Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Now I wonder if I should buy something with this Steam Wallet I got from selling boosters and cards from boosters crafted from the gems I bought, or wait and see.

I hope they don't just wipe my Wallet. I didn't glitch any gems but I did buy a lot of the gems when they were cheap.

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As has been said, the 660s are old news. You could get a 760 (but not a 770) on your budget. What resolution do you game at? Because a good R9 280 or 280X would be perfect for 1080p as well.

Edit: check out the cards listed on and see what's good for your budget.
Currently? 1366x768 on a 37" TV/monitor. But I will probably hook up HDMI on the new card & go 1080p if feasable & I don't see a big performance hit. The more I am reading the more I am shying away from ATI/AMD again. I am seeing a lot of black screen on boot posts and hair-pulling. But I am going to try to keep an open mind. I just wish NVIDIA had a better deal going than $150 in-game credits for games I will never play. If they had Star Citizen and Alien:Isolation like AMD does this would be an easier decision.

Over twenty years, I've used pretty much every type of GPU at some point in time; have never had one single issue.  HDD's on the other hand are the bane of my existence.


Does this mean that gems are returned even if they were crafted into booster? I guess lucky those who crafted tons.
I'm guessing this will be a challenge for them to unpack. I both crafted and bought gems from the market. I crafted boosters and have 29k gems left over. I was not nearly as involved as some, but how do they determine what transactions were associated with which items? I suspect many unhappy people after their "reset."

Steam market feature developers are the equivalent of AAA game developers. Don't test anything, just release it into the wild and watch the chaos reign.

Cuz it's the very aggressive price-cutting Square Enix.

FFXIII PC was around that during the Thanksgiving Sale on that site.

Plus, they probably want to get everyone to go buy FFXIII-2 PC, now that it's (finally) here. ;)

After 18 hours w/ this or so - even despite FF13's linearity; having to use GeDoSaTo until they fixed the resolution issues (which is now officially fixed in yesterday's patch); trying to get it to finally run at a worthwhile stable framerate it (well, I went and locked to 30 FPS w/ NVidia V Sync at Adaptive Half-Refresh Rate - whether running GeDoSaTo or NOT at 1080p settings, doesn't matter); and it taking about 3 hours b/c combat gets really fun + interesting...

....I'm really liking FFXIII PC and can't stop playing this. Since the start of the game - I've been really digging the very artistic visuals (this game's beautiful to me); the music; the story; and the characters. And once you get Paradigms, then the combat gets way more interesting + way more fun.

If you're an old-school FF fan and want old-school FF (open-world exploring, towns, NPC's, turn-based combat) - this game ain't gonna be for you. If you're open-minded - you might have a better chance at liking FFXIII.

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Over twenty years, I've used pretty much every type of GPU at some point in time; have never had one single issue. HDD's on the other hand are the bane of my existence.
Well, if you stopped buying games loaded w/ DRM like StarForce, Tages, Securom, SolidShield, and Denuvo - maybe you wouldn't have so many HDD's getting trashed. ;)

If you're an old-school FF fan and want old-school FF (open-world exploring, towns, NPC's, turn-based combat) - this game ain't gonna be for you. If you're open-minded - you might have a better chance at liking FFXIII.
These two things don't have to be mutually exclusive. I certainly consider myself both at least.

Borderlands re-mastered makes no sense.  Just play Borderlands 2 or Pre-sequel.  It's not like Borderlands had an amazing story and the mechanics are inferior to the later games.  I guess I'd play if they give it out for free but no way I'm paying for it.

Borderlands re-mastered makes no sense. Just play Borderlands 2 or Pre-sequel. It's not like Borderlands had an amazing story and the mechanics are inferior to the later games. I guess I'd play if they give it out for free but no way I'm paying for it.
Sure it does.

They know Borderlands fans will buy it anyway.

These two things don't have to be mutually exclusive. I certainly consider myself both at least.
I do think a lot of times, hardcore old-schools fans might want games to go a certain direction, never change some elements (or many elements), and that's it. Otherwise - they'd rather a new franchise being created for this project that seems to go another direction entirely, to become its own thing.

I really have to see where a game goes, when changes are made in an iteration. What are the pro's? What are the con's? What is working for me? What is not working for me? Since I ain't played a FF since FF9 (PSX-era) - yeah, 13 to me feels like a major change to the series. I could see why some fans would hate it. I also can see why others would love it for other things, as well.

I've played FF1,5,6,7,8,9, and 13 - currently working on 13. I loved the old-school FF's - I really dug FF1 on my NES (one of my earliest RPG's, along w/ Dragon Warrior); and I certainly loved FF5,6,7; especially FF6+7. While I liked FF8 - just not even nearly as much as FF6+7 (my two favorite FF's). And also, I really liked FF9 - but, not as much as FF6+7. For me, it always came back to FF6+7. Of course, I ain't played FF10-1, 10-2, 11, 12, 13-2, Lightning Returns, and 14.

