Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

The Shining (1997) Part 1 - 3.75/5

The Shining (1997) Part 2 - 4/5

The Shining (1997) Part 3 - 3.5/5
The Shining (1980) - 4.25/5

I really don't understand the end. How is Jack the original caretaker in 1921? It's not possible. It doesn't make any sense.

The Shining (1980) - 4.25/5
I really don't understand the end. How is Jack the original caretaker in 1921? It's not possible. It doesn't make any sense.
Two theories:

Is Jack simply reincarnated by the hotel to undergoe it’s bidding, taking the form of a previous hotel guest who stayed there in 1921 and butchered his family, the hotel re-creating the same events that happened in previous years for generation after generation?

Twilight Zone esque endplay, Jack is kind of aborsed and taken away from the hotel and his current life when he dies after being driven mad by the hotel, who never wants residents to check out and is then locked into the photograph at the end, trapped in a forever single moment of time at the overlook ball.

You'll remember the butler tells Jack in the bathroom "you've always been the caretaker".

I think that's all the picture is really trying to express. I don't think it's anything more than that.
Cap 2 Winter Soldier - best superhero movie of past few years. No pacing issues as far as I was concerned.
It really was a huge step up from the other MCU movies. I hope they continue with that kind of quality.

Not my favorite comic book based movie of the past few years, but it's my favorite MCU movie easily.

The Butler - 3/5

Just an average movie with a great performance from Forest Whitaker.  Too bad the director, storytelling and pacing let him down. 

Captain America: The First Avenger + Captain America: The Winter Soldier (PRIME + Dolby Digital + Real 3D) Marathon Double Features - 5/5 - First time with Prime mode. Hands down. Prime is one of the BEST movie experience ever! They have reclining seating chair with soft leather fabric & rumble feedback underneath. I'd seen Captain America 2 TWICE from pre-screening at AMC Century City 15. So that was my third time watching in AMC Burbank 16 and I liked it. What is funny that 2D has more scenes than 3D. I spotted 2 missing scenes. I will add spoiler for those who want to see it in 3D.
When the projection wall was showing million of victims as red target, "Avenger Industry building" was missing. Another scene where Nick Furry was alive in a secret building, he told everyone how he faked his death by hiding underneath the bedside wheel.
Thank you. I saw it in 3D and had no idea about the missing scenes.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

I liked it a lot more than the first, which was probably my least favorite of the Phase One movies.  Seeing it in the regal VIP with reclining seats and a pitcher of beer didn't hurt anything either. :D

It really was a huge step up from the other MCU movies. I hope they continue with that kind of quality.

Not my favorite comic book based movie of the past few years, but it's my favorite MCU movie easily.
The only reason I give it that high a praise is that outside of the usual names I don't really know what films are based from comics and graphic novels. I was recently surprised to know some films I've liked were based on licensed properties.
High Plains Drifter:

One of the first movies Clint Eastwood directed and it was just excellent.It was well acted,written,had an eerie score,and had a terrific ending.

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The Thomas Crown Affair - It kept dragging on and left me a bit confused in the end. The pacing was off. 2/5

Wild Things - Too many twists and turns for my liking and just a dumb movie didn't make sense 2/5

Superman Returns. It was a good movie but it is definitely not worth the $250 million to make. Brandon Routh is a great Superman, but I felt that he and Kate Botsworth were too young to be playing their roles, especially when Ms. Botsworth was 22 when the movie came out.  This shouldn't have been a sort-of continuation of the Richard Donner films, considering how unweary Routh's Superman looked, he looked relatively eager and fresh-faced.  Lex Luthor's real estate plot is crazy as fuck 's story, but it is a telling reminder of how we need a savior to clean up our own goddamn messes when we should be able to do it ourselves, though that fault is also Superman's considering he left A LOT of loose ends.

I am sad that Routh isn't Superman anymore, considering everybody's all gaga about Cahill. They should've made a TV show starring him.

If you thought Superman Returns is disappointing, you'd have to wonder WTF is up with the WB's DC Superhero movie decision making.

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Superman Returns. It was a good movie but it is definitely not worth the $250 million to make. Brandon Routh is a great Superman, but I felt that he and Kate Botsworth were too young to be playing their roles, especially when Ms. Botsworth was 22 when the movie came out. This shouldn't have been a sort-of continuation of the Richard Donner films, considering how unweary Routh's Superman looked, he looked relatively eager and fresh-faced. Lex Luthor's real estate plot is crazy as fuck 's story, but it is a telling reminder of how we need a savior to clean up our own goddamn messes when we should be able to do it ourselves, though that fault is also Superman's considering he left A LOT of loose ends.
I am sad that Routh isn't Superman anymore, considering everybody's all gaga about Cahill. They should've made a TV show starring him.

If you thought Superman Returns is disappointing, you'd have to wonder WTF is up with the WB's DC Superhero movie decision making.
I really like Superman Returns too, but it's not without it's flaws. I didn't feel that there was a lot of chemistry between the cast, although I think it was best when Routh was portraying Clark. His Superman was a bit wooden. The overall look of the film was great and very stylish, which I really appreciated.
They should've made his Superman more silver-age style, ie with more chances for Super Dickery. Routh is a great Kent as well. You know he's a big guy but his performance made him timid like mouse, which is pretty amazing. It's like how one sometimes forgets that Conan O'Brien is an albino giant.

