Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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BTW, I looked an apparently only own Divinity II and Divinity II Developers cut.  No idea where/how I got them.. but I only put 3 hrs into one.  (cards maybe?)

$50 bucks seems like a bit to throw in for a kickstarter but it'd get both games... maybe?

RPG Codex...I completely forgot that site existed.
With Mooby and Bruticus here brining it up every 5 seconds. How?

And Codex and Larian have been in a circle jerk love ass kissing fest with each other for a while now. No news there.

BTW, I looked an apparently only own Divinity II and Divinity II Developers cut. No idea where/how I got them.. but I only put 3 hrs into one. (cards maybe?)

$50 bucks seems like a bit to throw in for a kickstarter but it'd get both games... maybe?
Meh, I'm still holding out for a cheap boxed retail copy closer than the Mexican border. Those boxes are sitting collecting dust and the stores are playing chicken with the buyers but it's been a long time now and someone else will blink sooner or later.
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Besides the whole Titty Mahjong thing, this F2P card game just popped up for me on the Steam front page.

Everyone is getting into Anime Boobies lately. It's the new zombies.

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Erection jokes aside, we're all concerned about this new "you", especially the Pie shit. It's pretty revolting.
Hey bro, thanks for the concern - sincerest bro fist straight from my heart to yours. I'm finally comfortable with who I am and that is someone who speaks in a weird vaguely european accent with random high pitched yelps. I hope you can accept me.


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Hey bro, thanks for the concern - sincerest bro fist straight from my heart to yours. I'm finally comfortable with who I am and that is someone who speaks in a weird vaguely european accent with random high pitched yelps. I hope you can accept me.


So we doing a show me yours I'll show you mine?

You show me Divinity...

I'll raise you Aura, Stomping Lands, Code Hero

You'll then say Shovel Knight...

I'll respond Forsaken Fortress, Greed Monger, Unwritten

You'll say something along the lines of... Look at track records (oh wait, that already happened)

I'll respond Clang (Stephenson) or H-Hour who have big names and big properties (like SOCOM) behind them.

We'll have to agree to disagree. While some publishers (EA/WB/Trion) are terrible. Some are not. In my opinion.

But games like Star Citizen personally prove to me that unless you have someone in the back with the crop to smack'm when they get side tracked.

Beat me to it.
I'm not sure how all this is relevant to Larian. Personally I have never and will never contribute to Kickstarter, because the good games that are worth backing will wind up being successful without my help and I can buy them then. However, the point the poster made that you were responding to was to look at each individual company's track record. How is the track record of any of those companies you named (including Shovel Knight) relevant to Larian's track record? If one company has proved themselves capable of making an exceptional game in a timely fashion how is it all relevant that a different company hasn't? Like you say, some publishers are terrible and some aren't. Similarly, some indie devs suck and some don't. At this point it seems like Larian doesn't.

Clearly you feel strongly about this company and this game and I'm not going to change your mind on this so let's just agree to disagree here.
I do believe in this company and some others but not all of them for certain. Sure we can agree to disagree on some of this. I would never say to back just anyone. I know KS isn't for everyone but I feel there are some gems out there.

Some site called 2game has Mad Max for 55% off . I have no idea what the reputation of the site is, but thought I'd mention. Thought I'd also mention that I'm really beginning to have doubts regarding the quality of the game considering how many significant pre-order discounts there are. Between funstock, this site and gmg there are three sites I know of offering the game for at least 1/2 off, which I feel like doesn't bode well.

Some site called 2game has Mad Max for 55% off . I have no idea what the reputation of the site is, but thought I'd mention. Thought I'd also mention that I'm really beginning to have doubts regarding the quality of the game considering how many significant pre-order discounts there are. Between funstock, this site and gmg there are three sites I know of offering the game for at least 1/2 off, which I feel like doesn't bode well.
You're a 2game rep, aren't you? Admit it!

