Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Just Cause 3 was a blast for the first 25 hours. Then it stopped running and no amount of tweaking/reinstalling has solved the problem.
That's a shame. I hear it kinda sucks until you reach the 26 hour mark and then it magically transforms into game of the year contender.


"We have implemented a very basic key and crate system for this test. You can use your Battle Points (BP) to buy the crate on the REWARDS page. While the Wanderer Crate and the Survivor Crate will be free to open, the Gamescom Invitational Crate can be opened with a key which you can buy for $2.50 each."

Crates coming to PUBG, I recommend not opening the gamescom crate if they don't come back till next gamescom. 


Start saving your BP(battlepoints)

"We have implemented a very basic key and crate system for this test. You can use your Battle Points (BP) to buy the crate on the REWARDS page. While the Wanderer Crate and the Survivor Crate will be free to open,"

This is the time to start playing the game and buying the crates soon as they go up.

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Good to see the PUBG devs aren't immune to the whole "How can we further monetize our Early Access game?" thing while last night we got server outages every 45 seconds.

The Just Cause 3 content-dlc is mainly trash.

The land DLC is the longest and best missions, but has the worst vehicle.

The air DLC has the best vehicle but a short set of missions.

The sea DLC has a fun vehicle, but it's mainly worthless outside of the shortest set of missions.

I guess it's dependent on taste.

I only ever used the mech when I was required to.

But then I played the whole game rarely using any vehicles at all.  I wingsuited everywhere and used grapple and rocket launcher weapons to destroy stuff.

I don't remember having an issue with the boss.  But I think I had the story mode beat a week or two after the game came out.   I blew through it and then took a break before finishing the collectibles/side missions.  The jetpack makes doing that stuff so much better.

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Mecha is probably only vehicle I used. Also only DLC where I perfected all challenges.

Otherwise, Cars/land travel in this game suck very hard. (and Air DLC is just worth it for unlimted jetpacking)

The Just Cause 3 content-dlc is mainly trash.

The land DLC is the longest and best missions, but has the worst vehicle.

The air DLC has the best vehicle but a short set of missions.

The sea DLC has a fun vehicle, but it's mainly worthless outside of the shortest set of missions.
Honestly I think the best way to play JC3 is to buy the Sky Fortress DLC to get the jet pack and play it early in the campaign. Having the jet pack makes the rest of the base game a lot more fun IMHO. I felt like Iron Man flying around with that thing!

taking story line and gameplay into consideration, should I play JC 2 before JC3?

and if you said yes, then should I play JC1 before JC2?
Not really for story.

I didn't play JC1 and only played JC2 for a dozen hours or so, mainly just destroying things.

As far as I know, there isn't really much connection besides you're the same dude toppling a regime.

For gameplay, probably.

It would probably be hard to go from having the jetpack or even the wingsuit in JC3 to having just a parachute in JC2. I think they introduced the grappling hook in JC2, so I would imagine it would be hard to play JC1 without it after playing JC3.

Honestly I think the best way to play JC3 is to buy the Sky Fortress DLC to get the jet pack and play it early in the campaign. Having the jet pack makes the rest of the base game a lot more fun IMHO. I felt like Iron Man flying around with that thing!
Yep. Get the jetpack asap. I really loved gliding around just using the wingsuit, but the jetpack makes things a lot simpler.

JC2's story is like one of those crappy direct to video movies you could rent at Blockbuster. It's stupid, makes no sense, but it's entertaining in between shots of blowing shit up.

The bros played Umbrella Corps tonight. May be the worst game we've ever played. I say this because while we've played far worse designed games, this is a shameless cash grab under the RE name and is absolute dogshit to play. Its confusing, poorly executed, and just not fun. We played through one 3 v 3 session and unanimously were "fuck this". Uninstalled, into the Crap pile it goes. Yuck. There's just nothing remotely interesting or unique about it. 

Then we split off into two groups and played PUBG for the rest of the night. 

