Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Gen. Discussion & Info

Good games.  I like it when you use characters other than Yoshi and King Dedede.  It makes me feel like I have a chance (even if I really don't).

If you have a small enough SD card, you should give Project M a try.  It's quick and easy to set up.

I bought a used WiiU (it was a steal!) and hooked it up already. It's pretty cool, I like it a lot. But then I found out about the 1-and-done transfer of save files from Wii to WiiU, and I want to wait until my gamecube controller connector comes in next week to transfer my save and play brawl.

Servers shut down on May 20!

I'm gonna try my best to be online more this week/next week.  Let's get some games going!

I'm sorry I haven't been around guys, and I haven't even had a chance to transfer my Wii data :oops:  I think I'll just have to wait until the WiiU version comes out to play Brawl again.

I wonder if I have/had all of the Samba de Amigo DLC? 

Is everything down now?  Or, is it the end of today?

(I'll have to check when I go home for lunch.)

bread's done