Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Thanks for Forts.

Oops.  And Wurm Unlimited.  Gave an error at the time, but looks like it went through.  Thanks again.

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Early reveals for October Humble Monthly are Dungeons III and Hidden Folks.


Lots of talk going around that Telltale will be shutting down once they finish up TWD Season 4:


All but 25 employees fired today with no notice/severance. Remaining employees will finish up TWD before the studio shuts down for good. The Wolf Among Us 2 is obviously no more.

People finally realized they didn't make actual adventures games and got tired of waiting three plus months in between thirty-minute episodes of visual novels?

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Lots of talk going around that Telltale will be shutting down once they finish up TWD Season 4:


All but 25 employees fired today with no notice/severance. Remaining employees will finish up TWD before the studio shuts down for good. The Wolf Among Us 2 is obviously no more.
Varierty says the product they finish is Netflix's Minecraft, not TWD.

Interactive games, I guess you could call those Telltale games. They seem to become less and less of an old-school adventure game (with puzzles and inventories to tinker with) with each game.

I have no problem w/ their games and style, TBH - especially since I watch tons of movies and TV shows. Those games feel like interactive TV shows anyways.

I don't need every damn game on the market to be another linear COD SP Campaign style FPS; or COD MP; UbiSoft open-world games; Diablo clone; or any other genre that's been beat to death. For me, Telltale Games were another needed and different style of game.

Really sucks to see another studio go. And more families likely effected by this. Hopefully, they can find some jobs soon somewhere good.

Man, I really loved TWD S1+2; and especially The Wolf Among Us.

Damn, I was looking forward to Wolf Among Us 2.

Best wishes, Telltale crew.

It's the style of gameplay mixed with expensive licenses that are forcing them under. Monkey Island and Sam & Max were both great series over all, even if they could be obscure, boring, and frustrating at times. Still, the stories were cool, the writing was sharp, and the puzzle-solving was creative. Then they started licensing IPs like BttF, Jurassic Park, TWD, Batman, and Minecraft. TT TWD is a good series, since the very nature of the story compliments the lack of control inherent to visual novels. But Batman? Borderlands? Minecraft? Those are already good games, and I'd rather play the originals than watch some vignette with limited interaction. And like Mooby mentioned, they began slacking off with episodic content. People don't care enough to buy them and can just Mooby the stories on Twitch/Youtube.

Not surprised to see them go, especially after licensing Guardians from Disney. Any indie dev would hemorrhage money after that.

Those are more like filler to me, not games I'd ever buy. disappointing as early reveals, but not terrible as unlocks.
Guessing sales are low because people don't want Over-derp or already own it. If those reveals are meant to entice more sales then the other unlocks must be truly dreadful.

ITT: People who don't buy anything until it's in the dollar tier of a bundle lament what a shame it is that a game developer went out of business.

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More good news for people who buy computer parts online, especially for any Canadians here.  Recently someone claiming to have an entire NCIX server farm and dozens of individual computers used by the company started selling the servers on Craiglist.  Some guy from a security firm was suspicious, investigated personally and saw two servers in person and they were full of the companies records.  The seller claimed to have already sold the data to five people at 15k a pop.  Since then police have become involved but it sounds like they only recovered a fraction of the hardware.

Either nobody bothered to wipe at least one server farm before everything was auctioned off, or one of the server farms didn't get included in the auctions.  The seller claimed he was trying to help the owner of the warehouse the server farm was in recover money owed by NCIX.  At any rate someone somewhere screwed up and it appears to be a complete set of NCIX records including employee data, customer data and even banking details relating to corporate customers.   So if you ever bought anything from NCIX, you are potentially at risk even if it was ten years ago.  

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ITT: People who don't buy anything until it's in the dollar tier of a bundle lament what a shame it is that a game developer went out of business.
I've seen way too many Telltale Games in bundles to ever consider buying them at release but I'm still sad to see them go... Mostly for those who just lost their jobs with severance packages.
Keys for frees:

7??VQ-GN8YE-HRQBA - (the best combination of two numbers to ever exist)

?Y00E-D7KNP-A652H - (the number of times your mom has done a "donkey show")

CKY7P-ZTL6?-I8CGM - (the number of donkey shows MY mom has done)

KHY2Y-CF??W-9X9V2 - (RIP, b/c most of your games were pretty good entertaining playable)

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Keys for frees:

7??VQ-GN8YE-HRQBA - (the best combination of two numbers to ever exist)

?Y00E-D7KNP-A652H - (the number of times your mom has done a "donkey show")

CKY7P-ZTL6?-I8CGM - (the number of donkey shows MY mom has done)

KHY2Y-CF??W-9X9V2 - (RIP, b/c most of your games were pretty good entertaining playable)
Thanks for the drops, but some mongoloid already botted them. My mom has NOT done 8 donkey shows btw. She's done 9. 1 more to fill out her stamp card.

Update on the Bard's Tale drama: 

- Submitted support ticket to Xsolla on 9/20

-Got response from Xsolla on 9/22 saying that they closed my ticket because I got my game key

-Submitted support ticket to inXile on 9/22 explaining the above and attaching my "proof of purchase" email

-Received Steam key for Premium Edition of game by email on 9/22

So, a slow, problematic rollout that I'm betting inXile learned some hard lessons about, but they're being quite agile in their response times. If, and I make no value judgments presently on the basis of my extremely limited personal experience, the game turns out to be rather good, I hope this doesn't hurt it too badly in the end. 

RE: The Wolf Among Us


Was so happy when S2 was finally announced awhile back after waiting for so long.

Oh well, at least we have one last round of Minecraft to look forward to.