Some site called 2game has Mad Max for 55% off . I have no idea what the reputation of the site is, but thought I'd mention. Thought I'd also mention that I'm really beginning to have doubts regarding the quality of the game considering how many significant pre-order discounts there are. Between funstock, this site and gmg there are three sites I know of offering the game for at least 1/2 off, which I feel like doesn't bode well.
If you don't want totally scheisty GMG has it close enough at 50% off. If you are okay with semi-scheisty from a site you've at least (maybe) heard of Funstock Digital has it for about that price and if you're fine with totally scheisty for rock bottom prices there's apparently some site that has it for $20 but you'll have to go ask on the Tebow chat or use Google-fu.

What floppybro that was. I played it once and haven't gone back to it. Signing out, FOxxxxyyyyypieee!
You've had this gimmick for two days and I'm already sick of it. That's gotta be a record. This is going to be a long year.

Only three-hundred and sixty-three days to g- wait, no, this is a leap year. ...Only three-hundred and sixty-four days to go. Goddammit, Fox.

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No. If they aren't willing to pay you in Ramen stolen from their parents' cupboards, then I'm not giving those bastards a single cent.
Well I was not completely forthright, in addition to the peanut butter eggs for each Mad Max referral link purchase I also get a Domino's delivery without the delivery charge. I'm not sure if that changes anything

You've had this gimmick for two days and I'm already sick of it. That's gotta be a record. This is going to be a long year.

Only three-hundred and sixty-three days to g- wait, no, this is a leap year. ...Only three-hundred and sixty-four days to go. Goddammit, Fox.
I see you're already reneging on your professed love for the community

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Have a shitty ass uninhabitable penis shaped island
Want 42 million usd
Pssh. Look at this scrub trying to rob you. 42 million indeed. If you're looking for an island, have I got a deal for you! I'll sell you an island near Western Antarctica for $5! PM me if you're interested. Don't quote this post for it or reply in this topic that I sold you the island, though. Don't want to uh... clutter the topic up.

Pssh. Look at this scrub trying to rob you. 42 million indeed. If you're looking for an island, have I got a deal for you! I'll sell you an island near Western Antarctica for $5! PM me if you're interested. Don't quote this post for it or reply in this topic that I sold you the island, though. Don't want to uh... clutter the topic up.
How dare you question that price? I sent this user a PM and he proved that he was a troll by not responding to me. He quotes me purposefully with quotes and purpose and the intent of having intent but doesn't have the decency to reply to my PM demanding an explanation for his behavior. This is what CAG presents to people, this sort of trolling troll who trolls trollingly? I will be filing a lawsuit, a suit of law, and a 1040 form to the local YMCA explaining how I've been treated on this website.

Also please buy my totally legal and in no way unauthorized PS3 backup games auction featuring 40 games that I loaded from my account. If you point out that it's illegal to backup and resell DRM protected games, I will assume you are a troll and report you to the bridge police who will ban you from the internet.

I'm pretty sure Fox got the idea for his new look from that dude you rescue in Saints Row III who has the voice box. I forget his name right now.

In other news, I've shady'd Mad Max. I'll let you know if I get the Good AIDS or the Bad AIDS.

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You've had this gimmick for two days and I'm already sick of it. That's gotta be a record. This is going to be a long year.

Only three-hundred and sixty-three days to g- wait, no, this is a leap year. ...Only three-hundred and sixty-four days to go. Goddammit, Fox.
I see you're already reneging on your professed love for the community

That bro just needs to learn to grab his ankles and let the bro love flow through him.


I saw that yesterday and was waiting for you to post that MysterD. You're nothing if not predictable.

It's a F2P multiplayer game so eh.

Fair enough at it being a F2P MP game.

Seems odd Microsoft would say something like THIS in which they say they will support Steam, but then instead go and make Fable Legends PC Windows 10 Store exclusive w/ no Steam-version planned. 

Especially after porting Fable: Anniversary to the PC and throwing that on Steam.

It's more like, "We at Microsoft will support Steam, maybe when we feel like it."

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Yeah, that name always makes me think of this. It probably shouldn't.

I wish I'd been able to finish SRTT, but it weirdly stopped loading around the time I upgraded to the Windows 10 Technical Preview. I do have a PS3 copy sitting in my closet, but I suspect that I would hate the controls for it.

