Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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To be specific, my main gaming PC specs:

"Bloomfield" Intel i7 950 @ 3.06 Ghz (Quad-Core, 8 threads); 1GB VRAM GeForce GTX 560 Ti; 16 GB RAM; Win 7 64-bit.

Hmmm - do you think getting a 970 would go too far for that rig?

Thanks for the advice on checking the bottleneck, BTW.

One of my other thoughts is this - 970 upgrade for the current PC; then when I decide to build a new rig a few years down the road, if the 970's not aged enough...I could just possibly move the 970 over to whatever next PC that I do build.
You're probably okay for a while longer on that CPU... Bottlenecking I'm not sure... I could see you hitting single-threaded performance bottlenecking.... (and just zero your gfx setting (640x480, min gfx) and monitor your framerate.)

970... not really sure, look around... again you can test as well.

Thanks! Interesting. I'm glad to hear! (I'm running on an AM3 board, so 12 GB of DDR3.) I was tempted by that Pentium, but decided to curmudgeon it out to build an Saltwell i5 upgrade in the second half of this year.
Info on that Pentium suggests that it will struggle with games coming out in this generation because it only has two cores, but the four core Phenom would have struggled too from not having enough per-core performance. It wouldn't have been worth it if the chip with a good mobo hadn't been less than $100 (and $20 for 8 GB of RAM.)

Unless you've got a ridiculous amount of hard drive space and love downloading thousand of indie games and hundreds of AAA games you will play someday except you wont then having a backlog means lots of downloading (potentially; because you'll definitely get around to all of them right?) later regardless.
Sure, but these days I can backlog stuff and never have to download it. It sits on Steam or GOG or whatever until I feel like playing it.

TL;DR - T&A Anime Puzzle Quest
Puzzle Quest, you say?

Sure, but these days I can backlog stuff and never have to download it. It sits on Steam or GOG or whatever until I feel like playing it.
So essentially paying for a DRM free download to throw in your backlog that you're never actually going to play, but you might! (but you won't) is better than not buying it because you won't play it, but you might (but you won't) and knowing it's up on torrents that probably won't completely go away because hello once something gets out into the internet. But they might! (but they won't)

Got it.

As for how this is any different than buying, backlogging and never playing on Steam, well, e-peen. And reasons!

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I think we just helped a 14 year old get his game greenlit (Corona Motorsport).

This is for group members only so please DO NOT let anyone not in the group know about this link. Since i said I'm 14 and I'm a tad bit broke i can't afford any more people than who's already in here. the amount of you guys in the group is already a lot higher than i anticipated but since i love you guys, 4000 free keys it is :) if you like the game when you play it, please donate to my paypal [email protected] it'd mean a lot to me and i could make the game a lot better and hire professionals to help out. i hope to have the beta ready to be purchased (redeemed for you guys for free!) by the end of the month
I think we just helped a 14 year old get his game greenlit (Corona Motorsport).
You're all terrible people


So essentially paying for a DRM free download to throw in your backlog that you're never actually going to play, but you might! (but you won't) is better than not buying it because you won't play it, but you might (but you won't) and knowing it's up on torrents that probably won't completely go away because hello once something gets out into the internet. But they might! (but they won't)
If you put it that way, how is backlogging on Steam any different? (And most of my backlogging is on Steam, no doubt.)

If you put it that way, how is backlogging on Steam any different? (And most of my backlogging is on Steam, no doubt.)
Because you seem to be in an obnoxious internet guy last word argument mood, reposting the tongue-in-cheek self acknowledging part you intentional cut and ignored.

As for how this is any different than buying, backlogging and never playing on Steam, well, e-peen. And reasons!
Because you seem to be in an obnoxious internet guy last word argument mood, reposting the tongue-in-cheek self acknowledging part you intentional cut and ignored.
Fair enough.

(I edited my response a few times while writing it and, by doing so, ended up asking an already answered question.)

If it's any consolation, I'm sure the minimum specs for Pillars of Eternity will probably be much much lower.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to run that one unless something really got screwed up in the process. Pretty sure I'll be able to handle Torment too whenever that gets released. Given those are more my style of game anyway, I'm ok with it. Plus my backlog includes such gems as Oblivion, Fallout 3, NV, Witcher 1, 2, and more I have a lot of good stuff to go through before I can bitch too much about not getting to Witcher 3. Hell by the time I make it through all that I'll probably be able to get another $400 deal on a laptop that can run it. Especially since I've been telling myself that I'd get through those games since I got this laptop 2 holiday shopping seasons ago.

You're both getting confused with Sid Meier's Ace Patrol that was a $1 after EC (and $1.25 on GMG).
I knew there was an Ace something. Guess I could've checked my amazon backlog as it turns out I purchased it and several other items I forgot to ever link to steam. I also have a very cute and cuddly test Koala that was never revoked despite being refunded. Also looks like that FIFA whatever year in the future it was got changed to "Physical Twisted with Digital Test"

Info on that Pentium suggests that it will struggle with games coming out in this generation because it only has two cores, but the four core Phenom would have struggled too from not having enough per-core performance. It wouldn't have been worth it if the chip with a good mobo hadn't been less than $100 (and $20 for 8 GB of RAM.)
Yeah, I was trying to avoid getting into a bigger discussion but for the time and effort required to setup a new system I really didn't want to bother with some short-term solution. Also I wasn't seeing any deals that were well-eff-it attractive. Nice deal! Microcenter?

