Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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That's a crapload of DLC. I appreciated more the 2nd with the 2 expansions only I believe. I would actually want the gold edition but maybe at $15. Around $30 seems to be a bit too much.
I bought Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Ultimate Edition back in June with the thought that it was probably finally safe to buy what appeared to be the final complete edition. The game was over 4 years old, and I couldn't imagine that they'd still be pumping out DLC for the game. Less than 24 hours after the sale ended, they released a new DLC.

Ultimate edition, my ass.

I will now forever be suspicious of any game that has a shitload of DLC that goes on sale. At least until a newer version of the game gets released. This is especially true for games released by DLC whores like Stardock & Paradox.

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People who disagree with the changes are not "the complainers". That's pointlessly dismissive and insultingly misrepresentative.


Anyway, I really don't want to debate the content of the change. It's fine you may like the direction they're going while I do not. It's not fine when you say people who don't like the direction have no right to their reasoning and are just complaining about change.
Perfectly fair to dismiss those who see change=bad as complainers.

I'm not, however, saying that the changes are good. I'm saying that the changes, and the direction of them, were needed.

Movement in MH is unlimited but it's a keybind you have to set in options now. The dashes/teleports don't really matter.

My main problem is the infinity system is boring. Also, I've knocked out all the content... and they added nothing new.
The movement keybind has been around for some time now. Movement powers have a delay before activating, meaning they aren't useful for combat dodging. Though, yes, they still can be used to avoid actually interacting with anything.

As for new content, there's always a clamor for it, but it gets played once in the first day of release and then becomes something else to ignore. (D3 is really no different here, as is most any ARPG/MMO in terms of end-game play. Story content has no real longevity.)

As much as I'm enjoying Derpablo 3 I wouldn't hold it out as any great example of freedom-of-choice. If you want to progress through high level greater rifts you absolutely MUST use class sets and they're all designed around specific builds/stats/paragon distribution. So while it might seem like there's a lot of freedom on first glance all of it is constrained by the two or three armor sets required to combat the ever-scaling enemies.
Four sets per class. Plus LON. And all of those builds have ways they can vary, some quite substantially. The choice is in how you decide to vary them. Bumping one aspect leads to another aspect lacking. There never seems to be quite enough gear slots, skill slots, or cube slots for what you need.

Anyway, $155 4GB 480 at Newegg After Rebate. Really great price for a current gen card. I know a lot of people say "get the 8GB" but how many games even use more then 4GB of VRAM? I mean the shitty optimization of that one batman game shouldn't be used as the standard. For 1080P this should be fine, no?
Depends on resolution + settings.

Those that can go over 4GB of VRAM:

Doom 2016 = wants 5GB of VRAM at least on Nightmare graphics settings:

Dishonored 2 = Some people have gone into the 7.5 GB VRAM arena at Ultra settings:

Shadow of Mordor = Can go b/t 5-6GB of VRAM:

Dying Light = at 1080p can go over 5.3 GB VRAM if you want to max it out:

Batman: Arkham Knight can go anywhere from 4-7.5GB, depending on res' and what NVidia Gameworks stuff you turn on at 1440p (and up):

Rise of the TR hitting at + sometimes over 8GB (WTH?) at 1080p maxed-out:


Batman AK isn't the only crappy optimized newer game out here on PC. Dishonored 2 + Dying Light, especially if you crank things way up there, can run like total freakin' garbage.

Seriously, a lot of the NVidia GameWorks stuff and special AMD stuff IMHO, just ain't necessary. So, if you're really going to a 4GB card b/c of price + saving some $, just don't use that stuff. [shrug]

BTW, how does RoTTR run w/ SSAA instead of SMAA?

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I play Doom 2016 at 8k and it only uses 3GB Vram.
That's an old article anyway. I played Doom at 1080 with every setting maxed and it ran beautifully on my 290X with DX12. That new Vulkan API they did is a beast.

I think sometimes there's a distinction between "can use" and "needs". Maybe Rise of the Tomb Raider can use 8GB but it benchmarks at 60fps on Ultra/SMAA/DX12 at 1080p with the 480 4GB.

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That's an old article anyway. I played Doom at 1080 with every setting maxed and it ran beautifully on my 290X with DX12. That new Vulkan API they did is a beast.

I think sometimes there's a distinction between "can use" and "needs". Maybe Rise of the Tomb Raider can use 8GB but it benchmarks at 60fps on Ultra/SMAA/DX12 at 1080p on the 480 4GB.
But can they play 8k ;)

Shit last night on all ultra in Vermintide I was getting 50-70 FPS most of the time with a 1080 at 1440 with two monitors.

We need more games like DOOm 16. Game is so damn optimized it blows my mind.
That's an old article anyway. I played Doom at 1080 with every setting maxed and it ran beautifully on my 290X with DX12. That new Vulkan API they did is a beast.