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For the Tremor bros, they have Dungeons III and Hidden Folks in stock. Hidden Folks is selling faster, on account of its lower cost and high level of demand. If you have the coins, Hidden Folks seems like a good get even if you end up trading it.

For the Tremor bros, they have Dungeons III and Hidden Folks in stock. Hidden Folks is selling faster, on account of its lower cost and high level of demand. If you have the coins, Hidden Folks seems like a good get even if you end up trading it.
I'm glad they released more games from the monthly... It made it very easy to pause a month.

I hadn't bought anything on the Steam Store in six months, noticed that I had some funds, and bought Dungelot, The Slimeking's Tower, and Press X to Not Die while they were on sale. All were on my wish list and all are relatively low-end friendly. Spent $4.97 total.
I like Dungelot a bit. Kind of fun and easy to play as a quick run through a dungeon or such. I remember some slight clicking bugs, but otherwise it was fine.

I'm glad they released more games from the monthly... It made it very easy to pause a month.
They have been decent at putting those games on their store lately. Better for early unlocks than for the surprise games, as the latter tends to go out of stuck a lot quicker. Prices are usually decent too. Hidden Folks at 700 coins is already gone but Dungeons III at 2,000 is also decent and still in stock. Overwatch is very overpriced at 10k coins, however. Really perplexing given that Overwatch has not had nearly the same trade demand on Barter and other places as Destiny 2 did. Lowball offers are succeeding at a very high rate.

Speaking of Tremor, sometime in February I was suddenly unable to login. Couldn't figure out why but there was no ban message, just a username/password error (all I do is trade Humble gifts for coins, no multiple accounts/IPs or anything like that). Password reset e-mail wouldn't arrive, either. I tried logging in every week or two since then to no avail. Fast forward to two weeks ago and I was finally able to receive the reset password email. Now I can login but I can't purchase anything because I never linked my Steam account, and based on their forum other people can't link their Steam accounts either.

It looks like Tremor still does Humble gift trade-ins for coins. I should have probably linked my Steam account back in December or whenever it was they started requiring it for redeeming coins on games. If I can get that to work I have a backlog of ~9 months of random IG fodder to pick up.

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IMO I liked the older TellTale games, but by the time I'd played TWD2 the shine had worn off. I still haven't play most of their other games (just TWD, TWAU, Borderlands, and Sam & Max), partly because the episodic nature and by the time all the episodes were out I'd forget about the game, and mostly because the Illusion of choice was gone. IMO that was one of their bigger problems, once you play a couple of their games you felt choices really didn't matter and it made it hard to want to play others unless you really liked the story. 

Tales from the Borderlands is one of the better games I've played this decade, the humor really hit home with me.  But I agree that the games were very derivative from a gameplay standpoint.  I skipped most of them but really enjoyed the original TWD, Wolf (also very excellent) and obviously Borderlands.

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I enjoyed Sam and Max Season 3, Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures and Tales of Monkey Island. Don't have any of their new style games besides The Walking Dead Season 1, so I can't comment on those.

Tales of Monkey Island and the three seasons of Sam & Max were great, but Telltale's best will always be the two Puzzle Agent games.

TWD is when Telltale stopped trying to make actual adventure games. I remember one of the 'puzzles' from TWD required you to fix the battery placement in a flashlight or something because the character who handed it to you put them in backwards.

Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max, on the other hand, had actual puzzles.

TWD is when Telltale stopped trying to make actual adventure games. I remember one of the 'puzzles' from TWD required you to fix the battery placement in a flashlight or something because the character who handed it to you put them in backwards.

Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max, on the other hand, had actual puzzles.
What you talkin bout? That TWD puzzle is real I tell you. Tebow's mom was just helping MysterD the other day put the batteries in his Fleshlight the right way, he was very puzzled.
What you talkin bout? That TWD puzzle is real I tell you. Tebow's mom was just helping MysterD the other day put the batteries in his Fleshlight the right way, he was very puzzled.
Is the MysterD equivalent of a fleshlight this?

TWD is when Telltale stopped trying to make actual adventure games. I remember one of the 'puzzles' from TWD required you to fix the battery placement in a flashlight or something because the character who handed it to you put them in backwards.

Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max, on the other hand, had actual puzzles.
Not to be pedantic but the BttF game is when Telltale stopped trying to make actual adventure games. BttF was decent overall but marked a detour from doing more "traditional" puzzles like in the Sam & Max games or Tales of MI. I didn't play Jurassic Park but the reception was mixed at best, and that game was basically a test run for the formula that Telltale optimized in TWD.

I've played the first two Sam & Max seasons, and while the games were overall solid in terms of puzzles the writing and pacing bored me. IIRC most people agree season 3 is the best one, so maybe one day I'll play it.

Of the "modern" Telltale formula games, I only played TWD. Overall I really enjoyed it but never bothered with some of their other well regarded titles like TWAU or TftB. That didn't stop me from buying most of the Telltale games in random Humble Bundles, though. In retrospect Telltale was probably quite aggressive with bundles because they weren't making a profit on any of the post-TWD games.

As a longtime point-and-click adventurer I appreciate that Telltale carried the torch for the genre for those few years and arguably played a big role in more people taking an interest in adventure games again. It's a shame they got drunk off the success of TWD and spun out of control.

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TWD is when Telltale stopped trying to make actual adventure games. I remember one of the 'puzzles' from TWD required you to fix the battery placement in a flashlight or something because the character who handed it to you put them in backwards.

Tales of Monkey Island and Sam & Max, on the other hand, had actual puzzles.
Eh, tbh it's not exactly something I missed. The "puzzles" in adventure games typically aren't my idea of fun

bread's done