Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I missed a newegg glitch...

But I don't think you missed it. It's still live, but mostly worthless unless you bought a Vive and missed out on the bonus games.

I'm sure Vive will be -90% sometime without these games.

Even if you buy soon, they will change offer to different games soon.

  • Tilt Brush - by Google
  • The Gallery - Episode 1: Call of the Starseed
  • Zombie Training Simulator
But I don't think you missed it. It's still live, but mostly worthless unless you bought a Vive and missed out on the bonus games.

Just goes to show how not mad I am. Didn't even check to see if it was still live after seeing what the "games" were.

But I don't think you missed it. It's still live, but mostly worthless unless you bought a Vive and missed out on the bonus games.
Yeah, $1 is a bit much for +1s that you can't play without a Vive when you have no intention of getting a Vive. I might pass on it.

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I see vive games as a great opportunity for collectors. 

I mean, it's like a Humble Vive Bundle.

You pay 1$ for 3 games, exactly the same as on Humble jeje.

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To glitch or not to glitch.  That is the question.  Whether tis nobler in the mind to refrain from taking advantage of Newegg despite the plus ones.  Or to take out thy wallet and and by purchasing them, backlog them. 

HTC Vive game trio seems to be "glitched" at newegg business and doesn't require you to purchase the Vive. Supposed to be free with Vive purchase but is instead .99. Might be worth it if you think you might buy a used Vive at some point. Redeems as a single steam key.
Thanks for the info Pengy99.

I don't own a Vive or plan to buy one, but I thought for $0.99 why the hell not. The MSRP for those games alone is madness at $29.99 (Tilt Brush), $29.99 (Job Simulator), and $39.99 (Fantastic Contraption)?

My Newegg Biz purchase notification and email with my Steam key came quite fast, probably because this glitch isn't in very high demand.

Can't wait to play some VR without any VR hardware! :D/

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20XX's MSRP will be increased from $12 to $15 soon. It's currently on sale for $8.99, and the dev claims that this is the last time it will be on sale before the MSRP increases and won't be this cheap again for a very long time.

This may matter to some of you because it's one of the best Megaman inspired games on steam, and the quality seems high enough that it won't be bundled for a while. It's still in EA, so it's not finished yet but most of the content is there and it has online co-op for the campaign mode. I think steam may be the only place to buy it.

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I haven't played a decent mega man type game other than azure....and that was not quite mega man a way. Guess i'll buy it Spoder....stop making me buy games!

20XX blah blah blah.
Thanks for posting. Looks like a good way to spend some Archibucks and a nice change of pace to No Man's Sky, which if for no other reason I'll be playing out of obligation after pre-ordering it like a dingus while still swooning in an intoxicated state of post-ABZU ecstasy.
I don't usually care about Flying Bundle, but lol


Good job including a "bonus" game that's been free before! I think hundreds if not thousands of copies of dat shit were given away on failmid..

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20XX's MSRP will be increased from $12 to $15 soon. It's currently on sale for $8.99, and the dev claims that this is the last time it will be on sale before the MSRP increases and won't be this cheap again for a very long time.

This may matter to some of you because it's one of the best Megaman inspired games on steam, and the quality seems high enough that it won't be bundled for a while. It's still in EA, so it's not finished yet but most of the content is there and it has online co-op for the campaign mode. I think steam may be the only place to buy it.
More like 25XX, because I just made it my 2500th game, just ahead of some Tremor garbage and Cobi Treasure Deluxe.

That Copy Kitty game that was in a Greenlight bundle back when Groupees wasn't complete shite is on Steam now.  That is the one and only bundle that I meant to buy but Gilbyed, naturally.  Just bought the game with card money, whatever.  Anyway the dev says he will try to get keys to anybody who bought it elsewhere so I expect you will get them eventually on Groupees.