I think sometimes there's a distinction between "can use" and "needs". Maybe Rise of the Tomb Raider can use 8GB but it benchmarks at 60fps on Ultra/SMAA/DX12 at 1080p on the 480 4GB.
Vulkan's a lower-level API w/ less middle-man stuff; meanwhile DirectX has a lot of that stuff in-between, even still.

Even w/ Vulkan, I certainly was NOT running Doom 2016 at max.

The game would not even allow me access to those Nightmare graphical settings, when running the game at 1080p.

I've been following the Humble Store's Winter sale and today is their Winter Encore sale. You know, like what Steam use to do with their sales before they made them boring. 

Interestingly enough, the discount on Axiom Verge went from 40% off ($11.99) during the regular sale to 50% off ($9.99) today. If you have the 10% off bonus discount for being a Monthly Humble buyer then it drops to $8.99, which would be a new all-time low.

Just a heads up if anyone is interested in it. 

Sadly Shovel Knight never received a discount during the sale.  :nottalking:

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Never played a doom game before.

Never been that interested. Seen so much hype about it, (wonder if I've heard too much)piqued my interest.
You've got to be kidding me.

Seriously, get any of the old Doom games (i.e. Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom) games dirt-cheap + run them in ZDoom, Doomsday, or some kind of Source Port. The game's still stand the test of time, w/ non-stop + relentless kind of action & huge labryrinth maze-like levels. Lots of enemies everywhere - so just twitch + shoot. Don't think, just shoot. Not many games do this as great as the old-school Dooms.

Doom 3's great, but a different kind of great. Doom 3 ain't the same kind of Doom most of us know + love. Doom 3 is a much different; it's more cerebral, slower-paced, and less enemies running around. If that still sounds up your alley - yeah, it's great; get it cheap.

Doom 2016 is just amazing. If you wanted a more modernized old-school style Doom - just buy it. It's one of the best SP campaigns for a relentless-style FPS that I've played in years; probably since Painkiller.


Sorry to hear it. AMD cards handled it much better than cut-rate Nvidia cards with fake 4GB :D/
Eh, I only spent $100 on my 970. [shrug]





So, when's Ni No Kuni 1 coming natively to the PC?

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I've been following the Humble Store's Winter sale and today is their Winter Encore sale. You know, like what Steam use to do with their sales before they made them boring.

Interestingly enough, the discount on Axiom Verge went from 40% off ($11.99) during the regular sale to 50% off ($9.99) today. If you have the 10% off bonus discount for being a Monthly Humble buyer then it drops to $8.99, which would be a new all-time low.

Just a heads up if anyone is interested in it.

Sadly Shovel Knight never received a discount during the sale. :nottalking:
I've got the urge to splurge and I'm right on the Verge!
New PC nearly done. It was super neat and clean looking until my dumb butt went to put the GPU in and realized I had forgotten to account for the radiator on it being longer than the fan and it not fitting in the bottom as I had originally intended. So had to swap the rear case fan and GPU radiator and now it looks like butt. Fortunately my case has no window.


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU Cooler: Corsair H115i 104.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler  ($119.99 @ Newegg) 
Motherboard: Asus Z170I PRO GAMING Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard  ($168.98 @ Newegg) 
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-3000 Memory  ($229.99 @ Newegg) 
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB FTW HYBRID Video Card  ($439.99 @ Newegg) 
Case: Fractal Design Define Nano S Mini ITX Desktop Case  ($59.99 @ Newegg) 
Power Supply: SeaSonic 650W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  ($109.99 @ Newegg) 
Total: $1128.93
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-01-26 20:50 EST-0500

Now to burn it in for the next two days and then never play PC games on it...

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Other than the GPU cables it was super clean, guess I should take it out and just rock the integrated graphics. But again, no window because windows and LEDs are dumb so it matters not.

Also I zip tied my current machine and then had to make a change in it, couldn't be bothered, said fuck it, and haven't touched it since. Not committed to the fans that came with everything yet either, want to see how loud/efficient they are.

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To Marvel Heroes, haven't played it since the change so hardly one to talk, but the timer on movement/teleport would be annoying if they haven't addressed the fact that fighting mobs is incredibly boring. Maybe it's the MMO aspect of them respawning every minute or so that's the problem, but I haaaattteddd fighting mobs in MH compared to other ARPGs. 

We need more games like DOOm 16. Game is so damn optimized it blows my mind.
Sure, we do, but not all developers/publishers have the ability to test like they do. Thats why Rockstar were able to get GTA 5 to run well on potatoes, they tested the ever loving fuck out of it. Doom was running awesome even before they introduced Vulkan. It takes a lot of resources to get it like that across the board espc when so many publishers don't put necessary resources into the PC version. Another very well optimized game is MGS Phantom Pain. One of the major reasons why so many games aren't optimized is b/c they just dont have the time to test because people fly off the handle if the game isn't out at the same time as the console release. Only the biggest pubs tend to really get it right the first time. I notice EA does fairly well. Games like BF1 and FIFA, and even last year with Battlefront they really did well optimization wise, but they have the money to do it right.