I'm probably being a dumbass but I don't see how you get in on the CoD:AW Free Weekend. How do you install it on Steam?

I'm flummoxed.
Great - another 40 GB download...


MindRiot ninja'd me and is on the same page about the DL size.

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Borderlands re-mastered makes no sense. Just play Borderlands 2 or Pre-sequel. It's not like Borderlands had an amazing story and the mechanics are inferior to the later games. I guess I'd play if they give it out for free but no way I'm paying for it.
Business perspective.

I'd guess BL is getting Remastered namely to be put onto the XB1 + PS4.

And since they're doing that, GearBox probably figures this - maybe some PC gamers want this, too.

You know what's inevitable - GearBox wanting to Remaster BL2 into a Complete Ed + and also put BL:TPS onto the XB1 + PS4.

And hell - you know while they at it, they probably figure they'd also release onto PC.

Who knows - maybe since XB1 + PS4 don't have all 3 BL games, maybe this BL Remaster will have packages altogether ALL 3 BL's similar to how the new Halo Master Chief Remaster has 4 major Halo games?

We'll have to wait + see.

Re-Releasing + Remastering games seems to be a way for dev's + pub's to get gamers to double-dip, triple-dip, or whatever - getting gamers to re-buy games they already own.

No wonder XB1 + PS4 don't have backward compatibility support for titles from their older consoles - there's money to be made remastering + re-releasing hit titles!

And since PC exists - why not release it there, too?

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I now have 25700 Gems. I also got a refund from last night's purchases... looks like the fix is now in place.

The boosters I got are still there.

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Ok, there it is. Danke.

Yowzers, 40GB download though.
Yeah that sucks, but i'm actually enjoying it so far.

I dont care what they name it, this is NOT "Call of Duty", but its fun so far despite that.

May have to search out a Russian.

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Yeah that sucks, but i'm actually enjoying it so far.

I dont care what they name it, this is NOT "Call of Duty", but its fun so far despite that.
Only good thing is - when I actually get around to buying COD: AW sometime in the (hopefully) distant future, at least I'll have a good deal of the game already downloaded + sitting on my HDD.

I'll just have to download what's missing (SP content) + whatever updates have came since the Free Weekends.

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I now have 25700 Gems. I also got a refund from last night's purchases... looks like the fix is now in place.

The boosters I got are still there.
I am now at 5100 gems; about 24000 I got on the market are gone, but the $1.50 or so are added back for me.

Edit: I now wish I crafted more boosters.

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I do think a lot of times, hardcore old-schools fans might want games to go a certain direction, never change some elements (or many elements), and that's it. Otherwise - they'd rather a new franchise being created for this project that seems to go another direction entirely, to become its own thing.

I really have to see where a game goes, when changes are made in an iteration. What are the pro's? What are the con's? What is working for me? What is not working for me? Since I ain't played a FF since FF9 (PSX-era) - yeah, 13 to me feels like a major change to the series. I could see why some fans would hate it. I also can see why others would love it for other things, as well.

I've played FF1,5,6,7,8,9, and 13 - currently working on 13. I loved the old-school FF's - I really dug FF1 on my NES (one of my earliest RPG's, along w/ Dragon Warrior); and I certainly loved FF5,6,7; especially FF6+7. While I liked FF8 - just not even nearly as much as FF6+7 (my two favorite FF's). And also, I really liked FF9 - but, not as much as FF6+7. For me, it always came back to FF6+7. Of course, I ain't played FF10-1, 10-2, 11, 12, 13-2, Lightning Returns, and 14.
Yeah after IX they started changing a lot. Some fans would have you believe that the shift from previous entries to what FF XIII is was some kind of immediate disposal of what Final Fantasy had been up until then. Final Fantasy X in my opinion was just as linear as XIII. In XII you had a sysyem in place where characters were computer controlled as well. You could stop time to give direct command when needed but you were expected to use the gambit system to preallocate ai partners reactions in the menus before battles if you didn't want to increase the length of battles dramatically. XI was an MMO enough said about that one.

I would just say that XIII was an amalgam of these design choices that they were building up over time from previous iterations to make the games more streamlined. The same explanation for X's linearity was the same as XIII's. The developers wanted the focus to be less on exploration and more on pushing the story forward. XII's combat was explained away as an effort to simplify battles and make them more fluid and cinematic. If the fans who had played these previous titles weren't looking with rose tinted glasses they would see that the elements featured in previous titles were always leading in this direction. I personally love this game.

