Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I'm enjoying the black ops 3 beta quite a bit and I'm thinking about buying my first cod since MW3. How are the cod lifecycles on pc? Will plenty of people still be playing a year after release?
it will be full of hackers in 6months, call of duty is an console game

I'm enjoying the black ops 3 beta quite a bit and I'm thinking about buying my first cod since MW3. How are the cod lifecycles on pc? Will plenty of people still be playing a year after release?

It dropped alot not too long after release. Honestly, I think you're better off getting it on consoles.

Does anyone know if Black Ops 3 will have dedicated servers on PC? They flat-out lied about Ghosts and Advanced Warfare getting dedicated servers on PC.

well i'm glad that i waited to buy as i was tempted at the $19.99 bundle stars price. just to double check, these would both have all of the same content, correct? also, it looks like the indie gala one includes Fearless Fantasy steam key
It should be the same at both places, yes. You get two keys, one for the base and one for the season pass/GotY Edition upgrade.

It dropped alot not too long after release. Honestly, I think you're better off getting it on consoles.

Does anyone know if Black Ops 3 will have dedicated servers on PC? They flat-out lied about Ghosts and Advanced Warfare getting dedicated servers on PC.
I would think you'd want to compare it to blops2 which was the last really successful one, that still has more players than AW does, it still sits at ~6k daily peak with an all time peak of 12k users. Compared to AW which only has ~2k daily peak even though it had a 35k peak all time.

They've once again said they'll have dedicated servers so we'll see.

I snagged it anyway, hard to pass up on gmg's 50% off since it wont hit that for at least 1-2 years, also helps knowing I have friends who are also getting it so I have people to play with

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I still haven't gotten my Wasteland 2 reward from the BT4 Kickstarter but, since it's the same dev company on each, I guess it stands to reason that well get the directors cut version when the time comes.  Well, hope so anyway.

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Just tried the Heroes of MM 7 beta that Humble bundle buyers got keys for.  Glancing at the forums it seems a lot of veterans have the opinion that this is another rushed hack job, with reused assets from the previous poorly-received game.  My experience was that this was the first game that made me feel like I couldn't play it without upgrading my aging 1gb video card (yeah yeah, not enough VRAM)...but more than that, I tried playing against 3 AIs and they took so goddamned long with their turns that I quit after turn 2.  Yes, turn 2.  As a frame of reference, back when I used to put a good amount of time into HOMMV (a flawed iteration, but not a terrible one), the AIs would take increasingly longer with their turns as the game progressed, to the point where there was quite a wait (maybe a couple minutes) every turn past the midgame.  This beta had me waiting as long right from the start, so I didn't have the patience to see how much worse it could get.  My idea of fun gaming is not sitting around watching the "please wait" graphic for hours on end, thank you very much.

I recently played HOMM1 for the first time on GoG and I was impressed with how much character and heart the series had right from the first instance of the franchise, not to mention the refined gameplay which still holds up great.  Based on my experience with V and the ten minutes I saw of VII it seems like we'll not be getting back to that any time soon.

Does Mordor pick up?  I seem to recall playing it on the PS4.. and it pretty much struck me as a grindfest.  I never felt like I got more powerful, even as I killed the generals.

Edit:  And when I killed a bunch of generals?  They just repopulated them so when I thought I was getting somewhere, they just randomly started returning.

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What floppybro that was. I played it once and haven't gone back to it. Signing out, FOxxxxyyyyypieee!
I hate you so much now.

Kickstarter for Divinity: Original Sin 2 is up as of this morning.

They have a backer reward that includes the original game(enhanced edition) as well as the second game projected to be out Dec 2016.

For any inclined, here is the link. I loved the first one and think this company is great.
Great enough to beg for more kickstarter funds.

I don't get this attitude. KS allows them to bypass needing a publisher. That means more money goes towards the dev, for the actual game. Just because they were able to release D:OS and have it be a success, doesn't mean they turned enough profit to fully fund a second game. Plus fans, if they want, can spend some extra cash and get goodies out of it, including getting the game cheaper than it will be for a while. If they were successful the first time, it stands to reason they should put out a successful product the second time. IMHO, this is exactly what we should be rewarding. Not these fucksticks on Early Access on Steam creating another me-too DayZ, begging for money who then give up on the project to try another EA me-too game. Or nobodies on KS who have no history of a successful project.

I don't get this attitude. KS allows them to bypass needing a publisher. That means more money goes towards the dev, for the actual game. Just because they were able to release D:OS and have it be a success, doesn't mean they turned enough profit to fully fund a second game. Plus fans, if they want, can spend some extra cash and get goodies out of it, including getting the game cheaper than it will be for a while. If they were successful the first time, it stands to reason they should put out a successful product the second time. IMHO, this is exactly what we should be rewarding. Not these fucksticks on Early Access on Steam creating another me-too DayZ, begging for money who then give up on the project to try another EA me-too game. Or nobodies on KS who have no history of a successful project.
I agree with this. I've backed 7 or 8 games and Larian was the best company I have backed. Not only did I and many others enjoy the product they provided, but the kickstarter updates and community interaction are top notch. I wish there were more like them. By funding/voting with my dollars I hope to encourage more companies to follow their model.

