes.
Word to your m.... Eh, nevermind.

Here's your review you've been waiting for.

Watch (Mooby's) Dongs 2

Did you like the first one? This is more of that. Did you think Aiden was a cabbage-head in the first one? Yeah, he's not in the second.
Did you like free-roaming in Chicago? So sry, it's San Fran this time. You get to play a member of the racial/gender diverse (as determined by Ubisoft focus groups) hacker group known as DedSec. A group of skript-kiddies who bitch about other groups of script-kiddies. You are gonna take The Man down. The man of course is The White Man. Having said that, he does sport a man-bun which means it's open 'douche season' on his ass. You use your variety of tricks in addition to new devices such as a drone and a rolly thing. (technical term: jumper). You can also SWAT enemies or call in gang hits on your friends for laughs. Good times. There are side missions (yeah whatever boring to somewhat clever ones like hacking Ubisoft SanFran offices to steal the latest trailer for their new game) and the main mission to 'hack teh world' (teh is hackerspeak for the word 'the' for you nubez out there) is servicable. I'd give Watch Dongs 1 a 7/10 this one a 7.5-8/10. Entertaining but doesn't out stay its welcome.
Word to your m.... Eh, nevermind.

Here's your review you've been waiting for.

Watch (Mooby's) Dongs 2

Did you like the first one? This is more of that. Did you think Aiden was a cabbage-head in the first one? Yeah, he's not in the second.
Did you like free-roaming in Chicago? So sry, it's San Fran this time. You get to play a member of the racial/gender diverse (as determined by Ubisoft focus groups) hacker group known as DedSec. A group of skript-kiddies who bitch about other groups of script-kiddies. You are gonna take The Man down. The man of course is The White Man. Having said that, he does sport a man-bun which means it's open 'douche season' on his ass. You use your variety of tricks in addition to new devices such as a drone and a rolly thing. (technical term: jumper). You can also SWAT enemies or call in gang hits on your friends for laughs. Good times. There are side missions (yeah whatever boring to somewhat clever ones like hacking Ubisoft SanFran offices to steal the latest trailer for their new game) and the main mission to 'hack teh world' (teh is hackerspeak for the word 'the' for you nubez out there) is servicable. I'd give Watch Dongs 1 a 7/10 this one a 7.5-8/10. Entertaining but doesn't out stay its welcome.
I heard in the new one, you can play as any dong you want ... I’m sure some folks in this thread are pretty happy about that.
When it comes to dongs, I want a wide (and long) selection to choose from and play with. Variety is the spice of life, so the more unique and different the dong, the better the experience. I'm reasonably excited for this next watch dongs because, supposedly, the new lighting technology will make the dongs look way better and more realistic than before.
I'm pro-wall-of-text because I mainly skip those message anyways.

I'm only here for pics of pizza and mom jokes.
EA Origin was always fine, for the most part. Or EA Desktop app. Whatever they are calling it now.

This has nothing to do w/ my issues of lack of lists for games in the UI. Already spoke on that.

I got another issue to speak of.

One of my biggest problems with it was - and not sure if it's been fixed, as I ain't had the need to try this in a while (since I do have certain games on all of my PC's) - if you tried say copying an install from one drive to the main Origin game-folder/drive with say a base-game and all your DLC's/expansions. Example - DAI: GOTY Edition.

What would happen was - Origin would only recognize your base-game install, when you point to an existing install of the game...when it's discovering what you have of the game, when trying to re-install a game or move a game from one drive to another. Even if you actually have all of the DLC's already in there - it would still re-download ALL of the DLC's/expansions. Annoying. Had this happen w/ DA:I GOTY a few times.

Has this been fixed?

Steam always did this better w/ the "Game Discovery" thing when doing a reinstall of a game in full...with its DLC's/expansions. Whatever and whenever you moved a game and it's DLC's/expansions from one PC to another; or from one drive to another - it would figure it all out properly. Sure, might take a bit for it to allocate space, recognize what you got, and make room for it at all - but, at least it would only download updates and/or what's missing for what you owned (for expansions/DLC's/etc). 

