Steam Deals Thread V13 ~ Star Wars Empire at War $6.80 | The Legend of Korra $10.04 | Red Faction Guerrilla $2.99 |

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Summer sale has come and gone; welcome to the Steam Deals Thread V13!
Stop: Before you go any further be sure you are using Enhanced Steam. It will save you a lot of time and embarrassment in the future.
Daily Deal
Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition - $19.99 $6.80

Yesterday's Deal


Midweek Madness
The Legend of Korra - $14.99 $10.04

Red Faction - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction II - $9.99 $1.49
Red Faction Armageddon - $19.99 $2.99
Red Faction Guerrilla - $19.99 $2.99 
Thanks to EastX, Detruire, Psydero, and everyone else that has contributed to the thread!

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Oh, wait.

Looks like they did remove the Nazis from Zombie Army after all. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Rebellion.

Consoles are way too closed of a gaming platform to suit me.

My current PC (Bloomfield i7 950; 1 GB VRAM of GF 560 Ti; 16 GB RAM; Win 7 64-bit OS) can still run many games in 1080p at graphical settings that are better than what the hell those consoles are putting out. Good luck finding a game on a X360 running at that resolution. Hell, good luck w/ finding even many XB1 games running at 1080p in most instances, for that matter!

I like being able to flip graphics bells + whistles to suit the way that I want things to look + run, which suits what my PC can handle + also what I think is suitable for me.

And if I do need to upgrade my PC or build a PC to handle something - hell, that can be done. Consoles - nope, fixed box. If a game runs poorly or doesn't look that great on a console - you are stuck w/ what you got.

Being a PC gamer from the FPS era of the mid-to-late 1990's, I am not very fond of playing shooters like Borderlands 2 w/ a gamepad, either. Give me KB-mouse.

This discussion could get way more long-winded if I get into modding, my increasing PC Windows game-library since 1995, and other things - so, I'll stop here for now.
shouldnt your pc be better if you want to play things in a higher res than last gen consoles play them though

or do you like to make your games look worse than console games?

It looks like the Indie Gala store has Deadbreed for FREE again.

Little helpful hint for y'all. Deadbreed was kind of a pain to idle for without idle master. The launch menu program would close down after an hour or so if you didn't advance past it in that time. And it took like 4 hours to get all the cards. So I kept coming back expecting all the cards to have dropped only to discover that the frickin' thing shut itself off.

Deadbreed is the game that finally made me use idle master, as I wasn't about to go through that again when idling the game on my alt. So I guess, thanks Deadbreed...?

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It looks like the Indie Gala store has Deadbreed for FREE again.

Little helpful hint for y'all. Deadbreed was kind of a pain to idle for without idle master. The launch menu program would close down after an hour or so if you didn't advance past it in that time. And it took like 4 hours to get all the cards. So I kept coming back expecting all the cards to have dropped only to discover that the frickin' thing shut itself off.

It's the game that finally made me use idle master, as I wasn't about to go through that again when idling the game on my alt. So I guess, thanks Deadbreed...?
It's about damn time

shouldnt your pc be better if you want to play things in a higher res than last gen consoles play them though

or do you like to make your games look worse than console games?
Last-gen consoles (XB360 + PS3) weren't running very many games at a native 1080p. That was one of the purposes of the XB1 + PS4: to run most games at a native 1080p, even though they still often ain't hitting 1080p on XB1.

I run most of my recent PC games here at 1080p. The only very recent one I really tried that I can't run here at 1080p is The Evil Within - and that was the Demo. I haven't tried the full-version yet - namely b/c I have thought that it might be better to possibly wait on playing this one until I buy a new video-card.

Speaking of which, how's everyone coming along on those RPG Maker epics since we got all that Humble?
I didn't get the Humble and it lost the community vote so Age of Dragons: Investigation is suffering some delays. We're taking the opportunity though to write some new dialogue where Lily Anna calls Josie Fiend a "Ho skank".

Edit: Don't worry about this delaying our Greenlight submission. We have a Youtube cinematic clip largely unrelated to the game and a list of upcoming features ready to go. I'm thinking we probably qualify for Early Access.

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Isn't a 3 on Gamespot like a 7 everywhere else?
A 3 on gamespot means they weren't getting paid by the publisher to "review" it.
I typically don't get knee-jerk reaction when it comes to score. Just read through the review and see if it is justified or not. Korra is pretty generic though and like most licensed video game, it is pretty bland (just like the Amazing Spiderman 2)

Last-gen consoles (XB360 + PS3) weren't running very many games at a native 1080p. That was one of the purposes of the XB1 + PS4: to run most games at a native 1080p, even though they still often ain't hitting 1080p on XB1.

I run most of my recent PC games here at 1080p. The only very recent one I really tried that I can't run here at 1080p is The Evil Within - and that was the Demo. I haven't tried the full-version yet - namely b/c I have thought that it might be better to possibly wait on playing this one until I buy a new video-card.
well, Red Dead Redemption won't run 1080P even on PC. That game code was so buggy and messy that porting it to PC doesn't worth the effort. I read some time ago that the developer rather make RDR2 for PC than porting that mess.

a part of me has died ever since that news

Speaking of which, how's everyone coming along on those RPG Maker epics since we got all that Humble?
I actually have a little draft story written up in my head for an adventure game, but AGS is ... unintuitive, to say the least. And its localization support is ... disgraceful.

Speaking of which, how's everyone coming along on those RPG Maker epics since we got all that Humble?
I was actually well into the concept of Erection Quest, but then all that stupid gamergate shit went down and then I realized I'd look like some anti-female asshole if I ever released it so it got scratched.

