Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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The bros played Zombie Army Trilogy which is the remastered version of Nazi Zombie Army.   First we had five people and were taking turns since it is 4 to a team, but then Syntax's gingivitis acted up so he said he had to leave.  Eating too much pussy will do that to you.  After he left we made some progress getting through the church and cathedral.  The bros had fun.  Spoder wasn't in love with the game because he sucked, I kept getting the high score, and he couldn't hax.

We'll probably try to schedule it again soon and who knows, maybe finish it.  

And because I miss Motoki, reddit told me that:

[Steam] Starward Rogue - new release from Arcen Games ($10.79-$8.99/10%-25% with loyalty discount)

Because Arcen games are never bundled.  


The bros played Zombie Army Trilogy which is the remastered version of Nazi Zombie Army. First we had five people and were taking turns since it is 4 to a team, but then Syntax's gingivitis acted up so he said he had to leave. Eating too much pussy will do that to you. After he left we made some progress getting through the church and cathedral. The bros had fun. Spoder wasn't in love with the game because he sucked, I kept getting the high score, and he couldn't hax.

We'll probably try to schedule it again soon and who knows, maybe finish it.

And because I miss Motoki, reddit told me that:

[Steam] Starward Rogue - new release from Arcen Games ($10.79-$8.99/10%-25% with loyalty discount)

Because Arcen games are never bundled.
As much as I do enjoy NZA/Sniper Elite etc, tonight seemed to be missing something...oh yes, the ability to kill/maim/ram into Spoder. 8/10 otherwise.

Evoland 2 is $7.99 on wingamestore, thats where I got it.

Shadow quality for Tomb Raider is a fps hog, just look at this-

I wonder what the 960 performance in this game since it's a entry card.

Bionic Dues MXQF8-KIMET-V4653

Stencyl: Indie Edition 1-Year License XNJLF-R48KP-X7384-RAQQM-HHLA6
I took MXQF8-KIMET-V4653

Stencyl: Indie Edition 1-Year License XNJLF-R48KP-X7384-RAQQM-HHLA6

Redeem your Humble Bundle Voucher
This promotion has ended.

As of January 21st, 2016, all vouchers from the Humble Bundle Game Making bundle have expired.

YOU MONSTER, thanks for the drop still.
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I'm sure it runs fine if you turn off crap like motion blur, depth of field, max hair physics, and drop AA down to a reasonable level like x4.

I'm sure it runs fine if you turn off crap like motion blur, depth of field, max hair physics, and drop AA down to a reasonable level like x4.
Yeah, and that's why these benchmarks are never really useful to me. Even when I can run a game with that shit turned on, I find motion blur and DOF awful to look at.

As others have mentioned, this is max settings...turn down a few unnecessary things and it's probably fine. If i remember correctly in the "first" tomb raider, the hair effects alone killed performance
In this one the hair effects actually are good and only have a 6-8 fps impact plus if you don't have the Purehair setting on, the hair looks kinda crappy. Yea very high textures are demanding and require at least a 4gb card, I'm playing on high with med shadows and im getting around 45-60 fps.

In this one the hair effects actually are good and only have a 6-8 fps impact plus if you don't have the Purehair setting on, the hair looks kinda crappy. Yea very high textures are demanding and require at least a 4gb card, I'm playing on high with med shadows and im getting around 45-60 fps.

Getting ready to fire up the Division beta...   Anyone doing the same fill free to add me on Uplay , (INMATEofARKHAM)

Edit: Done for today...   Just did the one story mission they have for the beta.  Guess they are afraid to give too much of the story away.

Anyhow thoughts. 

IT IS loot driven...  If looking around for "chests" to find loot isn't your thing I think you'll want to pass on this game at release...  (I killed a number of bad guys...  I think I got two pieces of loot this way.  Looking around in the corners netted me more.)

Controls, I liked them though I played with a controller since my time is so limited.  (One note: Considering how much you have to travel I sprint toggle would be nice.)

Graphics, it defaulted to High for me.  I didn't mess with it outside of getting the right resolution and windowless mode going.  I thought the game looked really good.  I saw no frame drops, etc.

Story, obviously no surprises so far after one mission...  Though it has a Saints Row/old School vibe to it as the protagonist never talks.

MP, I didn't do anything MP wise.

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About to buy this: unless someone can talk me out of it fairly quickly. It would be an extremely rare non sale purchase though. Not a Tron fan, but love a good runner/racer.
It does say that the price will increase as it closer to finish, so depending on how much the price increases and whether or not it gets a decent sale it wouldn't be the worse thing to buy if you really want to play it now.

