Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Ended up returning the only thing I was wanting to buy this steam sale because I found it $1.50 cheaper elsewhere.  RIP steam sale.

I might get talked into Rampage Knights though...

So this kid breaks a gasket complaining about a xmas present and 2K are apparently sending him one free. How is this acceptable? Kid throws tantrum like a little prick and gets what he wants.
Agreed what a brat...everyone is so entitled these days. They should have given him wcw vs nwo world tour or something haha. Course that's actually a good game over the WWE games these days....

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I love playing Fallout 4. There are so many fun things to see and do.






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I love playing Fallout 4. There are so many fun things to see and do.





Bethesda always did better storytelling with actual visuals (and how they place things) than actual dialogue [i.e. what From Software's Dark Souls does very-very well]. Bethesda always needed better actual writers. They certainly ain't on BioWare + Obsidian's level, writing-wise.

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And she finds last year's edition? lol dafuq. Seemed like the lady to go to mass merchandiser not a specialized store like Gamestop.
Even the Wally-Marts and Targets of the world would have had WWE 2K16 if you shopped soon enough... Hell, its a 360 game there' a good chance he already had it right? (And judging by reviews 2K16 is far, far, superior.)

Honestly, the more I think about it (and while I still think the kid needs a good RKO) I feel bad for the kid... Christmas and birthday are about the only chance a kid can depend upon to buy a new game and the poor kid got a pooch screw of a gift... Hopefully, it gets sorted out.
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Maybe WWE2K15 was $5 in GameStop's used console-games acrobatics/gymanastic section and 2K16 was new at $60 - so she just took 2K15 and ran... ;)

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Well, I'm not buying this mom's excuse that it was sold out, but kid is a kid.  I don't think his reaction is awful.  I will say that weird things sell out near Christmas.  The other day we couldn't find Crayola color pencils anywhere, from Target to Michael's, all cleaned out.  

The important thing here is that, when your six year old child loses control of his emotions for a moment, you put that shit on Twitter to shame the fuck out of him.  That'll teach him for having an imperfect grasp of behavior and emotions!

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Maybe I just have high standards for nerd rage and tantrums but that one was really lame. Hell still pics from Tebow show more rage than that kid had.

Honestly though, posting that video on the internet is the best punishment his parents could have have him. Shit on the internet is forever. 10 years down the line his friends well be looking up the video like "hurr dats you dude lolol".
Honestly though, posting that video on the internet is the best punishment his parents could have have him. Shit on the internet is forever.
It's what makes me question their parenting skills the most. Really poor choice on there part.

Since we are all talking about WWE 2K16 has anyone heard anything about a PC release?
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It's what makes me question their parenting skills the most. Really poor choice on there part.

Since we are all talking about WWE 2K6 has anyone heard anything about a PC release?
We likely won't hear about one until shortly before release. 2K15 was largely expected but 2K never confirmed it and it just showed up on Steam in April a couple of weeks before release. Probably has console exclusivity for a while.

Whatevs MysterD you would totally buy a 2006 wrestling game in a box and put that shit up on your shelf after you take a selfie with it.
If it's dirt-cheap enough from retail or Steam - well, you've certainly got a point...

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Where is your selfie holding a PC game in a box next to your face then huh?

And he has to also like DRM-FREE games, as well.
I mean, DRM-FREE is good, but steam is good cause gog doesn't have cards.

No clue. I've been doing PC gaming since 1995.
Same basically. lol Though back then my computer was crap so I loved getting the $5-$10 games that were a few years old in the bargain bin at Kmart/Big Bear/Best Buy/CompUSA/Electronics Boutique/etc.


I mean, DRM-FREE is good, but steam is good cause gog doesn't have cards.

Same basically. lol Though back then my computer was crap so I loved getting the $5-$10 games that were a few years old in the bargain bin at Kmart/Big Bear/Best Buy/CompUSA/Electronics Boutique/etc.
Haha I loved those and those random jewel case games. Started getting PC games around 1990 or so. At one point I got rid of many, many boxes when moving. Not my greatest moment but a lot of those games were not worth very much.

Some of my favorite times were those shareware compilation discs.  I'd spend hours going through all the "demos". 

I actually first bought quake from calling the number on the shareware version to get an unlock key.  I probably still have the backup floppies somewhere.

Most of my childhood game boxes were "lost" in various moves. :(

Dear Steam, please stop sucking and fix your shit website. Thanks.
8 hours from now Valve will release a statement to Gamestop telling you they very briefly had a hiccup today it was quickly fixed and nothing at all was compromised. Nothing to see here, move along.

Oh and thxsteam4 bundle discount.


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My point is that the game, as designed, is MEANT to be played nonviolently. You are literally thrown into a world of goofy grinning loveable dopes and killing any of them feels like kicking a puppy.

It would be like if you were thrown into the world of Disney and Apu and Goofy tried to stop you so you could kill them or you could impress them with your juggling act. And then the boss is Donald and you could spend 20 turns letting him chase you around and tire himself out then you yell back at him until you out-quack him rather than just straight up killing him. Most of Undertale's more interesting interactions are figuring out the combinations of conversation options to send people home without killing them.

It's also a bit like nonlethal in Metal Gear Solid. Nonlethal is where all the gameplay is, all the benefits accrue to a nonlethal player. There is no point where nonlethal is a harder or less interesting way to play. Because the gunplay is horrible and the game is designed so that tranqs are freakishly overpowered, it's just better to play it nonlethal stealthy.

Except here, there is no point to a lethal playthrough that isn't genocide. Any ending where you killed someone is going to be unsatisfying because the game puts every story egg in the basket of making friends and liking these goofballs and the endings where you kill people leave them unhappy. Plus, you get essentially two of the game's three major endings knocked out in one go if you do it pacifist. And a genocide run actually changes the story up considerably to where you are a psychotic, silent, creepy monster, kicking puppies and murdering children (And requires you to grind.).
But wouldn't a psychotic, creepy, puppy-kicking, child-murdering monster ENJOY grinding?

Some of my favorite times were those shareware compilation discs. I'd spend hours going through all the "demos".
I actually first bought quake from calling the number on the shareware version to get an unlock key. I probably still have the backup floppies somewhere.

Most of my childhood game boxes were "lost" in various moves. :(
PC Gamer demo discs were the bomb.


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Shadow of Mordor has been 66% off. I wonder if it's going to show a greater discount when the website stops being twitchy?
Steam has stopped doing daily deals during the big sales. The discount that each game gets stays constant throughout the entire sale. So baring a price glitch, Shadow Of Mordor won't see a better discount than the 66% that is already in place on the steam store.

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bread's done