STEAM Early Holiday Sale


Monday's Deals
The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition: $2.49
Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena: $9.99
Quantz: $2.00
Mirror's Edge: $5.00
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood: $20.99
Evil Genius: $2.49
Section 8: $24.99
Dawn of Discovery: $34.99



Sunday's Deals
Eve Online Apocrypha: $4.99
Battlefield 2 Complete Collection: $14.99
Lucidity: $2.49
Trackmania United Forever: $14.99
Prince of Persia (2008): $14.99
World of Goo: $4.99
Guild Wars Trilogy: $24.99

Saturday's Deals
City of Heroes: Architect Edition: $9.99
Ghostbusters: $9.99
Borderlands: $33.49
Resident Evil 5: $24.99
Left 4 Dead: $7.49
Spore: $19.99
Order of War: $9.99
Trine: $9.99

Friday's Deals
Mini Ninja's: $14.99
Cities XL Limited Edition: $24.99
Majesty 2: $9.99
Madballs in Babo: Invasion: $2.00
Left 4 Dead 2: $37.49
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: $2.49
Dead Space: $14.99

Thursday's Deals
Dragon Age: Origins: $37.49
Dragon Age: Origins Digital Deluxe Edition: $48.50
Batman: Arkham Asylum: $24.99
GRID: $7.49
Fallen Earth: $24.99
Far Cry 2 Fortunes Edition: $9.99
Champions Online: $19.99
Osmos: $2.00
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I loved the sale. I didn't get something every day but I'm really happy with what I did end up buying. Mirror's Edge is a great buy for five dollars and the game doesn't overstay its welcome and lasts about 8-10 hours. I already own everything I would want on sale today.
[quote name='turls']Did that many people really miss the deal where you named your own price on World of Goo for a DRM free copy?[/QUOTE]

Apparently. I'm not sure how - it was about a two week sale and was all over CAG, Kotaku, Joystiq, Reddit, Digg, and pretty much every gaming or tech related website - but they did.
I wonder how many people are kicking themselves for buying Riddick and Company of Heroes from the D2D sale a few months ago instead of waiting for them to get cheap on Steam. I know I am :(
Going to get Mirror's Edge, I had originally planned at getting it at launch but canceled my preorder when the PC version was delayed and never bought it. Well I guess time to pick it up :)
I picked up Mirror's Edge for the PC a month or so ago on DVD from Amazon for pretty cheap. I didn't think I would enjoy it, but it is quite fun. Only a little ways into it but I've enjoyed it so far. Definitely worth the $5.00 on steam.

Finally bit on the THQ deal, haven't played Saints Row II and wanted the Dawn of War games, so $50 seemed like a deal.
Steam will not let me buy these, even after using two different cards and after multiple, multiple tries. Crazy.
Well with today's list, I either already have it, don't want it, or it's too expensive.

All Told I ended up getting:

[quote name='xTraPointLess']I was hoping for Torchlight as well, along with Trine. Those THQ and LucasArts packs are just sick though. Phenomenal deals.[/QUOTE]

Trine was on the list, I believe 2 days ago.
I was hoping for Batman: AA, Trine, Mirrors Edge, and Torchlight to go on sale. 3 out of 4 isn't bad. I also picked up Osmos and Secret of Monkey Island (even though I already have it on 360), just because they were so cheap.
[quote name='Sito']These deals today made me a little sad, was really hoping for torchlight dammit[/QUOTE]
same, we can hope for it in the christmas deals
Well, I managed to hold off for most of the weekend, but I ended up biting on the THQ pack today. It's just too good a deal to pass up, particularly since I didn't have ANY of the games. Red Faction and Dawn of War were what convinced me, but I'll probably have tons of fun with Saint's Row 2 also (I actually loved the first one for 360).

I also got Osmos for $2 the other day. It looked interesting, although I've not played it yet.

I am sad I was out of town on Kotor day, but I beat it on Xbox 3-4 times already so I suppose I can save my $2.50.

I am still thinking about Mirror's Edge and / or Evil Genius, but I've got a ton of unplayed stuff at the moment, so I may just hold off. I'm sure this isn't the last steam sale I'll be interested in.

