Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Sorry for starting another console war.

edit: fwiw, i'm not a fan of wireless anythings, so battery life isn't terribly high on my list of controller desirableness. Nor is D-pad functionality, because who the fuck uses the D-pad for anything?

no, that wasn't an invitation to regale us with your dpaddery tales
There's always this:

I think it doesn't have rumble. There's also a refurb for $15. Or the wireless for $40 which I think has rumble, but that seems a lot to just pay for rumble.

To continue the console war:

Like Parallacks, I hate wireless stuff mostly because I hate remembering to recharge batteries or controllers or headsets, etc. I sit close enough to my computer that I don't ever have to use anything wireless. If PS3 has the option of long corded controllers like the PS2, I'd be happy with those.

That said, I have to do the whole eneloop thing for my Wiimotes and 360 wireless controllers. For the PS3, I have a standalone energizer charging stand so I keep my two controllers charged all the time. I also have a habit of buying at least two controllers for every console, even if I know I'm the only one likely to use it. Old habit from coming from a big family and always needing multiple controllers.

I prefer PS4/PS3 just because I play my PS3 most so it feels easier to use the same on PC and not have to switch to another layout. If I played 360 a lot, I might have one for my PC.

I don't understand that when controllers last a good 5-6+ hours. I have three that all perform for that long.

Your charging must be killing your controller batteries or something.

Xbox dpad sucks though. But I don't really mind any of the controllers. My 360 controller has been fine for PC. Although I've been tempted to buy one of the PC usb dongle dualshocks that has been on sale at Best Buy for $40 a couple times.
Does the DS4 dongle thing work for Steam too? I've been tempted to get one since it's hit $10 for the dongle several times, but I read some comments online indicating it only worked for PSNow and not as a general wireless dongle.

I can't stand dealing with cords, so even though I'm right next to my computer/monitor I'll always prefer wireless mice and controllers. The technology is good enough where you probably aren't going to notice the difference with lag when going wireless unless you're a diehard competitive FPS or fighting game fan, and the batteries last a long time (aside from PS4 controllers). If you prefer going wired for some other weird reason, I might as well start calling you grandpa

I think the only things I prefer wired are headphones and keyboards, because I don't move my keyboard and it's more of a hassle to swap/charge batteries with headphones when I'd use them too often.

Dear Arkane,

this isn't how physics work


I can't stand dealing with cords, so even though I'm right next to my computer/monitor I'll always prefer wireless mice and controllers. The technology is good enough where you probably aren't going to notice the difference with lag when going wireless unless you're a diehard competitive FPS or fighting game fan, and the batteries last a long time (aside from PS4 controllers). If you prefer going wired for some other weird reason, I might as well start calling you grandpa

I think the only things I prefer wired are headphones and keyboards, because I don't move my keyboard and it's more of a hassle to swap/charge batteries with headphones when I'd use them too often.
I prefer wired because I know whatever i'm using will remain attached to the computer. Wireless stuff disappears. Because i'm old and forgetful.

I think the only things I prefer wired are headphones and keyboards, because I don't move my keyboard and it's more of a hassle to swap/charge batteries with headphones when I'd use them too often.
i havent seen a wireless headset use removable batteries before, but I prefer wireless for gaming headphones, just dont have to deal with wires in the way plus you can get up and get a drink or whatever and still talk to friends. Also all headsets Ive ever seen let you play and charge at the same time, so if you happen to run down then go for the usb cable and charge while your using it

Prefer wireless for controllers as well but I stick with wired for kb/m, just like the keyboard isnt moving neither is my mouse, no reason to have to deal with batteries or charging for either of those

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i havent seen a wireless headset use removable batteries before, but I prefer wireless for gaming headphones, just dont have to deal with wires in the way plus you can get up and get a drink or whatever and still talk to friends. Also all headsets Ive ever seen let you play and charge at the same time, so if you happen to run down then go for the usb cable and charge while your using it

Prefer wireless for controllers as well but I stick with wired for kb/m, just like the keyboard isnt moving neither is my mouse, no reason to have to deal with batteries or charging for either of those
Some headphones require you to charge them on a cradle and don't let you charge them while in use, it just depends. Same for mice, not all of them are wired/wireless hybrids. For me, the only reason for me to go wireless with headphones is cuz I sometimes forget they're on or trip over the cord and end up dropping them due to that, which is a good reason to go wireless, but typically wireless headphones are lesser quality than wired ones anyway, or have a downside. Depends on how willing you are to sacrifice audio quality to go wireless, for many it's not a big deal.

