Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Content+DLC joke, etc.

Last night, we played Rainbow Siege Six and did our typical awful job of it. Bro newbie That Guy aka Angry Polar Bear had to switch accounts so our incompetence wouldn't bomb his platinum ranking. That probably sets a new kind of record. Also I spent a million renown on buying IQ some new Barbie clothes and a little flower to pin on her gun. Manly! Afterward we played a couple rounds of PUBG to show the new guy that we weren't roundly incompetent and managed to last until the final 10 players (I died last at #5). Not a win but some shadow of redemption at least.

Tonight is Ice Lakes! Lord only knows how long we'll last but we played it once before and it got the "Yeah, I'd do this again" seal of middling approval. Crack open a beer, set it next to your keyboard and settle in for pulling virtual brown bass out of virtual holes in virtual ice. Then, you know, we'll probably wind up shooting people.
On the bright side, we did alright at terrorist hunt!
FYI, you have to take the risk and purchase it first. Then they'll adjust. If you try to do it before purchasing its no go.

Buy it on website then call them (dont do live chat) immediately and they'll process the price match and refund the difference. If they try and say no, threaten to cancel the order. $40 GC ships separately.

You can do instore pick up as well but my local was out of stock.
Didn't work for ne. She said I couldn't price match since I already had a gift card. I'll leave the order and then see if I can price match later.
Grim Dawn expansion supposed to be released today. Don't know about you folks, but I'm pretty stoked for it.

Did this expansion add loot-boxes to the game...?

Off-Topic: Been awhile since I checked the price of BTC. Was ~$1200 when I sold mine. Now? ~$4800. Just imagine how many Groupees that could've bought... I think I'm gonna be sick.

My Dogecoin are up from last time I checked. :D


where did I put my wallet...


Though, I think I'm still down a hundred or so if I factor in electricity usage.


That would mean, adjusted for value, I paid about $40 for 3 crappy bundles...  :lol:

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Ghost Recon Wildlands is $14.99 (75% off) on Amazon right now (uPlay version)

This almost certainly has to be a glitch, unless they're just wanting to undercut Ubi's own 50% off sale as this is easily its lowest ever by a margin and the game is not bad nor did it tank. 

If you're a DLC worrywort, don't with this. One of the two DLC pieces is absolute dogshit (Narco Road), the other one is not mandatory or related to the base game's story in any way and nothing else in it can I even remember so that should tell you how much it matters. The only thing the DLC/pass adds to the base game are a couple of side bosses with a few setup missions (The Unidad Conspiracy and one other) that are easily forgettable.

I beat it a few weeks ago. 105 story missions, an equally massive amount of side missions, and the PVP mode just went live. Its fun if you enjoy stealthy shooty games. Huge map, pretty scenery. Biggest knock are samey enemies/NPCs, jingoistic storyline, and while the open world is gorgeous and big, has areas where nothing is going on.

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Ghost Recon Wildlands is $14.99 (75% off) on Amazon right now (uPlay version)

This almost certainly has to be a glitch, unless they're just wanting to undercut Ubi's own 50% off sale as this is easily its lowest ever by a margin and the game is not bad nor did it tank.

If you're a DLC worrywort, don't with this. One of the two DLC pieces is absolute dogshit (Narco Road), the other one is not mandatory or related to the base game's story in any way and nothing else in it can I even remember so that should tell you how much it matters. The only thing the DLC/pass adds to the base game are a couple of side bosses with a few setup missions (The Unidad Conspiracy and one other) that are easily forgettable.

I beat it a few weeks ago. 105 story missions, an equally massive amount of side missions, and the PVP mode just went live. Its fun if you enjoy stealthy shooty games. Huge map, pretty scenery. Biggest knock are samey enemies/NPCs, jingoistic storyline, and while the open world is gorgeous and big, has areas where nothing is going on.
It's having free weekend, so probably steam deal too.

Super realistic physics too:


It's getting harder and harder to mine (expect them to go higher :( )
I sold my bitcoins when they were less than $10 each.

Last night the bros went fishing in Ice Lakes.  We lasted a solid hour-plus (four 15min periods plus set up times) which is longer than we spend on most stuff.  Bah insisted that he wasn't upset that I caught big fish with my elite skills but then complained when I'd land a big fish.  So we switched to a small fish pond and then to number of fish caught vs weight so everyone's minnows would count.  Fox tied with me there and we left with Fox anxious to buy more stuff with his winnings and fish some more.  People still seemed to enjoy it and it's one of those games that's good in small doses.

Later, we did the usual PUBG thing.  Earlier, the Asian servers were full of hackers using speedhacks, wallhacks, aimbots, etc.  So we went to the NA servers where people were hacking by being better players than us.  Unfair!

Tonight we take arms against the rats of Vermintide. Everyone and their mouse owns this by now so come on by and commit raticide.  Which is totally a word according to Merriam-Webster.  Know what the mouse version is?  Muricide. There's something called a "muricidal test" where they toss a mouse into a rat cage and see if the rat, under the influence of psychiatric medications, kills it.  Something to think about while you're setting spring traps in your garage.  Anyway, Vermintide always gets some players so drop in and commit some sort of -cide with us tonight.  Tomorrow night we return to tradition with Battlefield 1.

