Street Fighter IV - Gen Discussion & Info

[quote name='mike.m']I downloaded the new costume pack. I'm such a sucker...

Btw, where the fuck is my Balrog gamerpic for SF4! :bomb:[/quote]

Since i use Sakura a lot, i downloaded the beauty pack. I know i could get the cheaper all in one pack if i waited, but this is like the only pack i really wanted. Plus i can still buy the all in one pack and it would be cheaper than buying each one separately.
[quote name='Mindzeye82']Rose's ultra us deadly. It will hit as long as the person is within range, regardless of what they are doing.[/QUOTE]

Well yea, makes up for her weak combos. Is blockable but does take priority over all other Ultras and pretty much everything else, with the possible exception of Sagats if he starts it from within range, and if you jump too early it'll still get you on the way down. That and it covers half the screen.

[quote name='The 7th Number']Plus i can still buy the all in one pack and it would be cheaper than buying each one separately.[/QUOTE]

I never saw any mention of this, link?
I have the PS3 version sealed still, but I hear the 360 has better visuals and online play (don't count controls, since I only use analog sticks). Should I swap out the PS3 for the 360?
depends which system ure friends bought the game for. I bought it for 360 so i could play online w/ the same people i played HDR with.

I am sure there online and graphics are almost identical...just depends what system u wanna have fun on :)
Man, I think I am going to have to take a break from this. Getting burned out from playing it non stop. Also, vsing Kens all day really brought me down.

L4D update just went live so I can be on something else for a week.
I fought some players using quite a few different characters today. I'm up to 1600ish BPs. Actually just a few below Jekki right now, who is tops on my friends list currently. :)

So true. In the last 4 days i played only for about 4 hours. Definitely played hardcore those first few days. Dont think im gonna touch it wanna play a little tomorrow so im not too horrible for the cag tourney.
Yea I've been mixing it up with some L4D and Rock Band, still over 30 hours. Working on some templates for various people has been nice change up as well.
[quote name='mike.m']I fought some players using quite a few different characters today. I'm up to 1600ish BPs. Actually just a few below Jekki right now, who is tops on my friends list currently. :)[/quote]

Woah... I need to start playing online, I'm way behind with a total 0 bp...
[quote name='TruVisionary']Woah... I need to start playing online, I'm way behind with a total 0 bp...[/quote]

I play a lot of player matches and friends online. I just wanted to build up some BPs for the hell of it.
What keeps me coming back is the variety of the competition - yesterday I had my ass handed to me in about 10 straight matches before I won a handful and gave up. Today - I went 8-2 (approx). The give and take is what keeps me coming back for more.

Also, the learning process. When I lose, I can now tell why I lost and where I should have changed my strategy to win. That is makes this a really amazing game. It's actually led me to buy some replacement parts for the SE stick (like an octagon restrcitor plate so I can do QCF when I'm facing right)
Here is a list of my current trials. Maybe you guys can explaine to me what im not doing right with some of the characters, which i left notes under each players name that im having trouble with.

N = Normal Trials
H = Hard Trials
F = Finished all levels of Trials

N - H - Fighter
F - 2 - Ryu
N: Cant connect focus attack and solar plexus strike
4 - 1 - Ken
3 - 1 - Chun Li
N: 3/5 Cant do the HP>HP into D+MK x3. She never jumps on his head.
H: 4th LP wont reach
4 - 1 - E.Honda
4 - 2 - Blanka
F - 1 - Zangief
4 - 1 - Guile
3 - 1 - Dhalsim
4 - 1 - Balrog
2 - 1 - Vega
F - 3 - Sagat
4 - 1 - Bison
4 - 2 - C.Viper
4 - 2 - Rufus
3 - 1 - El Fuerte
3 - 1 - Abel
F - 3 - Sakura
F - 1 - Dan
4 - 1 - Rose
H: Wont do light soul spiral from crouch position
2 - 1 - Gen
H: HK>HK into D+MK. He wont even kick the guy twice.
4 - 1 - Cammy
4 - 1 - Fei Long
4 - 1 - Akuma
3 - 1 - Gouken
4 - 2 - Seth
N: Sonic boom wont register no matter how fast i do it.
H: Light shoryuken into Yosokyaku, another one of those hit then jump on head moves that wont work.
Woo broke 500 for the first time, make that 600 now. Never really done good with defensive characters like Guile in the past but I'm controlling matches against the many Ken/Ryu/Balrogs so far. I love reversal Sham-wow when someone's trying to catch you standing up. 5 straight ranked wins finally.

