Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


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This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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There must be an impostor in our midst, because I have never played BF1.
I think he may be confusing you for CommanderShiro. Syntax is bad with names and confuses everyone. We think it's because he's a senile racist. Half the time he can't even tell himself apart from Parallax and asks "why am I echoing? I don't own a tractor. Why am I saying that?"

I think he may be confusing you for CommanderShiro. Syntax is bad with names and confuses everyone. We think it's because he's a senile racist. Half the time he can't even tell himself apart from Parallax and asks "why am I echoing? I don't own a tractor. Why am I saying that?"
that and sometimes syntax just randomly screams BEARS! BEARS! The real parallax isnt afraid of no bears in his yard. you really miss a lot not showing up for bro nights

I remember bookmarking the Grimoire page probably 17 years ago.

Curiously, I randomly looked for the bookmark sometime last year but couldn't find it and couldn't remember what it was called.

For some reason I thought it was done by a different guy.  I was thinking it was the guy who did "Wizardry" and "Wizards & Warriors".

The Monty Python clip seems like something someone would've done 20 years ago, so I'm not to surprised.

I wishlisted it. :D  I should buy it, but I don't trust a dev when they say "NEVER GONNA BE CHEAPER!"

And 20 year dev time... newmotokihairwhip.mp4 Call me in 25 years if it's still getting updates.

I'd have a pithy and appropriate response to this but I'm not responsible for anything I said over 30 hours ago.

What about the Season Pass though?
The season pass plays differently to the main game if I remember correctly, more stealth-ish based.

Probably worth getting to complete the experience as people disappear during the main game, the season pass fills in what they were doing "off screen"

I questioned posting this...  Not to spare Foxy's feelings but because I think I look worse than him in this video.  Anyhow, enjoy!

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I got my first kill!!!!!!!

(To bad it was a teammate...)

We stopped to bandage up and my two other teammates moved up a hill/ridge and one disappeared for a few minutes...  While me and the other guy realized we had people moving in from down the hill and another set firing down the hill at them...  Leaving us right in the middle in in no man's land.

I started crawling towards them, was told we where a ways a part, but I did so so I could see down the hill and eventually I about crawled into the feet of another person.  I see no teammate indicator so I switched to my shotgun and while I'm doing this they are turning to me so I fired twice...

And was told of friendly fire... *sigh*  Unsurprisingly, it didn't get any better after that as I too got downed and we lost. 

That stupid friend indicator is placed too high over your teammates when both of your are prone.

In other news I did down someone but couldn't press because they where too far away and I had my own teammate to revive.

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Any of you guys selling Overcooked for less than $3?  I don't really feel like dealing with a rando right now.

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 I didn't screenshot it but I got good ole "lucky" number 13 in a solo run on PUGB...  Had a great drop, decent loot (no scope but a SCAR), and hardly had to move for the first couple of map shrinks...  Finally, had to move found a some more ammo but still no scope.  Got to the very small area and got killed without ever seeing the guy or getting to fire my weapon. 

I guess it was my second best payout so I should be happy but i cannot shake the feeling I wasted a good run and/or my time.

Anyhow, anyone want to do some runs don't hesitate to hit me up on steam.  I promise I will not try to kill you. :)

Had a great run in a game, was down to 30 and I'd just found a town that no one had been to yet, walk into a 4 story building and get "network lag detected" smh. So even if you have a moment of lag it locks you in place from then on out?

Yup, that's because people were lagging on purpose trying to get an advantage of that so now if you lag you'll be unable to move until you get a better ping.

BTW, just sold my Survivor crate yay

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I started crawling towards them, was told we where a ways a part, but I did so so I could see down the hill and eventually I about crawled into the feet of another person. I see no teammate indicator so I switched to my shotgun and while I'm doing this they are turning to me so I fired twice...
yea they need to fix that, Ive died twice in 2 days at the hands of team mates because of that exact scenario

@INMATEofARKHAM facecam:
Not so much. That was a getting use to K+M fail more than anything... That and trying to remember how to get out of the 8x scope which would have been way to close.