Steam never had that Origin issue (not sure if EA fixed that) where the client-app always found the base-game and then forced DLC/expansion download, no matter if you had base-game & ALL DLC's here for the "discovery" process.

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Crysis: Remastered - 8K Trailer...for the few percent using at 8K:

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Per nvidia, rtx 3080 review embargo lifts in 20min.   decided I'm going to monitor some pages during work today and tomorrow in hopes of getting one.  I have a 10% best buy offer (birthday month) and they have several "coming soon" pages already up.

Somewhat concerned these cards will spark another mining wave that will (again) skew the market. Would rather secure one sooner rather than later.  Hopefully most of the internet is going to be focused on ps5 news today anyway.

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I thought all the real mining was done with ASIC boards these days.  Interested to see how the card market shakes out although I'm going to sit tight for now and wait on the Ti and Super variants so I don't have early buyer's remorse.

Anyone doing some significant component buying/PC building over the next few months might want to take advantage of the new Chase Sapphire Preferred sign-up bonus offer of 80,000 UR points.  Unlike AMEX, Chase points can be cashed out at full ratio so that's effectively $800 cash ($705 minus the $95 annual fee) you get in the form of a statement credit.  Alternatively it can go further if you use it for travel rewards (but Covid).  You need to rack up $4,000 spend over a three-month period to get the bonus.  Just be sure to pay off the card in full every month so you don't pay interest.

I'd be all over it but I'm not in the market to upgrade now or make any other significant purchases.  If only you could make student loan payments or rent/mortgage with a CC then I'd be set!

Hey, remember that bundle of a bajillion games for a nickel?  I'm waiting on the next big Division 2 update next week so I dived back into it!  I'm going to spare you my thoughts on the tech demos & shitty low-rent games and instead mention a couple titles that were actually a valid use of my time.

SYSCRUSHER: A first person shooter set in a dystopian cyber-future, SYSCRUSHER (actually S Y S C R U S H E R, but no) has you shooting robot guards and robot tanks and robot helicopters as you crush systems.  Take that, systems!  It starts off pretty hard if you're used to modern FPS games with only four "hearts" of health and some fairly accurate robots ready to take them away from you.  The slow pistol that has to charge between shots doesn't help.  Once you get into the swing of it though, you'll find the usual FPS weapon goodies and additional health bonuses although I still died a lot.  Graphics are okay for the budget and sometimes pretty cool.  Music was weirdly awful.  Like, to the point where I wondered if it was intentionally bad just to distract me from my system crushing.  Anyway, if you like janky old school shooters, you might enjoy this one.

A Vivid Life: From the other side of Indie Town, we get this disturbing interactive fiction piece which puts you into the role of a 17 year old girl convinced that there is something very wrong with her body: "The skeleton inside of me isn't mine."  That would qualify as something wrong.  Taking the natural course of action when you fear that you're being inhabited by the wrong skeleton, she has stolen an X-ray machine and heads for the hills where she can look inside herself, find abnormalities and then make decisions about them ranging from the wildly impractical ("these bones are wrong because they were imperfectly 3D printed by the military") to the depressingly plausible ("these bones are wrong because a family member shoved me out a window and I broke them"), eventually making your own story of what happened to you.  Contains some pretty squicky, though not visually graphic, depictions of self-surgery/mutilation.  The whole thing takes less than an hour although I guess you could replay and pick different options.

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Anyone doing some significant component buying/PC building over the next few months might want to take advantage of the new Chase Sapphire Preferred sign-up bonus offer of 80,000 UR points.
Eh, there's a reason they're dangling a carrot over that pitfall. Many more people lose that game than win. Not to say coming out ahead is impossible, but I'd definitely advise caution - especially in today's world / economy.

rtx 3080 review summary so far: It's good. +30% on the 2080ti good. But difficult to oc. Wish I had data on the aftermarket tri-fan cooler vs FE stock. If anyone comes across this please let me know.
Eh, there's a reason they're dangling a carrot over that pitfall. Many more people lose that game than win. Not to say coming out ahead is impossible, but I'd definitely advise caution - especially in today's world / economy.

rtx 3080 review summary so far: It's good. +30% on the 2080ti good. But difficult to oc. Wish I had data on the aftermarket tri-fan cooler vs FE stock. If anyone comes across this please let me know.
Oh definitely. It's only worth it if you are able to front the cash for your components/upgrade. Not paying the bill off immediately is a huge pitfall. Also, after a year you can always product change to a no annual fee card if it's not worth retaining (and honestly it isn't until they decide to refresh it/fix the spending categories).

