Super Mario Galaxy GDC Trailer

Hoho 1995. Take that Ratchet and Clank

You guys do know there are large planets, right? Ones that even even have their own atmospheres(with clouds and everything!)
[quote name='Foolman']You guys do know there are large planets, right? Ones that even even have their own atmospheres(with clouds and everything!)[/QUOTE]

I have yet to see a screen shot or video of that, but its good news.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I have yet to see a screen shot or video of that, but its good news.[/quote]

That area is also in the trailer. I'm thinking the underwater stage is probably one of the larger planets too.

Here is an article in which Miyamoto talks a little about larger planets. (E3 06)
Our biggest focus with "Super Mario Galaxy" is having different spheres or planets Mario can visit, with the idea being if the planet gets very, very large the scenery will look more like he's running across a plane.
[quote name='rodeojones903']What happened to the huge open areas of Mario 64? I just don't see the "fun" in walking around small spheres instead of exploring huge open areas that were in the other 3D Mario titles.[/QUOTE]

I'm fairly certain that Nintendo confirmed sometime last year that there will be GIANT Worlds in the spirit of a Mario 64/Sunshine level.

I'm assuming I might be the only one here who has actually PLAYED the game (a demo at Nintendo World 2006 in Nagoya, Japan last November), so please let me assure you that the controls work GREAT (at that was what, 5 months ago? I'm sure they'll refine them even more) and the game is just plain FUN.

From what I remember, you use the Nunchuk analog stick to move mario around as usual, A to jump, and point the Wiimote and press B to interact with in-game objects. The fun part was that you do this all SIMULTANEOUSLY.
For example, you'll have Mario running away from a giant Bullet Bill while activating a switch with your other hand allowing him to jump to another platform/planet and escape.

Its going to be brilliant.
[quote name='Foolman']

That area is also in the trailer. I'm thinking the underwater stage is probably one of the larger planets too.

Here is an article in which Miyamoto talks a little about larger planets. (E3 06)[/QUOTE]

I really hope this means real levels or worlds that you can explore because I don't get that from that screenshot - even though it appears that scene takes place on a big world. Again, I think the world hopping thing is cool if that is only a hub between much, much, much, much larger worlds that you can't walk around in a couple minutes.
Game looks pretty good, but I sure hope theres less flying around than shown in that video. I was thinking it would be more platformish, but I'm thinking thats just to make it seem cool or something...I liked Sunshine and Mario64, Mario 64 probably more, but hopefully it's something similar.
When I was thinking about Mario Galaxy... I was thinking about Mario in a different, world with different enemies.. I just hope that the whole game isn't all broken up the way we've seen so far. Oh well if there's one game that's going to be good its Mario... Sunshine was a really good Mario... it was under appreciated though... I always say I'm tired of Mario.. but if you throw a good mario in my face... I'm just too compelled to play it.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']ho ho ho. Its gonna be platformy alright. Thats kinda what they DO.[/quote]

ho ho ho, yeah I know, I was just trying to go against the flow, fi fie fo
[quote name='Thomas96']When I was thinking about Mario Galaxy... I was thinking about Mario in a different, world with different enemies.. I just hope that the whole game isn't all broken up the way we've seen so far. Oh well if there's one game that's going to be good its Mario... Sunshine was a really good Mario... it was under appreciated though... I always say I'm tired of Mario.. but if you throw a good mario in my face... I'm just too compelled to play it.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way about feeling tired of it, but when a new one comes out you're like AHHHHHH MARIO I MUST PLAY.

for some reason I think this mario is going to be out of this galaxy. ;)
Sunshine was a TERRIBLE MArio game with annoying new bad guys.

I was hoping for more of a 3D Mario 3 game. You would have one center point and then the different "Worlds" to go to. I think it would be neat if they made a sequel that would be like that. I was hoping there would be a water world and a lava world and a gaint world and this and that world, but it seems like the game has tiny little planets.
Even though I'd RATHER play a more traditional Mario adventure, this looks fresh enough.