My philosphy is that the old games haven't gone anywhere. I can still pick them up and play them anytime and when I want to I can also have this new and interesting experience as well. There's nothing wrong with change. Even the games that are remembered as the best in the series would not have been the way they were without shifting away from the old.

I am now at 5100 gems; about 24000 I got on the market are gone, but the $1.50 or so are added back for me.

Edit: I now wish I crafted more boosters.
Yeah I just got back all the money I spent on gems. I didn't lose the money I gained or any of the cards from any of the boosters.

I only had 10 gems left at the end so they can go ahead and take them if they like.


Yeah after IX they started changing a lot. Some fans would have you believe that the shift from previous entries to what FF XIII is was some kind of immediate disposal of what Final Fantasy had been up until then. Final Fantasy X in my opinion was just as linear as XIII. In XII you had a sysyem in place where characters were computer controlled as well. You could stop time to give direct command when needed but you were expected to use the gambit system to preallocate ai partners reactions in the menus before battles if you didn't want to increase the length of battles dramatically. XI was an MMO enough said about that one.

I would just say that XIII was an amalgam of these design choices that they were building up over time from previous iterations to make the games more streamlined. The same explanation for X's linearity was the same as XIII's. The developers wanted the focus to be less on exploration and more on pushing the story forward. XII's combat was explained away as an effort to simplify battles and make them more fluid and cinematic. If the fans who had played these previous titles weren't looking with rose tinted glasses they would see that the elements featured in previous titles were always leading in this direction. I personally love this game.

My philosphy is that the old games haven't gone anywhere. I can still pick them up and play them anytime and when I want to I can also have this new and interesting experience as well. There's nothing wrong with change. Even the games that are remembered as the best in the series would not have been the way they were without shifting away from the old.
Wow - sounds like I've missed a lot of FF gameplay mechanics from FF10-12, hehe; and them all being dumped right into FF13.

Probably why it all was such a big shock to me, at first. Sure, I knew about + read about it, before-hand. Sure, it's one thing to read about people's opinions (and I certainly have done that); but it's totally another to actually sit down + play the game to experience it all for yourself first-hand.

Regardless of the changes - I'm really digging the story, characters, music, and especially the artistic side of the graphics. It's enough to give me a very hard time to actually want to stop playing this game.

I really like FF13 so far. Not completely in love with it - well...not just yet, anyways. ;)

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A big problem is that you could/can create booster packs for things you aren't eligible to receive via random drops, ie unidled/played games and F2P games without having made an IAP.  The unidled part isn't such a problem on its own but is probably the loophole that lets the F2P games in when added to the installation queue.

Towards the end (before they shut it down) boosters and cards were getting pretty worthless, at least for the buy orders.  I mean, it's better to have those and the reimbursement than just the reimbursement, but it was pretty inefficient once it started crashing.

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Yeah that sucks, but i'm actually enjoying it so far.

I dont care what they name it, this is NOT "Call of Duty", but its fun so far despite that.

May have to search out a Russian.
Yeah, thats why I was wanting to demo it too, to see if I wanted to chat with my buddy StalinCat about a trade pact.

Yeah I just got back all the money I spent on gems. I didn't lose the money I gained or any of the cards from any of the boosters.

I only had 10 gems left at the end so they can go ahead and take them if they like.

Lord Gaben has told me that you'll be banned.. as soon as he finishes eating his tower size burger, so it may take a while.

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New Releases

Final Dusk- $4.24

The Original Strife: Veteran Edition- $7.49

Oblivious Garden- $13.49

About Love, Hate and the other ones- $6.99

Redux: Dark Matters- $9.74

SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition- $4.99

Hearthlands- $11.99

Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend- $26.99

Run or Die- $4.99

It's A Wipe!- $4.99

Bloodrealm: Battlegrounds(early access)- F2P

Satellite Reign(early access)- $26.99

Xeodrifter- $9.99

The Talos Principle- $35.99

Last Inua- $5.99

Radial-G: Racing Revolved(early access)- $12.99

Final Fantasy XIII-2- $19.99

KAMUI- $7.99

ALLTYNEX Second- $7.99

Words for Evil- $2.09

Earth Under Siege- $19.99

Nanofights- $6.99

Dizzel- F2P

Forge: Ymil's Revenge- $9.99

Rock Boshers DX: Director's Cut- $6.99

JUJU- $17.99

Elegy for a Dead World- $13.49

Flyhunter Origins- $4.89

Prelogate- $3.39

POP: Methodology Expirment One- $2.99

Fritz for Fun 13- $14.99

Distant Star: Revenant Fleet- $6.99

Battle of Empires: 1914-1918(early access)- $14.99

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