That Copy Kitty game that was in a Greenlight bundle back when Groupees wasn't complete shite is on Steam now. That is the one and only bundle that I meant to buy but Gilbyed, naturally. Just bought the game with card money, whatever. Anyway the dev says he will try to get keys to anybody who bought it elsewhere so I expect you will get them eventually on Groupees.
lol hopefully groupees buyers will get keys, the dev said he makes no guarantees we'll get them.. The game looks good so I hope they won't refuse keys for a greenlight bundle, it'll inevitably start a shitstorm..

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45% off? That's a thing now?
It's a subconscious mental trick for people to associate it with a 75% off, slightly raising the likelihood of them buying. Or something... Well, I got excited (for 0.5-1 second) until my conscious mind caught up with the fact it's even worse than a 50% off so I guess it kind of worked.

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Never played a MGS game; never played GZ prequel either.

For all the MGS series fans - would I get lost in the story by starting w/ Phantom Pain?
Would I be lost in the story stuff from not starting w/ GZ?
No the story is a joke and afterthought. This is the most "casual" friendly game and you can play it however you want. Stealth or guns blazing. Loved it on ps4 for 20 hours before I traded it. Just picked it back up for PC. Under $19 was my buy point. Game is great.

Also GZ is a 20 min demo. Watch the game on YouTube if you want to see what happens. Also don't let the first 30 min of TPP turn you off. It's kind of stupid and the initial gameplay is odd but not indicative of the rest of the game.
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Wait - isn't MGS series known for its labyrinth of a story?

Did they just abandon ship on the story b/c it went to a open-world game this time around?

No the story is a joke and afterthought. This is the most "casual" friendly game and you can play it however you want. Stealth or guns blazing. Loved it on ps4 for 20 hours before I traded it. Just picked it back up for PC. Under $19 was my buy point. Game is great.

Also GZ is a 20 min demo. Watch the game on YouTube if you want to see what happens. Also don't let the first 30 min of TPP turn you off. It's kind of stupid and the initial gameplay is odd but not indicative of the rest of the game.
100% correct, honestly you don't even need to watch GZ.

Optional: Read the plot for peace walker or watch a youtube video on it.

Peace Walker and GZ tl;dr

You build up your base, you recruit some good men, in MGS:GZ all that gets destroy in 5 minutes which is why Metal Gear Guy Dude is MAAAAAAAAD setting up the plot for this game.

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Wait - isn't MGS series known for its labyrinth of a story?

Did they just abandon ship on the story b/c it went to a open-world game this time around?
No, Kojima didn't get to finish the entire game before it shipped. Apparently the last act of the game is missing. There's videos on Youtube that show the actual ending, and how it ties into MGS1 (kinda.)

I really enjoyed The Phantom Pain precisely because I didn't feel like I was being forced to experience Kojima's garbage storytelling, which was a big turn off with the other MGS games. All in all I had a lot of fun with TPP on the PS4. Definitely worth it if you can get it around $15-$18. No point in waiting for the definitive edition, either.
I really enjoyed The Phantom Pain precisely because I didn't feel like I was being forced to experience Kojima's garbage storytelling, which was a big turn off with the other MGS games. All in all I had a lot of fun with TPP on the PS4. Definitely worth it if you can get it around $15-$18. No point in waiting for the definitive edition, either.
SHHHHHHHH, you will make the Metal Gear fans mad and make account just to post here.

Opinion here, I didn't think anything was wrong with Kojima's storytelling in any games but MGS 4 and Phantom Pain were awful.

I loved everything even Portable Ops and Peace Walker other then two I said were awful

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Boy I'm glad I bought/backlogged MGS:TPP for $20-whatever bucks a month or so back.

Lately I've been playing Stalker: SoC for the 4th or 5th time.  Because it's not like I have fifteen-hundred other games that need playing.

Anyone using Steam Link to play games not on Steam AND  using an XBone Controller? When I launch something, say Watch_Dogs via Uplay, the game treats my controller sticks like a mouse, so I can only look around.

"Why don't you just use m&kb, then, eulogy?"

To which I reply:

"Oi, mind your own fuck ing business you home wrecking slut!!!"


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bread's done