I don't get this attitude. KS allows them to bypass needing a publisher. That means more money goes towards the dev, for the actual game.
You know what a publisher does? It forces them to have a schedule, a timeline. Remember that Star Citizen kickstarter? How's that doing for ya.

Publishers dictate timelines. Yea.. they're big and bad and evil. They also tow the line.

You know what a publisher does? It forces them to have a schedule, a timeline. Remember that Star Citizen kickstarter? How's that doing for ya.

Publishers dictate timelines. Yea.. they're big and bad and evil. They also tow the line.
You mean those morons that backed a project that had no real successful prior project? Star Citizen is a hodge podge of names working on a combined project. If people were dumb enough to fall for that shit, they get what they deserve. No publisher would have picked up that project given the state it was in, the final game they want it to be, and the funds it would have required to finish it. That is entirely different than a dev with a mature game engine, a staff that has worked together in the past, and a good chunk of the game already made.

You know what else a publisher does? Force the release of a shit product, because the deadline has been reached. Batman anyone?

You know what else a publisher does? Force the release of a shit product, because the deadline has been reached. Batman anyone?
You know what else they do? They force a dev to release pointless DLC or to segment their game into chunks that can be sold. Though self-published developers can be just as evil... Hello there Paradox.

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You know what a publisher does? It forces them to have a schedule, a timeline. Remember that Star Citizen kickstarter? How's that doing for ya.

Publishers dictate timelines. Yea.. they're big and bad and evil. They also tow the line.

This is what they did on their own without a publisher... Always look at track records.

An update on Shadows: Heretic Kingdom
<= GF => Slnecnica (developer) said:
Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms returns home! Finally :)
Hi all,

here we are finally with the first news, as promised. I have briefly talked in other threads, but here are more official info.

The official announcement will be sent out shortly but

here are the most important points a bit in advance:):

- We were never fond of bitComposer's decision to release bonus content as part of Deluxe Edition. Therefore we make DLC part of the regular edition, so all bonus content is now part of the standard edition. This includes three side quests - The Tholean Tablet, Scorpion King and The Owl Amulet. All players can now enjoy these quests!

- Instead of bonus content we make pre-decessor of Shadows - Kult: Heretic Kingdoms - part of Deluxe Edition

- We release 6 bonus songs from Shadows to original soundtrack

- As a token of gratitude to all players who bought Shadows we have decided to give all players Kult: Heretic Kingdoms for free

- We also give away to all players who bought Shadows the original soundtrack from Shadows for free and thus upgrading all existing copies to Deluxe Edition.

At last, tomorrow there start limited time discount of 50% to all acquired titles as a celebration that we have back the rights for our games and can finally focus on the development and improvements of Heretic Kingdoms (including Book 2 and further improvements to of course) instead of wasting time and resources in legal proceedings.

So check your libraries for Kult, DLC and OST from Shadows.

And look forward to more news about upcoming updates for Shadows!

Enjoy and thanks for your patience!
TL;DR - They got the rights back from Bitcomposer, everyone who currently owns Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms gets the 'classic game' Kult: Heretic Kingdoms free, going forward Kult will be given in the Deluxe Edition of Shadows and the regular edition will now contain extra quests that were previously only in the Deluxe Edition. Also all their games are going on a 50% off sale starting Thursday 8/27.

*Edited to add: They've also resumed work on Book 2 of Shadows: Heretic Kingdom and everyone who owns the game will get that for free when it release.

Scratched;527273452872697293 said:
As someone who's been looking at buying SHK just wondering about how the book1/book2 split goes for purchasing it (when book 2 is released).

The steam store page only mentions book 2 within the digital deluxe edition, so is it only currently included with deluxe and standard has to buy it as an addon when released, or will everyone get it when released? There's not a great price difference between the two, but it'd be nice to know.
<= GF => Slnecnica (developer) said:
We plan to release it for free to everybody as originally intended...
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This is what they did on their own without a publisher... Always look at track records.
And it was very successful, which begs the question WHY do they need a Kickstarter? Other than the obvious because they can.

Basically Kickstarter has turned into a place where known names can go and ask for money and get millions to fund their games even when they have other recent financially successful releases or in some cases even a publisher meanwhile unknowns who actually really do need the money to make their game have a hard time getting even a few thousand in some cases no matter how much they promote their ass off.

I'm not questioning the game. It was obviously very well received and serves a niche that feels mostly ignored. I'm questioning why they need to fund this way.

Also while these guys have a track record of releasing in a reasonable time frame without a publisher breathing down their neck, others don't.
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And it was very successful, which begs the question WHY do they need a Kickstarter? Other than the obvious because they can.
The KS Page has the following...

We are financing Divinity: Original Sin 2 ourselves, but the ideas that we have can be stretched a lot further than what our current budget allows for.

Our hope is that your pledges will enable us to increase the freedom and depth that will be present in the final game.