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I think(?) we can agree that borrowing for a primary residence is not in the same ballpark as taking on incentivized cc debt on unnecessary pc components.

I think(?) we can agree that borrowing for a primary residence is not in the same ballpark as taking on incentivized cc debt on unnecessary pc components.
Absolutely. Which is why I thought "I cannot fathom paying someone for the privilege owing them money" was an oddly broad brush. I don't know if it was just inelegantly said or if we're actually repudiating the entire idea of borrowing money.

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I chalk that one up to inelegance.

In other news, I want a 3080. 

I consider today (3rd party review release) to be much more significant that the initial nvidia-hype "time machine" reveal. Here's Death Stranding (ultra 4k)

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Looks as though it'll be a nice jump when I replace the 1080.  Though I'm more interested in 1440 results than 4K and sometimes the gains at lower resolutions aren't as inspiring since the older card was already handling it pretty well.

I dunno, I wouldn't own a house if I hadn't taken out a mortgage at the time. Engaging in our modern finance system isn't intrinsically bad, you just need to be smart about it.
Its the yearly fee on the credit card thats the issue... That's ridiculous. No one should be paying that unless they've already fucked their credit up.

Its the yearly fee on the credit card thats the issue... That's ridiculous. No one should be paying that unless they've already fucked their credit up.
Gotcha. Maybe there's some scenario where someone thinks they're getting enough perks & bonuses to warrant the fee but, yeah, I don't sign up for cards with fees either. I misinterpreted your complaint about "paying" to be about interest in general. Mea cupla.

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Its the yearly fee on the credit card thats the issue... That's ridiculous. No one should be paying that unless they've already fucked their credit up.
Side topic I know.... but pizza! Anyway, there are ways to game the system. Many people use cards with annual fees and turn an overall profit with the travel rewards. It's just that 90% of the people don't pay off their balances so that's how the companies make their money.

Word to your m.... Eh, nevermind.

Here's your review you've been waiting for.

Watch (Mooby's) Dongs 2

Did you like the first one? This is more of that. Did you think Aiden was a cabbage-head in the first one? Yeah, he's not in the second.
Did you like free-roaming in Chicago? So sry, it's San Fran this time. You get to play a member of the racial/gender diverse (as determined by Ubisoft focus groups) hacker group known as DedSec. A group of skript-kiddies who bitch about other groups of script-kiddies. You are gonna take The Man down. The man of course is The White Man. Having said that, he does sport a man-bun which means it's open 'douche season' on his ass. You use your variety of tricks in addition to new devices such as a drone and a rolly thing. (technical term: jumper). You can also SWAT enemies or call in gang hits on your friends for laughs. Good times. There are side missions (yeah whatever boring to somewhat clever ones like hacking Ubisoft SanFran offices to steal the latest trailer for their new game) and the main mission to 'hack teh world' (teh is hackerspeak for the word 'the' for you nubez out there) is servicable. I'd give Watch Dongs 1 a 7/10 this one a 7.5-8/10. Entertaining but doesn't out stay its welcome.

Looks as though it'll be a nice jump when I replace the 1080. Though I'm more interested in 1440 results than 4K and sometimes the gains at lower resolutions aren't as inspiring since the older card was already handling it pretty well.
Reviews are out today. I have about 2 hours of youtube videos queued up from my four tech channels. Watched the review from GamersNexus; Steve does a good job. The 3080 gets roughly 2.5x the frames over the GTX 1080 at both 1440p and 4K. It's an incredible leap for anyone running 9-series and 10-series cards.

It's about 50% more frames over the RTX 2080 as well. Nearly double the performance over the 2070,2080 on games with RTX On. Which is what I'm most interested in: RTX performance with new games on a 1440p g-sync monitor.

