Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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25 (100%)
Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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I totally forgot I bought hunie pop last night. fucking rum....
I don't point very often but what the fuck is wrong with you people. It's a match 3 with anime girls moaning the whole time. I googled this just to catch up on Hunie Pop.

I think you guys just got Honey Dicked.


dUpLicity ~Beyond the Lies~ Broken Caps Lock Edition keys are up on Groupees in whatever bundle it was in.

I wasn't paying attention.

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Wow that hunipop live research video was ummm...yeah....someone liked it was funny in some ways.
Somehow I imagine that he segued those horrid pickup lines into 'So, uh, hey. I've got this acting job. And it doesn't pay much, okay it doesn't pay at all, but you can put it up on IMDB!'

Somehow I imagine that he segued those horrid pickup lines into 'So, uh, hey. I've got this acting job. And it doesn't pay much, okay it doesn't pay at all, but you can put it up on IMDB!'
Or as soon as they found out "hey, i'm an indie game developer...want to see the awesome game i'm making?" that it didn't last too long

or maybe he entered relationships with multiple ones in the video and a few of them found out and the dialogue is direct quotes from when they confronted each other

As creepy and gross as Hunie Pop is, it's still not as horrifying as Asagao Academy, aka the game where you date youtubers, which was just greenlit.

Suddenly Hatoful Boyfriend doesn't seem so weird...I'd much rather  fuck a pigeon than JonTron.

Planetary Annihilation is $6 now? Sucks to the be the people who paid $90 for it when it was half done.

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No bundle I can see, and nobody in my lists owns it (which includes some whales). Looks like you're supposed to get an extra for pre-ordering, and one guy even got 3, supposedly.
Thanks for the info! A friend gave me the game, and I forgot. But he reminded me as nice as could be that I was an ungrateful, forgetful poopy-head. :ziplip:


has there ever been a game with a celebrity in it that wasn't plain laughable. not that i can think of any of the top of my head anyway.
Catch Mother fuck er:

Ummm...ok...maybe not the best example but I would go to see MC Mickey Rourke do his Rogue Warrior set....

Planetary Annihilation is $6 now? Sucks to the be the people who paid $90 for it when it was half done.
And it is done now? There wasn't a lot of unsolved bugs? And it seems now they moved to another project. Don't know if is worth buying this one
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Other thoughts on the Animu sale.

Activision really has their butt cheeks clenched tight on that Korra price.

Cherry, who you kiddin with that 20% off? Even Activistion did better than that.

Other thoughts on the Animu sale.
This sale just seems to confirm that 66% off is the new 75% off....not that we needed additional confirmation of that...was going to pick up Ys 1 & 2 and the other Ys play right, just kidding....for the backlog...ah well....

As creepy and gross as Hunie Pop is, it's still not as horrifying as Asagao Academy, aka the game where you date youtubers, which was just greenlit.

Suddenly Hatoful Boyfriend doesn't seem so weird...I'd much rather fuck a pigeon than JonTron.
Brah who wouldn't want to date JonTron....lots of gaming fun ahead!

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Zayre is clearancing all their Colecovision games and I got the manager at Best Buy to price match
Heh, so [customspoiler=about that Colecovision price match]

This sale just seems to confirm that 66% off is the new 75% off....not that we needed additional confirmation of that...was going to pick up Ys 1 & 2 and the other Ys play right, just kidding....for the backlog...ah well....
Those Ys games are probably the best deal of the Anime sale for those who don't have them honestly, but I know CAGs would rather give themselves an enema than pay $1.35 more than the lowest price to date.

Otherwise Hate Plus is a good deal at 75% off if you like your visual novels less skank ho and more political discourse. I don't think Christine Love is too keen on bundling again. In fact I think she prefers to be more the indiest of indies.

Edited to add[customspoiler=my Hate Plus review]

This is the sequel to Analogue: A Hate Story which was a politically charged tale wrapped in the framework of a science fiction visual novel complete with cute Anime companions.

You don't need to have played Analogue to play Hate Plus but I would strongly recommend doing so as it gives you context for what happened to the world the AI came from and in particular really goes into depth about the character Hyun-ae.

Where the first game was Hyun-ae's story, this game is Mute's story. It's just as politically charged, probably even more so, and deals with the biggest mystery from Analogue, which was how a modern society reverted to conservative Neo-Confucianism ideals. If you're not familiar with Asian culture at all the nearest Western equivalent I can think of would probably be The Handmaid's Tale. This game deals with the events that lead up to that big change.

If it sounds serious, it is. And it isn't. It's all told through the personal journals and political council meeting minutes. In particular there several different people whose stories you follow over a series of years and get to see how the subtle and not so subtle changes to their society affect them.

There are also some really fun, light hearted moments with the AI companions including one where you are asked to bake a cake. In real life with a real recipe and then further are encouraged to take a picture of your cake with your companion and send it to the developer to get an achievement. It's all real and I have the achievement to prove it. It was a refreshingly fun meta moment to the game and there are a few others as well like a when the AI cheekily break the fourth wall at rare moments.

There are three main paths which in turn lead to multiple different endings depending on the choices you made. While the texts you read through are the same, the tone and the events that happen with your AI companion(s) are completely different so it really is worth playing through each of the 3 paths at least once.

The game takes place what's supposed to be a small spaceship that you, the space investigator, are on with your AI companion on a 3 day trip back to Earth where you both try to piece together the mystery of the Mugunghwa (the ship that Analogue took place on).

Each path is divided into 3 days where on each day you can only extract a certain number of logs before the ships battery is drained and needs to be recharged requiring you to wait 12 hours. So yes the game does ask you to play the game in installments over the course of 3 days. However there is a way out where once you power down and save you can hover your mouse over that save file, hit the 'S' key and then continue. Note if you do this you cannot get one of the achievements though.

Another alternative is to play day 1 of one path, then day 1 of the other, then day 1 of the 3rd, then 12 hours+ later do day 2 path 1, day 2 path 2 etc. This is what I ended up doing. I think it works well and gives a nice immediate contrast between the differing paths.

One of the changes in Hate Plus is you now get hyper links when people's names are mentioned that gives an image (in realistic art style) of the person with a commentary description from the AI. This made a big difference for me personally as I not only was able to keep track of the names better but also felt like I connected with them more.

Another change is that the AI are reading the logs in Hate Plus for the first time along with you and you get their reactions and commentary that really run the gamut. Even when going back through the documents you already read for the other paths you'll want to scroll through all of it to get the AI reactions because they do differ for each path.

If you do all the paths the game should take somewhere between 9-12 hours, which may vary depending upon how slow/fast of a reader you are, how much time you spend to stop and bake a cake, etc.

Overall I would highly recommend Hate Plus to anyone who enjoyed Analogue, has in interest in visual novels or is just looking for a strongly story oriented game.

TL;DR - I liked it.
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You know, for a guy who doesn't even like anime, it's shocking how many of those games that I already own.

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I Drabelincoln'd the Witcher 3 from a commie awhile ago. I can't wait to see it sitting in my backlog.
I'll just wait and spoder it, unless I run out of games in my backlog.


Except this is MysterD and he's all about that free, bout that free, No DRM.

But backlogging DRM free games is essentially like just not downloading them on torrent sites.

Bite your tongue! I love me some Shannon Tweed's Attack of the Groupees.

redeemed by some ungrateful asshats

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