I'll give y'all a hint. If you keep egging him on, he'll keep brofisting you or whatever that is.


You mean those morons that backed a project that had no real successful prior project? Star Citizen is a hodge podge of names working on a combined project. If people were dumb enough to fall for that shit, they get what they deserve. No publisher would have picked up that project given the state it was in, the final game they want it to be, and the funds it would have required to finish it. That is entirely different than a dev with a mature game engine, a staff that has worked together in the past, and a good chunk of the game already made.

You know what else a publisher does? Force the release of a shit product, because the deadline has been reached. Batman anyone?
You know what else they do? They force a dev to release pointless DLC or to segment their game into chunks that can be sold. Though self-published developers can be just as evil... Hello there Paradox.
I tend to fall on the understanding why people think it's stupid that Larian's doing a Kickstarter at this point side of the debate here. Yes, Larian produced a good game (apparently--I haven't personally played it) and it wasn't the first one they've done. However, I think at some point, you've made a successful product and you should have a profit margin that allows you to self-finance your own games. The reason that inXile went through Kickstarter for Wasteland 2 and Torment is precisely because they didn't have a portfolio of existing products (not counting projects that the developers worked on for other companies) to draw resources from. Presumably inXile may not have enough capital to produce BT4 as they would want to at this point in time, given that their flagship title has only been out for about a year and Torment is still in production, but I would question the need for Kickstarters in the future if the firm's games sell well enough to make a substantial profit. While I don't believe that Original Sin made Skyrim money for Larian, it must have done pretty well. As Motoki pointed out earlier, publication costs should not be a huge percentage of your budget in any case. I don't really think that publication and distribution in a largely digital world are really the same as they used to be.

Oh, look - Microsoft looks to be back up to their old Microsoft ways.

Fable Legends PC looks to be a Windows 10 Store exclusive + won't be on Steam:
I'm more disappointed in the Xbox One wireless adapter only working on Windows 10. I'd like to use newer controllers freely, but I don't want to deal with the issues involved with updating my OS in upgrading licenses for various software and not working 100% with Windows 10.

I guess I can stick with wires for now or grab a PS4 controller instead.

Ooh, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime launches September 9th on Steam. I remember reading about that 1.5 years ago and it sounded fun.

It's not stupid for Larian to do a Kickstarter.  Why spend your money when you can spend someone else's?  Why go to a bank for a loan with interest and payment dates when you can get people to throw a million dollars at you for a product at some point in the future?  Hell, that's brilliant.  If they could get away with it, Frito-Lay should be Kickstarting new Dorito flavors.  Levi's should be Kickstarting new jean styles.  Pharmaceutical companies should be Kickstarting new dick pills.  "Send us $100 now and, if we get $110 million, in five years we'll send you a bottle of boner pills."  Never spend your money if you can spend some other guy's.

Of course, I have no interest in giving them my money.  At this point, the sole reason to Kickstart something is if the incentives make financial sense since they don't "need" your patronage from some artistic point of view.  If you're not coming out ahead in tchotchkes, you're just being taken for a sucker.

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Oh, look - Microsoft looks to be back up to their old Microsoft ways.

Fable Legends PC looks to be a Windows 10 Store exclusive + won't be on Steam:
Who cares? It's F2P. F2P stuff on Steam has to give Valve a cut of the profits, and Microsoft doesn't want that. They're fine with Valve's distribution cut (since it'd be the same as what they lose from physical copies, they don't have to handle data hosting costs, etc. - win win for them.) but money from in-game purchases? They want that all to themselves. So.

Is the reason there hasn't been a bro gaming get together advertised for a bit because FoxyPie is working on his screeching and inane chatter for teamspeak?
Is the reason there hasn't been a bro gaming get together advertised for a bit because FoxyPie is working on his screeching and inane chatter for teamspeak?
We had Terraria and Beasts of Prey last week. I'm broing in DC right now on business, so I can't partake so Spoderbrony is the one in charge this week. Not sure if he's hosted any events. I know he said he was sick.