Still going to be fun, no matter what.
That looks like so much fun.

There were definitely larger areas with atmosphere, and even some underwater stuff in there, so I'm not worried. It's going to be some sweet Mario right there. A little bit of old, and a lot of new.
Two words: can't wait.

I see no reason to assume this will not continue the trend of the main Mario franchise improving upon itself in every iteration. (And yeah, I LOVED Sunshine - my favorite game of all-time).
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.'](And yeah, I LOVED Sunshine - my favorite game of all-time).[/QUOTE]

Where you stoned at the time?
[quote name='David85']Where you stoned at the time?[/QUOTE]

I assume that guy is stoned and / or drunk all the time, to rock the sig and avatar he does, as well as user name.
[quote name='Roufuss']I assume that guy is stoned and / or drunk all the time, to rock the sig and avatar he does, as well as user name.[/QUOTE]
haha, anyone who is currently a fan of britney spears HAS to be drunk and/or stoned.
[quote name='David85']Where you stoned at the time?[/quote]
Nah, it's just a great game. Well structured, tons of variety, a great mix of challenge and fun, a continuation of some of the elements that have made the entire franchise great while successfully implementing new elements in an entirely new realm for Mario, etc. Not much more to say, it's an awesome game. Definitely different in terms of how it relates to the rest of the franchise, but thinking about it independent of thinking about the rest of the franchise, it's incredible.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Nah, it's just a great game. Well structured, tons of variety, a great mix of challenge and fun, a continuation of some of the elements that have made the entire franchise great while successfully implementing new elements in an entirely new realm for Mario, etc. Not much more to say, it's an awesome game. Definitely different in terms of how it relates to the rest of the franchise, but thinking about it independent of thinking about the rest of the franchise, it's incredible.[/quote]That's my beef with Sunshine, is that the environments have no varriance. I love the imaginative worlds of Mario games, but everything is just a beach in Sunshine. However, the waterpack-less levels are some of the best levels in a videogame, ever.
When I say 'variety', I'm not so much referring to the aesthetic appeal of the game (although, I'd say that first off stages are not significantly all that more uniform than other Mario titles and secondly that the beach link that ties together many of the stages [not all] is great for tying each stage to the overall realm, to make everything feel legit and relevant to each OTHER stage). I'm referring more to the gameplay; there are a ton of traditional platforming elements, there are a ton of new elements exclusive to each feature of the water pack and Yoshi, there are the amazing vintage-platformer waterpack-less stages you mentioned, etc). Maybe some of the bosses are a bit too similar, but such is the case in most Mario titles.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.'] tons of variety, a continuation of some of the elements that have made the entire franchise great.[/QUOTE]

Yep, he confirmed it, stoned.

Those are two of my main complaints, the other is Peach. Their is no variety at all in any form in the game. Then the waterback is lame because instead of doing crazy jumps you just use the waterpack.

The game does look like a great game to play stoned.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']Nah, it's just a great game. Well structured, tons of variety, a great mix of challenge and fun, a continuation of some of the elements that have made the entire franchise great while successfully implementing new elements in an entirely new realm for Mario, etc. Not much more to say, it's an awesome game. Definitely different in terms of how it relates to the rest of the franchise, but thinking about it independent of thinking about the rest of the franchise, it's incredible.[/QUOTE]
I didn't think Sunshine had variety at all. It was all tropical and you had 1/2 of a level in a hotel that was boring. I still enjoyed the game for what it was worth (I beat it two or three times), but there was no variety in this game.
am i the only one who thinks this dosent look that great, why are all nintendo games getting so gimicky all started with mario sunshine
Hey, assh--I mean, Dr. Mario Kart, you do realize my quote in your signature is referring to a lot of people (trendy, spoiled, superficial, etc., i.e., people that don't use this board) that already have a Wii losing interest in it rather quickly, and NOT Wii becoming readily available based on interest drying up.*

I might end up being wrong, but proving that many people already with one aren't playing it very much now versus proving that people aren't buying them...a lot tougher. So, I've finally been quoted out of context in the 'mudslinging' spirit of campaign ads! I suppose I should be flattered!