There really needs to be something that punishes quitters in ranked. I don't care if I don't get points but they need to lose double what they would normally.
[quote name='amusedtoe']Woo broke 500 for the first time, make that 600 now. Never really done good with defensive characters like Guile in the past but I'm controlling matches against the many Ken/Ryu/Balrogs so far. I love reversal Sham-wow when someone's trying to catch you standing up. 5 straight ranked wins finally.

There really needs to be something that punishes quitters in ranked. I don't care if I don't get points but they need to lose double what they would normally.[/QUOTE]

I lost alot of points two nights ago. I even dipped below 1000 BP. i guess it what i guess for choosing more skilled search and getting guys WAYY above me. well i got good practice out of it and slowly building back to 1000. GAWD I SUCK! but i still profess that Gief is mad fun.
[quote name='amusedtoe']Woo broke 500 for the first time, make that 600 now. Never really done good with defensive characters like Guile in the past but I'm controlling matches against the many Ken/Ryu/Balrogs so far. I love reversal Sham-wow when someone's trying to catch you standing up. 5 straight ranked wins finally.

There really needs to be something that punishes quitters in ranked. I don't care if I don't get points but they need to lose double what they would normally.[/quote]

Punishing Balrog? Blasphemy. You aren't playing the right ones. :)
[quote name='Rodimus']Anyone wanna play? I'm up for a few games right now. I don't have a headset so I can't chat.[/quote]

I just got off the game, buT i can jump back on if you want.
Well yea they weren't the best I played, but if I remember correctly I beat your Balrog. ;)

I like how I'm searching higher and 4 out of 5 people have had 0 points.
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[quote name='amusedtoe']Well yea they weren't the best I played, but if I remember correctly I beat your Balrog. ;)

I like how I'm searching higher and 4 out of 5 people have had 0 points.[/quote]

Higher? As in skill? I don't care, I search for stability. I can't stand getting in super laggy games. Its not worth it.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Here is a list of my current trials. Maybe you guys can explaine to me what im not doing right with some of the characters, which i left notes under each players name that im having trouble with.

N = Normal Trials
H = Hard Trials
F = Finished all levels of Trials

N - H - Fighter
F - 2 - Ryu
N: Cant connect focus attack and solar plexus strike
4 - 1 - Ken
3 - 1 - Chun Li
N: 3/5 Cant do the HP>HP into D+MK x3. She never jumps on his head.
H: 4th LP wont reach
4 - 1 - E.Honda
4 - 2 - Blanka
F - 1 - Zangief
4 - 1 - Guile
3 - 1 - Dhalsim
4 - 1 - Balrog
2 - 1 - Vega
F - 3 - Sagat
4 - 1 - Bison
4 - 2 - C.Viper
4 - 2 - Rufus
3 - 1 - El Fuerte
3 - 1 - Abel
F - 3 - Sakura
F - 1 - Dan
4 - 1 - Rose
H: Wont do light soul spiral from crouch position
2 - 1 - Gen
H: HK>HK into D+MK. He wont even kick the guy twice.
4 - 1 - Cammy
4 - 1 - Fei Long
4 - 1 - Akuma
3 - 1 - Gouken
4 - 2 - Seth
N: Sonic boom wont register no matter how fast i do it.
H: Light shoryuken into Yosokyaku, another one of those hit then jump on head moves that wont work.

You need to dash out of the focus attack recovery (not a dash cancel), and then solar plexus strike will land.

Seths sonic boom is qfc p.