As far as mice go.. I can't stand the feeling that a cord is there. No matter what wired mouse I go with, I'll always feel it there and it bugs me. It's not like I'm keeping a mouse 100% stationary so I do move it, unlike a keyboard.

Does the DS4 dongle thing work for Steam too? I've been tempted to get one since it's hit $10 for the dongle several times, but I read some comments online indicating it only worked for PSNow and not as a general wireless dongle.
Yeah it works for Steam too. Love that thing, I got it for around 15 from BB a few months ago and worth every. I got it for steam link mainly because of the input lag on occasion. Rumble works with it also with the dongle. It only pairs with the DS4 controller and only one controller per dongle but with the limitations its still a good purchase in my eyes.

Ill be getting another when it hits 10 again.

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Yeah it works for Steam too. Love that thing, I got it for around 15 from BB a few months ago and worth every. I got it for steam link mainly because of the input lag on occasion. Rumble works with it also with the dongle. It only pairs with the DS4 controller and only one controller per dongle but with the limitations its still a good purchase in my eyes.

Ill be getting another when it hits 10 again.
Awesome. Looks like I'll be buying one too.
Just to throw another pointless opinion into the ring, I greatly prefer Xbone controllers over whatever else there is. I still need to get a wireless adapter for it if there is one (really wish Windows 7 supported them via BT like 10), but everything about the controllers just feels so much better than the competition.

Sony controllers have been insistent on keeping their same iconic shape for what, two decades now? It's not a very ergonomic design, especially if you have pretty big hands. I'm sorry, I used to love Sony controllers... back when the PS2 was out. Then the gaming moved on, and controller evolved, and Sony just... kinda stayed the same, with minor variations. Sony fanboys will tell you it's the best thing in the world no matter what (and of course personal preference still trumps anything pretty much), but I'm not a fanboy of anything and I'll tell you Xbone and even Wii U pro controllers are superior in ergonomics.

As far as buttons go, Xbone controllers are the best feeling I've come across. Buttery smooth triggers (PS3-4 triggers are just weird), nice tactile buttons, not squishy feeling at all, dpad nicely separates buttons, all of which click cleanly with presses (some people hate it, but I prefer that style, so I guess that's preference), and I've never had any issues with the joysticks, no dead zones, etc.

Battery wise, I've always preferred removable over built-in. I can get a 6 pack of Panasonics for a dollar that lasts me months. Rechargeables are just a pain, and even if the battery life is decent in the beginning, they burn out and lose life the more you use them. I don't know of any OEM console company controllers using high quality batteries, so you're always just getting mediocre crap that doesn't cost them much. And if you love rechargeables, you can just get those for Xbone as well and won't be forced to dock your controller to charge it, so you've got options.

Funny thing is I've been playing Wii U games that force you to use the gamepad controller. Gotta love using a "controller" the size of a TV dinner.

Have you tried big picture mode? I heard that fixes issued with one controller but not sure about two.
Yeah that only work with one controller.

Problems arise when you use two or more controllers. If player one presses a face button, the other players will perform the action as well. So if player one jumps, players 2, 3, and 4 will jump as well at the same time.

It's so dumb. Just shows how lazy this port is. Made the game absolutely worthless for me since I just wanted to play couch multiplayer. Also it is still missing a bunch of DLC that was in the Wii and PSP versions
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Symmetrical sticks is stuipid because it destroys symmetrical thumbs

Playstation face buttons suck

So does their d-pad (but way better than Xbox360 D-Pad)

Worst triggers ever.

Fight me son i got chest hair

Drabe is tempting me to buy the Marvel Ultimate Alliance bundle in fear of it getting delisted. HALP!
Don't over think it too much. Plenty of wallet? Fear of getting it delisted? Just do it and forget about it.

Also, I don't know how people are be able to play with a wireless controller ...

Wired > wireless. I even have got 15ms of RJ-45 wired from my pc to the router.

