Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='SLeeK719']Inception was brilliant, I wanted to watch it again as soon as it ended. Cant wait for this to come out on blu ray.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Actually, I saw it at the midnight screening on IMAX (had to travel a bit since one IMAX sold out of it), but due to the air conditioning breaking midway through the film, was given free IMAX tickets which I plan on cashing to see this film again and using it with a good friend this time.:D
[quote name='dmaul1114']A Serious Man.

Meh. First Cohen Bros. movie I've really not liked at all.[/QUOTE]

I think you have to know a lot about Jews/Judaism to get a lot of the in jokes in the film. I just saw this the other day as well and it was alright.
I wasn't excited for Inception, but watched an HBO "making of" mini-doc that they ran between movies to eat up time and it looks so damn good. I'm not really a theater-goer, so I'll have to see it. Hopefully it'll be out before winter on Blu.
Repo Men (2010) - Went from promising remake (or update, whatever) to laughably bad to
epic (although surprising) copout
. Overall, 2 stars.

Date Night - A good, fun movie that was very easy to enjoy.
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Enjoyed Inception as well. Still don't like Ellen Paige, but nothing to complain about otherwise. It looked bad ass on the IMAX screen.
[quote name='Pavel6969']Death At A Funeral - Pretty good, I laughed. Much funnier than Grown Ups which I watched last night[/QUOTE]

American or British version?
Inception 4/5 - First one of the many problems with inception....
Ellen Page knows Cobb is nuts and just going to make the harder for everyone else, why is cobb even necessary for the job. It seemed like everyone knew the idea or what was required for inception to happen. Just doesn't make sense why would people want to work with someone that makes the job that much more difficult

If you dont question the logic behind some choices in the movie it is a pretty enjoyable ride. Anyone know how they shot the hotel hallway scene with Joseph Gordon Levitt? Wasn't sure if it was a rotating set or top down tunnel, i dont think it it was a rotating set due to the fluid camera movements but the changing gravity made it look like a rotating set....

Inception starts off strong introducing you to this world. What is possible in a dream and what are the consequences of being part of someone elses dream is very new and fun to see. tbh i think the first hour is much like avatar and and should be seen by everyone. Its very unique. Inception did drag on at the end and some ideas weren't even followed through. Ellen page's totem? Overall a good movie, its hard to love it because of its flaws but definitely will have you entertained.
[quote name='naiku']Anyone know how they shot the hotel hallway scene with Joseph Gordon Levitt? Wasn't sure if it was a rotating set or top down tunnel, i dont think it it was a rotating set due to the fluid camera movements but the changing gravity made it look like a rotating set....

It was rotating sets. Using a lot of wires and trolleys for both actors and camera crew. There's some scene where DiCaprio and Levitt talk in a bar and that set rotates too, the actors are basically anchored down.

cool thanks for the info

Predators - 3/5 - very slow at the start. we know there are predators lets get to it. its actually slower than the original movie which makes me confused if this is supposed to be some sorta fan service. Walter Goggins is a god. He is awesome in Justified and just a badass in this film.
Besides the fact that Ben Stiller was hilarious at times, Tropic Thunder was pretty bad. Couldn't even get through all of it. It got super-high ratings though... Perhaps I'm just not sophisticated enough to see it's brilliance.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Besides the fact that Ben Stiller was hilarious at times, Tropic Thunder was pretty bad. Couldn't even get through all of it. It got super-high ratings though... Perhaps I'm just not sophisticated enough to see it's brilliance.[/QUOTE]

Tropic Thunder was a really good movie...
[quote name='Overmind']Tropic Thunder was a really good movie...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, undubbed without subtitles on an IMAX screen in Slovakia.
Rampage by... Uwe Boll. Maybe because it wasn't based on a videogame, maybe because I was drunk watching it and maybe because I went into it expecting a horrible film due to Uwe Boll having his name attached to it... but I actualy found it entertaining. Sure it has its flaws and dumb moments but for a quick revenge fantasy film it wasn't that bad.
[quote name='probablysober']Rampage by... Uwe Boll. Maybe because it wasn't based on a videogame, maybe because I was drunk watching it and maybe because I went into it expecting a horrible film due to Uwe Boll having his name attached to it... but I actualy found it entertaining. Sure it has its flaws and dumb moments but for a quick revenge fantasy film it wasn't that bad.[/QUOTE]

I was just about to say that. I watched it yesterday and it seriously wasnt that bad.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I was just about to say that. I watched it yesterday and it seriously wasnt that bad.[/QUOTE]

I'm interested in watching this, just because it looks like a pointlessly violent action movie. Uwe Boll already surprised me with Postal (it was one of the most faithful videogame adaptations I've ever seen) so I'll give him a little credit that Rampage might not utterly suck.
Weird Science - 7/10

