Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Well if I knew UM wanted it I would have Putined it for her.

*Edit: Okay GMG deal is close enough. Just go for that one.

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Steam has stopped doing daily deals during the big sales. The discount that each game gets stays constant throughout the entire sale. So baring a price glitch, Shadow Of Mordor won't see a better discount than the 66% that is already in place on the steam store.
There are no daily deals? Whaaa? Am I that out of the loop?

There are no daily deals? Whaaa? Am I that out of the loop?
For the most part, yup.

Saves them (Valve) from worrying about probably processing refunds, if someone bought a game before a Flash Deal + then sees it cheaper on a Flash Deal.

[sarcasm] We all know how great Steam-Support is... [/sarcasm] :whee:

Except, well...FO4 is $50 right now - so maybe someone who bought it when it was $60 during the sale and played less than 2 hours might be able to refund it. Though, I doubt most people that already got Fallout 4 played it for less than 2 freaking hours.

Still doesn't top when GMG had the coupon-mistake and FO4 was $30.

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PC Gamer demo discs were the bomb.
I still have all my old magazine demo cds in a box.

The frontend for those PC Gamer discs were weird sometimes. Like when they got that weird coconut monkey mascot.

It was awesome the few times they'd give away an old game for free on those.

I still have all my old magazine demo cds in a box.

The frontend for those PC Gamer discs were weird sometimes. Like when they got that weird coconut monkey mascot.

It was awesome the few times they'd give away an old game for free on those.
Yep, I still have my old magazine demo CD's also.

If anyone was interested in getting the Celebrat10n TrackMania Complete Pack, folks on Steamtrades still seem to have plenty of them, and they are trading them at good prices. I traded Costume Quest 2 for it, so it cost me $4.24 CAD in Gabe Tokens.

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If anyone was interested in getting the Celebrat10n TrackMania Complete Pack, folks on Steamtrades still seem to have plenty of them, and they are trading them at good prices. I traded Costume Quest 2 for it, so it cost me $4.24 CAD in Gabe Tokens.
Thing has been glitched multiple times and is ROW, its been a pretty easy get.

PC Gamer demo discs were the bomb.

pffft, real master race cut their gaming teeth on shareware floppy disks passed down from the gods with high end modems

Any other clutch small titles floating around that's recommended?  I'm getting Downwell and Talos Principle (Hooray, coupon! Thanks Miguel!), just wondered if anything else was worth of being snatched up. 

Garbage about Undertale
Kinda overhyped.   Seems like one of those incestuous fan bases.  The jokes were cute, some I laughed at, and it was fun.  The characters were a little annoying and I don't like bullet hell shooters, so some of the boss fights were super, duper frustrating.  I had to look up the very last one and be like "I'm supposed to beat this?!" Left a bad taste in my mouth.  Going to finish off a pacifist run today to see that ending. Honestly, I wish there was more gray wiggle room instead of the black, white, and "blah" ending that is the neutral one.  Kinda boring.  I do now want to go back and gut all the NPCs I didn't like and go for the darkest ending. It should be equally rewarding to fall to the dark side as is the light, right?  

Otherwise, I don't like how obscure some of the puzzles were to actually "beat" some bosses.  The "keep trying the same thing and it registers on the fourth+ time" isn't good game design.  That's not puzzling, just guess and check algorithms.  

I was wanted more a spank and tank RPG with puns, so that's why it doesn't meet my expectations.  I liked Toriel and Sans, but most of the other cast is shallow/not fun.  I wanted to huck my controller at the screen for how many times the weeb dinosaur interrupted me.

It's not the worst, but certainly way overblown on praise.  Then again, I don't like Earthbound, so whatever. 

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[quote name="Fallout Vault Boy89" post="13122766" timestamp="1451158630"]I don't know whats more disappointing, Star Wars ep 7 or this steam sale[/quote]
Ur faec is more disappoint.
Not good prices on any of these though. Only Not a Hero is somewhere there and it was cheaper with those weird 80% off sales humble funky bundles some time this last year.
They made my "wait and see" list, otherwise known as "I wish Gaben brought back real sales" wishlist.

Apropos of nothing, I guess, but when Zen Studios reset the leaderboards for Pinball FX 2, I lost all of my friends--in the game, I mean--they still show up in Steam. Did this happen to anyone else and do you know how to fix it?

I personally think it has been a fantastic Steam sale. I have bought more directly from Steam than I have in several sales. Two, count em, two games. Both Freedom Forces at 75% off made a few cents cheaper with the bundle.

Granted, I own the first one in cd form and have an install file for the second from some dead service; direct2drive maybe? But still most games bought from Steam during a big sale by far lately. Summer was mostly Nuvveem with a trip to greenman for Skyrim, Autumn was Magic 2014 as a regular weekly sale so it doesn't count.

I don't recall buying much last year directly from Steam either but I know regional trading still worked at some point so there were trips to the cess pool.
This has been an alright sale, in the sense that I used some on sale items as leverage to get better deals. Got the Trackmania pack by trading Costume Quest 2 and got FFXIII by trading Crypt of the Necrodancer. Only thing I've bought from the store this sale for myself has been Assassin's Creed Black Flag Freedom Cry DLC. I will probably get Marc Ecko's getting up or something else that's good and cheap in a few days.

Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get?  I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.

I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.

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Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.

I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
Granted, I haven't played either Mad Max [game] or Dying Light's full version (well, I did play the Dying Light demo, though - fun for an hour)...