Increasing player freedom means increasing the number of options we give you, which means extra development and thus extra budget. The same goes for adding extra depth. Adding additional layers of content means additional development which, again, requires additional budget.

To ensure that we can get as much feedback as possible, we're going to give all backers Alpha and Beta access via Steam, and if the same thing happens that happened with Divinity: Original Sin, we'll be spending many months integrating all of the feedback we'll receive.

That too means extra development, but it's development we're looking forward to, because it'll mean the game will get better and better.

We will invest everything we receive on Kickstarter into refining the RPG experience we'll offer you, and by backing now, you’ll be adding to the fun you’ll have when the game is ready.

Of course we'll keep you posted via regular updates about what's going on on the development front, and we honestly can't wait to start discussing all the features that we are planning.

The KS Page has the following...
We are financing Divinity: Original Sin 2 ourselves, but the ideas that we have can be stretched a lot further than what our current budget allows for.
Our hope is that your pledges will enable us to increase the freedom and depth that will be present in the final game.
Increasing player freedom means increasing the number of options we give you, which means extra development and thus extra budget. The same goes for adding extra depth. Adding additional layers of content means additional development which, again, requires additional budget.
To ensure that we can get as much feedback as possible, we're going to give all backers Alpha and Beta access via Steam, and if the same thing happens that happened with Divinity: Original Sin, we'll be spending many months integrating all of the feedback we'll receive.
That too means extra development, but it's development we're looking forward to, because it'll mean the game will get better and better.
We will invest everything we receive on Kickstarter into refining the RPG experience we'll offer you, and by backing now, you’ll be adding to the fun you’ll have when the game is ready.
Of course we'll keep you posted via regular updates about what's going on on the development front, and we honestly can't wait to start discussing all the features that we are planning.
Then maybe they need to cut their feature creep back a bit? Just a thought.

I mean obviously they are going to justify it and say they need more money for A,B,C and X,Y and Z but sorry I just have a hard time putting a development house who had by all accounts one of the more successful self published games on Steam at an over $20 price point in recent memory in the same category as Joe Indie trying to make his first commercial game.

Clearly you feel strongly about this company and this game and I'm not going to change your mind on this so let's just agree to disagree here.
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This is what they did on their own without a publisher... Always look at track records.
So we doing a show me yours I'll show you mine?

You show me Divinity...

I'll raise you Aura, Stomping Lands, Code Hero

You'll then say Shovel Knight...

I'll respond Forsaken Fortress, Greed Monger, Unwritten

You'll say something along the lines of... Look at track records (oh wait, that already happened)

I'll respond Clang (Stephenson) or H-Hour who have big names and big properties (like SOCOM) behind them.

We'll have to agree to disagree. While some publishers (EA/WB/Trion) are terrible. Some are not. In my opinion.

But games like Star Citizen personally prove to me that unless you have someone in the back with the crop to smack'm when they get side tracked.

Also while these guys have a track record of releasing in a reasonable time frame without a publisher breathing down their neck, others don't.
Beat me to it.

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Oh and I can see some areas where Larian is wasting money too. Like doing a boxed version for North America that ends up sitting in some Mexifornian Walmart bargain bin for $9.

Nobody buys boxed PC games in the US anymore (MysterD doesn't count) so outside of backer rewards they really should have researched their markets better and shouldn't have done an NA boxed retail release that no one wanted when they are working with backer money.

I mean seriously, ever go look at the PC game section in retail stores lately? That shit's just sad.
Some bigger publishers got the memo and stopped selling physical editions, especially in North America. I remember Sleeping Dogs being digital only in North America.

And publisher/developer relations is a complex topic, where either side is capable of "evil."

meanwhile unknowns who actually really do need the money to make their game have a hard time getting even a few thousand in some cases no matter how much they promote their ass off.
So far this is the only legit argument I have seen against Larian doing a KS for D:OS2. And it seems reasonable, because people only have a finite amount of funds to spend on KS. But here is my dig, I just checked KS real quick, and the minimum to KS and get a digital copy of a game is around $10-15. From a dev team with no history of success. Compared with a minimum KS of $25 for digital copy of a game from a dev that put out a pretty damn good product recently, and set themselves up for success with the next product.

As much as I want to support the little guy, that is a tough sell.

And on CAG, it should be an impossible sell!


Is that a crop? I'm looking REALLY... hard, but I can't tell.
Yea, here's a closer look at a crop. I know some of you guys aren't native speakers so I got it blown up fairly big so you could see the distinction.


I'm pretty sure anyone would let a publisher dictate their schedule if they had a crop in hand.

Found an interesting article by RPG Codex about Divinity btw.

I completely forgot that site existed.

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Yea, here's a closer look at a crop. I know some of you guys aren't native speakers so I got it blown up fairly big so you could see the distinction.


I'm pretty sure anyone would let a publisher dictate their schedule if they had a crop in hand.
That is a nice crop. I'm just going to save that pic for future refreshers. Thank you for clarifying.

bread's done