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Just to throw another pointless opinion into the ring, I greatly prefer Xbone controllers over whatever else there is. I still need to get a wireless adapter for it if there is one (really wish Windows 7 supported them via BT like 10), but everything about the controllers just feels so much better than the competition.

Sony controllers have been insistent on keeping their same iconic shape for what, two decades now? It's not a very ergonomic design, especially if you have pretty big hands. I'm sorry, I used to love Sony controllers... back when the PS2 was out. Then the gaming moved on, and controller evolved, and Sony just... kinda stayed the same, with minor variations. Sony fanboys will tell you it's the best thing in the world no matter what (and of course personal preference still trumps anything pretty much), but I'm not a fanboy of anything and I'll tell you Xbone and even Wii U pro controllers are superior in ergonomics.

As far as buttons go, Xbone controllers are the best feeling I've come across. Buttery smooth triggers (PS3-4 triggers are just weird), nice tactile buttons, not squishy feeling at all, dpad nicely separates buttons, all of which click cleanly with presses (some people hate it, but I prefer that style, so I guess that's preference), and I've never had any issues with the joysticks, no dead zones, etc.

Battery wise, I've always preferred removable over built-in. I can get a 6 pack of Panasonics for a dollar that lasts me months. Rechargeables are just a pain, and even if the battery life is decent in the beginning, they burn out and lose life the more you use them. I don't know of any OEM console company controllers using high quality batteries, so you're always just getting mediocre crap that doesn't cost them much. And if you love rechargeables, you can just get those for Xbone as well and won't be forced to dock your controller to charge it, so you've got options.

Funny thing is I've been playing Wii U games that force you to use the gamepad controller. Gotta love using a "controller" the size of a TV dinner
Where's Trumpcat when you need a tiny hands joke?

My DS4 controllers tend to last around 5-6 hours between chargers while playing on PC or PS4. Which seems fine to me. Sometimes I'd forget to charge one and still wanted to keep it wireless, so I found this battery pack from Monoprice on the cheap ($6.15). It also comes with a 10 ft. long USB Micro B charging cable as well. The battery just clips onto the controller resting on the underside and over the controller's micro USB B port. Very similar to where the rechargeable battery sits on an xbox controller.

I've found it to be pretty useful in a pinch and it has an on/off button, plus a USB micro B pass-through port on the front. The battery is a 1000mAh Li-Ion which is the same battery inside the DS4. It does add a very small amount of weight overall, but other than that I haven't run into any problems myself. Might be worth picking up if you have a low charge internal battery or just want more wireless time with your DS4s.

I sometimes use my xbox 360 controller on the PC as well. I actually like both controllers since they have their pros and cons, but I mainly pickup the DS4.

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Just beat Dead Rising 2 today. Just a few years late, lol.

In short, awesome game. I played the original on 360 years and years ago, and it was a fun screw around game, but the time limit on everything in the game and garbage survivor AI were massive annoyances (not to mention the game gets hard as balls near the end). I decided to give 2 a try a week or so ago and was instantly hooked. Really well optimized for PC, looks great, plays great, and most of the quibbles I had with 1 were adjusted in 2.

The time limit still exists, but it's a lot more doable. I beat the game, got the best ending, and did every single side mission (I think I missed one, because I didn't do something that would have made it show up), and didn't run out of time or miss anything. Granted there were still lots of secrets and unmarked survivors I didn't get to, and there were some tense moments trying to stay on time here and there, it was all very doable.

The difficulty curve was pretty good, even though I'm sure I was overleveled from saving the vast majority of survivors (best way to level up), the boss battles were challenging but not frustratingly so, the weapon combination system was awesome, the world is pretty damn big, but not ridiculously so and very well laid out, all in all the game really surprised me, and the story was pretty damn good too and kept it engaging. The game really balances the feeling of constantly being on edge and afraid of getting overwhelmed by the horde, and also making you feel like a total badass who can rip through mountains of zombos. I'm probably gonna play through it again without doing story shit and just going on a fucking rampage and exploring the whole world, lol.