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Last night the bros went fishing in Ice Lakes. We lasted a solid hour-plus (four 15min periods plus set up times) which is longer than we spend on most stuff. Bah insisted that he wasn't upset that I caught big fish with my elite skills but then complained when I'd land a big fish. So we switched to a small fish pond and then to number of fish caught vs weight so everyone's minnows would count. Fox tied with me there and we left with Fox anxious to buy more stuff with his winnings and fish some more. People still seemed to enjoy it and it's one of those games that's good in small doses.

Later, we did the usual PUBG thing. Earlier, the Asian servers were full of hackers using speedhacks, wallhacks, aimbots, etc. So we went to the NA servers where people were hacking by being better players than us. Unfair!

Tonight we take arms against the rats of Vermintide. Everyone and their mouse owns this by now so come on by and commit raticide. Which is totally a word according to Merriam-Webster. Know what the mouse version is? Muricide. There's something called a "muricidal test" where they toss a mouse into a rat cage and see if the rat, under the influence of psychiatric medications, kills it. Something to think about while you're setting spring traps in your garage. Anyway, Vermintide always gets some players so drop in and commit some sort of -cide with us tonight. Tomorrow night we return to tradition with Battlefield 1.
The AS servers got sick of us hacking by being better than them so they had to resort to other means.

I'm out for tonight since I don't own Vermintide. I'm up for PUBG after depending on how long you guys play it though.

Ghost Recon Wildlands is $14.99 (75% off) on Amazon right now (uPlay version)

I beat it a few weeks ago. 105 story missions, an equally massive amount of side missions, and the PVP mode just went live. Its fun if you enjoy stealthy shooty games. Huge map, pretty scenery. Biggest knock are samey enemies/NPCs, jingoistic storyline, and while the open world is gorgeous and big, has areas where nothing is going on.
I didn't try the PvP, just trying to do too much in other games, but from what I've read/heard its suppose to be pretty damn good.

So is PUBG like way better/more entertaining than Fortnite? I played that once and was like "mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
What are you entertained by?

I've not played Fortnite's battle royale mode, but talking to those of us who play PUBG rather religiously, its more cartoony, less intense/tactical, and basically just more casual.

PUBG is not these things. It's incredibly intense at times, you're always on guard, and its just a different vibe, at the same time its incredibly addicting and a boatload of fun even if you have rounds where you're just mauled. If you like tactical games, PUBG is where its at right now. Its always a challenge, never easy, and unforgiving.

I don't mind the cartoon graphics of Fortnite.  My first competitive shooter was TF2 and I probably only stayed with it because the cartoon look made me take it less seriously and not get pissed when I'd die.  I didn't like Fortnite because the controls and aiming sucked, the sounds were annoying and it basically felt like a knock-off version of PUBG.

I like PUBG although probably not with the same dedication as some of the forum devotees.  It's more fruitful point-wise when played solo but much more fun in a squad.  Solo can be tense but it can also be boring; having people to sweep a location with, help look for vehicles and generally just watch your back is more fun (not to mention someone to talk to). 

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Isn't Grim Dawn some Diablo grind clickfest?

Wildlands is basically ARMA only all the repetitive missions come standard rather than requiring mods and you don't have to be autistic to enjoy it. I like it but you have to treat it as a minigame. Swoop into town crouch walking. Shoot some mexicans. Clear the town. Grab the collectibles. Repeat until bored. Shelf until you feel the tacticool mexibattle itch again.
So is PUBG like way better/more entertaining than Fortnite? I played that once and was like "mehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
I'll second and third what the other bros have said. I haven't liked Fortnite BR and I've played it like 2-3 times, solo and squad. I don't really think it's representative of the PUBG experience and just comes off as a knock off. For those who don't want to spend or can't afford the $30 for PUBG, I assume this is a fine substitute for them because they don't know any better.

The building aspects might be something different and I can see people liking that, though personally I don't. The guns are weaker IMO. I think only the sniper has a scope.

PUBG just has so many more elements that make it funner and random. Bigger map. Vehicles. Guns with various attachments. You can literally run from one end of the map to the other in Fortnite with little issue, but land in the wrong place in PUBG and you're as good as dead without a car (or even with one sometimes). In PUBG, what gun you find + attachments can make or break your game, etc.

I just can't say "If you don't like Fortnite BR you won't like PUBG." In fact, I was glad Weiler missed Fortnite the other day because I think he'd come away with an even worse opinion of PUBG than he already has.

Isn't Grim Dawn some Diablo grind clickfest?
Wildlands is basically ARMA only all the repetitive missions come standard rather than requiring mods and you don't have to be autistic to enjoy it. I like it but you have to treat it as a minigame. Swoop into town crouch walking. Shoot some mexicans. Clear the town. Grab the collectibles. Repeat until bored. Shelf until you feel the tacticool mexibattle itch again.
I know you're a dumbass and we all take what you say with a grain of salt... but Mexicans refers to a country of origin (aka a nationality), in this case Mexico, and not a racial background. So calling/referring to someone as Mexican when they're from Bolivia at best, and I stress it, at best, makes you look stupid.
Isn't Grim Dawn some Diablo grind clickfest?