Are you trying the jump on head moves in the corner?
I almost feel bad playing these scrubby Ken/Ryus. Just Soul Sparked the last one to death and that was it because he just sat there and jumped towards me so I hit him. Then he went back to the corner and jumped at me again so I shot him again. That's all it was for two rounds. I may lose to other things but beat the wonder twins easily at least.
[quote name='amusedtoe']I almost feel bad playing these scrubby Ken/Ryus. Just Soul Sparked the last one to death and that was it because he just sat there and jumped towards me so I hit him. Then he went back to the corner and jumped at me again so I shot him again. That's all it was for two rounds. I may lose to other things but beat the wonder twins easily at least.[/quote]

I still get some good players. I just don't have much luck with latency if I'm not getting better ping games. Even searching on stability I'll get dudes from foreign countries where its so laggy that I hold up to jump and next thing I know I've jumped twice backwards.
Yea, and they never seem to lag as bad as you do so they're still stringing together combos no problem. I just fought another Rose it was kind of crazy.
[quote name='heavyd853']You need to dash out of the focus attack recovery (not a dash cancel), and then solar plexus strike will land.

Seths sonic boom is qfc p.

Are you trying the jump on head moves in the corner?[/quote]

Usually i try to do the moves in the corner. I still dont get cancels. This game doesnt teach you anything. Its just like, here are the moves, do them.
I have had severe Nat issues since the new system update, so I put myself outside of my router today, and FINALLY fought people online. I can only fight people if they hit me while playing arcade mode or if I create a match though, and god is it laggy.

Soooo soooooooooo laggy.....
I'm liking Rose a lot. I'm still not that great with her but having good success and just need to work out stringing moves together more. Just played 16 games and after being 3-3 fell to 3-8 but managed to finish up 8-8 so I'm happy.
Still struggling with that joystick. I lost 8 straight with cammy because I kept messing up her moves - I finally switched over to my fightpad out of frustration and won 4 before quitting. I need some serious practice with the sticks
In honor of Street Fighter IV's release, I hooked my Dreamcast up to my HDTV and played some Third Strike.

All I have to say is WHERE THE fuck ARE THE CHARACTERS FROM III? They threw in fucking Dan, but didn't put people like Alex in? Don't get me wrong, I love Dan and I never used Alex much, but surely some of the people from III would been a great addition to the game.

I'm primarily pissed off about not having Dudley. He is my favorite characters to use that isn't a Shoto, and I wanted to throw roses on gutter-trash in HD.

Other note-worthy points:

  • This new parry system blows ass compared to the old one
  • Playing with the Dreamcast stick makes going back to a 360 pad tear-inducing
  • Seth and unlocking characters is ridiculously easy on the "Easiest" setting
  • Akuma is still a beast
I think parrying blows. There, how do you like that? :p

Lolwut there are many stick options for the 360 that will feel just as good as a DC Agetec stick...
[quote name='eastx']I think parrying blows. There, how do you like that? :p

Lolwut there are many stick options for the 360 that will feel just as good as a DC Agetec stick...[/quote]

To be honest, I didn't use parrying much because I didn't get in-depth as much as others do (and the people I played were usually horrible), but I can still use the system in the old game pretty well, and it doesn't lead into an attack.

I would buy a stick on the 360 if I had some money, but I don't. The only reason I got the one on DC was because I found it for under $40 shipped, back before college and a girlfriend drained me of my funds :lol:
[quote name='lolwut?']To be honest, I didn't use parrying much because I didn't get in-depth as much as others do (and the people I played were usually horrible), but I can still use the system in the old game pretty well, and it doesn't lead into an attack.[/quote]

Focus dash cancel if you don't want to perform the attack. It works the same way as a parry.. it's just incredibly more forgiving. You can dash cancel at any time during the focus attack. You can't parry in the air and you can't parry combos in IV, but considering you didn't get in-depth with parrying, you likely didn't do that much of that in III.
Anywhere that has pics of the DLC costumes?

Also, this is the most I have ever played a fighting game in my life. Me and my friends haven't put it down since we got it.
That damn theme song plays in my head too. In-de-struct-able...
[quote name='greyzieoriental']Anywhere that has pics of the DLC costumes?