I wound up liking Chuck a hell of a lot more than Frank too. Maybe Frank will grow on me in Off the Record when I get around to playing that, but as stoic as Chuck was, he was just a lot more likable and you wanted him to succeed more than a random reporter dude who chose to jump into a zombie filled mall. Chuck was a lot more realistic and tragic of a character.

tl;dr: Just thought I'd share my thoughts on Dead Rising 2 in case anyone has had the game sitting in their library for ages. It's fun as hell and a lot better structured than DR1 and definitely worth a play. Has co-op too.

just returned to this thread over a weekend of Diablo 3 marathon.. 

All of this controller and gamepad talk makes me want to get a Xbone and join the peasant revolution 

Don't over think it too much. Plenty of wallet? Fear of getting it delisted? Just do it and forget about it.

Also, I don't know how people are be able to play with a wireless controller ...

Wired > wireless. I even have got 15ms of RJ-45 wired from my pc to the router.
Buy as a gift and refund if no removal.

My DS4 controllers tend to last around 5-6 hours between chargers while playing on PC or PS4. Which seems fine to me. Sometimes I'd forget to charge one and still wanted to keep it wireless, so I found this battery pack from Monoprice on the cheap ($6.15). It also comes with a 10 ft. long USB Micro B charging cable as well. The battery just clips onto the controller resting on the underside and over the controller's micro USB B port. Very similar to where the rechargeable battery sits on an xbox controller.

I've found it to be pretty useful in a pinch and it has an on/off button, plus a USB micro B pass-through port on the front. The battery is a 1000mAh Li-Ion which is the same battery inside the DS4. It does add a very small amount of weight overall, but other than that I haven't run into any problems myself. Might be worth picking up if you have a low charge internal battery or just want more wireless time with your DS4s.

I sometimes use my xbox 360 controller on the PC as well. I actually like both controllers since they have their pros and cons, but I mainly pickup the DS4.
Nice find on the battery pack. Will be ordering one for ultimate XB1 fanboy pwnage.
All this controller talk...

Personally, I like playstation controllers.  Fits most naturally in my hand.  360 (haven't used a xbone) controllers makes my hand cramp.  I had a PS1, but stopped playing it before the analog controllers came out and never had a PS2.  I thought the gamecube was a really good controller.  I don't like the 360 controller shoulder buttons because the curved shape of the lower one cramps my index and middle fingers together.  Battery life on my DS4 isn't an issue because I know how to work a screwdriver and spent $4 $12 on a bigger battery.  Usually I don't use controllers on PC.  I played Shovel Knight with a keyboard.  Fite me.

EDIT: My memory sucks.

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All this controller talk...

Personally, I like playstation controllers. Fits most naturally in my hand. 360 (haven't used a xbone) controllers makes my hand cramp. I had a PS1, but stopped playing it before the analog controllers came out and never had a PS2. I thought the gamecube was a really good controller. I don't like the 360 controller shoulder buttons because the curved shape of the lower one cramps my index and middle fingers together. Battery life on my DS4 isn't an issue because I know how to work a screwdriver and spent $4 on a bigger battery. Usually I don't use controllers on PC. I played Shovel Knight with a keyboard. Fite me.
Where did you get the bigger battery for $4?

Where did you get the bigger battery for $4?
I guess I lied... :oops:


I could've sworn it wasn't much but it looks like they're $16 on ebay now.

Looking at my old paypal emails, it was $12 when I bought it.

It's an LP803860. You just have to swap the leads on the connector because sony reversed polarity on their connector to be cute.

EDIT: Back when I bought it it wasn't advertised as being for the DS4 and more people were selling them. Not sure if you'd still need to swap the pins. Possible the seller did it already.

Also, I don't think the battery fits in the new DS4 version.

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I guess I lied... :oops:


I could've sworn it wasn't much but it looks like they're $16 on ebay now.

Looking at my old paypal emails, it was $12 when I bought it.

It's an LP803860. You just have to swap the leads on the connector because sony reversed polarity on their connector to be cute.

I checked ebay and found some specifically for the PS4 for around $7-8 which I assume have the leads swapped already.

I guess $4 is doable, just not sure how much I trust it:

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I don't know how much I trust them.  But yeah, the ones in the plastic case are probably the correct polarity.  The one I bought was initially marketed towards arduino users. 

The 2000mAh rating of them might be a bit of a stretch.  Back when I swapped, I read about people saying the cheap Chinese knock offs were crap.  I know the one I have which is also rated at 2000 mAh) just fits and it doesn't have the plastic case around it, it's just a bare pack.