Cap 2- About time we got a Marvel movie this good. I also really liked Black Widow's portrayal in this better than in the other movies. Also where was Hawkeye the whole time?

The Raid 2- A great sequel, increased the scope so much.

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Cap 2- About time we got a Marvel movie this good. I also really liked Black Widow's portrayal in this better than in the other movies. Also where was Hawkeye the whole time?

The Raid 2- A great sequel, increased the scope so much.
Ditto on raid 2.

About hawkeye I think Danny pudis character briefly mentioned him being in the middle east if I wasn't hearing things.
Cap 2- About time we got a Marvel movie this good. I also really liked Black Widow's portrayal in this better than in the other movies. Also where was Hawkeye the whole time?

The Raid 2- A great sequel, increased the scope so much.
Ditto on raid 2.

About hawkeye I think Danny pudis character briefly mentioned him being in the middle east if I wasn't hearing things.
Citizen Gangster-3.5/5


The Assassins-4/5

Floating City-3.5/5

Masquerade-5/5  Byung-hun Lee is a great actor i really loved this movie, hope he gets to be in more movies in the us. I know he was in red 2 and gi joe, but feel like a lot foreign actors dont get chances or are not exposed here, my friend who loves jackie chen and jet li didnt even know who donnie yen was. I was suprise to see Min-sik Choi in the new scarlett johansson movie

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Wow, Man of Steel was pretty terrible as a Superman movie. It practically used the same bad guy plot as Superman Returns, terraform Earth into Krypton. It's hard not to get caught up in the awesome fight scenes, but I'd rather watch Dragon Ball Z. It was indeed horrifying to see all that property damage because they couldn't situate their battle in the skies or on a deserted island. But you gotta beat Transformers somehow right?

Costner's Jonathan Kent was well acted but was he such a prick. He could've encouraged Clark to be Superboy or the Blur, you know keep it on the DL, but he's so freakin' adamant about you gotta wait kid, you gotta wait. And then it's when Clark's 33?!

And why the fuck did the High Council lock Zod and his minions in the Phantom Zone in the first place? All they had to do was freeze them and thrown them into the bottom of the sea, considering everybody freakin' knew the planet was doomed. They should've just let some family win a sweepstakes into the Zone.

Wow, Man of Steel was pretty terrible as a Superman movie. It practically used the same bad guy plot as Superman Returns, terraform Earth into Krypton. It's hard not to get caught up in the awesome fight scenes, but I'd rather watch Dragon Ball Z. It was indeed horrifying to see all that property damage because they couldn't situate their battle in the skies or on a deserted island. But you gotta beat Transformers somehow right?

Costner's Jonathan Kent was well acted but was he such a prick. He could've encouraged Clark to be Superboy or the Blur, you know keep it on the DL, but he's so freakin' adamant about you gotta wait kid, you gotta wait. And then it's when Clark's 33?!

And why the fuck did the High Council lock Zod and his minions in the Phantom Zone in the first place? All they had to do was freeze them and thrown them into the bottom of the sea, considering everybody freakin' knew the planet was doomed. They should've just let some family win a sweepstakes into the Zone.
DBZ fights have like ten frames of animation. I hope that in the sequels they address how he let people die.

I don't blame the Avengers for an alien invasion that annihilated New York City. But I do blame Superman for taking the fight into Smallville and Metropolis, with wanton disregard for the people.

To give superman some credit he was new to being a superhero and had his hands full. I'm more concerned that the aliens in the avengers were so incompetent that an invasion meant to take over the world barely destroyed New York.

New to being a superhero? WTF was he doing for the past 20 years? Clark is such a fudgenuggit, that I can't believe there was a emo-er Superman than the one in Smallville.

Rocky V, I mean, its by no means a great movie, but isn't nowhere near as bad as people say. Its actually fairly entertaining. Wished they would have chosed someone better than the guy that played Tommy Gunn though. And Rocky's kid.
New to being a superhero? WTF was he doing for the past 20 years? Clark is such a fudgenuggit, that I can't believe there was a emo-er Superman than the one in Smallville.
I must have missed the parts of the movie where he was fighting aliens as strong as himself during those 20 years. Or...when he was fighting at all. Or even learning to fight.

Plus, it's not as though Zod or his men would let him move the fight. He tried to get them out on Smallville early on but they went right back in. And since Zod wanted the machines to continue working, so if Superman left New York, he would have set his sights on Lois and the military.
So, uh... I don't know if Elysium was too heavy-handed or not heavy-handed enough.
I remember the trailer showing how the rich people had access to this device that literally says "Cancer Cured" after a quick scan of their hand or something. That's pretentious as fuck. I still haven't seen the movie because of how painfully one dimensional that scene was.

Technically the hand scan thing is just to verify that they're allowed to use the machine. They actually have to lie down in it for, like, thirty seconds.

Still not sure what I think about the movie, though.

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