Stride Rock Band DLC Giveaway - 20,000 Tracks for 20 days - (No begging, please.)


6 (100%)
Stride is giving away 20,000 Rock Band DLC tracks from September 15th through October 4th. 1,000 tracks will be given away each day. Not sure how the song giveaway will work, hopefully you'll be able to pick what track you want to avoid getting a song you already have!

You can sign up now, giveaway will begin on the September 15th.

Disregard the official rules as those are from a previous contest for a trip to LA and haven't been updated for this contest.

Credit goes to fireshoes on the Rock Band forums.
[quote name='GenDV138']Stride is giving away 20,000 Rock Band DLC tracks from September 15th through October 4th. 1,000 tracks will be given away each day. Not sure how the song giveaway will work, hopefully you'll be able to pick what track you want to avoid getting a song you already have!

You can sign up now, giveaway will begin on the September 15th.

Disregard the official rules as those are from a previous contest for a trip to LA and haven't been updated for this contest.

Credit goes to fireshoes on the Rock Band forums.[/quote]

Thanks for the cred, homes.
I just went there -- THE LINK WORKS and they are giving away 20,000 FREE tracks! I totally signed up to win one
Rock Band DLC makes me a happy Muzykmann. Thanks OP and Fireshoes! I love giveaways in which lots of smallish prizes are given out. Makes me feel like some Cags have a fighting chance :)
Won a song.
They screwed up the e-mail, however, by putting black text in front of a black background. No biggie, though. I just hi-lighted the text and the code. I have not used it yet, but will inform if things don't go smoothly.

Thanks, O.P.!
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I just entered today. Cool to hear people are already winning tracks. Thanks OP.
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ROCK BAND and Stride
Nice, I also won a free track, congrats to others who also won! For anyone that's curious, it's a code for 160 MS points if you selected 360.
bread's done