I was referred to this movie by a friend since I hadn't seen it yet, I guess I missed that memo. Anyway, I would've loved to have this as my childhood memory over something like... Bill and Ted. Was a great bad 80's movie. I can't believe how much Lisa looked like Kate Beckinsale. With that said I can't believe I didn't know about her til now. Speaking of her... I wish she wouldn't have turn her self into a weird science experiment. She looks like she had a botox hack.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Yeah, undubbed without subtitles on an IMAX screen in Slovakia.[/QUOTE]
They don't subtitle some movies in Slovakia. Unheard of in the Czech Republic (home for summer).
Anyways I saw A Rational Solution yesterday. Swedish film from 09.
[quote name='naiku']Inception did drag on at the end and some ideas weren't even followed through. Ellen page's totem?[/QUOTE]

she's seen clutching it at the end
[quote name='crunchb3rry']It was rotating sets. Using a lot of wires and trolleys for both actors and camera crew. There's some scene where DiCaprio and Levitt talk in a bar and that set rotates too, the actors are basically anchored down.[/QUOTE]
How did they do the Zero G scene though? I mean it looked flawless... was it all wires? I don't believe that.
I got about 45 minutes into Cop Out and realized I had laughed one time. Wasn't that shit supposed to be funny? Bad form, Kevin Smith. I know you didn't write it, but that didn't make it any less of a shit movie.
[quote name='chimpster1313']I got about 45 minutes into Cop Out and realized I had laughed one time. Wasn't that shit supposed to be funny? Bad form, Kevin Smith. I know you didn't write it, but that didn't make it any less of a shit movie.[/QUOTE]

I only got through 20 minutes of that shitfest before I turned it off. I guess all the funny parts were in the trailer, even they weren't all that funny. That should teach Kevin Smith not to direct movies he didn't write.
Vantage Point with Forrest "Lazy Eye" Whitaker and Matthew "The Doucher" Fox. Was not good at all. Pretty much the most predictable movie I've ever seen.
Despicable Me - It was decent enough. Had a few cute moments, a few funny ones, and it was ultimately worth my time. I watched it at a drive-in, and the second movie was Toy Story 3, which I've already seen 2 other times. Watching these back to back was pretty much the validation of every argument out there that proves why Pixar is the best in their field.
[quote name='chimpster1313']Despicable Me - It was decent enough. Had a few cute moments, a few funny ones, and it was ultimately worth my time. I watched it at a drive-in, and the second movie was Toy Story 3, which I've already seen 2 other times.[/QUOTE]

Lucky bastard to have a drive-in to go to. They tore down the only one near me ages ago. fucking sucked. Worse for the apartment complex next to it, people used to chill out on their back porch/overhangs and watch movies for free.
The Losers - 3/5

Last night I watched The Losers on Bluray. The action movie is based on a comic book which I guess has to be somewhat popular that they decided it needed to be a movie. There are some twists and turns in the story which keep it somewhat fresh and interesting. The problem with the film and ones of its main draws, is the action scenes. Action scenes happen with very little planning. Its like the A-team movie but without Hannibal explaining what the hell they are doing. There is one moment that definitely stands out. Motorcycle traveling in the positive X direction towards our hero with a gun, approaching from the negative X direction is a plane which has its sight set on running down our hero. How do we fix this problem? Well that's a dumb question, clearly have a sniper shoot the motorcycle so it launches its driver into the jet engine and the motorcycles flys through the cockpit taking out both threats and our hero is able to live another day. If there were more moments like that in The Losers I would definitely say its a must see.

This maybe a shocker to some people but Zoe Saldana is pretty nice to look at. Even though she is probably 90lbs and looks like she could snap in half, its enjoyable watching her get throw into a wall in her underwear. I guess that's a reason watch The Losers. See Zoe Saldana get beat up, its why I rented the film and it delivered.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lucky bastard to have a drive-in to go to. They tore down the only one near me ages ago. fucking sucked. Worse for the apartment complex next to it, people used to chill out on their back porch/overhangs and watch movies for free.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, our drive in is pretty sweet. Apparently it's the 2nd oldest drive-in theater in the whole world. Lynn Drive-In Theater, if you're interested in researching it and have that kind of time, haha.

Black Dynamite - One of the funniest movies I've seen in quite sometime. My favorite scene is in the diner when they put everything together. Freaking hilarious.
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I feel like I'm spamming this thread, but I've seen a lot of movies in the past couple days.

Brothers - Probably would've been tripe in the hands of lesser actors, but this was actually pretty damn good. First thing I've LOVED Tobey Maguire in and the second thing I've loved Jake Gyllenhall in. Really well acted.
Serenity. Had just finished watching Firefly on Netflix streaming, so watched the movie again as well. Loved it this time. Didn't care for it that much seeing it in theater's with friends as I hadn't seen any of Firefly.
Adventureland - A lot of people said I need to see this and I've seen it. It's not bad, but everyone made it out to be super funny and it wasn't. I think the only parts I laughed out was the boss chasing the dude away with the bat and that hideous looking dude pretending he was playing Limelight on the drums.

I also thought that Kirsten Stewart was ugly, but I found her quite attractive in this film.

Overall: 4/5 - A rather decent flick that shouldn't be labeled too much as a comedy. A light comedy at most.
Firefly/Serenity was pure fucking gold. You're right, Serenity on its own comes off as a surprisingly decent oddball sci-fi movie. But after you watch Firefly, it delivers so much that casual viewers of just the standalone movie will never appreciate.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Serenity. Had just finished watching Firefly on Netflix streaming, so watched the movie again as well. Loved it this time. Didn't care for it that much seeing it in theater's with friends as I hadn't seen any of Firefly.[/QUOTE]

You should check out all of the Serenity comics/graphic novels if you love Firefly and Serenity. They are so fucking good and that's not even joking. It might even be the best Firefly stuff out there.
Would those graphic novels be Serenity: Those Left Behind and Serenity Vol. 2: Better Days? Those are both $.9.99 on Amazon so I'll probably grab them, but want to make sure I don't miss any and read them in the right order etc.
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