I don't know how long the new battery in my DS4 lasts because I never had it die on me when playing.  I played division yesterday for about 7-8 hours and it was still going strong.

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So since this is console thread now (based on all this controller talk), what is everyone's opinion on TVs? The wife and I have been saving to get a BIG new one (60-75 inch) and know very little about what makes them "good" at that range. Don't worry, I'll still be keeping it glorious since I have a PC in the living room as a media machine and to play all the couch co-op games. I think we were looking at the LG 65" but not completely sold. Since I have a PC sitting right next to the TV, the whole "smart- TV" thing is a complete waste.

Since I have a PC sitting right next to the TV, the whole "smart- TV" thing is a complete waste.
Don't underestimate the power of controlling Netflix and Kodi without getting off your ass. I used to have a PC-TV set up and it certainly worked but, now that I have a TV running Android, it's certainly a more elegant and user friendly solution. Of course, you can do much of the same with various add-ons (Roku, Fire stick, etc).

So since this is console thread now (based on all this controller talk), what is everyone's opinion on TVs? The wife and I have been saving to get a BIG new one (60-75 inch) and know very little about what makes them "good" at that range. Don't worry, I'll still be keeping it glorious since I have a PC in the living room as a media machine and to play all the couch co-op games. I think we were looking at the LG 65" but not completely sold. Since I have a PC sitting right next to the TV, the whole "smart- TV" thing is a complete waste.
I don't know anything about TVs, but best bang for buck right now is TCL:

$999.99 for 65'' 4K

If you want to go for brand name, I always hear good stuff about Samsung:

$1299.99 for 65'' 4K sammy

So since this is console thread now (based on all this controller talk), what is everyone's opinion on TVs? The wife and I have been saving to get a BIG new one (60-75 inch) and know very little about what makes them "good" at that range. Don't worry, I'll still be keeping it glorious since I have a PC in the living room as a media machine and to play all the couch co-op games. I think we were looking at the LG 65" but not completely sold. Since I have a PC sitting right next to the TV, the whole "smart- TV" thing is a complete waste.
I own an LG C65 - Unbelievable picture. Strongly recommend.

Don't underestimate the power of controlling Netflix and Kodi without getting off your ass. I used to have a PC-TV set up and it certainly worked but, now that I have a TV running Android, it's certainly a more elegant and user friendly solution. Of course, you can do much of the same with various add-ons (Roku, Fire stick, etc).
I might not have explained my set up well. I have an older desktop PC that I built connected to the TV via HDMI and controlled by a wireless keyboard and mouse so there's no issue with getting up to pick an episode or to fire up Steam. I was mostly just thinking that I wouldn't really get much benefit from the "smart" features beyond what I already have.

I don't know anything about TVs, but best bang for buck right now is TCL:
Thanks for the info, I'll have to look up the reviews on the TCL (which I honestly haven't heard of but, as I said, I am very unfamiliar with TVs). Is there anything beneficial about those curved TVs? Is it just a gimmick like 3D? (gag)

I might not have explained my set up well. I have an older desktop PC that I built connected to the TV via HDMI and controlled by a wireless keyboard and mouse so there's no issue with getting up to pick an episode or to fire up Steam. I was mostly just thinking that I wouldn't really get much benefit from the "smart" features beyond what I already have.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to look up the reviews on the TCL (which I honestly haven't heard of but, as I said, I am very unfamiliar with TVs). Is there anything beneficial about those curved TVs? Is it just a gimmick like 3D? (gag)
Curved TV's are a gimmick (some people say they have better viewing angles...but shenanigans. Even LG stopped making them. Wouldn't be surprised if Samsung is next.)

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Curved TV's are a gimmick (some people say they have better viewing angles...but shenanigans. Even LG stopped making them. Wouldn't be surprised if Samsung is next.
We got a new TV (55? I can't remember now) a few years back. My wife REALLY wanted the curved ones but they cost something like 2x as much as the regular LED 4K TVs. Personally I still don't see the appeal.

