Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Nuuvem Dailies:

Star Wars TFU - Ultimate Sith Edition (Mac, Steamplay) - R$9.99 - $3.70 (71% off)

-- KOTOR 1 and Jedi Outcast are R$6.99 ($2.59), both are Steamplay
Would be nice if they had some of the other Star Wars games too... Aspyr is listed as a dev for at least one of them (The Force Unleashed 2.)

If anybody needs those Star Wars games, they can be found cheaper (per game) in a bundle for $10 at GameAgent, under 'My Dashboard'. All steam codes, must be logged in to see the deal.

The bundle includes:

  • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
  • Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition
Looks like they can also be bought individually for $2.50 each if you don't need them all.
Except The Force Unleashed, which is $5. :whistle2:(

Just made my first purchase from Nuuvem, Castlevania Mirror of Fate.  $2.70 after all was said and done.  Little hiccups in creating an account and logging in, but relatively painless overall and I'm very happy to have the game at that price.  Thanks to Foxhack or whoever posted the deal first.

Just made my first purchase from Nuuvem, Castlevania Mirror of Fate. $2.70 after all was said and done. Little hiccups in creating an account and logging in, but relatively painless overall and I'm very happy to have the game at that price. Thanks to Foxhack or whoever posted the deal first.
You're welcome or whoever.

Yeah, but only a madman would have paid more than a penny for that bundle. So we wouldn't be getting keys anyway.
But it was for charity!


And they could have always just given the MysterDRMfree version or something but they didn't even do that. Kind of lame that you don't get updates on those Mojam games in the event they do decide to continue on with them.

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Any better deals for fallout than 2.49 steam? or ultimate for 6$ btw?

Also if anyone knows about the ultra street fighter 4 upgrade saw it was 8 before ended now they have it at 8.99 on GMG, but hoping for somewhere cheaper..

Will check the trades and jakenome later bros
This is as good as you're gonna do, unless Amazon has it on sale right now and you have Bing credit. Trading's cut off so its not an option. You can wait, ultimate has hit five bucks many times in the past (and ultimate edition is what you want, the dlc is pretty good and adds a lot of playtime and replay value to the game, definitely worth it for another couple bucks), but it's been doing so much less often than it used to. If you don't buy it now there's no guarantee it'll even be on sale again until the summer sale. Personally, I'd buy it if I were you. $6.79 for a high quality RPG which is going to give you around a minimum of 60 hours in a playthrough (with the potential for much more) is more than worth it.

Fallout is now cheap enough to throw in my backlog and play someday. Anyone recommend Fallout 3 over New Vegas?
I recommend getting both. It's hard to say which is better, it comes down to personal preference. On paper, I'd say New Vegas should be better. It has more content, better dialogue and characters, a story which can actually go in different directions based on your choices, etc. I think I prefer the Capitol Wasteland to the Mojave Desert when it comes to pure environment. The gameplay is identical. FO3 is a bit more accessible, as you can pretty much go anywhere from the get-go, as opposed to New Vegas where you'll get torn to shreds if you go to the wrong places before leveling up a few times. Really you can't go wrong with either.

New Vegas is a better game.  Better story, little more balanced with perks and combat, etc.  But FO3 is definitely interesting to explore the ruins of Washington DC and the surrounding area and has more to "find".  New Vegas has less random "open world" stuff going on and annoying invisible walls (get a mod to eliminate those, trust me).  So I'd still give the nod to NV but FO3 is worth playing and has its own pluses.

Amusingly, the Mojave desert of New Vegas and surrounding area is more vegetated than the Potomac River basin of FO3 :whistle2:k  One of my criticisms of FO3 (albeit something that maybe only bothered me) was that they moved the action from the western desert of the first two games to the eastern seaboard but the landscape looked virtually identical aside from different buildings.

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Ok, I've decided that the best gamble is waiting. It'll almost certainly be available again on the repeat day which gives us just enough time for the chance at a full 2 week or even a flash bundle or weekly bundle

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Fallout 3 kills New Vegas, it aint even close son. 3 is a masterpiece. 

Angry Joe's no.1 game is Dragon Age. part that got me is he says theres "entertaining sidequests"


Amusingly, the Mojave desert of New Vegas and surrounding area is more vegetated than the Potomac River basin of FO3 :whistle2:k One of my criticisms of FO3 (albeit something that maybe only bothered me) was that they moved the action from the western desert of the first two games to the eastern seaboard but the landscape looked virtually identical aside from different buildings.
That was your issue? It wasn't the fact that you had this WHOLE CITY.. but you couldn't get around minus through subways? Or how there's a giant navy SHIP in the freakin Potomac? Or the BS ending that ended the game... bam, done!

You're just Mr. Optimistic today.

P.S. If there were Nuclear war... I doubt THAT much of DC would have survived. Just saying.

You guys should really just pick up Rogue Legacy with a few bucks of card money and become the obligatory sacrifice to the bundle gods.  It's one of my top ten most played games on steam and absolutely deserves that slot.  There's a reason why everyone keeps talking about it and hoping it ends up in a bundle.  It's not just a good indie game, it's a good game.