Wildlands is basically ARMA only all the repetitive missions come standard rather than requiring mods and you don't have to be autistic to enjoy it. I like it but you have to treat it as a minigame. Swoop into town crouch walking. Shoot some mexicans. Clear the town. Grab the collectibles. Repeat until bored. Shelf until you feel the tacticool mexibattle itch again.
Ok, stop deflecting and answer the important question:


I'll second and third what the other bros have said. I haven't liked Fortnite BR and I've played it like 2-3 times, solo and squad. I don't really think it's representative of the PUBG experience and just comes off as a knock off. For those who don't want to spend or can't afford the $30 for PUBG, I assume this is a fine substitute for them because they don't know any better.

The building aspects might be something different and I can see people liking that, though personally I don't. The guns are weaker IMO. I think only the sniper has a scope.

PUBG just has so many more elements that make it funner and random. Bigger map. Vehicles. Guns with various attachments. You can literally run from one end of the map to the other in Fortnite with little issue, but land in the wrong place in PUBG and you're as good as dead without a car (or even with one sometimes). In PUBG, what gun you find + attachments can make or break your game, etc.

I just can't say "If you don't like Fortnite BR you won't like PUBG." In fact, I was glad Weiler missed Fortnite the other day because I think he'd come away with an even worse opinion of PUBG than he already has.
A lot of those sound like improvements. If you cut away PUBG games cut short because you got randomly one shot from an impossible angle during one of PUBGs countless sleep-inducing woodland hikes... well you might be left with three or four real games in a hundred hours unless you're in the quasi suicidal habit of leaping into cities or the military base.
Uh as Inmate said, Mexicans aren't a race. Posts like this make you look really stupid just FYI, but everyone knows that anyway and factors that in so I guess it's not a big loss.

Ok, stop deflecting and answer the important question:

Of course. Who do you think I am?
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Nice, thanks! I didn't enjoy the beta, but glitch is glitch. Still hadn't used my Alexa credit, and just received another fiver in amazonbux for letting the red cross suck my blood last month. This is as close as I get to console trade-in shenanigans, feels pretty good.
I didn't enjoy the beta very much either, but I got my hands on Wildlands through the NVidia thing and I really liked the stealth aspect of the game as I played through it. I liked sneaking around and using the high powered suppressed weapons that you find. There's a bunch of little things that keep it from being a great game, but the core gameplay as a third person, tackle things how you want to game is there and its very solid. I played through to its completion and largely enjoyed it. I posted a lengthier commentary on it back when I finished it a month or so ago. Its worth it at this price.

Despite it being marketed as such, I dont think its a very good coop experience unless everyone is on the same page tactically.

A lot of those sound like improvements. If you cut away PUBG games cut short because you got randomly one shot from an impossible angle during one of PUBGs countless sleep-inducing woodland hikes... well you might be left with three or four real games in a hundred hours unless you're in the quasi suicidal habit of leaping into cities or the military base.
That's where being in a squad helps. Going solo, I'm more prone to drop at a small collection of 2-3 houses since I only need to gear up myself. Then I hoof it from the middle of nowhere to the next circle. Vehicles are rarer since every person is looking for one. In a squad, we have to plan better since a couple houses won't equip us all which does mean you might be near other people (even without suicidal army base drops) and you can fit four people in a car. I just find squad rounds to be busier and more productive.

I think Amazon may be onto that price for Wildlands lol.  In4$5Bezosbux

​Order completed!  Woot to me for paying $15 on a game I never even considered purchasing until 5 min ago...score?

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Unpopular opinion. I like fortnight better than PUBG. I also happen to be absolute trash at PUBG though, but I can usually manage a couple kills in fortnight.
Isn't Grim Dawn some Diablo grind clickfest?
Yes. For fans of the genre, it's absolutely worth playing. Wonderful setting and lore, tons of variety in build trees and playstyles (with relatively easy ways to completely respec if you get bored), and all the loot an ARPG fan could ever want. Heck, they even made an arena mode expansion that is just a glorified loot fountain.

Plus, it's a nice indie-dev success story, if you're into that kind of thing. Titan Quest guys can't get funding for their next game, set out on their own, have a successful kickstarter, release a terrific game, continue to support it for years.

Yes. For fans of the genre, it's absolutely worth playing. Wonderful setting and lore, tons of variety in build trees and playstyles (with relatively easy ways to completely respec if you get bored), and all the loot an ARPG fan could ever want. Heck, they even made an arena mode expansion that is just a glorified loot fountain.

Plus, it's a nice indie-dev success story, if you're into that kind of thing. Titan Quest guys can't get funding for their next game, set out on their own, have a successful kickstarter, release a terrific game, continue to support it for years.
Grim Dawn is great because Geralt of Rivia is the main character! (plus it is actually fun as hell)

bread's done