Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Wait, what kind of games do you actually like Mooby?
  • My Systems
    Wii U
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Only MGS game I played was 2 and I thought it was kinda sucky.
I played the demo for MGS2 up until the point where you could fap at some adult magazines in a locker and stopped. That's the only good thing I heard about the game, so I figured that was all I needed to experience.

I played the demo for MGS2 up until the point where you could fap at some adult magazines in a locker and stopped. That's the only good thing I heard about the game, so I figured that was all I needed to experience.
As much as I enjoy the games, 2 was where I stopped giving a shit about the story and just appreciated the gameplay. Also, I nearly shit an ounce of blood when i realized I'd have to play through the game as some blonde fairy instead of Snake. An ounce of blood, no more, no less.

Arkham Knight update:

Apparently "Normal" textures requires 4 GB of CAG's favorite word. Changing the texture quality to "Low" made the game run sooooooooo much smoother. Still not 60 FPS, but at least it's not choking and freezing for five seconds at a time.

I'm also having issues with some remapped controls. You now have to press Alt+ middle Mouse button to go down ledges and enter grates, instead of space; and finishing moves (like breaking an arm, etc.) are now done with Alt+1. It's pretty confusing after two games using the same keybinds for the same moves (Arkham Asylum had you press Shift + mouse buttons, so it was different.)


Arkham Knight update:

Apparently "Normal" textures requires 4 GB of CAG's favorite word. Changing the texture quality to "Low" made the game run sooooooooo much smoother. Still not 60 FPS, but at least it's not choking and freezing for five seconds at a time.

I'm also having issues with some remapped controls. You now have to press Alt+ middle Mouse button to go down ledges and enter grates, instead of space; and finishing moves (like breaking an arm, etc.) are now done with Alt+1. It's pretty confusing after two games using the same keybinds for the same moves (Arkham Asylum had you press Shift + mouse buttons, so it was different.)

Thanks again for the sacrifice.

And I played GTA online for the first time, and someone on the mic was rather vividly describing their sexual relations with a cactus.

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I played GTA online for the first time today, and already someone was on the mic describing rather vividly their sexual relations with a cactus.

Arkham Knight update:

Apparently "Normal" textures requires 4 GB of CAG's favorite word. Changing the texture quality to "Low" made the game run sooooooooo much smoother. Still not 60 FPS, but at least it's not choking and freezing for five seconds at a time.
Of course it does.

I have Batman: AK at 1080p; AA On; VSync Off; Texture Resolution ON (that text setting says it req. at least 3GB card it says alone); both Shadow Quality + LoD at HIGH; the entire GameWorks section OFF; and left the 30 FPS cap ON.

With those settings - often eating 3.7-4GB of you-know-what.

Will be interesting to see how it runs + what amount of you-know-what it'll eat up, once the Interim patch is let loose.

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I just Funstockeybro'd it after watching that entire video. $27.43. 50% off with the voucher: AUG-COUPRED-PRE30

I'll start preparing my g2aesque rant in two weeks when my key is revoked.
I'm tempted, but I might go double-fakey and get it from GMG so I'm at least confident about the legitimacy of my key.

Maybe I can talk myself into it by thinking about the last fifteen shit bundles for ~$2.25 that I passed up on.

You all suck at stopping me buying stuff. I went to bed thinking "Charlize Theron was badass and I hope the game is too".

Then I woke up and started researching shady key re-sellers.

This is a tale that's going to end badly.


Briefly summary of Tebow's chat daily behaviour

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Just got my Mad Max key from FunStock. Can't wait to play this shoddy pc port while everyone I know is losing their shit over Phantom Pain.

Just got my Mad Max key from FunStock. Can't wait to play this shoddy pc port while everyone I know is losing their shit over Phantom Pain.
The good thing, you will get the Ripper Bonus.

The bad, the game will probably sucks so much you won't need that bonus xD.

The good thing, you will get the Ripper Bonus.

The bad, the game will probably sucks so much you won't need that bonus xD.
But he'll have it. And, someday, you'll buy the game for $4.99 and gloat but you'll know that you don't have the Ripper and feel just a little empty inside because of it.

But he'll have it. And, someday, you'll buy the game for $4.99 and gloat but you'll know that you don't have the Ripper and feel just a little empty inside because of it.
Assuming it doesn't come included in the Enhanced-Definitive-GOTY-OMGWTFBBQ version.

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For anyone that was waiting for it, Grandia II Anniversary just launched on steam.
{sees it's only 25% off currently}

{adds to Wishlist}


Metal Gear isn't that good. I read a post by IkedaTeramusa, and he's seen a video, so I know.
Only one way for Konami to fix these problems - just port the entire MG Solid collection to Steam.

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Also note that it's no longer called "Grandia 2 HD" and is now "Grandia 2 Anniversary Edition"...because it barely qualifies as HD. I love the game but come on, guys, this is weak.

bread's done