As far as the Fallout 3/New Vegas debate, they are both good games, but you will definitely have a favorite between the two.  Fallout 3's tone is pretty different from the first two, whereas New Vegas is closer to the originals.  If you want things a bit more lighthearted, futuristic, and over the top, Fallout 3 is probably more your thing.  If you prefer a darker, grittier world where things are a bit more realistic, New Vegas is probably what you want.  If you just like running around in Bethesda's open worlds and abusing your godlike powers, you'll like them both just fine.  If you hate everything that Bethesda stands for and think that the only thing worse than Skyrim is Oblivion, for the love of god, don't buy either.

Ah, yes... a GW based game goes on sale for a paltry 33% 48% off?  $15 for Space Hulk v2.0 is kinda meh.  

Oh, and just buy Rogue Legacy.  It's great. 

Who the heck buys stuff from Steam anymore? ;)

Their sales of late been...well, pretty weak.

I remember the days when tons of games were on sale at steep discounts and I'd easily drop $50 in a sale.

Nope, not any more...I'm having a hard time even dropping $20 in one of their sales.

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Any recs for Transformers? I shoulda picked up the games from a reseller when I had a chance.  Now I'm looking at getting the first one with card money, but my funds are running dry and I'm not sure if I want to hold out for better deals on stuff I want more later in the sale.

Any recs for Transformers? I shoulda picked up the games from a reseller when I had a chance. Now I'm looking at getting the first one with card money, but my funds are running dry and I'm not sure if I want to hold out for better deals on stuff I want more later in the sale.
Both are good and worth getting. WfC is good for co-op, and FoC is good for SP.
Fallout is now cheap enough to throw in my backlog and play someday. Anyone recommend Fallout 3 over New Vegas?
I recommend getting both. It's hard to say which is better, it comes down to personal preference. On paper, I'd say New Vegas should be better. It has more content, better dialogue and characters, a story which can actually go in different directions based on your choices, etc. I think I prefer the Capitol Wasteland to the Mojave Desert when it comes to pure environment. The gameplay is identical. FO3 is a bit more accessible, as you can pretty much go anywhere from the get-go, as opposed to New Vegas where you'll get torn to shreds if you go to the wrong places before leveling up a few times. Really you can't go wrong with either.

I also agree w/ Pasports: get both FO3 + FO: NV; b/c both are great for different reasons.

And make sure you go for the Complete Editions for all of the DLC's - which would be Fallout 3 GOTY + FO: NV Ultimate. Most of the DLC's on these are actually good and meaty (i.e. the content DLC's are at least 3-6 hours a piece), so it's worth the few extra bucks - since content-wise, FO3 has 5 DLC's; and NV has 4 content DLC's + 2 item DLC's.

Also - if you want more difficulty for FO:NV than the game's own Hardcore Mod, you can go harder w/ mods. To use the lead designer Josh E Sawyer's very own Hardcore Difficulty Mod - you must have FO NV Ultimate b/c his mod requires also all the content DLC's + even the 2 small item pack DLC's.

I don't know what's out there for mods - but, for any Bethesda-made game or any game using one of their engines (i.e. Fallout: New Vegas from Obsidian) - I'd go Complete on them, when the price is right + when a Complete Ed is out. Namely b/c those games usually have usually lots of mods and who knows what content modders right require - so, it's safest to just own everything, if you plan to even look at getting into mods.

For me - FO3's stand-out DLC's were Point Lookout + The Pitt; while NV had some good DLC's and especially Old World Blues. OWB is one of the best DLC's that I've ever played period.

Make sure you play FO3 first - b/c gameplay-wise, FO3 basically re-wrote the book on how to modernize a FO game in this modern era, showing actually how it could + should play. Plus, seeing the East Coast destroyed and actually exploring the open game-world - IMHO, nobody does open-world RPG's better than Bethesda.

FO: NV takes a lot that made FO3 great - and then just expands on it. I also think that NV also has a tendency to give more decisions to the player (than FO3 did) - which are even more so often based on your stats + skills + perks, as well (than FO3 did).

Also, FO:NV brings back a lot of the old-school FO1+2 humor that just seemed missing in FO3. NV does a much better job w/ story-telling, narrative, and character depth - as one would expect from Obsidian, since it's what they're good at; while FO3 seems to be a bit more personal, with you searching for Dad and all.

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Shadowrun Returns at 90% off ($1.49) is tempting. Of course, that probably means it will be in the base tier of a HIB within a month. Plus, the developers are doing another kickstarter in January, so they might bundle Shadowrun Returns at the same time to promote the campaign.

Any recs for Transformers? I shoulda picked up the games from a reseller when I had a chance. Now I'm looking at getting the first one with card money, but my funds are running dry and I'm not sure if I want to hold out for better deals on stuff I want more later in the sale.
How much do you like Transformers? My experience is to take that and divide it in half. The games are very good "Transformers" games -- you have your Transformers lore, your Transformer sounds, your Transformer voices and your Transformer characters. The visuals are well done. The game play failed to attract me through; I didn't care much for the weapons, the shooting mechanics or the general "Go to this glowy, Hold B! Now go to that glowy! Run run run!" objectives. After a few hours, I sort of just moved to another game and never looked back. It's not a bad game and if you like the source material it'll probably hold you longer. I haven't thought much about Transformers since I was ten (and that was a long while ago) so it didn't stick with me.

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