I think we just helped a 14 year old get his game greenlit (Corona Motorsport).
We've done worse. Though I do find it amusing that someone without their drivers license yet is making a racing game.

And, well good for him. He'll learn a lot.

They've removed the option for six month subscriptions so many are speculating F2P status in under that time.  Also I'm fairly certain ESO was around $15ish (maybe less) during the Steam sale.

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They've removed the option for six month subscriptions so many are speculating F2P status in under that time. Also I'm fairly certain ESO was around $15ish (maybe less) during the Steam sale.
No subscription based MMO's last unless they are made by Blizzard. I don't know why anyone even tries.

Finalized Steam controller to be revealed in early March at GDC, reportedly.  Bring it!!

Oh, and more info on the so-called Steam Machines will be shown, too, if you care about such things....

Oh, I know. I moved from one of those Phenom II X4s this summer not because of the chip being a problem, but because it was sitting on a AM2+ motherboard and only had 4GB of DDR2 ram.. The anniversary edition Pentium I moved to is only dual core, but overclocked extremely well and handles everything I've played as well or better than the Phenom II did. Also, it was dirt cheap and the board will take one of those shiny i5s or i7s with no problem.
That sounds remarkably similar to my shitty setup. Athlon II X4, AM2+ board, even the 4GB DDR2 ram. :oops:

Needless to say, I need an update, but it's not gonna be cheap...if I get a new CPU I'll probably need a new power supply and a new motherboard, which in turn means I'll also need to buy new RAM. Oy. At least my graphics card and hard drives are half-decent.

They've removed the option for six month subscriptions so many are speculating F2P status in under that time. Also I'm fairly certain ESO was around $15ish (maybe less) during the Steam sale.
You can check the price history sites but when I did lowest on Steam was $20.39 for the "Autumn Sale" around Thanksgiving weekend and then $19.79 during the winter sale.

The Thanksgiving sale was, I believe, prior to the blocking of Russian trading so I suppose there's that, unless it's region locked in the Steamdb. I never checked.

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Profits from initial subs.
I don't know about that, some of those games are reported to have insane budgets. SWTOR is rumored to be the most expensive video game ever made and Elder Scrolls Online while not having to pay Lucas/Disney/whatever licensing fees is probably no slouch in the costs to make department.

I'm really suspicious that those games turned a profit just from initial game sales or that they even intended to.

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I don't know about that, some of those games are reported to have insane budgets. SWTOR is rumored to be the most expensive video game ever made and Elder Scrolls Online while not having to pay Lucas/Disney/whatever licensing fees is probably no slouch in the costs to make department.

I'm really suspicious that those games turned a profit just from initial game sales or that they even intended to.
Ok so maybe not profit from initial subs but greater offsetting of losses from initial subscriptions.

(shrugs)  Enough of them have made enough money to still exist.  LOTRO, DCUO, etc.  So obviously SOMEONE is paying for them enough to keep up development... just because we're CAGs... there are also whales out there.

I don't know about that, some of those games are reported to have insane budgets. SWTOR is rumored to be the most expensive video game ever made and Elder Scrolls Online while not having to pay Lucas/Disney/whatever licensing fees is probably no slouch in the costs to make department.

I'm really suspicious that those games turned a profit just from initial game sales or that they even intended to.
Without changing my intended meaning... "Revenue from initial subs"

it's a good chunk of easy money.

Ok so maybe not profit from initial subs but greater offsetting of losses from initial subscriptions.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to run that one unless something really got screwed up in the process. Pretty sure I'll be able to handle Torment too whenever that gets released. Given those are more my style of game anyway, I'm ok with it. Plus my backlog includes such gems as Oblivion, Fallout 3, NV, Witcher 1, 2,
You need to get on these. Oblivion might be my favorite elder scrolls (a nice in between Skyrim/Morrowind in that it definitely has more depth and intricate quests than Skryim, and much better gameplay than Morrowind) and FO3/NV are pretty great, too. Witcher 1/2 aren't quite my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed them.

Well, yea, but they have "premium" subs which effectively give you a major leg up though as well.  I don't think ESO is going to go that route though.  Not yet.  Not if they want a snowball in hell's worth of a chance when they FINALLY release on consoles like they're planning.  Now, if that falls through?  Hell yea, insta-F2P just to recoup.

You need to get on these. Oblivion might be my favorite elder scrolls (a nice in between Skyrim/Morrowind in that it definitely has more depth and intricate quests than Skryim, and much better gameplay than Morrowind) and FO3/NV are pretty great, too. Witcher 1/2 aren't quite my cup of tea, but I still enjoyed them.
Yeah, if you'll recall I swore up and down I'd get around to Morrowind too. I did manage to get off the ship. Lol. I have played a bit of NV on the 360 before I sold the console due to not having any time back in the day. I've managed to complete all of 2 games in the past year those being the two Shadowrun Returns. Doesn't stop the true game of backlogging though.

