I've been playing This War of Mine a bit over the last few days. In short, it's pretty good.
The game puts you in control of a group of survivors in a war torn capital, where you need to scavenge, loot and pillage to survive.
The first few days pass in a similar fashion to browser-based favourite, Rebuild, as you spend your time clearing up your shelter and pooling supplies. So far so good.
The game then starts to take a different complexion shortly after though, as your survivor's moods start to worsen and injuries/fatigue start to mount.
By the end of the first week, I'd cleared out all the "easy" targets and was left with the prospect of looting a shopping mall, or something easier like and old couple's villa. I took the latter.
I crept up to the door and peeked through, eavesdropping on Bob and Mildred reminiscing about How Things Were Better Back Then. I thought I'd hold off, and break in when they went to bed.
Only, they didn't go to bed. Time was running out so I broke in and murdered them. Oops. Turns out that murder will hit your scavenger hard, and they'll get all depressed about it. Which is a shame as I REALLY NEEDED those supplies. More than they did, anyways.
TWoM taught me that I'd probably be a good hoarder in an apocalypse. It also taught me that, deep down, I'm probably a psychopath. Perhaps I should see somebody about that.