I've gotten some kills since then. 2 kills in squad, and 3 skills in 4 matches of duo. (shirinpitt and I did duo and we had two people people bust into the room and down shirinpitt but I killed them both before they could get me. It was pretty awesome for someone whose had no luck.)

so is Peanutbutter Umbrella the new Battlefield 1?
No you can make money by playing it! I made 3.15 today when I sold my loot chest. (That said, I would check prices before buying survival is selling for nearly the same price as the limited time one.)

Also the double kill I talked about. (And my first two kills in the game period)

How the fuck do you guys have time for strategy and all that sweet gear? By the time I find a pistol and, fingers crossed, a rifle of some sort, it's already a mad dash to get inside the safe area.

How the fuck do you guys have time for strategy and all that sweet gear? By the time I find a pistol and, fingers crossed, a rifle of some sort, it's already a mad dash to get inside the safe area.
That first circle you have plenty of time for stuff. We usually try to drop far away from most people, you tend to get better loot and not have to deal with hassles. Even being the furthest away you usually dont have to start moving until maybe 1min into the countdown before the blue starts moving in, which on the first move is very slow. So unless you are at the most extreme point away you can even wait until the countdown is done to start moving.

You also know being so far away the chances of you running into a vehicle on your way are fairly high too, so usually you can just start running until you find a car. In the video you can see they were already in the safe zone anyway just waiting on blue to close, so they didnt have to go anywhere either, plus they would have another few minutes while the next timer ended if they did have to move

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No you can make money by playing it! I made 3.15 today when I sold my loot chest. (That said, I would check prices before buying survival is selling for nearly the same price as the limited time one.)

Also the double kill I talked about. (And my first two kills in the game period)
That was a pretty sweet set of kills!

How the fuck do you guys have time for strategy and all that sweet gear? By the time I find a pistol and, fingers crossed, a rifle of some sort, it's already a mad dash to get inside the safe area.
What Sasquatc4 said. We usually try to find the biggest city or loot spot that is the furthest from the plane, but still reachable. GBK said that's about two squares on the grid. When playing solo, you can aim for a small cluster of houses, but when you're playing duo and especially squad you need something bigger or a city to make sure your squad all gets looted. Sometimes you have to deal with other squads. Some cities are big enough to accommodate that (Georgepol, Polyana) but others you either have to make last minute detours or risk it. We've had pretty good luck in cities playing squad lately. Even solo, if you shoot for a city, shoot for one with those big apartment buildings where you can land on the roof. Then you can loot the roof and loot from top to bottom. If someone tries to get in from the bottom you should already have a weapon to defend yourself with.

those can be hit or miss too though. Last night we landed in an apartment block, luckily a squad mate had a rifle on the roof and started immediately popping the other squad over on their roof. Eventually we looted our building fast enough to make it to the stairs of their building as they were coming down where we shotgunned them all

In solo PUBG, you should be hitting top 30 almost 90% of the time if you aren't looking for a fight. You can't get what you need roaming the countryside and looting three farm houses, usually, but you ought to be able to find a loot-center that isn't being used heavily. The only thing that will kill you if you play like a scavenging conflict-avoidant mouse is just bad luck. You get sniped while travelling from an angle you couldn't possibly cover or just lose in a 50/50 straight up gunfight against another looter. It'll all drop to 50 from city droppers and AFKers killing each other before the first circle closes. Late game is all about if you pick the right house to camp and don't get merked by other campers on the way. Part of that is driving skill in trying to slam as close as you can to the door of your chosen house and ducking in before the other campers get a bead on you.

Playing Sniper Elite 4 makes me realize SE is just PUBG vs AI. And SE MP is just PUBG only with awful laser-aim shooting and all the fun and skill removed.

Unrelated: Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap is incredible. As is Aztez.

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PUBG is just The Culling, which is just H1Z1, which is just Rust. They're all the same game, you all migrate to the most recent version and claim it's the best game ever until the next slightly improved survival FPS comes out.