Yeah the only one I've played a bit of was JC2. Didn't seem like people play the series for the story, it's all about the action. That being said, I think you can safely skip JC1.
The stories in the JC games are fine if you don't think about them very much. When the first Just Cause came out, there was a lot of anger about its foreign policy implications, but in 2017, the idea of another country using covert operations to install a puppet government somewhere just seems ludicrous.

Also, JC3 stutters like it has brain damage on my machine, so I'm assuming the low-memory warning I got was a reference to graphics memory and not system memory. I'll put this one on the purchase back-burner. It looks fun but I won't be able to run it properly until I build my new computer.
Also, JC3 stutters like it has brain damage on my machine, so I'm assuming the low-memory warning I got was a reference to graphics memory and not system memory. I'll put this one on the purchase back-burner. It looks fun but I won't be able to run it properly until I build my new computer.
Must need more VRAMz.


Joking aside, if you're worried about how much VRAM you are eating up - grab MSI Afterburner and then turn on On-Screen Display (OS). In particular, set the OSD to display GPU Usage to check that. Wouldn't hurt, while you're at it, to turn on RAM usage, too.

Maybe turn down some settings if you can, if the game's rough on your system. I'm curious how poorly this runs, so....I'll go check that out. Downloaded it last night, with plans to play it - but now I'm curious how rough it is on systems, too.


Yeah the only one I've played a bit of was JC2. Didn't seem like people play the series for the story, it's all about the action. That being said, I think you can safely skip JC1.
I had a blast with JC1. Of course, I played that not too long after it came out.

That game's strength certainly was NOT story + character stuff by any means. Basically, you're overthrowing a Gov't led by a dictator. Basically, the real fun of that game was this: you go around; do lots of side-quests, stunts + nonsense; and basically kill enemies + blow stuff up.

I didn't play much of JC2 - but yeah, JC2 felt like a lot of more of the same, despite looking a million times better technically in the graphics department.

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So I've been playing Audiosurf 2, which I bought during the Summer Sale, and it's good.  If you liked Audiosurf, this is more Audiosurf only prettier and with mod support and features like streaming music from YouTube.  That's not what's important.  A number of tracks I've played have had only myself or me and one or two people on the leaderboard as having played them before.  Maybe it's a combination of my choice in music and AS2 not having sold a ton (don't think it was ever bundled and $15 MSRP).  But, if there IS another person on the board, 80% of the time it's the same guy.  Which means that:

(a) There is a guy out there with pretty much my exact musical taste -and-

(b) his name is "Furry Little Anus".

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Okay, so Just Cause 3 definitely is NOT the best running title here. It looks great, though. This certainly isn't Mad Max, in terms of actual performance here.

I had stuff on Very High (as the game has everything set to by default) at 1440p w/ my 970 and...yeah, it ain't performing so hot. Dialed back to High, it ran bit better. Might have to drop some stuff more, as I'm not getting a solid 60 FPS (or close to it) here. It's anywhere b/t 30-60 here at High. Might have to dial back even more.

JC3 seems to have other issues, too - MSI Afterburner isn't getting along w/ it, so throw that idea out to check on VRAM usage, Regular Usage, Heat Levels, and stuff of that sort.

And JC3 just randomly crashed.

Great, just great...

Just Cause 3.

It seems to not matter what (decent-to-high) resolution I'm running, what settings, or anything of that sort, but this game just constantly takes hits in the open-world. Major drops. Batman: Arkham Knight type of hits. More so than anything, this game's problem is that - it just takes nasty rises + drops in framerates constantly. With a 16:9 ratio with either 1080p, 1440p, 2160p - it just takes hits. No stability. Turn internal VSync on or off, same stuff. This game's just poorly optimized - Batman: Arkham Knight levels of performance hits.

At least with Batman: AK, you could internally cap it to 30FPS or 60FPS to try to get it stable!

This is the kind of game that likely would benefit from allowing internal FPS caps - i.e. think like Dishonored 2 had, allowing for 30 FPS cap, 45 FPS cap, 60 FPS cap options - since outside programs (like MSI Afterburner) just won't even work with it. Many times, it would take something like a FPS cap to get a game stable.

I might have to mess around and try NVidia FastSync or even NVidia's 1/2 Refresh VSync (to force it to sync at 30 FPS) just to get this game running solid. It just takes too many nasty framerate rises + drops, even on a damn 970 with 16GB RAM.