*--And only a true Nintendonut can assert that having massive shortages here in mid-March isn't a little ridiculous, especially when considering how heavily they preached plentiful supply pre-launch. They're popular, but not that popular. Whether an intentional 'manufactured shortage' or not, most of this is on Nintendo's end. Yeah, yeah, "They're doing their best, jackass!" Well, sometimes your "best"....
[quote name='johnmirra']am i the only one who thinks this dosent look that great, why are all nintendo games getting so gimicky all started with mario sunshine[/QUOTE]
I have played and completed almost every mario game since the NES and I can honestly say this looks worse than Sunshine. I am worried it will be too much traveling in space and not enough platforming. Mario 64 was great and gave plenty of diversity. Mario Sunshine didn't. This looks like the levels are TINY versions of the Ratchet and Clank planets.

I really HOPE I am proven wrong and that Nintendo busts out HUGE diverse planets that have plenty of walking room. We haven't seen that yet though. Sorry to those that really look forward to this game, but I guess I am a traditional mario fan who has waited 10 years for a sequel to Mario 64.
[quote name='The Crotch']Haven't watched the video (56k Alert!), but...

... from what I gather, you're looking at this wrong. Don't think of the planets as a series of tiny levels - rather, each planet is its own platform.

Or something.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully I am. If there are hundreds of these "platforms" in the game, then that would be great. I'm just hoping they don't become repetitive. I want snow planets, HUGE water boards (I know Mario is swimming in the trailer), mountains, forests, caves, etc. I love playing a Mario game (such as Super Mario World or Mario 64) and enjoying every single level, since they are all different.
I think you can't really judge this game based on the trailer. I think the trailer focuses on the flying between planets because thats it major selling point but will have bigger planets. I think this will be a great game.
[quote name='Plinko']I can't help but feel the same way. It made me think of the horrible motion sickness I got playing Elebits (which forced me to regretfully sell the game). Hopefully it isn't a problem.[/quote]
I hope SMG isn't too crazy and disorienting, but the video certainly looks that way. When it comes to certain games, motion sickness is a problem for me. I can't play Spyro or run around on the world map in FFVII for more than ten minutes wthout feeling like I'm gonna hurl. Yet, I can ride rollercoasters with the best of them. Go figure.
[quote name='tayaf69']I have played and completed almost every mario game since the NES and I can honestly say this looks worse than Sunshine. I am worried it will be too much traveling in space and not enough platforming. Mario 64 was great and gave plenty of diversity. Mario Sunshine didn't. This looks like the levels are TINY versions of the Ratchet and Clank planets.

I really HOPE I am proven wrong and that Nintendo busts out HUGE diverse planets that have plenty of walking room. We haven't seen that yet though. Sorry to those that really look forward to this game, but I guess I am a traditional mario fan who has waited 10 years for a sequel to Mario 64.[/QUOTE]

I completely agree.

So far all they have shown is Mario in Space. That's fine and all but when I thought he plan was to show off huge worlds Mario would have to travel too. One planet would be a water one, a lava one. Sure there is lava but it's just this little think, it doesn't look like a whole planet. I was hoping there would be moons and planets and solor systems and that on each planet would have a castle that would say "Sorry, The princess is in another Castle".

And I'm worried that Nintendo doesn't get that Mario doesn't need to evolve in story, just gameplay. In about 6 months the game comes out and they haven't showed off big planets? What are they waiting for?
I don't understand this mentality that small planets are bad. How is it any different than any of the levels in SM64/Sunshine, except that different platforming "puzzle areas" are separated by space instead of flat ground?

The only difference I can see is that the "mini-planet" method allows for intense variation between individual puzzles, rather than all the platforms in an area having the same theme. So now instead of the seventh level being lava-based, and all of its puzzles being lava-based, you might have a level where you jump from lava to fruit to ice to robotic to floating space mushroom all in quick succession. This method of level design will allow even more variety than any of the past Mario games.