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what is SE4?
Whoops. Sniper Elite 4. Edited that to be more clear and make you look silly.

PUBG is just The Culling, which is just H1Z1, which is just Rust. They're all the same game, you all migrate to the most recent version and claim it's the best game ever until the next slightly improved survival FPS comes out.
To be fair, PUBG is a really refined version of a sub-game type of the survival nonsense. H1Z1 abandoned the survival stuff when they saw battle royale was making them massive twitchbux.

PUBG isn't quite the same beast as terrible survival games. It certainly is its own brand of terrible, but it's actually pretty approachable, decently refined, and the matches are over in 30 minutes tops and you usually had fun in that time even if you didn't shoot anything. Most survival games can't promise any of that, fun OR speed.

EDIT: Aztez is seriously really good if you like DMC-style action combat. I'm playing it right now and the more I play the more I want to talk about it so expect it in the end of all my posts until I switch off back to anime or some crap.

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Theres also a reason the crown gets shifted. Apparently the culling has gotten worse and worse with every patch and dev choice, h1z1 had so much dev turmoil plus it was just annoying to play (i only know a few people who actually played either), and rust I only know one person who was ever really into it since its just a 'kill the naked guy' sim, its also a crafting/survival game so I wouldnt really count it as the same since its not a battle royale. So far pubg has refined all the elements, so until the devs fuck it up with horrible choices or patches, there is a good reason to move. The others may have been popular, but they werent 5mil copies sold popular, and for good reason

Yep, I won't deny that the survival crowd can be somewhat of a fickle one and there certainly is a flavor of the month feel to the genre, but there are legit reasons for it.  Rust, like Squatc4 said, is a completely different beast.  That's your typical survival game and while it did wane in popularity, it has little similarities to the king of the hill games.  

Culling was wildly popular upon release, but then the devs apparently messed it up, according to the reviews.  By the time I got it in a bundle it was essentially dead and shell of it's former self.  H1Z1:KotH had a similar trajectory - great initially, but poor dev decisions and a lot of monetization/microtransaction/etc. made it drop in popularity even before PUBG came out.   I've also heard it referred to as a more cartoony PUBG.  

PUBG could mess things up eventually, but I sort of doubt it at this point.  They know what's working.  They're selling tons of copies at $30 a pop and getting a lot of market loot with cosmetics.  There's no reason to do something stupid like introduce P2W type loot or tweak the mechanics too much.  TBH, I see it possibly becoming one of those CS type franchises where if you want a certain type of game (KotH) then you just buy the latest version of PUBG, but only time will tell.

These games are relatively cheap so that even if you buy them on release and play them, you don't get "ripped off" in any way.  And if they really hook you, they're a great value even if they eventually dissolve into a mess.  

I caved to peer pressure and picked up PUBG on Friday. It's a ton of fun (especially in duos/squad), and the absolute best thing I can say about it is that you end every game with a story to tell. It's rare for me to want to immediately go and tell somebody, "ZOMG the craziest shit just happened!" when a game is over. Whether it's narrowly winning a squad game after several tense moments lying prone in a field, getting blasted by a shotgun wielding teammate who thinks you're an enemy or watching the guy who killed you run after your still alive squadmate for 10 minutes straight because they both ran out of ammo in their pistols. As long as they don't royally fuck it up, this will be played by heaps of people for a long time.

EDIT: Also, I sold a Gamescom crate for $3.95. Not many games get you that kind of return on your investment 3-4 hours in. Not since the early trading card days, anyway.
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Not really sure where to put this but it is game related.