While JC3 seems like good old open-world JC-style of blow things up, kill enemies, pull of crazy stunts, and typical nonsense - these performance issues are getting in my way.

Good thing I haven't done much w/ Just Cause 2, as that game never really had performance issues for me. Maybe it's almost that time to get to work on JC2.

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2 walls of text on JC3, but only one run on sentence about the gameplay...
Open-world typical blow-up stuff, kill enemies, FC3-style side-quests everywhere.

Basically, typical JC-stuff.


You have wingsuits, parachutes, grappling hook, etc. You can pull off stunts. Basically, you can go nuts w/ this stuff - when mixing w/ combat and in the open-world.

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2 walls of text on JC3, but only one run on sentence about the gameplay...
Considering Avalanche had previously made stellar open world games that ran on a wide variety of machinery, it's a bit shocking at how many people have problems with JC3. I loved what I played of it, but it's hard to praise a game that I no longer can even load.

Considering Avalanche had previously made stellar open world games that ran on a wide variety of machinery, it's a bit shocking at how many people have problems with JC3. I loved what I played of it, but it's hard to praise a game that I no longer can even load.
I'm just saying, at least your original post was "The game was fun, but it stopped working for me at a certain point" as opposed to 5 paragraphs describing every setting you tweaked and tried.

Just Cause 3.


While JC3 seems like good old open-world JC-style of blow things up, kill enemies, pull of crazy stunts, and typical nonsense - these performance issues are getting in my way.
I appreciate the details. That sucks about the performance will probably keep me from buying it. Did Arkham Knight ever get to a stable point? That was possibly going to be my next game.

I'm running a 1080 with an old i5-2500K overclocked a little so I may be fine (at least with the video card) but, if the game's broken, it's broken.

I appreciate the details. That sucks about the performance will probably keep me from buying it. Did Arkham Knight ever get to a stable point? That was possibly going to be my next game.

I'm running a 1080 with an old i5-2500K overclocked a little so I may be fine (at least with the video card) but, if the game's broken, it's broken.
Why not download the game & give it a shot to see how your 1080 handles it?

1080's are bad-ass - so, maybe you'll have better luck w/ it than I've so far had.

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I just tried JC3 with my i7-4790 (3.60 ghz), 16gb of ram and an 8gb RX480.  I only got to the "upgrade your grappler" mission, but it seemed to handle everything fine.  Should I consider that a good enough test, or do I need to play more before I decide to bite the bullet?

I appreciate the details. That sucks about the performance will probably keep me from buying it. Did Arkham Knight ever get to a stable point? That was possibly going to be my next game.

I'm running a 1080 with an old i5-2500K overclocked a little so I may be fine (at least with the video card) but, if the game's broken, it's broken.
I have the same setup, AK runs fine. My 2500k is OC'ed to about 4.1 by the way.

I'm just saying, at least your original post was "The game was fun, but it stopped working for me at a certain point" as opposed to 5 paragraphs describing every setting you tweaked and tried.
If I could actually get around the performance issues, maybe then the game will be worth talking about.

So far, from what I have played - feels like more JC1+2, basically. If you've played those, that might give you an idea of what to expect.

Okay, so Just Cause 3 definitely is NOT the best running title here. It looks great, though. This certainly isn't Mad Max, in terms of actual performance here.

I had stuff on Very High (as the game has everything set to by default) at 1440p w/ my 970 and...yeah, it ain't performing so hot. Dialed back to High, it ran bit better. Might have to drop some stuff more, as I'm not getting a solid 60 FPS (or close to it) here. It's anywhere b/t 30-60 here at High. Might have to dial back even more.

JC3 seems to have other issues, too - MSI Afterburner isn't getting along w/ it, so throw that idea out to check on VRAM usage, Regular Usage, Heat Levels, and stuff of that sort.

And JC3 just randomly crashed.

Great, just great...
Maybe you should try an amd card, it runs fine on mine. I'll sell you my Rx 580 for the discounted price of 600 dollars.
bread's done