Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Y u no bai GMG mysterD boxes?

Did I do it right?

Grabbed Borderlands Pre Sequel in that Triple Pack thing. Its $4.80 if you do that and own the other stuff in the bundle already. Been mentioned before, but thanks whoever mentioned it first.

Its best to do it from a browser, as it was being annoying when I tried to do it from in-client.
I'm really torn on this. I feel like I'm really not in to Borderlands at this point because I don't play it with anyone but that is pretty cheap.

Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition is free on Tremor.
Noooooo, I just signed up and my account isn't three days old yet.

If it hasn't been mentioned already, free Daredevil character unlock in Marvel Heroes Saturday and Sunday.

It's live now I just got mine.

I'm really torn on this. I feel like I'm really not in to Borderlands at this point because I don't play it with anyone but that is pretty cheap.
I probably should buy BL: TPS at $4.80, since that might finally give me some incentive to work on the BL2 content DLC's.

Don't know when I'll get to BL2 DLC's and BL:TPS, as I'm currently playing FO4; and also have GTA5 + Dreamfall Chapters backlogged.

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Cag logic: I should buy a game because it will make me play a different game
After BL2 [base] some while back, I really needed a break from the series.

It's been a while, so it's probably inevitable I'll get back to BL series soon.


Screw it. In for BL:TPS at $4.80.

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if you arent into borderlands i wouldnt buy it. goty edition might come out at some point; at the very least this deal will repeat or even be cheaper

I know that you're "supposed" to play BL multiplayer but I found the first two entertaining enough for a go-through single player and assume TPS will be as well.

i just dinged 30. uplay name is shrin3rr . so if could carry me to full yellows it'd be appreciated. kthxbye
Ha, I need yellows myself... They don't drop very often at all. Make sure you do the hard dailies. The challenging is something I skip... Though the one with the Riker's leader as the end boss is far easier than the rest. Hunt PvE in DZ01 and DZ02 also.
Ha, I need yellows myself... They don't drop very often at all. Make sure you do the hard dailies. The challenging is something I skip... Though the one with the Riker's leader as the end boss is far easier than the rest. Hunt PvE in DZ01 and DZ02 also.
Pardon my ignorance, but why DZ01 and DZ02? Are they more likely to produce yellow drops?
Key Drop  .....Desura







Pardon my ignorance, but why DZ01 and DZ02? Are they more likely to produce yellow drops?
All DZ has a better chance than the campaign areas but the father you go north the better the chance... and not just drops but the chance to get your ass handed to you. Only go north in a party.

Also you can level your characters DZ rank quicker in the lower DZ areas... It's just more efficient.
If I had bought or traded for Hero Siege emoticons, I would be upset and therefore I can understand why the forum is giving an ear full to the developers. Considering that there is market value with emoticons, having them removed and not usable any longer is not only a shitty move but I wonder about if there could be legal recourse? i.e. I bought the demonsheep emoticon, now cannot use it, what is the next move?

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Besides the fact that was a completely dumbass thing for the Hero Siege dev to do, it's rather unnerving that Valve just lets developers delete emoticons (and I assume backgrounds and cards as well) that have already been published and people have paid for.

All DZ has a better chance than the campaign areas but the father you go north the better the chance... and not just drops but the chance to get your ass handed to you. Only go north in a party.

Also you can level your characters DZ rank quicker in the lower DZ areas... It's just more efficient.
Thanks for the reply, but I was more meaning why DZ01 and DZ02 and not the higher level DZ areas (like if those lower level areas were known to drop yellow stuff). I have played about 25 hours so far, all with the same group which has helped a lot in the Dark Zone. It's good to have support when I decide to go rogue
Besides the fact that was a completely dumbass thing for the Hero Siege dev to do, it's rather unnerving that Valve just lets developers delete emoticons (and I assume backgrounds and cards as well) that have already been published and people have paid for.
I saw your post on the steam thread and agree. I am concerned that Steam allowed this as I really believe that there should be recourse for those people that paid and then had their property deleted/inactivated. While I believe that the developer is the party responsible for the action, I have issue that Steam allowed it and thus seems to further devalue customers in general. For instance, why not cash everyone out that had the items being deleted or just stop further ones being created/distributed. Is there really any need to inactivate the items to where they could not be utilized anymore. What if you really liked using your demonsheep emoticon (which you paid for) and then could not use it anymore. I could understand if the said item(s) were deemed offensive/discriminatory shortly after release, but again, customers should then be reimbursed.