[quote name='David85']And I'm worried that Nintendo doesn't get that Mario doesn't need to evolve in story, just gameplay. In about 6 months the game comes out and they haven't showed off big planets? What are they waiting for?[/quote]
Since when has big planets = gameplay? Or small planets = story? From what Nintendo has shown so far, there has been absolutely no mention of the game's story, if there even is one.
They should do a Mario all stars... and have a game that uses the N64 Mario engine, and then have famous Nintendo characters in a platformer... Mario, Luigi, Samus Aran, Link, Pikachu, etc
I have some of the same concerns many others have mentioned, but to me, ANYTHING will be better than Sunshine. I couldn't STAND that game (mostly due to the god-awful camera).
[quote name='Wlogan31']I have some of the same concerns many others have mentioned, but to me, ANYTHING will be better than Sunshine. I couldn't STAND that game (mostly due to the god-awful camera).[/quote]Yeah, I finally played more of Sunshine yesterday, and it immediately went in my pile of games to sell. Camera control was horrid.
[quote name='botticus']Yeah, I finally played more of Sunshine yesterday, and it immediately went in my pile of games to sell. Camera control was horrid.[/quote]

Hmm, I didn't find the camera to be that bad in Sunshine. At least you can control it. I know that is 10 years old, but SM64's camera was the absolute worst, yet it is still a classic.

The only places I really ran into camera problems were the "old school" stages where you didn't have the water pack but that was because those stages were generally more frantic the the regular levels. Trying to cross blocks of sand that are disintegrating while adjusting the camera at the same time was a bitch.
In sunshine I remember I was only a few blue coins from getting every star...but then my save file was deleted. Haven't felt like finding them all since, so what actually DOES happen once you get all of em?
[quote name='Spades22']In sunshine I remember I was only a few blue coins from getting every star...but then my save file was deleted. Haven't felt like finding them all since, so what actually DOES happen once you get all of em?[/quote]

Mario gets sunglasses and a hawaiian shirt or something?
I think the game looks really great so far. I like Mario Sunshine but at the time it came out it felt very generic because EVERYONE was making 3D Mario64 collect-a-thon ripoffs at the time. My only complaints are the blue coins (it would have been OK and plenty long enough to only have 80 "real" shines to find) and how all the levels look exactly the same (or have the same theme anyway).

I'm really looking forward to a new 3D Mario platformer.
Since I have some time at work, I actually went through this whole thread, reading every entry. I now conclude a number of things:

1. I am a damn idiot, who should be severely punished for reading this thread all the way through. I feel stupider now.

2. I love Dr. Mario Kart, for "ho ho ho 1995" post alone. He is my hero, and I generally have none our of sheer principle.

3. I can not believe that some of you get into bitch wars about whether or not you like or dislike a fucking trailer for a video game. Don't get me wrong, it's fascinating to hear what problems people have with the game, or what some consider as "instant classic" without ever touching the controller. But others arguing about something?.. I don't get it, guys, I really don't. We all just seen the trailer, a few of us touched a demo version on the game floor. What's there to argue about?

4. I really enjoy lists with numbers in them.

5. I really missed the great Mario schizm, in which Super Mario Sunshine separated the gamers into two gategories: the sux0r and the rox0r. There seems to be not a single post that is saying that the game is "allright." I think it's "allright." It's not perfect by far, but it has its moments. I am the Walrus, coo-coo-kachoo! (Don't read the last sentence. Fnord.) I hope that'll be the next Everybody Votes entry.

6. Super Mario Galaxy trailer is out, and upon witnessing it, I have no reservations about investing in the game. It appears to be exactly as with Sunshine: you will either hate this new "non-platformer" stuff, or embrace it and call it fantabulous. I just hope that there's enough little planets out there for me to visit, and I hope that some of them get harder than the stupid baloon-shooting level in Sunshine. Except, that it won't involve shooting projectiles at pink Bowser baloons, because that just isn't cool.

You've just been smacked by my penis of ability.
bread's done