Storybundle has a Summer Smash Game Ebook bundle:


HG101 Presents: Sega Arcade Classics Vol. 2 (Includes Vol. 1!)
by Kurt Kalata
Critical Hits
by Zoe Jellicoe
Once Upon a Point & Click
by David L. Craddock
Fallen Down - Heartache & Compassion in Undertale
by Joel Couture
The Offworld Collection
by Leigh Alexander and Laura Hudson
Independent by Design
by Stace Harman and John Robertson
Boss Fight Books: Kingdom Hearts II
by Alexa Ray Corriea
Somebody Set Us Up the ROM, Part One
by John Harris
First 3 books are $5 for them all, and $15 for the whole set. I for one love the HG101 books and the Boss Fight Books are neat. This is how I usually get the Boss Fight/HG101 books. I know $15 is a lot, but I like the value and I like what these guys do. Just food for thought as I usually post all the video game book bundles they do. Critical Hits, Fallen Down, Someone Set Us Up the ROM and Independent by Design are exclusive to this bundle for now.
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PUBG is just The Culling, which is just H1Z1, which is just Rust. They're all the same game, you all migrate to the most recent version and claim it's the best game ever until the next slightly improved survival FPS comes out.
Speaking of the same game, how's that achievement whoring going? Broken 100k yet?

that is not the squad wipe you are looking for. Ill stick to the squad wipes in bf1
Feel free to stick to the same ole shit round after round with BlowjobJimmy and tookewl4skool who play nothing but run of the mill MP shooters. The same capture points. The same scenarios. BF1 is great at what it is, but what it is gets incessantly boring.

That's the thing about PUBG. That video shows a frustrating (but hilarious) end to a round for our squad. What it doesnt show is the very next round, where we came in 2nd, and were largely working together, with strong communication. The game ends somewhere different on the map every single game, and the circumstances to how you end up there is also almost always different as well. Sometimes you're in a perfect starting position where you have a lot more control over your positioning, and other times you're constantly on the move to get to the next play area and tense the entire time. The variety in the way a round plays is a virtual unknown game to game, whereas with BF games its repetition over and over again. Even the clusterfuck rounds in PUBG where we get killed relatively quickly can be a lot of fun, trying to get revenge on someone's murderer etc. A lot different than hanging out at point C for 20 minutes or getting owned by a stacked team for a half hour in BF1. I'd argue its not even fair to compare the two.

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Managed to be out near a gamestop that had watchdogs pc for $0.97. I feel like I got a good deal but activating on Uplay still makes it feel like not such an awesome deal. 

Watch Dogs isn't bad. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

Also I think PUBG has a shelf life. A long one, but after a while the stories of "guy who walks through the woods for 30 minutes only to get sniped" will outnumber the stories of clever play, awesome deaths, heroism, or complete screwage.

Watch Dogs isn't bad. I enjoyed it quite a bit.
I liked it, also - in the gameplay department. Mixing a GTA style game w/ hacking + stealth elements made this game worth the recommendation alone, IMHO.

The story + character stuff was predictable, cliche, and often not saying much on its themes (trafficking, hacking, privacy, etc etc). Quite "meh" on that stuff.

At 97 cents, WD is a steal.


Managed to be out near a gamestop that had watchdogs pc for $0.97. I feel like I got a good deal but activating on Uplay still makes it feel like not such an awesome deal.
Uplay's came a long way since the old days. While it certainly ain't Steam - then again, nothing is, in terms of functionality + features - UPlay is not as bad as it used to be.

As much as we'd like Steam-versions on everything, Ubi often screws consumers the hardest there. Then often force the Steam-version w/ both a forced Steam boot-up + Uplay boot-up - which is an annoying double client whammy. And since Ubi doesn't discount Steam-versions often as they do Uplay versions - well, Uplay version just doesn't sound so bad anymore; especially if you're one only spending a measly 97 cents.

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Also I think PUBG has a shelf life. A long one, but after a while the stories of "guy who walks through the woods for 30 minutes only to get sniped" will outnumber the stories of clever play, awesome deaths, heroism, or complete screwage.
Probably but all the more reason to play it while it's fresh.

I'm not in the "BF1 is boring!" camp but they're two different games. BF1 has larger objectives and respawning, PUBG has much more player agency in that you don't get boned by bad teams and the map is more open to your disposal. PUBG has very little to do with Rust aside from some shallow elements (there's guns! and, uh, buildings!) and the "phenomenon of the month" thing going on. And poor optimization. Hey, PUBG is just like ARK!

bread's done