Controllers: I like the DS3s that I bought with my PS3 about 4-5 years ago. They both still work really well and the rechargeable internal batteries keep a pretty good life. I've been using an XBOX 360 controller with my PC (and on rare occasions my Steam Link) and it works great. Any controller-enabled game on my computer recognizes it instantly and the automatic configurations generally make sense. I use wired controllers with my PC; I don't really see a reason not to. With a game console where I might be across the room, a wireless controller makes sense, but with a PC that's five inches from your face, not so much.

Consoles: What are people's general thoughts on XBONEs? I've been toying with the idea of getting one in the living room (where our 4K TV is) when the Scorpios come out (I'm expecting the S models will drop in price then to ~ $200). It seems like a cheap way to get a 4K Blu-Ray player as well as play the occasional console-exclusive title. Is there anything about these that makes them better than PS4s in the long run? I like the idea that MS has taken the time and trouble to make their new consoles backwards-compatible with the 360, which is something that Sony could apparently give two halves of a rat's ass about. Buying a new Sony console would require me to rebuy a lot of things if I want to play them on the PS4, which seems a bit asinine. Sony does tend to have better exclusives IMO (I like the Uncharted and God of War series), and I could probably swap stuff with my PS4-owning brother if I got one of them, but I also like (in some ways) that MS seems to be making moves to make it easier to cross-game on PCs and consoles. What are y'all experiences in these areas?
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I second this one, it's like ours. A Samsung 65" 4K SUHD. It's a tremendous, tremendous TV. All the CatFox News people look incredible on it.

EDIT: WAIT! CheapestFox is being cheap as usual. That one's not SUHD. You need this one, $300 more.

Double the refresh rate @ 120hz, 4k with HDR

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Now is not the time to buy a TV.  New Samsung models just came out.  You could have gotten the $1900 60" Samsung 8000 series around Black Friday for $1200.  Now as you can see, the low end 6300 65" is $1300.  You're going to want to wait until holiday sales five months from now at this point.

If you don't care about picture quality then you can go buy one at Target or wherever.  "I got a 65" 4K TV for five hundred bucks" is all that matters to 90% of people. 

Samsung and Sony still make the best TVs.  The high end LGs look amazing and are $4000-9000 but that is new technology for them.   I've had LG monitors burn out in the past.  Samsung and Sony have been making TVs for decades; I wouldn't buy other brands.  If you're going the cheap route there's nothing wrong with getting a LG though. 

EDIT:  oh wow, it's on sale again.  But not available in any stores, nor for shipping in my area.  This is the best TV you can get for your money.  It's a mid-range, high-end set. It's the best value if you're going to use 4K content and HDR at all.

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See people are linking the 6000 and 7000 series in the same price range.  The 8000s look much better obviously. 

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We got a new TV (55? I can't remember now) a few years back. My wife REALLY wanted the curved ones but they cost something like 2x as much as the regular LED 4K TVs. Personally I still don't see the appeal.

Controllers: I like the DS3s that I bought with my PS3 about 4-5 years ago. They both still work really well and the rechargeable internal batteries keep a pretty good life. I've been using an XBOX 360 controller with my PC (and on rare occasions my Steam Link) and it works great. Any controller-enabled game on my computer recognizes it instantly and the automatic configurations generally make sense. I use wired controllers with my PC; I don't really see a reason not to. With a game console where I might be across the room, a wireless controller makes sense, but with a PC that's five inches from your face, not so much.

Consoles: What are people's general thoughts on XBONEs? I've been toying with the idea of getting one in the living room (where our 4K TV is) when the Scorpios come out (I'm expecting the S models will drop in price then to ~ $200). It seems like a cheap way to get a 4K Blu-Ray player as well as play the occasional console-exclusive title. Is there anything about these that makes them better than PS4s in the long run? I like the idea that MS has taken the time and trouble to make their new consoles backwards-compatible with the 360, which is something that Sony could apparently give two halves of a rat's ass about. Buying a new Sony console would require me to rebuy a lot of things if I want to play them on the PS4, which seems a bit asinine. Sony does tend to have better exclusives IMO (I like the Uncharted and God of War series), and I could probably swap stuff with my PS4-owning brother if I got one of them, but I also like (in some ways) that MS seems to be making moves to make it easier to cross-game on PCs and consoles. What are y'all experiences in these areas?
You need to decide which is more important, 4K UHD drive or exclusives. I have all 3 consoles and if I had to choose 1 I would choose the PS4 simply because most cross-platform games are best on PC and PS4 has the better exclusives. However, Sony will never support 4K UHD discs on the PS4 or the PS4P so if they matter keep in mind you will still need to buy a dedicated player to watch them.