Jesus H Christ people. HELLO THIS IS NOT EUROPE (unless you live in Europe, in which case you should really go here instead, you'll be right at home)

Madjoki being the scheisty pimp he is who never gets anything on the up and up pre-ordered it from some schiestery grey market euro key seller who gets their keys from opening up boxes that the Russian mafia strong armed from some Babushka Babbages.

Obviously, no one, even Blizzard, could pull off requiring American PC gamers to have a god damned disc in their computer. The outrage over that would be enormous.

Now you better believe it will have Rockstar social and probably some shitty Securom or something like that too, but this ain't Europe. We're modern and civilized for god's sake. okay maybe not MysterD and his discs but that's the exception.
I didn't preorder it :p.

Obviously only boxed versions require disc, but it means that, you can't get cheaper physical copy and activate on steam :(

... really, Rebellion?

Zombie Army Trilogy is up for preorder on Steam.

It's part 3 but it also includes "remastered" versions of Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1 and 2. You get 30% off if you own one of those, or 60% off if you own two.

Must Resist buying remastered edition of Game I have and never played. Gaaaaaaaa!!

As creepy and gross as Hunie Pop is, it's still not as horrifying as Asagao Academy, aka the game where you date youtubers, which was just greenlit.

Suddenly Hatoful Boyfriend doesn't seem so weird...I'd much rather fuck a pigeon than JonTron.
I must be watching a different Youtube... because I don't recognize any of those hipsters.

Finalized Steam controller to be revealed in early March at GDC, reportedly. Bring it!!
um yeah, so finalized they couldn't take a photo of it? whatev


Looks interesting

Why Dragons?

We think dragons today are suffering from a substantial image problem. While popular media usually credits them as the amazing and powerful creatures they are, too often are they also depicted as being stereotypically evil or uncaring. Our aim is to show the world that dragons are people too. They think, speak, experience happiness and pain and can also be gentle and loving as well.


Looks interesting

Why Dragons?

We think dragons today are suffering from a substantial image problem. While popular media usually credits them as the amazing and powerful creatures they are, too often are they also depicted as being stereotypically evil or uncaring. Our aim is to show the world that dragons are people too. They think, speak, experience happiness and pain and can also be gentle and loving as well.


Spent about 80 hours making one then gave up. Balancing combat is too hard.
You could employ some modern game design and make it too-hard-to-fail.
Or just get rid of the combat and make it an arty farty pixelated walking sim about feelings and stuff.

Looks interesting

Why Dragons?

We think dragons today are suffering from a substantial image problem. While popular media usually credits them as the amazing and powerful creatures they are, too often are they also depicted as being stereotypically evil or uncaring. Our aim is to show the world that dragons are people too. They think, speak, experience happiness and pain and can also be gentle and loving as well.
Nice try but after pigeon fucking that seems too normal.

I was actually well into the concept of Erection Quest, but then all that stupid gamergate shit went down and then I realized I'd look like some anti-female asshole if I ever released it so it got scratched.
They make creams for an itchy erection . . . talk to your local pharmacist. Or better yet, whip it out and show them!

Full disclosure: I don't like furry shit. It really creeps me the fuck out.
That being said, if you're going to go furry (or scaly :razz:) but you aren't going to be kinky what the hell's the point?
If people want PG furry they can always watch the Carebears.
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I think some people were afraid that SAM would get them banned if valve started to check for it with VAC, whereas Idle Master isn't as much of a target.
Does Steam really consider them as different things? Is IM not considered a "cheating" device by Valve because it can't manipulate 'chieves?

In any case, I think people just aren't afraid to use IM due to so many already adopting SAM and having had zero issues. Hell, I haven't seen any SAM "is this illegal :0" discussions anywhere ever since I first started using it a year or two ago, when such threads were easy to find.

I think some people were afraid that SAM would get them banned if valve started to check for it with VAC, whereas Idle Master isn't as much of a target.
Tin Foil.

There's only a few bundle fodder games that even have VAC enabled and those are kind of obvious like Killing Floor and Dungeon Defenders. Even then there's no evidence VAC even checks for SAM which is an achievement cheating tool, not something to give an unfair advantage in a multiplayer against other users. I've also never seen any claims that anyone has ever been VAC banned for using SAM. That bit on Rick's (the SAM developer) page is just there to cover his ass.

There's a much greater chance that someone would try to tell on people and report them than there is of getting noticed using SAM through VAC, but even then I find it unlikely that Valve gives a shit enough about people shortcutting idling cards when they can just leave the damned game running at the config or title screen anyway to amount to the same thing. You can't make people play a game and it's not harming anyone else if they don't.

Also Idlemaster does exactly what SAM does but just automates it. So if they really were looking for the one, which is extremely unlikely, they'd be looking for the other. If anything, I've heard more people blabbering about Idlemaster over at various forums than I have SAM so it seems to me IM would be the one to draw more attention if they were going to worry about it.

Ultimately, I think it's silly to worry about either, but whatever lets people sleep at night.

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Looks interesting

Why Dragons?

We think dragons today are suffering from a substantial image problem. While popular media usually credits them as the amazing and powerful creatures they are, too often are they also depicted as being stereotypically evil or uncaring. Our aim is to show the world that dragons are people too. They think, speak, experience happiness and pain and can also be gentle and loving as well.

I cant show this to my daughter... She got upset in Inquisition when the baby dragons showed up during the mommy dragon scripted encounter....

Hmm a lot of visual novels in this sale which i dont really play. One thing though, i see trails in the sky up for sale again. Has this game ever been more than 50% off? I keep passing because ive never seen it beyond 50%. Im in no rush to grab it since i have it on psp, but id like a PC version too. Its a measaly 30% this time but im just curious if i should just get it nxt time its 50% or if its ever been more than that

Also guess i dont own Y's origin. Is that worth snagging at just 66% off?

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