P.S. Torchlight is fantastic. It's well worth $20.
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[quote name='Substandard']
P.S. Torchlight is fantastic. It's well worth $20.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, bought it just a couple of days before the sale because I was not expecting any deals on it anytime soon. Then when this sale came out of nowhere I was kicking myself since I expected it to go for $15 like on D2D but it didn't happen. Great game in any case and definitely great value at $20.
[quote name='cornyt']Steam will not let me buy these, even after using two different cards and after multiple, multiple tries. Crazy.[/QUOTE]

Is this your first time using the cards with steam? If so make sure your address is EXACTLY how it appears on cc statement. Steam wouldn't let me buy anything until I had my apartment slightly different from that on my statement.
[quote name='csalzman']I was hoping for Batman: AA, Trine, Mirrors Edge, and Torchlight to go on sale. 3 out of 4 isn't bad. I also picked up Osmos and Secret of Monkey Island (even though I already have it on 360), just because they were so cheap.[/QUOTE]
Batman was on sale for $25 for Wed. and Thurs.
[quote name='xTraPointLess']Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :oops:[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it will make a comeback in just a month for the post christmas sale. Relax.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Is Torchlight like, seriously the only game people want or something? Jeez.[/QUOTE]
wow i just watched, is it like diablo!!! Oooo it looks good, how did i skip this?
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Is Torchlight like, seriously the only game people want or something? Jeez.[/QUOTE]

No, but it seems to be the major game everyone wanted that Steam didn't put on sale. Maybe a weekend deal.
[quote name='EliotAndrews']Perhaps I was wrong about Mirror's Edge, judging by the feedback. Should I take the plunge for $5?[/QUOTE]
The game is not worth full price, but $5? Definitely.
[quote name='EliotAndrews']Perhaps I was wrong about Mirror's Edge, judging by the feedback. Should I take the plunge for $5?[/QUOTE]

Absolutely. I don't know why people say it's not a good game. Despite that I had work I should've been doing, I still played through it, ended up beating it in one day. It's short, but it's a good length for the kind of game they're giving you, and it's really fun.

It's certainly not worth $50...far too short for that. But $5?
I picked up Mirrors Edge for $5, it seems a little tough on my system running at around 38 to 50 fps at 1280 x 800 with Very High and 4XAA. Overall well worth $5.

2.8 GHZ Core 2 Duo
4GB DDR2 800
ATI Radeon 4670 with 512MB GDDR 4
Win 7 64
Bought L4D2 at Gamestop for $30 and just bit on the Monkey Island deal. Missed everything else I wanted. Valve is making me not mind having my Xbox be broken.
[quote name='Baron O Hell']Is this your first time using the cards with steam? If so make sure your address is EXACTLY how it appears on cc statement. Steam wouldn't let me buy anything until I had my apartment slightly different from that on my statement.[/QUOTE]

No, but I'll definitely doublecheck. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.
[quote name='DigitalFirefly']So the big sale starts tomorrow right?[/QUOTE] :whistle2:s

The "big sale" begins the day after Christmas, or did last year.
Mirror's Edge wasn't anything spectacular... a flatly average game. I thought the platforming was awful, to be honest. But it is cool enough that you'd be a fool to pass on it for $5.
[quote name='cornyt']No, but I'll definitely doublecheck. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated.[/QUOTE]

Steam gave me an error as well but then I was able to try again and it worked. I know in the forums many people were having problems checking out today, so I don't think it's just you or your card. They having overload or something haha
[quote name='aznguyen316']Steam gave me an error as well but then I was able to try again and it worked. I know in the forums many people were having problems checking out today, so I don't think it's just you or your card. They having overload or something haha[/QUOTE]

Worked finally.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Bought Monkey Island. When I get a netbook I imagine myself playing this whilst at college. :p[/QUOTE]

The system requirements are actually somewhat demanding. A lot of people had performance issues trying to run it on a laptop.
Torchlight is on sale for $10 at right now, but I'd really like to buy it at that price from Steam instead. As someone mentioned earlier, I guess I'll just have to try and hold out for a weekend deal somewhere down the line.
[quote name='PikaPichu']Torchlight is on sale for $10 at right now, but I'd really like to buy it at that price from Steam instead. As someone mentioned earlier, I guess I'll just have to try and hold out for a weekend deal somewhere down the line.[/QUOTE]

Bah, figures. I would kill to have Torchlight at $10 on Steam. I have absolutely no problem paying full price because it's a fantastic game but $10 would be amazing. I'm hoping Steam puts it on sale for the last day of their promotion, assuming today isn't the last day. I did bite on Secret of Monkey Island, however. Can't pass up the chance to relive a classic like that for $2.50. That's less than the damn soda I bought at the airport today.
Got Mirror's Edge. Can't decide if Monkey island and evil genius are worth it for $4.98 especially when i got an epic game(KOTOR) for like $2.50. Anyone have opinions about it??
[quote name='paradise2894']Can't decide if Monkey island and evil genius are worth it for $4.98 especially when i got an epic game(KOTOR) for like $2.50. Anyone have opinions about it??[/QUOTE]

Same question, I'm mildly interested in these two games.
Monkey Island is a pretty famous game I'm wondering why, and Evil Genius sounds pretty interesting
bread's done