The 8000 is 5" smaller which is part of the price difference.
it comes in 55", 60", or 65". You can click the little boxes in the lower right to see the other sizes. It's one of the only TVs that come in a 60" size. The 60 is the best bang for your buck.
I of course linked the 8500 series 65" for $1599. Because you should be prepared to pay a little bit more for a bigger, quality product that will last you for years to come.

See, told you I'm the best, the very best salesman ever. Noone sells shit like me. Everyone says so.

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I might not have explained my set up well. I have an older desktop PC that I built connected to the TV via HDMI and controlled by a wireless keyboard and mouse so there's no issue with getting up to pick an episode or to fire up Steam. I was mostly just thinking that I wouldn't really get much benefit from the "smart" features beyond what I already have.

Thanks for the info, I'll have to look up the reviews on the TCL (which I honestly haven't heard of but, as I said, I am very unfamiliar with TVs). Is there anything beneficial about those curved TVs? Is it just a gimmick like 3D? (gag)

TCL has apparently been making TVs for decades, but they always made them for other companies and only recently started putting them out themselves. I have a 50" TCL 1080p that we've had for like two years now. Was $400 and an emergency replacement for a Panasonic plasma that later us 6 years. I've had no problems with it. My sister had a 4K TCL and she likes it. That said, I'm firmly in the $500 TV deal crowd and proud of it, but if I did ever splurge it'd probably be a Samsung or Sony.

I don't watch any 4K content right now so I'm fine with the 1080p.

We got a new TV (55? I can't remember now) a few years back. My wife REALLY wanted the curved ones but they cost something like 2x as much as the regular LED 4K TVs. Personally I still don't see the appeal.Controllers: I like the DS3s that I bought with my PS3 about 4-5 years ago. They both still work really well and the rechargeable internal batteries keep a pretty good life. I've been using an XBOX 360 controller with my PC (and on rare occasions my Steam Link) and it works great. Any controller-enabled game on my computer recognizes it instantly and the automatic configurations generally make sense. I use wired controllers with my PC; I don't really see a reason not to. With a game console where I might be across the room, a wireless controller makes sense, but with a PC that's five inches from your face, not so much.Consoles: What are people's general thoughts on XBONEs? I've been toying with the idea of getting one in the living room (where our 4K TV is) when the Scorpios come out (I'm expecting the S models will drop in price then to ~ $200). It seems like a cheap way to get a 4K Blu-Ray player as well as play the occasional console-exclusive title. Is there anything about these that makes them better than PS4s in the long run? I like the idea that MS has taken the time and trouble to make their new consoles backwards-compatible with the 360, which is something that Sony could apparently give two halves of a rat's ass about. Buying a new Sony console would require me to rebuy a lot of things if I want to play them on the PS4, which seems a bit asinine. Sony does tend to have better exclusives IMO (I like the Uncharted and God of War series), and I could probably swap stuff with my PS4-owning brother if I got one of them, but I also like (in some ways) that MS seems to be making moves to make it easier to cross-game on PCs and consoles. What are y'all experiences in these areas?
Per my comment above, I don't watch any 4K content or Blu Ray. On occasion that HBO or Netflix or Amazon Prime don't have what I want, I usually just buy a cheap Vudu code here. So for me, having a Blu Ray player or 4k isn't a huge factor. They're making more 4K content, be but I still think it's a long way to go. I probably won't even try it until I'm somewhere with no internet cap. PS has the best exclusives and that's usually my only determining factor when choosing a console, but even PS4 is probably a year or two away from having enough explains l exclusives to warrant a purchase from me.
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Ok, final, very final TV deal. This one's the same as the one I posted earlier but NOT curved. $1499 for Samsung 65" SUHD, 120hz refresh (Samsung MotionRate 240 = 120hz, most of the TV companies are misleading with what the TRUE refresh rate is) and with HDR.

This is the exact same TV I bought a year ago for $2800. But I'm incredibly, filthy rich so I don't care.

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bread's done