...but MOST big-huge long-winded games like those for me suffer from a few, some, or ALL of these things:

1. open-world sandbox syndrome w/ tons + tons of to do (Far Cry 2+3+4; AC titles; TDU2; and other UbiSoft titles);

2. the ARPG repetition-syndrome [think Dead Island (original) & DI: Riptide; Sacred 1+2; etc];

3. games often involving lots of basic types of quests (fetch quests; find X area; find X NPC's; items; kill X enemies; kill X enemies a specific way) [see games listed in #2 above];

4. AND/OR not having a spectacular story/character development (Elder Scrolls games; TDU2; etc).

Those can be very easy to drop for a while when you feel you've run your fill & then later pick back up to play whenever when you get that itch. It's how I'm often able to eventually get through these games.

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Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.
I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
Mad Max
Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.

I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
If you have friends to play it with, Dying Light, if not, Mad Max.

Apropos of nothing, I guess, but when Zen Studios reset the leaderboards for Pinball FX 2, I lost all of my friends--in the game, I mean--they still show up in Steam. Did this happen to anyone else and do you know how to fix it?
Guess there's a chance none of your friends have played since the reset. Then your leaderboards would be empty. I think they also might be bugged if you don't have the steam overlay on, but that may or may not have been fixed. Check out the bug thread and post there if you can't find a solution. The community manager is relatively active.

Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.
I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
I got bored with the Dead Islands about 30 minutes in. Stuck with Dying Light for 42 hours. Got 31 out of Mad Max. Both are stupid open-world fun, filled with all the stupid open-world failings of repetitiveness. I actually enjoyed the story in Dying Light and, for me, slicing open zombies NEVER got old. On the other hand, Mad Max lets you shoot mother fuck ing harpoons.

Computerwise, Mad Max is probably less resource intensive. It will also probably get cheaper in a relatively short amount of time, while Dying Light has a major expansion coming out...sometime.
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You guys seriously hate everything, don't you? :lol:

Except all love that. But literally everything else!

Not really. I don't hate this sale, but it's mostly the same discounts as the autumn sale and I bought most of the shit I wanted from that.

As for Star Wars Ep7, well yeah.. that sucked ass.

I don't know whats more disappointing, Star Wars ep 7 or this steam sale
You guys need to back off Ep7 before I blow a gasket! :bomb: Without going into a long OT discussion (I know we hate that here), I'll just say that it was exactly what it needed to be. The acting was generally good again, and we didn't have a ton of tacky CGI shoved down our throats at every opportunity.

This is the first of a three movie story arc. The callbacks were nice to re-establish the tone. Now if we see too many repeated story elements in the next movie, I'll put one foot on the hate train.

Apropos of nothing, I guess, but when Zen Studios reset the leaderboards for Pinball FX 2, I lost all of my friends--in the game, I mean--they still show up in Steam. Did this happen to anyone else and do you know how to fix it?
Mine's okay.

Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get?
Mad Max all the way.

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:lol: Love how Spoder made Hal get all 'Oh no you di'nt bish!' by talkin smack about Star Wars.

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You guys need to back off Ep7 before I blow a gasket! :bomb: Without going into a long OT discussion (I know we hate that here), I'll just say that it was exactly what it needed to be. The acting was generally good again, and we didn't have a ton of tacky CGI shoved down our throats at every opportunity.

This is the first of a three movie story arc. The callbacks were nice to re-establish the tone. Now if we see too many repeated story elements in the next movie, I'll put one foot on the hate train.
There was acting? But no, really.. The actor that played Finn was cringeworthy, couldn't stand his acting for the most part (and it wasn't just the poor writing that attributed to that..). Daisy Ridley was ok, I'll give you that.. but I can't think of any noteworthy performances outside of that. I wouldn't be surprised if the next episode is a rehash of Empire Strikes Back

Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.

I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
Both games are massive open world affairs. If you rate games based on how many hours of your awful life they will sap from you, both are enormous in that regard.

It's a tough call. I think Mad Max is flatly the better game, no question. Dying Light has so many trash design choices that it's tough to really like.

But Mad Max is entirely cobbled together with bits of games you've played before. Batman combat, the same car grinding rocket launching stuff you've done in every driving game... It's extremely effective, no doubt, but it's not new.

Dying Light is something new. The parkour beats Mirror's Edge and the entire zombie world is crafted extremely well. Swarms, chasing, hiding, evading, it works extremely well.

But it is so full of dumb shit it's tough to recommend.

Mad Max is better, but DL is something you likely haven't tried. Try the DL demo if you want a taste.

Ok, both Mad Max and Dying Light are just over $20 - which one should I get? I'm talking best bang for my buck/fun wise.

I can't decide between them and I have some gabenbux burning a hole in my internetpocket and feel like I have to buy something this sale.

Keeping in mind that I got bored with Dead Island Riptide about halfway through.
If you can pay real monies instead indie gala store has dying light for the same price, but you also get shadow of mordor goty with it.

I would more say thirsty nerds buy games for girls they're not fuck ing. And GOOD game that. Even my girlfriend would be lucky to get indie gala bundle keys from me.

That's debatable. As far as creativity goes.. all 3 of the prequels were better. Obviously the original trilogy is the best, but I consider Ep7 to be the worst in the series.
I was all set to join in on a round of shitting on Ep7 but you went too far bro. Nobody is gonna buy that troll. You need to be more subtle.

bread's done