Edit: Though I don't even play the backlogging game right. I only have about 75 games on steam and probably only about 25-50 games sitting on other services and keys unredeemed.

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Well, yea, but they have "premium" subs which effectively give you a major leg up though as well. I don't think ESO is going to go that route though. Not yet. Not if they want a snowball in hell's worth of a chance when they FINALLY release on consoles like they're planning. Now, if that falls through? Hell yea, insta-F2P just to recoup.
They are still F2P which they weren't when they released. I see ESO going F2P sooner rather than later...or maybe a buy to play where you need to buy xpacs like The Secret World....I liked the TSW but there just was nothing to do when you got to end game.

This is the dude who made it

I feel like I need to go to sensitivity training after watching that.

To be specific, my main gaming PC specs:

"Bloomfield" Intel i7 950 @ 3.06 Ghz (Quad-Core, 8 threads); 1GB VRAM GeForce GTX 560 Ti; 16 GB RAM; Win 7 64-bit.

Hmmm - do you think getting a 970 would go too far for that rig?

Thanks for the advice on checking the bottleneck, BTW.

One of my other thoughts is this - 970 upgrade for the current PC; then when I decide to build a new rig a few years down the road, if the 970's not aged enough...I could just possibly move the 970 over to whatever next PC that I do build.
Do you have any fairly recent games that you could try or even some demos just to see the pc load while they are running? I recently upgraded my 660 to a 970 and that basically doubled the gpu performance. However it will not really decrease cpu load. Im currently on a 2600k so for now thats not particularly a bottleneck but same as you I figured the 970 would be transferable to a new rig in a few years and still be quite usable

I would google around for bottleneck questions since that was one of the things I did before doing that upgrade. I actually just found one with the same specs as you asking if it would bottleneck it:

I found a few others and many said as of now the 950 isnt a bottleneck, but OC'ing it could help.

It really depends on the game though and how cpu dependent they are. I.e. civ5 isnt going to change one bit since its not gpu constrained but a cpu hitter. In my case playing alot of bf4 it usually runs at about 50% usage on the main core and occasionally hits the others. However going to the 970 allowed me to completely max out all the graphics settings when I used to run them at high-occasional-medium, and still get higher frame rates at the same cpu use. So previously when I would be at 45-65fps I can now hit 80-120fps at even higher settings

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Do you have any fairly recent games that you could try or even some demos just to see the pc load while they are running? I recently upgraded my 660 to a 970 and that basically doubled the gpu performance. However it will not really decrease cpu load. Im currently on a 2600k so for now thats not particularly a bottleneck but same as you I figured the 970 would be transferable to a new rig in a few years and still be quite usable

I would google around for bottleneck questions since that was one of the things I did before doing that upgrade. I actually just found one with the same specs as you asking if it would bottleneck it:

I found a few others and many said as of now the 950 isnt a bottleneck, but OC'ing it could help.

It really depends on the game though and how cpu dependent they are. I.e. civ5 isnt going to change one bit since its not gpu constrained but a cpu hitter. In my case playing alot of bf4 it usually runs at about 50% usage on the main core and occasionally hits the others. However going to the 970 allowed me to completely max out all the graphics settings when I used to run them at high-occasional-medium, and still get higher frame rates at the same cpu use. So previously when I would be at 45-65fps I can now hit 80-120fps at even higher settings
I have The Evil Within PC. I have tried the Demo - and it runs horribly in 1080p. Think 20 frames per second and below.

I haven't touched Wolf TNO PC yet.

I have The Evil Within PC. I have tried the Demo - and it runs horribly in 1080p. Think 20 frames per second and below.

I haven't touched Wolf TNO PC yet.
When is the last time you tried The Evil Within? I don't know if they updated the demo, but the December update for the full game greatly increases FPS.

Yeah, I was trying to avoid getting into a bigger discussion but for the time and effort required to setup a new system I really didn't want to bother with some short-term solution. Also I wasn't seeing any deals that were well-eff-it attractive. Nice deal! Microcenter?
Yup. I'm only around a Microcenter when I'm at my parents' place for visits, and it just happened to line up that I was there when Microcenter had a really nice deal--got new parts for the HTPC at the same time, which was the main reason I headed to Microcenter in the first place. Agreed on not necessarily wanting to do a whole build just for a stop-gap, but the deal was too good to pass up and I rather wanted the RAM upgrade, the extra SATA ports, and the ability to handle hard drives larger than 2 TB.

That sounds remarkably similar to my shitty setup. Athlon II X4, AM2+ board, even the 4GB DDR2 ram. :oops:

Needless to say, I need an update, but it's not gonna be cheap...if I get a new CPU I'll probably need a new power supply and a new motherboard, which in turn means I'll also need to buy new RAM. Oy. At least my graphics card and hard drives are half-decent.
Hardly shitty. Those X4s and AM2 held up an awfully long time. They still are mostly viable.

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