Yes, I know we are just talking emoticons about this game, but it represents an abuse of power. I am done with yammering about it here. I just needed to vent.

Besides the fact that was a completely dumbass thing for the Hero Siege dev to do, it's rather unnerving that Valve just lets developers delete emoticons (and I assume backgrounds and cards as well) that have already been published and people have paid for.
It took me a few read-throughs to realize that he didn't delete them and replace them in a way that kept them in your collection. I couldn't figure out why everyone was so upset with emoticons that looked basically like the old ones.

This wouldn't be the first bone-headed move the developer has made. The game Hero Siege is fantastic and gets good support -- but he's definitely done things that have upset the player base. The good news is that those changes were usually reversed after feedback. I'm guessing that something will be done to make it right.

I don't know if he can this time. I guess you can only have one set of emoticons live so even if he rolls back to the old ones, if that is even doable, then people who bought the new ones would have those rendered useless.
I know that you're "supposed" to play BL multiplayer but I found the first two entertaining enough for a go-through single player

P.S. I agree wit you...I play wit myself, u kno wut I meen!!!!

Far Cry Primal seems to work quite well with GTX 970 @ 1920x1200. Pretty much smooth 60fps and looks nice. I remember reading complaints around release.

Besides the fact that was a completely dumbass thing for the Hero Siege dev to do, it's rather unnerving that Valve just lets developers delete emoticons (and I assume backgrounds and cards as well) that have already been published and people have paid for.
Not only that, this sets a dangerous precedent: What happens to backgrounds, emoticons, cards and badges for games that get delisted due to licensing issues? Will those get removed when a big company decides to yank their game because they won't want to pay the licensing anymore? (cough CODEMASTERS cough ACTIBLIZZARD cough)

Far Cry Primal seems to work quite well with GTX 970 @ 1920x1200. Pretty much smooth 60fps and looks nice. I remember reading complaints around release.
Yep, concurring on this. It runs super slick for me even on the highest settings. I've been a little bored with the game, but technologically its pretty strong. Also on a 970.

Not only that, this sets a dangerous precedent: What happens to backgrounds, emoticons, cards and badges for games that get delisted due to licensing issues? Will those get removed when a big company decides to yank their game because they won't want to pay the licensing anymore? (cough CODEMASTERS cough ACTIBLIZZARD cough)
As far as I can tell, nothing happens to marketplace items when a game gets delisted. The owner of the game would have to go in and separately delete those items as the Hero Siege developer did. However the fact that it is even to be able to be done is a huge oversight on Valve's part.

In the comments, he states that he wrote to Valve and asked them to change his emoticons and they told him the following:

*Edit: Apparently it's just a canned message you get when you try to modify an existing asset, as someone on his forum called him out on pretending he contacted Valve :p but the intent is the same that they really don't want people messing around with existing market assets.

Valve said:
Unfortunately, once a trading card set has been published on the market, assets cannot be changed because doing so would cause serious issues for users who have already earned them. Apologies, and thank you for your understanding.
So clearly they understand that this is undesirable behavior toward the existing owners of those items for obvious reasons.

Now logic would dictate that if it's bad to change the existing items it's equally bad or worse to be able to delete them, but this is Valve we are talking about and they never quite think shit through before they create systems or make changes.

*Edit2: Apparently the old emoticons like this one are still on the market but if you buy them you can't use them and just waste your money.

Someone on the forums said he just bought one and got nothing in his inventory.

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As far as I can tell, nothing happens to marketplace items when a game gets delisted. The owner of the game would have to go in and separately delete those items as the Hero Siege developer did. However the fact that it is even to be able to be done is a huge oversight on Valve's part.

In the comments, he states that he wrote to Valve and asked them to change his emoticons and they told him the following:

So clearly they understand that this is undesirable behavior toward the existing owners of those items for obvious reasons.