For much of the year I was thinking about getting a PS5 because it would be nice to relax on the couch and play things on the TV in the other room with (close to) 60 frames at 4K. Like maybe start playing Destiny 2 again with the controller. But I'm barely even interested now. Nvidia has introduced the RTX 3070 at $499 as the next-gen console killer and is one step ahead of everyone else, as usual. These are the first true 4K cards.

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SLI is dead. Long live the SLI

What's the consensus on going AIB or FE? I don't remember where I read it, or how reputable the site was, but there was an article postulating that Nvidia is releasing the smallest possible yield of FEs and leaning more onto the 3rd party vendors for profit. Based on the markup of the cards from ASUS, MSI, (perhaps EVGA, though I can't find specific pricing) etc, I'm starting to believe it.

SLI is dead. Long live the SLI

What's the consensus on going AIB or FE? I don't remember where I read it, or how reputable the site was, but there was an article postulating that Nvidia is releasing the smallest possible yield of FEs and leaning more onto the 3rd party vendors for profit. Based on the markup of the cards from ASUS, MSI, (perhaps EVGA, though I can't find specific pricing) etc, I'm starting to believe it.
no consensus, but it seems like the FE does a much-improved job of cooling this time around. Apparently it's noticeably louder than some of the partner cards with better coolers tho. AiB reviews start coming out tomorrow.

At least the nice AiB cards don't cost that much more of a premium this time around. There are lots of options. I'd prefer an XC3 Ultra or a FTW3. Though the MSI Gaming X Trio seems very appealing too. That's my order of preference: EVGA, MSI, then FE.

No biggie. I certainly could have explained it better. :)

Tom's Hardware had an interesting article talking about older CPUs and how they perform with an 3080.
Interesting, but not even close to unexpected.

When I replaced my 670, I went with a 1660 Super because that's roughly the point the old Haswell CPUs would start bottlenecking. The 3080 is what, 3.5 steps above that.

Edit: Start bottlenecking was a poor choice of words. Start bottlenecking everything that the 1660 Super can handle is probably a better description, since there's plenty of CPU intensive games that would have bottlenecked much sooner.

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Yeah I'm targeting that evga xc3 (non-ultra) for $657+tax from bby. The FE is probably my second choice. I just hate the new 12pin plug that's moved all the way up to the middle of the card to accomodate the shrunken pcb. Which is extra ugly considering the necessary 2x8pin > 12pin adapter packaged with the FE.
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Unless it has RGB on it, it's useless!
Try as much as I can, I still don't, nor do I ever think I might, understand the obsession with those multi-colored lights. Is similar to metal flicker/flashing with fish or lasers and cats?

Yeah I'm targeting that evga xc3 (non-ultra) for $657+tax from bby. The FE is probably my second choice.
Link please

edit: this one -

I see $769

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That's awesome that you have a birthday coupon.  Perfect for this purchase.

I just got done pestering CS and they won't give me one.  "Call the 1-800 # to verify your information blah blah blah blah"... No, fuck off.  Perhaps I will wait until Nov. when the coupon usually comes through and think about buying a card then. 

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I noticed some people on r/ have success changing the account birthdate ahead of time to get it during your desired month. Might be worth changing it now to Oct if you're targeting that 3070.

In my case i have an actual bday this week. I almost blew the 10% offer on Mario 3D allstars earlier, whew.
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Playstation 5 event on-going online.


Final Fantasy XVI a "PS5 Console Exclusive."

Hogwarts Legacy (based in the Wizarding World / Harry Potter IP).

Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition.

Oddworld Inhabitants.

Five Night's At Freddy's: Security Breach.

Demon's Souls (Remastered).

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Will be nice to finally play Derpmons Souls.  Oddworld games... never really cared for the platformers.  Stranger's Wrath was cool, though.

I'm so zucked up right now. Pre-ordered the 256 GB Oculus Quest 2.

For one, I'm glad I waited, knowing this was almost definitely around the corner.

Not even if one was dipped in gold and given to me by Markie himself, while the girl of my dreams filated little Eulogy. The Facebook "real name/identity" requirement is the most unequivocally asinine decision in modern tech. fuck Facebook with every fiber of my being. Also: pizza
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bread's done