Also, this is the most I have ever played a fighting game in my life. Me and my friends haven't put it down since we got it.
That damn theme song plays in my head too. In-de-struct-able...[/quote]

This, I NEVER played a fighting game this much since back in the day with Mortal Kombat: Ultimate on SNES
And Soodmeg is back on top! After taking a break and watching some videos I have new Blanka tactics that seemingly are paying off.

I was at 2333 BP but then started sucking ass and dropped to like 1500 now I am back to 2100 after going like 17 -2 today both Ryus on the same bullshit calls.

They both blocked a River Run sweep WHILE JUMPING some how. They both practically landed on top of me which should be a automatic sweep because there is no air blocking. I would assume I did the move to early but again they landed on top of my hands.....ah well.
[quote name='eastx']Then you're doing them too slow... Try finding some videos online; that helped me figure out a few of Chun Li's.[/quote]

I dont see how im doing them too slow, too slow for my turbo controller to handle. There is no way i can press the buttons faster than the turbo button.
[quote name='lolwut?']I'm primarily pissed off about not having Dudley. He is my favorite characters to use that isn't a Shoto, and I wanted to throw roses on gutter-trash in HD.


Yep. Dudley was my favorite SF III character. He was cool.
[quote name='GuardianE']Focus dash cancel if you don't want to perform the attack. It works the same way as a parry.. it's just incredibly more forgiving. You can dash cancel at any time during the focus attack. You can't parry in the air and you can't parry combos in IV, but considering you didn't get in-depth with parrying, you likely didn't do that much of that in III.[/quote]


[quote name='GuilewasNK']Yep. Dudley was my favorite SF III character. He was cool.[/quote]

fuckin' A. I'm going to play SFIII again today just because of him.
[quote name='lolwut?']'Splain[/quote]

Maybe I didn't explain it well and you already know what I'm talking about, but I'll explain it anyway.

Opponent throws a fireball.
Press and hold MP+MK to absorb the fireball.
Doubletap back to backdash cancel or doubletap forward to dash cancel.
You've taken temporary damage that will recharge and you've filled some revenge meter.
You weren't forced to attack, leaving yourself open, and are now ready to bait another fireball or do whatever you want. If you're close, you can dash right up and pop your opponent in the face, as you have frame advantage just like with a parry.

As long as it's a single hit move, you can "parry" anything. From a fireball salvo, you'll only take chip damage if you're careful (you need to full block or jump over EX fireballs).

It's not as versatile as III's parry, but it's a learner's substitute.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Yep. Dudley was my favorite SF III character. He was cool.[/QUOTE]

Dudley was awesome. "1, 2, 3, THE END!"

I have to say, No yang and yun feels empty. They are in a anime segment but not in the game.

I would love to have Hugo and Q in this game. Hugo vs Gief would be an epic match.

as far as i know why the Third Strike roster wasnt included is that the story of IV takes place inbetween II and III.

[quote name='Soodmeg']They both blocked a River Run sweep WHILE JUMPING some how. They both practically landed on top of me which should be a automatic sweep because there is no air blocking. I would assume I did the move to early but again they landed on top of my hands.....ah well.[/QUOTE]

Yea I've had similar things happen with my sham-wow against the wonder twins.
[quote name='GuardianE']Maybe I didn't explain it well and you already know what I'm talking about, but I'll explain it anyway.

Opponent throws a fireball.
Press and hold MP+MK to absorb the fireball.
Doubletap back to backdash cancel or doubletap forward to dash cancel.
You've taken temporary damage that will recharge and you've filled some revenge meter.
You weren't forced to attack, leaving yourself open, and are now ready to bait another fireball or do whatever you want. If you're close, you can dash right up and pop your opponent in the face, as you have frame advantage just like with a parry.

As long as it's a single hit move, you can "parry" anything. From a fireball salvo, you'll only take chip damage if you're careful (you need to full block or jump over EX fireballs).

It's not as versatile as III's parry, but it's a learner's substitute.[/quote]

I figured that's what you meant, but I've tried to dash out of it before and it hasn't worked for me.

Plus with the parry, you can divert multiple attacks so long as you know the timing (hence that much spread video of Ryu vs Chun-Li)
bread's done