I know you miss the brofist. I'll be back next week though with my schreeching perfected. I've been practicing as I sit in the hotel room alone at night. FoooooxxxyyPIE!

It's not stupid for Larian to do a Kickstarter. Why spend your money when you can spend someone else's? Why go to a bank for a loan with interest and payment dates when you can get people to throw a million dollars at you for a product at some point in the future? Hell, that's brilliant. If they could get away with it, Frito-Lay should be Kickstarting new Dorito flavors. Levi's should be Kickstarting new jean styles. Pharmaceutical companies should be Kickstarting new dick pills. "Send us $100 now and, if we get $110 million, in five years we'll send you a bottle of boner pills." Never spend your money if you can spend some other guy's.

Of course, I have no interest in giving them my money. At this point, the sole reason to Kickstart something is if the incentives make financial sense since they don't "need" your patronage from some artistic point of view. If you're not coming out ahead in tchotchkes, you're just being taken for a sucker.
Right, I get why they would do it. It's easy and it makes financial sense for them. But Kickstarter carries a certain implication that this project needs this funding to get made. Why not call a spade a spade and do pre-orders?

But then they would be like publishers and publishers are evil. People bitch to high hell about publishers (except CD Projekt) doing those pre-orders well in advance but if someone essentially does the same thing and calls it a Kickstarter then people think it's great.

Larian is a business and they are going to do what makes most business sense for them, but I don't think they or CD Projekt or anyone else should get a free pass on things EA and Ubisoft would get called to task for just because people like them and see them as some sort of underdog.

Right, I get why they would do it. It's easy and it makes financial sense for them. But Kickstarter carries a certain implication that this project needs this funding to get made. Why not call a spade a spade and do pre-orders?
No argument. I think we both have the same opinion. And I do think that Larian (and others) hurt the Kickstarter concept with this stuff -- smaller companies that actually need the boost aren't going to compete with the 2014 GOTY winners.

That said, I don't really care about publishers or supposed morality of video game publishing (not to imply that you do). I Kickstarted BT4 because they were giving away Wasteland 2 with it at a KS level equal to what I was willing to pay for WL2 during the Steam Summer Sale. I don't give a shit about InXile, I just figured that WL2 + BT4 was a better deal than just WL2. And I don't have much worry about InXile not producing.

Also, if they can get an attractive Czech woman to flip her hair at me, that helps :whistle2:

That's the other thing about that Larian Kickstarter, as far as a deal it's just not there. To get the first game free you have to spend at least $50. The hardcore fans who want to support them already have it. Those who don't and actually still want it are holding out for a cheap deal. That $50 for Original Sin I now and Original Sin II on Tuesday for a hamburger today is not going to cut it.

I realize giving people a deal is not really the point for them (though maybe it should be when they are asking for money for a yet unmade product) but hey this is CAG.

There is an established company called Reaper that does yearly Kickstarters for a line of tabletop miniatures. The Kickstarter pays for new molds, those who participate effectively get the entire new line of miniatures at a deep discount, anywhere from 60-90% off. If companies like Larian did something along these lines for the Kickstarter, I really wouldn't hold it against them. However, as it stands, where you are basically paying a preorder so that they can get the product off the floor, I will probably never join in.
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There is an established company called Reaper that does yearly Kickstarters for a line of tabletop miniatures. The Kickstarter pays for new molds, those who participate effectively get the entire new line of miniatures at a deep discount, anywhere from 60-90% off. If companies like Larian did something along these lines for the Kickstarter, I really wouldn't hold it against them. However, as it stands, where you are basically paying a preorder so that they can get the product off the floor, I will probably never join in.
s'funny cause that is the name (Reaper) that popped into my head of the only time I seriously considered backing a Kicksharter. I still had some doubts they would deliver or rather deliver 3 years past the initial delivery date (at which point I wouldn't care anymore) so I didn't back it. Oh yeah, the other reason I didn't back it is that miniatures are for NERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDSSSSSS!!!!!!!

bread's done