Some will work, some won't

Wooden Floor (STEAM): RIAVD-VF0B2-ZH7BT
SickBrick (STEAM): W4LEQ-VPLGT-46B45
Global Ops: Commando Libya (STEAM): 0L0B7-JAH4G-59Y7I
Make it indie! (STEAM): IB3LA-2ICVY-F5L5R
Streets of Chaos (STEAM): GHYC9-5LGQB-C92DI
Dark Matter (STEAM): XRAFP-4JBD4-TKG2P
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals (STEAM): ALF9P-F4R7Z-J5F6L
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition  P36GP-8K37G-B24LW   
Vertical Drop Heroes HD FL782-J2L3C-W82JJ     
Steel Storm: Complete Edition DPT4J-JNVY3-Y6L69
The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight HECB7-GEKAD-Q97HB  
Residue Final Cut C92Y2-4TQ4B-XRR7C
3 Stars of Destiny CEFPP-JJZL7-W5VEZ
Project Temporality BNDW6-4QI2F-Q02R4
Wooden Floor BMXPM-F8GQH-22TEH
About Love, Hate and the other ones HLX03-0N59T-HQLWP
The Journey Down Chapter One HPHT7-ZJMHD-APZYR
Zeno Clash Steam Key: KGF4M-IRPFA-QVQJ4    
Blades of Time Limited Edition Steam Key: CQ643-Q7BZM-B8RZB       
Hoard Complete Pack Steam Key: 8LXR5-PYC4R-0PYT9 Copy to Clipboard  
Metrocide Steam Key: LH5XN-MN3FP-7X0CA
Cubicle Quest Steam Key: YC8JJ-WP475-GVGHN Copy to Clipboard  
Alpha Kimori: Great Doubt - Episode 1 Steam Key: C2IAB-D6VJ6-YXFA7 Copy to Clipboard  
Final Dusk Steam Key: A9L8E-QMJB4-BX3EW Copy to Clipboard  
WAKFU + Novice Pack Steam Key: PYZ62-4DDA5-DPLAE
Crow Steam Key: 4ZJED-VX22J-MC0EB 
Immune Steam Key: 9BLCW-7N93C-6EHMP  
Squarelands Steam Key: Z25B2-JJW6P-JMJE0  
Alpha Runner Steam Key: 9MRVX-YCJ6Z-BJC2M
Volt (Steam) 8TBBG-GRC5E-XDFP5
I can't tell if The Division is actually a good game.

Seems like the Dark Zone is the highlight of the game.
The Dark Zone is the biggest part; the multiplayer aspect of the game. If playing along its super barren and lonely...unless you meet others. Playing with a group is super fun.

Or you can be an asshole like me and just KOS everyone you see and steal their shit...then hot extract out.
Is it entirely multiplayer?  Or are there bears or AI controlled bandits or anything like that?  Seems like they're trying to cash in on the Day Z craze.

Upgrading to Win10, however, did not help my COD:Blops issue. Still cannot get it to run past the Activision logo. I've tried just about everything (including getting headpiece to send me his config file - thanks again HP) with no luck. I'll probably give Amazon a call in the next day or so - maybe I can get them to send me a new PS4 and a PS4 copy if I whine enough. lol
Sounds like you've already jumped through all the usual hoops, but...

...have you tried getting rid of the intro?

Is it entirely multiplayer? Or are there bears or AI controlled bandits or anything like that? Seems like they're trying to cash in on the Day Z craze.
There are bandit groups and "dungeons". The dungeons you can do solo or with Matchmaking. There are bosses and such that drop better loot and mods. The Dark Zone is just the actual place where you can run into anyone like the MMO part. You enter it by going into certain areas/doors. The loot you get in the DZ is contaminated. To uncontaminate it you have to reach and extraction point and wait for the timer. Attach your loot and guard it from online people. You can kill people and take their loot in the DZ; at least until they extract it.
Yea, jumped in The Division for a bit, some quick/cursory thoughts.

- If you're planning on joining one of the bro nights, play a bit of it first. There's some introductory crap that can't be avoided. Its advisable to play at least through a few of the intro missions (rescue this guy or that guy etc) so you can level up a bit.

- While I think the game is generally interesting, I don't really know how much time I will put into it. It definitely is the type of game that rewards those who play in groups and such. I like this aspect in some respects, but in others I don't. I also can't make out exactly how to put my own group together yet, but Im sure its not hard to do as there is a "friends finder" option

- Very Day-Z/survival game-ish in a lot of respects. 

Overall, I'm leaning against getting the full release. Perhaps playing with a group of people will change my mind and while I like aspects of it, Im more of a casual gamer in that I play lots of games, with certain ones getting a lot more of my time as I go/want to finish them. I can see The Division being very grindy and annoying after the novelty wears off.

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There are bandit groups and "dungeons". The dungeons you can do solo or with Matchmaking. There are bosses and such that drop better loot and mods. The Dark Zone is just the actual place where you can run into anyone like the MMO part. You enter it by going into certain areas/doors. The loot you get in the DZ is contaminated. To uncontaminate it you have to reach and extraction point and wait for the timer. Attach your loot and guard it from online people. You can kill people and take their loot in the DZ; at least until they extract it.
Pretty much this, I ran a group with randoms where we ran around the extraction zones defending extraction zones.

We lived long enough to become the bad guys and steal everyone loot after defending for so long

I'm not sure if the bandits have spawns but I would love had to seen them walking around causing problems.

Overall, I'm leaning against getting the full release. Perhaps playing with a group of people will change my mind and while I like aspects of it, Im more of a casual gamer in that I play lots of games, with certain ones getting a lot more of my time as I go/want to finish them. I can see The Division being very grindy and annoying after the novelty wears off.
I'm going have to agree, the game has a DayZ Feel.

I might pick the game when the price drop and more content is added.

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I preordered it on pS4 thru BBY a while ago...but I think I'll either exchange it for PC version or just get it from CDcheese since it's like $3X.XX

I just thoroughly hate Uplay 

On a side note for those in snow today...I laid outside in just shorts and got a tan.  TexasInJanuary ;D

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Stardew Valley looks great. It is obviously Story of the Seasons inspired....still looks good esp for one person's work. I will get it sometime for sure.

bread's done