Now logic would dictate that if it's bad to change the existing items it's equally bad or worse to be able to delete them, but this is Valve we are talking about and they never quite think shit through before they create systems or make changes.
But they HAVE to be able to change the artwork. Icons and other artwork have to be changeable in case of copyright issues (like someone using a photo they don't have permission to use), or maybe they got new artwork and want to update it, and it won't affect anyone's existing inventory.

Hell, I REMEMBER seeing that some companies changed some emoticons a few times because they got new artwork.

This makes no sense and the dev is a goddamn moron.

Yeah been away for a couple of weeks so this thread has like 70 new pages. I am reading them all damn it!

Anyone fakey that Black Desert Online yet? Looks fun and has gamepad support too.
I preordered it after playing the beta. Beautiful game world with day/night and night can be very dark, also has weather like rain and fog. I am a slut for pretty games so that sold me by itself. Just a lovely looking game. It has a ton of character customization options but it is difficult to get away from the creepy plastic looking character. I have seen some very realistic/good looking characters but it requires spending hours in the character editor. It is totally a sandbox game, tons to do if you like things like fishing and having a lot of complexity to deal with (and like grinding) but no traditional pve endgame at all. The endgame is pretty much pvp and is gear-dominated. So tons of grinding to get enchants up high or you get destroyed by everybody else. That said you can avoid pvp until you are very high level and you have to do a quest to level up which makes it possible to be killed, so in theory a person could spend ages doing everything else the game has to offer and not hitting cap and just avoid pvp.

The stat boosts offered by store costumes really are not that big of a deal, nice but not game-breaking if you do not have them. But the in-game gear looks like crap. If you care about how your character looks you will end up buying a costume set and they are like $30 each. Pets are awesome and you can spend a lot on them too. You can play and enjoy the game without spending money on the cash shop but if you are the type that wants a neat looking outfit or want the bonuses pets offer, yeah you will dump a fair bit into the shop. Combat is super fun especially if you like aoe farming, there are areas packed with mobs so you can gather some up and nuke a dozen or more. If you find a spot that isn't full of others farming, which is always an issue. Honestly anybody who has not already bought into it, I would say wait a while if you want to play. You are already behind if you care about the pvp and as more casual players get higher level or move onto something else the lower level areas will become less crowded. This is a game where leveling is entirely about mob grinding so you can get annoyed when even out of the way places are full of people competing for mobs.

But they HAVE to be able to change the artwork. Icons and other artwork have to be changeable in case of copyright issues (like someone using a photo they don't have permission to use), or maybe they got new artwork and want to update it, and it won't affect anyone's existing inventory.

Hell, I REMEMBER seeing that some companies changed some emoticons a few times because they got new artwork.

This makes no sense and the dev is a goddamn moron.
Well I would assume in those cases Valve themselves did it and that's reasonable. Letting the developers delete them is not though.

The old items are still in the market with the old item IDs but they aren't attached to the game anymore and don't do anything. He made new ones with new IDs.

Far Cry Primal seems to work quite well with GTX 970 @ 1920x1200. Pretty much smooth 60fps and looks nice. I remember reading complaints around release.
That's good. From a technical standpoint it's a downgrade from FC4. The heavy use of bloom and fog really helps blur out the draw distance and level of details. Is what people want, performance over graphics. I think a GTX 970 doesn't run FC4 as smoothly because of the 3.5 GB VRAM limitation. Had to cut down on the texture settings.

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Getting into Far Cry Primal a bit more now. I was given some shit to drink by some dude and then I went flying through the sky and I met up with Hedwig's great great great great great great great great great great grandfather.


I would say wait a while if you want to play. You are already behind if you care about the pvp and as more casual players get higher level or move onto something else the lower level areas will become less crowded. This is a game where leveling is entirely about mob grinding so you can get annoyed when even out of the way places are full of people competing for mobs.
I also fakeybro'd Black Desert because I love MMO's, and agree with pretty much everything you say. Ghillie suits seem to be helpful in pvp though, so that's a little more pay to win than the other stuff.

I also don't imagine the game will stay as buy to play and will eventually go free to play. With it being more of a niche MMO, it just doesn't seem feasable for them to keep cash shop prices so high and still charge for the game in the long run.

Thanks for the heads up on the Borderlands Presequel guys.  Made me finally activate my old Borderlands GOTY key so I could get in on it.

bread's done