I remember watching a Dev Diary on Twitch after the January GTA V delay. They had a literal mountain of GPUs on a desk and rigs with different components in there to test the game on. Thats the kind of shit it takes.

Yeah the LoN builds exist but it's still the same concept -- they simply put the massive scaling in via another mechanics (number of ancient legendaries).
Yes. You need something that gives massive scaling to play at the higher difficulties. But each class has many ways to do that, and each of those ways have variants.

Shovel Knight will probably get bundled in the summer, after the base game and extra campaigns are split into separate appIDs.

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Anyone remember when the Shovel Knight pricing change happens?
The announcement just said that the price increase would happen in the spring.

In the spring, we will be raising the price of Shovel Knight. If you haven’t picked up Shovel Knight yet and want all the content included within Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove, buy it now before the price increases this Spring! Or pick a selection of the standalone versions for a cheaper price!
Hopefully the devs will provide the date a week or two beforehand. That should lead to some nice last-minute impulse purchases. :)

(Here's where we discussed the pricing change a couple weeks back.)

fyi, they said also that standard version will stay in store and current owners have to buy standalone version, if they want to own those.

No point buying just for collection. As for playing , you've waited this long, you can definitely wait more.

Disagree on lazy. Or dumbing down. I haven't played much since the change, but I did spend time on the game in the month before. And occasionally before that. It was full of extraneous choices that weren't really choices at all. Skill points were pointless as, once at max level, a skill that got points would always just get maxed out. Unlimited dash and travel powers meant the entire game centered around mindlessly rushing over everything to get to some boss. Even when in a major encounter, those movement powers made sure there was no real danger if a player was actually paying attention. The omega system was opaque and (in higher-level end game content) way too crucial. Taking a step back and looking at it made it clear there were some big flaws. It was fun, but those flaws grated for someone who already had a lot of time in the game, and they certainly were a big impediment for those trying to get into the game.

Of course, no one likes it when their cheese gets moved, and the noisy are out in force in terms of bashing the changes in various places. Swap out the changes for a completely different direction of changes, and they'd be just as noisy. The only way they wouldn't complain is if Marvel Heroes stayed exactly the same except for buffing their personal favorite characters and giving out some free stuff.

Many of the changes sound an awful lot like what Diablo 3 is doing. Not coincidentally the reason I haven't really touched Marvel Heroes since the patch is because I've been playing Diablo 3.
I don't see what any of that has to do with my comment on them removing visual options and their artist being lazy... but I'll counterpoint on some of it.

No one really likes it when you've invested money into their game and they change it at the core level without fixing the games true issues...

As for differences between MH and Diablo... MH is more like Diablo II, or at least it was, and there was a bunch of people who like that... Its now more like Diablo III but unlike Diablo III which can really change how you play the game via gear MH doesn't really have any of that going for it. (Oh, and there was a large number of people who thought Diablo III was a step in the wrong direction when it came out and it took 2 years for DIII to get good.)

Anyhow, I've booted up MH for login rewards (and that near zero % chance I have to get a decent coupon) but haven't played the changes... but I suspect that the changes will make the heroes play very similar to how they where when the game first came out. Nearly identical. Hopefully, I'm wrong and maybe I'll get around to finding it out sometime.

Last night we tried playing No More Room in Hell.  No one could find the server Weiler tried to set up, then my computer locked up trying to create a server and I had to reboot.  By the time I got back in Bah also had to reboot and that was that.  Worth every penny we paid for it.  Then we played Battlefield 1 and did worse than usual.  Bah fails to realize the symbiotic relationship where my medic can't heal his ass if his support doesn't help keep my ass alive.

Tonight is scheduled Battlefield 1 instead of "This game sucks, let's play BF1" Battlefield 1.  I will likely not make it as last night my computer started putting off some temps 15-20 degrees higher than normal.  Nothing critical, temps in the 70s, but the sudden spike suggests that something ain't right.  All the fans seem to be working so the next step is to put it on its side and clean/reapply thermal compound to the heat sink.  Don't know if I'll be back up and running by go time.

fyi, they said also that standard version will stay in store and current owners have to buy standalone version, if they want to own those.

No point buying just for collection. As for playing , you've waited this long, you can definitely wait more.

The announcement said this

All owners of Shovel Knight on all platforms will automatically own Shovel Knight:Treasure Trove instead and will continue to get each of the planned free campaigns and features via updates. It will work exactly like how Shovel Knight was updated to include its first campaign addition, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows. Don’t worry!

In the spring, we will be raising the price of Shovel Knight.
So I assumed if you owned the OG Shovel Knight you'd get the new stuff for free. I figured I'd spend the $15 on the OG game since the raised price will end up being $30 (just a guess), so $15 would be the new sale price for it.

Or do you mean the new, standalone stuff just won't automatically +1?

bread's done